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EVE - Dab - 12-12-2010

' Wrote:only reason rails are good on a vindi are cuz of the retardedly awesome bonuses it gets. rails otherwise are quite ****e compared to say artillery or beams. go on the eve forums and you'll see 198349823984293849 threads about how rails need a buff lol
Oh, I know they need a buff. They were supposed to get one too. T2 ammo for Rails was supposed to get a much-needed buff, but they only buffed the blaster T2 ammo. I was in rage mode for days.

' Wrote:retardedly awesome

Glad to know you see it my way. ^.^

Oh, and SEK is in mostly Verge and Sinq. Dodixie and Scheenin systems mainly. Dod = High level FedNavy, Scheenins = 18Q Roden SY agent. The LP rewards at 10.00 standings are amazing.

EVE - frozen - 12-12-2010

im liek 7 jumps from dodi on my main lol

EVE - Dab - 12-12-2010

' Wrote:im liek 7 jumps from dodi on my main lol
I know.. I know where Genesis is tyvm.:mellow:

EVE - Serpentis - 04-01-2011

So I today got back into Eve thanks to a buddy who decided to 'pay' for some online time for me.

Apperently the account I still have has a real looser off a Caldari captain (4 mill SP) but I did have some cash for a drake and some equipment.

Feels sort of good to play again, if just a little.

Gonna check for RP groups me thinks... I always get bored without RP (:

Gonna see if I can reactivate my oldest account with my first character I made back in 04.. Oh how I miss that Minmatar freak (:

Edit: Oh and sorry for the gravedig, but just thought it be better then make a new thread.. ^^

EVE - exlibrismortis - 04-01-2011

I've been playing for a littel over month. I have a character with about 2.5 mil sp

EVE - Boss - 04-01-2011

I've got a 4.5-5mil SP Amarr dude.

Just got a transport exploded by a gatecamp.

Not happy.

EVE - Serpentis - 04-01-2011


My Characters clone isn't the same I had before..

SP is way lower then i remember Q_Q

EVE - fencore - 04-01-2011


Yeah, we've got a few of us strapped into a Skype channel flying trial accounts just blowing things up. Good times and lots of loot. Dunno if I can be arsed to get a full account though. We'll see.

EVE - Dusty Lens - 04-01-2011

Yeah, the Rifter fleet of doom is an exceptionally good time. We're doing quite well for ourselves.

EVE - Aoyagi - 04-01-2011

' Wrote:Wth..

My Characters clone isn't the same I had before..

SP is way lower then i remember Q_Q
They ditched the learning skills. You can "realocate" the SP

' Wrote:Gonna check for RP groups me thinks... I always get bored without RP (:
I myself would recommed this to me. Because I am very selfish.

O ye, I have 17 millions of anti-pirate SP. (flex) Beware, Dusty.