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The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Printable Version

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The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - hakon - 07-16-2008

searching for communication channels
hacking Lane Hackers secure channel
connection established at 9:35, Liberty Time Zone GMT +1

Hello? My name is no, better not to mention any real name, just call me Hakon I hope to finally be connected with the legendary Lane Hackers and not some kind of Ageira or LSF-informer Perhaps Im stupid trying to contact you in fact I have no kind of proof that the Lane Hackers really do exist, but a lot of my fellow workers in Ageira Technologies (and other firms in Liberty) have placed their hopes on you and so do I.

Currently Im flying my Starflier in on one of my regular missions near Manhattan, where Im responsible for maintaining the trade lanes. Ive never been some kind of scientific genius, but the work as a technician and pilot suits me really well.
But in fact thats not the thing I really love to do: in my whole life I have been a political activist, living democracy how it should be. When I joined Ageira 6 years ago I really was astonished (or should I say shocked?) that there was no committee representing the interests of the workers. While trying to set up that committee I experienced the real nature of Ageira after neglecting their first friendly hints they changed their strategy and used extremely cruel methods to make my friends give up. Some of my friends couldnt even remember their own name some others, including my best friend, wanted to report everything to the police, but but no one ever came back I dont know what happened to them.

The only thing I know is that I have no one left whom I could trust Ageira is corrupt and sometimes resembles some kind of Mafia. And the Libertonian authorities seem to work together with them

Theres no one left to trust, but perhaps you Lane Hackers, if you really do exist. I would find a complete new sense for my life in bankrupting Ageira and their friends, fighting against the corrupt libertonian authorities and finally in trying to establish a free and just Liberty.

Alone we are weak, but together we are strong!

I cant go home now but where shall I go please help me, tell me where I can find you they soon will come after me I can feel it!

connection lost

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Phate - 07-28-2008
Video file opening...

[ Calibration data read, adjusting to screen parameters. ]

A man in a suit fixes his tie and greets, his voice being as cold as ice in the Barrier.
I'll make it short, because I've never been a man of redundant verbal introductions. I prefer my actions speaking for me. In case you don't want to miss this exclusive chance of benefitting from my abilities ...
my expertise would be elusion, ambushing, monetary extraction and last but not least, termination of troublesome individuals. When you consider me trustworthy enough, and that is a question of when, not if, my organisational skills will certainly come to use during either covert of propagandistic operations.
About my past ... all you need to know is that it's not the right time for certain aspects of mine to be revealed.

All required detailed information is, as you might have noticed, left stored among your secure tactical core files. I didn't want to be rude to disrupt our encryption routines, instead I've added an extra layer of security to prevent someone with a skill level similar to mine to trace me. No doubt your directors will extract the message and restore your systems readily. If not, then I'll seek another group with greater technical expertise, if there is any.

I'm expecing your reply to be stored in LSF Research data disks on Willard, subsection lambda, block 0x0F42. Remember: nothing is what it seems to be.

[ video file suddenly ends with a second of static ]

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - DevilStarr - 08-04-2008

>Initializing Hack.............................................................................................................................done
>Executing batch file zeta-epsilon 1401-e_
>Detecting New Berlin Exchange public access terminal 01530-zzy56..............................................done
>Connecting to New Berlin Exchange public access terminal 01530-zzy56.......................................done
>Detecting New Tokyo public access public access cascade server.................................................done
>Setting proxy to New Tokyo public access cascade server...........................................................done
>.............................................................................................. done
>marks_into_their_systems,_I can_do_that_as_well._
>Hard Drive Disk speed set to 9999901 RPM....................................................................................done
>batch file zeta-epsilon 1401-e complete_
>**WARNING** HDD temperature critical **WARNING**
>transmission lost_

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Emon - 08-06-2008[Unknown].recognized...transmission.encrypted...uploading data...

I'm withholding my identity for the moment, in the event that this transmission is being monitored. I at least I was, an employee of Ageira, ever since my graduation from Manhattan University. I worked as a junior programmer for their inventory management systems, based out of Colorado.Not the most rewarding career, but it paid the bills. In my spare time I worked on my hacking skills, and not having a ship of my own, practiced in the flight simulators.

I received orders to implement a software upgrade at one of our corporate warehouses on Manhattan. I checked out a corporate Starflier,and proceeded to the New York jumpgate. Once in New York, I was attacked by Xenos. I managed to destroy two of their ships, but eventually I was forced to launch my escape pod.

