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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-04-2008

-----Retaliatory Transmission--------

So your victory was not in-part due to the squadrons we intercepted in Alpha and prevented from re-inforcing the attack fleet?

We left before the fleet was noticed inbound, and after, chose to use a more original strategy than to charge into Gamma all-guns blazing and risk being turned on by you.

I entered the meeting today expecting a compromise to be offered to improve deteriorating relations between our 2 factions. This was not the case. You merely wished to cement us into servitude.

The excuse for the Brotherhood proposing / demanding to diminish our influence in the council was that "we represent 1 family of many". This is laughable. If every family is to be represented in the new Council, why was not every indipendant Corsair given a seat? Those indipendants that fight in space with us are a small cross-section of the populus, all originating from different families, yet they have no say, and will have no say in how the nation is run.
Thus, your proposed re-modelled Council is nothing more than a further solidified TBH autocracy.

Negotiations are about compromises that are mutually beneficial. The aim of today's meeting was to put us in a position in which we felt that we could be more friendly towards you. Instead, we where told that our place in the new order would be one in which we would accept Brotherhood dictation on all issues. I and my famil, are not in the business of entering negotiations that lead to us being in a worse situation than we start in. We where dictated to, as if we where a defeated nation, as Skyelius (the engineer of this crisis ((\\happy birthday to him//))) and your Elders squabbled over how we should be punished.

Perhaps when the people are given the right to determine their own fate, and decide what is best for themselves, and when our family is given the respect deserved of one of the 2 greatest Corsair factions, then we will return and discuss improving relations with you.

I'd love to see what the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army make of your new dictatorship. Will they return to your side now that we are out the way? Or...will they not, and leave the Brotherhood utterly alone.

--------Transmission ends-----------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Equinox - 01-04-2008

' Wrote:Incoming Transmisson
Comm ID: Praetor Zavier Benitez

Elder Costello..Your ships were damaged, your pilots tired..If that outcast battlegroup we destroyed had've made its way to Crete, your tired pilots would've been picked off like flys by FRESH outcast ships and pilots. Your damaged ships would've stood no chance. We chose to stem the tide of reinforcements. If we had've joined the main fight, our pilots and ships would've been tired and damaged, and in no shape to fight off the battlegroup.
Now do you see why we did what we did? Or are you too busy slandering us across Sirius to care?
Praetor Zavier out.
Transmission end

Comm ID: Elder Costello

You really should get your facts right my friend. When all NovaPG and Outcasts ships where either destroyed or fled there was more than enough of us left to take a battleship out and a few fighters, oh you wasn't there so you would not have seen the 10 plus ships left undamaged by the attack.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-04-2008

-----Retaliatory Message-----------

Come to think of it, if it was such a walk-over, why do you even care that we where not in the fight in Gamma? Why so irritable? Is it that you've managed to wholly screw up your relations with your only 2 significant allies?

-----Transmission ends---------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Skyelius - 01-04-2008

Warning! Security Protocol Breach in Progress!

Blocking Transmission..... Unable to block!
Re-routing Transmission........ Failed!

Displaying Message....

->Comm ID: Tribune Skyelius
->To: The Benitez family and misinformed Corsair independents
->CC: All brave Corsairs and The Corsair Brotherhood

Pardon me for my interruption, but I had wondered why you had blocked my comms frequency on your dump yesterday. I am beginning to see why, so as a proud and honorable member of TBH I will state a few points here:

' Wrote:Tonight, a meeting was organised by Praetor Zavier and Respected Elder Yanez of the Brotherhood. Initially, things went well, until the Brotherhood drew back the thin veil covering their true intentions and pushed a proposal (one representative, accidentally, but appropriately calling it a "demand") that the Council of Elders be restructured to give Benitez 1 single representative, where the remainder of the council would be made up of Brotherhood members.
After attempts to divert discussion to a different solution, and the refusal by 1 TBH member in particular to let the matter drop, the Benitez representative ships entered formation, engaged cruise engines, and left the meeting, and then Gamma, as a gesture of the Benitez' loss of confidence in the Brotherhoods' regime.

