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Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Printable Version

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Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - schlurbi - 09-20-2010

I have no Idea how to make the Cockpit transparent. I'll try to figure it out/ ask around.

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Crusader4 - 09-20-2010

Here you go schlurbi,
I hope i got the angle right:D

ps : i was to lazy to open PS.

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Bain.J - 09-20-2010

lol , i was just about to help , thinking" Well , ive lost , so lets assist this 1 >_>"

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - schlurbi - 09-20-2010

Sorry, didn't see this. Now I am done, found out myself D:

[Image: Nyx1-2.png]

Well Milkshape always shows the Render without Glass at all. That's why it is so visible. What I did now was reducing the Opacity of the Texture in Autodesk. You don't really see it now, because it is so small, but you see here that it is actually transparent and you can look through it.

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - aerelm - 09-20-2010

Thanks everyone for your time, I think this one can be closed now.

Schlurb, Give me a Char name so I can send you the credits.