Waking up in a hospital on Manhattan days later, I was informed that since I was not on an officially sanctioned Ageira mission, I would have to reimburse Ageira Technologies for the cost of the destroyed Starflier, and the cost of my medical care. Furthermore, I was told that since I was now considered an insurance liability, my employment with Ageira was being terminated. Financially, I was ruined.

I hacked into Ageira's systems and noticed that all records of the orders sending me to Manhattan were deleted. Trying to file a complaint with the Liberty Police got me absolutely nowhere. No other companies will hire me, once again due to the fact that thanks to Ageira, I'm now essentially uninsurable.

Using a backdoor I built into my inventory management software, I managed to have one of Ageira's training vessels marked as surplus and moved to a launchpad in Manhattan. If I had tried to steal anything bigger, they would have noticed. I doubt the hull would withstand a stiff breeze, never mind a laser blast, but it should get me off of Manhattan. All I need is somewhere to go.

I could be an asset to the Lane Hackers. I'm proficient with programming, and I'm always working on my piloting skills, and after my experience, I have no love for the corporate world. Hoping to hear a reply soon, I am in the EDT Time Zone (GMT/Liberty Standard -5) terminated...

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - FrostbiteXII - 08-10-2008

..... incoming transmission....

.....transmission encoded.....

.....running base protocol.....

.....running encryption protocol......

.....encryption protocol: FAILURE.....

.....running bypass protocol......

.....encryption protocol: SUCCESS......

I can't give my name, I'm already wanted by the Security Forces.

I've found out that not only has my company been working with Ageira, but they've already burned my files and taken my life's work.

I was working on the new software to bypass some of the hackers that have been hitting our systems.
And I was able to create a secondary mainframe to confuse hackers.... when I did, I found something Agiera didn't like apparently.

A Agiera ship turns my home into a burning hole, my flier malfunctions and sends a missile at a LSF patrol, and apparently I've ended up on some terms with some Lane Hackers.

My bank account was terminated and no existing information of my life exists....

..... I'm living off nothing.... and it's all because Ageira and that bastard at the ship dealer that rammed my back side with this crap ship.

I'm sending this in hopes that I can not only find somewhere to go, or hide. But in hopes that I can have a chance to get back on my feet and get my crap back from Ageira and my.... previous employer.

I'm not the best at my job but I'm one of the top MicroComputer analysts for an Agiera allied company

this message is .... in -6 gmt... if I'm correct.... alot of my mind is slipping out here just floating around!

......Protocol:Force closure.....

.......attempt reopen of last known protocol port.....


.....signal lost....

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - J-Kent - 08-13-2008 IDC not recognized hold... IDC = proxy 27 gamma echo 44 protocl zed zed 1....
IDC proxy accepted .transmission.encrypted limited acces granted ..uploading data..

I won't bother you with my 'real' name, but sufficet to say, despite the fact that it is of no use to me, and I have no relatives worth threatening, it could still be construed as a security risk.
With this hack, I intended to leave it behind forever.

I shall tell you that I was a former Aegira employee, on the lower levels, my talents went largely unrecognized until this day.

I was placed in charge of a simple project in Optronic Circuit enhancement, and took the opportunity to insert a small piece of code into that section of the Aegira databse...
After the project concluded I continued to use this access to further a project of my own designs until such time as I deemed it ready for presentation.

I hoped by this to gain a promotion and the opportunity to revolutionize all of Sirius...
But I was to be sadly dissapointed.

My project deals with the use of KNLX-C9-beta, better known as a high grade 90% Cardamine, 10% artificial adrealine mixture. I intended to use its laudable mental stimulation and genoforming properties to aid in a type of cybernetic interface I co-developed to work with the stimulant.
The resulting technology would have been an immense new front in cybernetic digital acces....

But Aegira did not see eye to eye.
They classified my reaserch as 'dangerous' and 'utilizing a restricted and terrible drug'
I was fired, and my work partially confiscated.
Those buffoons were incapable of getting all my data before the self-decompile executed, and I seriously doubt they could possibly reconstruct my work in the near future.

As it is, I am currently under house arrest on Manhattan, awaiting investigation, interrogation, and, no doubt, toruture and punishment by those inccorugibly narrow minded idiots... the LSF.

Having nothing better to do, I turned to attempting to hack my reuptation card... and while doing so came across this.

Needless to say for one of my intellectual enlightenment the decision was not hard to make.

The requested information on my person as detailed by the root directory of the communique is as follows;

Technical background;
consists primarily of high level coding and programming dealing with datastream, interface and storage composition/logic.
Partial skills in biochemical compounds as relates to my previously mentioned project. This is not my strongest point, but as the case is for any great mind, aquiring new knowledge is nearly effortless, as such I am versatile in my technological skills.