Your first sentence is the only one not full of mentira, Don Carlos. Things went well until we stated we would honor our tradition of only one Elder representative for each chosen family of Crete. We have always been in favor of having you, Ferono or Zavier as that wise representative we would like to share a seat in Crete's Council of Elders. That was fine, before you spoke against that tradition, and started pointing towards the Benitez not being a family itself, but a strong military contingent withing the Corsairs. Ironically, you then asked me if I was "treating you as a family", which indeed you are, and later admitted (which hints me to the fact that you probably have some kind of mental disorder or psychological issue; contradicting yourself, what the heck?) that you were. The point is that The Brotherhood is composed of chosen members from diverse families of the Corsairs, and some get appointed to the honorable and respectful rank of Elder (which, demonstrating my sincere loyalty to our best interests, refused long ago). We called for a vote after that, remember? (I sent this transmission on a general Benitez frequency, just in case you were not in a mindful state). The options were to: A) Stay as we were, B) Accept your proposition of integrating our ranks (therefore allowing two or more Benitez Elders amongst the Corsairs), and C) Continue our diplomatic talks and search for an agreement; all of us chose option C, so we proceeded, until you suddenly left the system, with little explanation. We all noticed you left in quite a hurry, I might add.

' Wrote:Shortly after arriving in our hideout at Cadiz in Omega-5, we recieved word that a joint Outcast and Blood Dragon fleet was inbound to Gamma. Choosing not to face attack by the TBH aswell as the attack force, and to demonstrate to the Brotherhood why they need our support, we took our ships to Omecron-Alpha to draw away the Outcast and Blood Dragon force.
Alpha was relatively undefended, and after defeating an Outcast battleship and a number of fighters and bomber (3 or 4), the battle in Gamma was over, with victory reportedly falling on the Brotherhood.
We received word that we would henceforth be known as traitors to the Corsair nation.

Tsk, tsk.. lie from the beginning. You received clear word when you were still in Omicron Gamma. After I personally made the call to arms, I read your jump to Omega-41 (why would you jump through 41 and not Theta, facing the Outcast fleet you already knew was there?). It turns out that it was a well-prepared attack, and the enemy, composed of 101st and Outcasts coming from Theta and Nova PG forces coming in through Kappa. We then noticed an important detail. One of the Outcast pilots you were supposedly "holding back to drive the main fleet off" was already shot down, and I sarcastically laughed at your cheap show of "true Corsairhood". All independent Corsairs, all true defenders of Crete, and all honorable allies that responded to our call for aid fought bravely to defend all the other families, which you left behind. You only took your Benitez, and cowered to Omega-5.

' Wrote:Thus the exodus began. With Naxos Orbital Colony not yet complete, we had no choice but to make our way to one of the few bases where our alliegences still lay. All ships of the fleet are now on Yaren. The Zoners on Freeport 11 have been helpful, and are providing accommodation for the families from Crete that where rescued before we where driven out.
Loyal smugglers such as Oliver Delacroix rescued our relatives from Crete, and brought them to Omecron Delta, along with our most valued possessions. Other ships on Crete are being liberated as we speak.

"Thus, your deceit continued".. maybe you should have started with that sentence. You clearly are one family, Benitez. One prominent, powerful and noticeable family, but only one. It is pointless to picture yourselves as "poor victims" when the truth is quite clear. There were no other families, only yours. All other families stayed on their land, the land they have seeded and cared since our ancestors arrived on our home, Crete. No other ships are being liberated, only yours are being set on autopilot towards Yaren, according to our Docking Ring launch recorder. And we were not even there when you made your exodo, so it is pitiful and childish (not wanting to mention a certain three-letter word yet again), to say we drove you off.

' Wrote:I am almost certain that the Brotherhood and their supporters will by now have burned down our homes on the planet that should have always been called "home". Reports from Omecron-94 report that the Orbital Colony is still at least 4 months from completion, and in the meantime, we Benitez are without a home.
We retain our dignity however; our pride, and self-determination that the Brotherhood attempted to rob from us. We have no desire to strike back at the Brotherhood and see innocent Cretians die in the process... we are making appeals to our remaining allies; the Farmers Alliance (AFA), the Order (who have already been very accommodating), Gaians (NLH), and perhaps even the Colonial Remnant (who know only too well how painful it is to lose your home) to supply us with the food and other supplies we need, to keep our people going through this difficult time in our history.

