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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - Hell Hunter - 12-08-2010

no limit.

Why would we need a limit in conn?
That would be silly cause events etc

posible limit in Conn - Enojado - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:He won't. He is mad Bear has more Power then he,and cannot be godlike himself. I call it rage blindness.

"We have reached a time in Discovery when we are gonna sit and talk about restricting amount of players in Connecticut. Hahahaha."

A time in discovery? Hmm 1 month,and you say "a time in discovery" Wow!

:haha:Oh man...

Why don't we just keep conn as it is and let all the "I'm full RP I'm pro" minded people be about on their merry roleplay adventures far far away from it?

There's this economic and general law concerning demand and supply that would make it mildly ridiculous to close a system because there's too many people using it.

posible limit in Conn - schlurbi - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Example, there isn't really a place for a Wraith and a Guardian to meet and practice other then conn.
Just hit Bering. Freeport, have your Practice there. If he dies, you can always re-invite him. Does it make a Difference if you Practice in Connecticut or somewhere else? Maybe start using Freeports other than role playing and find out how to blow them up.

I've done Practice outside of Connecticut, just because I got bored of being shot while flying there, did them right in front of Alcatraz. What's so bad about it? This is just another Thread like all the Zoner and Corsair Threads.

posible limit in Conn - ryoken - 12-08-2010

I personally think Conn should be closed,but i am sure it will never happen. Instead i think i will enjoy watching Bear pop in,and kick everyone,then freak on forum "their rights" on a free server were violated.
Or admins are abusing their power. I miss the old days when if you talked back to an admin you ended up in Bastille while admins took a week or 2 to discuss their punishment.

posible limit in Conn - Ntei - 12-08-2010

Voted no limit, from my point of view every game above all is to have fun, if someone have fun been in conn let him be there and don't bother

Quit all this "if you don't like it leave" bull****, bening here more time doen't give you the right to say that, even the admins cannot say that

posible limit in Conn - AeternusDoleo - 12-08-2010

Just remove the jumphole leading to Conn from NY. Problem solved.

Sheesh, 5 pages about an oorp system on a RP enviorment...

posible limit in Conn - Pingu! - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:OoRP system, RP mod.
Yeah that about covers it for now.

RP mod, New York system.
Yeah that covers it for now.
No limit, kthxbai.

posible limit in Conn - Colonel.Tigh - 12-08-2010

no limit and no regulation, or remove the system all to gather.

as mr. miagi says, go in middle of street, smashed like a fly.

posible limit in Conn - kingvaillant - 12-08-2010

A limitation? Ah! Not during my time here.

Conn is healthy for the community, no need to restrict it

posible limit in Conn - Waratah - 12-08-2010

Get rid of Conn.. its a happy breeding ground for lolwutitis.

Let them go to Disco of Disco.

My 2 cents.