It should be noted that while I am by no means an expert fighter pilot yet, that I have aquired several thousand hours of flying time in small craft as part of my hobbies. Unfortunately my Kadesh LF has been conifscated and brutally destroyed.. I will need to 'aquire' another ship, but I do not require assistance in that task.

Why I wish to 'hit back';
I assume by now that my personal reasons are clear, but there is more behind my motivations.
Having seen your goals, I wish to dedicate my very life to the furthuring of these fine, noble, pranktilicious, devious and diabolicaly excellent directives until such time as they are achieved or I sacrifice my life for them.
We can make Sirius a better place together....

Which aforementioned Goals I am best Equipped to assist in furthering;
I am more than capable of smuggling operations, but would rather be placed in the fighter wing due to my fascination with space combat and my potential to learn in that area.

What methods I am best equipped to follow;
Methods numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5.
I am equally ready, willing, eager, and equipped to use them all.

Timezone; GMT -5

A reply is eagerly awaited.

Be warned however, I do not have much time left before the LSF takes me....

You may contact me by using the inverse connection encoded in the proxy used to achieve this hack.

I can hack, alter, and copy my Aegira threat assesment and employee dossier for transfer if accepted. disconnect proxy IDC....
.hack terminated..

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Phillip.Jokar - 08-14-2008

Infiltration run completed 32 addresses scanned
█ Aignuke rootpw=N10H0337
█ Connecting to Successful
█ Attempting to exploit aigv5 CRC32 Successful
█ Resetting root password to N10H0337
█ System Open: Access level <7>
█ aig 1 root
█ root@ connection bounce: 12
█ Accessing internal database Successful
█ /cmd msgbrd.infil.reset

█ Accessing

Welcome to the Ageira Technologies message board, please leave a message.
█ /cmd reset.all
Thank you for your message, it is now being add-
█ /cmd admin.connection
Hello Mr. Richardson, how are you tod-
█ /restrict /aig12
█ activate message42.exe

[Image: LHMessage-1.jpg]

Thank you for your message Mr. Richardson, we hope you have a nice d-

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Pather_Mars - 09-06-2008

System tools loaded...
time: 9:00 pm (gmt -6)
command? 3
signal analysis complete... there is/are a total of 1 message of unknown format and unknown origin
command? 1
attempting to access message... failed!
retry (y/n)
command? 8
scanning message for known encryption protocols... failed! message does not conform to standard cryptography protocols...
command? 10
run combined decryption protocols (y/n)
...algorithms loaded
...autodecryption initiated...
estimated time of completion: unknown

*curses himself for starting the process while still at work but it is too late to cancel it now*

"If I can just crack it, maybe they will finally see my potential, that I am not just the low level network admin they have taken me for all these years. I'll show them all."

*time passes*

...decryption progress 78 percent complete...
...decryption progress 92 percent complete...
...decryption progress 100 percent complete...
view message? (y/n)

*after reading the recruitment announcement, begins typing response*

I have been working for this Liberty shipping company for years as a low level system admin. I have tried to advance myself but seem to help back time and again by these young, hot shot computer nerds that cant do anything original. They simply use the tools me and my generation spent our lives creating, modifying, honing, specializing, perfecting... I have had it. I have my own Camera freighter, no family to speak of and no ties to lose.

One of my goals is show these so called "legitimate" megacorps that there is such a thing as justice. I know that the kind of mistreatment I have been shown is not isolated to this company. There are millions of disgruntled workers just like me, many for the same reasons. I want them to hurt. I want their self-esteem to suffer as mine has since I began my career here.

As to how I can contribute to the cause, I am pretty fair with words and have been able to participate in corporate negotiations, at a lower level, of course... *shakes his head as he thinks of all the promotions that should have been his*. I am proficient with smaller freighters and have attained a small fortune running passengers to New Berlin and hauling diamonds back to Manhattan. I would donate it all to your organization if it would buy me a chance to make a difference somewhere, to be more than I have allowed myself to become. To take back my own destiny! I have piloted medium to heavy fighters but have had no experience with heavier ships. I am willing to learn. Give me the chance I seek!

*does not attempt to re-encrypt message to match what he read but does take the time to encrypt his response well enough to be missed by "lower level" hackers who may, possibly see this among the myriad of other satcom messages...*

*smirks to himself and smiles slyly, thinking...* "good luck you snot-nosed corporate security morons!"