Your homes are intact, and your home, by your own decision and attached actions. The Brotherhood really deserves our reputation for honor, dignity and pride; unlike you who chose to turn you backs on everything you allegedly "defended with your lives". Perhaps you did once, but lately you are bringing shame and dishonor in your own name, by your own and hand for your own secret motives. First, you need to be "stricken" in order to have the option of "striking back", which you clearly lack, since we haven't attacked any of you, and don't plan on doing so. We truly care about our interests, and consider the possibility of a civil war, which would only be between your family and the rest of the true, real, present Corsairs and the Corsair Brotherhood, in which all brothers would die to the hands of our enemies rather than run away. Having said all this, you only are right in the personal "self-determination" part, which we see as the cause for all this turmoil. That misguided, wrongly oriented, power-hungry and dictating determination to make all young, yet inexperienced Corsairs follow your deceitful and honorless ideals. The AFA, the Black Dragon Society, the Nature's Last Hope gaians and the Colonial Remnant (who remember well what was it like to be betrayed by your own brethren or creation, the "Cylons").

' Wrote:The first phase of the Exodus of the Benitez Family is under way, forced by the Brotherhood's desire to control us. The second phase will begin when Naxos Orbital Colony is complete in Omecron-94.


' Wrote:This message, heard so many times shouted in triumph in the heavens above Crete, now does not symbolise jubilation or triumph, but our hopes and fears for the future of this family, and for the people of Crete whom we left behind.
"Viva los Corsairs. Viva los Benitez."
One day, we may again have a home. Perhaps even one day, we will return to Crete, but now we must stand steadfast in the face of hardship, and ready to face new challenges ahead.

That message does indeed symbolize the fear for your own interests, but I'm sure the families you left behind on Crete are still very hurt by your harsh, arrogant, self-centered decision. Perhaps when you realize the truth, and you (which I honestly doubt) or your family members remove the veil of foolishness and lies that you casted in yourself, you will decide to rejoin your hermanos at the Corsair's home, Crete.


Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Equinox - 01-04-2008

Comm ID: Elder Costello
TO: Anyone ...

You over emphasize how much you think we need an allie that would leave there home system under attack Carlos.

I have heard through a contact that this whole "second" outcast fleet you keep going on about is a actually just a figment of your imagination. The only ships that could have come to Gamma and engage us was the massive amount of two (The others there where dead one from gamma).

So I think your over playing your role in saving Crete just a little bit.

End Transmission.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Allocutus - 01-04-2008

Initiate Break Sequence *****
Channel Successfully Hacked
Incoming Transmission: Comm ID: Unknown
Origin: Routed Through Freeport Nine

It strikes me as amusing, gentlemen, that your two factions should be arguing like this, trying to lay blame on each other, when indeed you two are both quite to blame. You see, We have observers on both sides of this fence, and we can both tell you what truly happened at this little fight of yours. The actual force that assaulted Omicron Gamma today was fairly small, particularly in comparison to the attack launched at Malta a scant twenty-four hours previous. Their intent was simply to destroy as many Capital Ships as possible and dent your beloved Gunboat force, they never intended to do any damage to Crete at all this day... As for the Benitez's claims of stopping the hordes of Outcasts waiting at the gates of Malta, I think you will find that most of those hordes were at Corsica, receiving repairs from that massive overkill and waste of resources that took place yesterday. All the Benitez managed, by pulling themselves into the orbit of Malta, was to sacrifice multiple important fleet elements in a useless attack on Malta's planetary assault grid, which had its countless hordes of thermonuclear missiles in the air before the Benitez even passed Ibiza. The Outcasts had expected this maneuver, and were indeed quite prepared, retreating all of their in-system traffic to the fortress at Corsica. At this time Commander Bonello is most likely seated behind her desk on the unfinished MNS Requiem, sipping from a glass of Chardonnay and smiling, knowing that numerically she has you both dead to rights, while the Nova Power Gen fleets are contented to sleep soundly at Mito tonight, knowing that yet another of their countless enemies has been rendered ineffective for quite some time, and may indeed destroy itself in a bloody civil war. This concludes our Address.

