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Memorial thread - Stoat - 10-19-2010

Blunt - Pops in every now and then, but mostly gone. A troll of epic proportions, and intense fun to be around. Made the QCP, for which I am eternally grateful.
Koolmo - Another whopping troll. Always made me laugh. Great guy.
Spear - the original =LSF=Liquid missile whore bitch that I never did get to kill. Long live the Scots.

Also seconded
Del, Skoko, Cawdor, Jure and loads of other lovely folks that have left the game.

Memorial thread - Not Espi - 10-19-2010

karlotta ... oh wait. nevermind.

Memorial thread - schlurbi - 10-19-2010

I kinda miss Korrd, though I never really got to know him. Read old Threads that made me chuckle.

Seth Karlo, well he's semi-active, but I miss him doing the Discovery Radio, with Electro Stuff ^_^

Enko and Ogris, I am only here because of them. Ogirs brought me to this Server, Enko was creating Planetform, so I joined the unofficial Faction and then the Forums.

Miss Dieter too.

And I totally miss Kiori:(

' Wrote:Also, Niezck is gone?
D: once again.
And probably never coming back because he was banned.

Memorial thread - Tubalcaine - 10-19-2010

Oh exclamatory, Korrd is gone too? Wow...
I remember Seth as well, some of these people had better get some serious nostalgia and pop in some time.

Oh, Niezck got banned XD
I've been gone for too long:P

Memorial thread - Marburg - 10-19-2010

Tubal, you know better than to swear on the really should get rid of it now

Memorial thread - NOVA-5 - 10-19-2010

This lad used to impress me a lot, i liked his style and was allways on the ball,
you couldnt get much past Hakatoa.Yamota thats for sure, the first time i got
arested by him he nabbed me in Tau, took me to Kyushu, picked up a wing
then they escorted me back to P honshu to return their Plutonium, teaching
me along the way of their ways."Classic"

Memorial thread - Seth Karlo - 10-19-2010

I miss Jure...

And tell you what guys, I'll do a radio show tomorrow night. 8 PM GMT. I'll get Josh to make sure it's ready.

Prepare for a night of Electro, DnB, Dubstep and general dance tunes:D


Memorial thread - Mao - 10-20-2010

[color=#33FFFF][font=Century Gothic]- Atreides2 (I'm sure he'll be back) - This guy told me everything I needed to know about RP and disco. He also invited me in my first official faction which remained my first and only love around here, CR.
- Teschy (I still hope he'll be back) - Great RPer with good ideas. Also, a good leader. The Council misses you.
- Mudd... (annoying but well intended most of the times)
- Scotty (I don't remember his forum name) - He was a great guy in CR and he had a very original way of role playing.

Memorial thread - darkxy - 10-21-2010

' Wrote:karlotta ... oh wait. nevermind.

Have parents taught you about the culture ? - For God sake, people have no decency nowadays.

Bitch somewhere else, this isn't place for that.

Memorial thread - casero - 10-21-2010

I miss kemira