...add message to data stream? (y/n)
...message added
command? 0
...utilities uninstalled

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Kahani - 09-28-2008

running: stonewall
/blocking all incoming traffic
/blocking all outgoing traffic
/unblocking port 1-outgoing
--Initiating Transmission--
Source: Ageira Technologies Private Comm Dish HI-3947-6286
Timestamp: GMT -8 hours
/Begin Message:
Ageira Technologies came to me about a year after I finished my studies in Communications Technologies. Basically, they taught me to create automated systems that monitor and filter Comms traffic. I had been working for some backwater planet-to-planet communications firm since I got out of school. At least it paid the bills, but it was dull and my skills were not even close to challenged. I took the job in hopes that they would make good on their promise to truly tax my abilities. At least they made good on that promise. They put me pretty high on the ladder to start with based on "initial results".

Eventually my skills grew beyond what they could throw at me, and I had time to use my "exceptional" skills for my own enjoyment. It started by just listening to private messages to and from co-workers so I could have a snicker now and then. With all the rumors. however. I couldn't help but listen in on conversations of those above me. The messages I wanted to listen to, those messages which changed my mind about how great a place Ageria Tech was, were obvious. Super-high levels of encryption, private channels that are only used once a week; sloppy work. What Ageria didn't know, and what I didn't want them to know, was that I had also sub-specialized in decryption. Thanks to my intricate knowledge of their communications systems, I could just copy the message from the buffer of the monitoring systems (those systems that filter out and flag illegal material or references to people like Lane Hackers). Although their encryption was advanced, I eventually pulled myself in the loop.

I learned everything. All the shady deals, the ruthless profiteering; it was sickening. I decided I had to do something, but it couldn't be alone. They'd have definitely whisked me away if I suddenly broke out of my reclusive nature and started casually poking around. I blinded the monitoring programs, the firewalls, everything to my data requests. I had the system finding data on those who could help me on my endeavors without knowing what it was doing. Just like this satellite, which has no idea what's about to happen to it either.

That's when I found you. The lane hackers, my brothers in conviction. I siphoned comms off everywhere looking for help, so I can't say for sure where it came from, though there were hints to an origin in the trade lanes. I guessed one picked up the transmission, but it was exactly what I was looking for nevertheless.

I would like to join you, as you share my self-created hatred for Ageria. They have surely found out that I'm no longer at my desk and begun to investigate, so I have nowhere else to go but to you. They won't find any of the data I have been sifting through... Or any data for that matter. I have become an expert at file deletion and even up to this point I have been making life harder for Ageria, deleting staff relocation requests and the like. I apologize for my long-windedness. I've been spending too much time around words, sifting through private conversations; it rubs off on you. From the standard search method the Liberty Police will use, I will be relatively safe from the Liberty Police; right under their noses. I will eventually have to depart and I have bought a relatively cheap civilian craft to aid my doing so. I know how to fly it. My computer at the office was gracefully powerful and I played some rather realistic simulators during my downtime. The controls on the actual ship feel natural after just a couple of hours flying.

Breaking from my long-winded approach, I wish to see... many bad things happen to Ageria for all their lies. With someone(s) to cover my back, I will be overqualified for the job... I'd watch for some kind of "mysterious explosion" caused by a "fatal hardware fault" on the news tonight... But I can assure you, it isn't a hardware fault.
--Message End--
/run: reactorhitch
/reactor safeties disabled
/reactor command interface blocked
//substituting new commands
/reactor console outgoing message squelched

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - JasonBluefire - 09-30-2008

C:/Run Reaper
/Enter destination:
/identifying inscription...
/Sending message

--Incoming transmition...

--connecting to host computer...

--Tracing IP...

--IP: IP Address Unknown

--Time zone: EDT -5:00

Hello Lane Hackers. You can call me Jason Bluefire. I’m sorry if this transmition is a little scratchy but I’m connected via a liberty satellite in Yukon. I used to work for Algeria Technologies but then I was fired during their layoffs after the Galileo bypass project, have worked at IMG for many years after that. I found out about The Lane Hackers about 2 years after I was fired but I never thought anything of it. I was out in Omega-52 and I met up with one of my old friends, they told me what you guys stood for.
I amed...*static* ...arted searching for your main network. You guys have some good firewalls.

As you know since I’m connected to your network I am fairly good at hacking, I specialize in math based security. I’m very good at writing algorithms. I have heard that you need smugglers. Recently I have been smuggling Artifacts from Planet Crete in Omicron to Planet Manhattan. I also have been smuggling nomad technology to special buyers.

I would not like anything better but to bring justice to cooperate top heads. Bring them Down I say. I just have not been able to do it by myself. Please consider my application.

If you wish to reach me please send a message to Liberty satellite 7629-63. I will get it from the buffer.

--End transmition

/resetting inscription
/end program reaper...