Terminate Breaker Sequence
Transmission Complete

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - blubba - 01-04-2008

An on the spot report from someone who was hiding,

As a small time smuggler in a good vantage point for some of the time. I can confirm numbers in Alpha:- One BB, one GB and at least 3 fighters of Outcast allied forces. A Mr Freeman, one Silent Assassin, a fine sounding gent called Attila, the originally named Outcast Battleship and someone called Mirage or virage or something?
In opposition to whom stood 5 fighters (possibly a bomber in there) and an Osiris class BB (who I must say did a rather impressive job so gets MoM award). So thats one BB each, a GB or bomber each and a 4-3 ratio of fighters to the corsairs.
It seems fairly close though I must admit that I may have confused some fighters with bombers or vice versa and can't be 100% sure as I wasn't getting that close. Dunno if that helps in any way whatsoever but........
As to the goings on in the corsair camp, I can't comment.

Sincerely yours,

Someone who runs away a lot :unsure:

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - chavez - 01-04-2008

Message to: All Corsair Elders
Priority: TOP
Comm ID: Teresa Maniaco, Council Chamber Mainframe

Elders and Dons!

It's time to calm down the emotions and start looking for ways how to co-exist peacefully and cooperate as Corsairs!

STOP your pointless squabbles and mutual incriminations and start thinking reasonable. Is a civil war among Corsairs really your primary objective? Is your personal pride and the name of your family/brotherhood/organisation really more important than the Unity of our nation? Are you really prepared to be blamed for breaking it by future generations?

Corsairs are only strong when united. Look at the Brotherhood's lonely and failed attempt to invade Frankfurt! Do you really think it would end that way if Corsairs attacked with full strength counting united forces of several brotherhoods and families? No! And the consequences may be far more critical this time. Right now we are showing the rest of Sirius that we are weak...

I urge you, let alone your grudge and send your leaders to the Corsair Council Chamber.

I feel you all need to talk face to face.

Message ends.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-04-2008

' Wrote:Message to: All Corsair Elders
Priority: TOP
Comm ID: Teresa Maniaco, Council Chamber Mainframe

Elders and Dons!

It's time to calm down the emotions and start looking for ways how to co-exist peacefully and cooperate as Corsairs!

STOP your pointless squabbles and mutual incriminations and start thinking reasonable. Is a civil war among Corsairs really your primary objective? Is your personal pride and the name of your family/brotherhood/organisation really more important than the Unity of our nation? Are you really prepared to be blamed for breaking it by future generations?

Corsairs are only strong when united. Look at the Brotherhood's lonely and failed attempt to invade Frankfurt! Do you really think it would end that way if Corsairs attacked with full strength counting united forces of several brotherhoods and families? No! And the consequences may be far more critical this time. Right now we are showing the rest of Sirius that we are weak...

I urge you, let alone your grudge and send your leaders to the Corsair Council Chamber.

I feel you all need to talk face to face.

Message ends.

You are one of the 2 Brotherhood pilots to whom last night's events have not shaken my trust and respect.
If you can find a mutually beneficial way out of this stand-off, please do.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-04-2008

--------Incoming Transmission---------------

To: Log Keeping Bureau
From: Carlos Bentiez

Not long ago...we intercepted a Trader Cargo Train in Delta. The train was carrying passengers, clearly headed to Crete or Tripoli.
We took down it's shield, and where met by the repsponse "I am a TBH trader. Want to take it up with them?".
We forced the ship (now in Kappa) to jump back to Delta and sell the Passengers on the Freeport.
When he jumped to Delta, so did we. He dissappeared after jumping.

((He logged off while at the mercy of pirates. I have screenshots and i'm reporting him to admins. ))

--------Transmission Ends-------------------