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Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Printable Version

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Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - BaconSoda - 03-07-2011

Hi there.

I had an interaction with one LR-Unleaded.Fuel.Only in Galileo the other day which was quite dismaying. In essence, another Reaver and I attacked him. After collecting on this bounty, we were accused of breaking the PvP rules in system chat. I tried to talk about it, but I'm not sure he exactly got what I was saying. I have screens of what was said and if you'd like to take a look, I can pm them. Hope that helps.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Pinko - 06-05-2011

So, what happened to the lore of cooperation in smuggling, as well as pest control alliance against, but not limited to, the Xenos and all sorts of other kind of relationships existing between the Rogues and Unioners since Vanilla?

This is a personal opinion/question, not necessarily shared by the Arbeitergewerkschaft. I mean, I know the roleplay evolved since Vanilla, but I don't see why the alliance against the Xenos should've ever stopped. Especially since the Xenos built bases -especially- to counter both groups. The fact Hudson is an empty system doesn't excuse much.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - tansytansey - 06-05-2011

Our official stance on the Xenos is "if you don't bother us, we won't bother you."

What cause do we have to fight the Xenos other than "Because Vanilla says so, lol."?

Rogue and Xeno NPCs can fight all they want to, but unless a player Xeno starts causing us trouble we're not going to waste resources on a pointless conflict.

Truth is, Xenos don't pose much of a threat to us any more. Maybe they do to you, but that's your problem.

The Xeno Alliance faction is hardly active enough for us to hunt down and bully. I'd rather do clever roleplay with them than beat them into submission.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Pinko - 06-05-2011

Quote:What cause do we have to fight the Xenos other than "Because Vanilla says so, lol."?

Trade disruption in the independent worlds, among other things. Y'know, where the Rogues get their stuff.

The only reason why the Xenos have bases outside house spaces, really. It's sad to deny the Xenos their own roleplay because of their "inactivity". Conflict = activity.

EDIT: Well the Xenos are quite isolationist, the Rogues want to BRING outside resources in without considering the cost to the House itself, the Xenos intensely dislike outside influences in Liberty, Cardamine and Blood Diamonds represent their biggest fears of outside organizations encroching on their home. You're the embodiment of everything they are fighting against. It'd be nice to do something about it rather than just shrug it off because ''We're so large we don't need to care'', otherwise there wouldn't have been alliances such as the Rogue/Unioner alliance of Hudson/Bering in Vanilla.

If I understand, you're ignoring storyline stuff because of gameplay stuff. It's something I personally find lame.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - tansytansey - 06-05-2011

' Wrote:I cannot help but to think, that due to the issues between both you, Nighthawk and <strike>Carrot</strike> Captor here, nothing good will come of when it comes to interaction both ingame and the forum.
Please do not judge me without knowing the whole situation. I am mature enough and intelligent enough to keep roleplay and my own issues seperate. Furthermore, I have no issues with any one, I can't help if other people have issues with me. I reacted appropriately to the situation at hand based on my character's nature.

My responses were entirely with in roleplay. Your concerns are not relevant.

' Wrote:Trade disruption in the independent worlds, among other things. Y'know, where the Rogues get their stuff.

The only reason why the Xenos have bases outside house spaces, really. It's sad to deny the Xenos their own roleplay because of their "inactivity". Conflict = activity.

EDIT: Well the Xenos are quite isolationist, the Rogues want to BRING outside resources in without considering the cost to the House itself, the Xenos intensely dislike outside influences in Liberty, Cardamine and Blood Diamonds represent their biggest fears of outside organizations encroching on their home. You're the embodiment of everything they are fighting against. It'd be nice to do something about it rather than just shrug it off because ''We're so large we don't need to care'', otherwise there wouldn't have been alliances such as the Rogue/Unioner alliance of Hudson/Bering in Vanilla.

If I understand, you're ignoring storyline stuff because of gameplay stuff. It's something I personally find lame.

Okay, we'll use our overwhelming wealth and technology to crush the Xenos. Oh, whoops, we just destroyed two factions, Unioners and Xenos.

Like I said, the Xenos currently don't pose enough of a threat for us to deal with them. This is our stance on the matter, it does not have to be yours. If the Xenos were to rise up and present themselves as a threat, then our diplomatic stance would change to suit this.

You may not believe that players have an influence on the server, but I do.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - r3vange - 06-05-2011

' Wrote:You may not believe that players have an influence on the server, but I do.

[color=#FFFFFF]Oh, how I wish more people on this server were thinking like you...

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Pinko - 06-05-2011

' Wrote:Okay, we'll use our overwhelming wealth and technology to crush the Xenos. Oh, whoops, we just destroyed two factions, Unioners and Xenos.

It'd take some time for the situation to adjust, that's all that would happen. There'd be a week or two where the Rogue "supremacy" -might- affect anything, but I doubt it would. But then people would hear about rumors of PvP going on somewhere and they'd go there. It's a decision with long term results, not short term ones.

It worked for Kusari when the Kempetai was around. Worked for the Zoners during the Corsair/Zoner conflict. It works in the long run.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - jammi - 06-05-2011

I'll break the new feedback rules in order to pay a compliment. Thanks for agreeing to try and pirate me earlier. Was good to finally get a chance to be on the receiving end of official Rogue wit and guns. Also, I understand why you didn't exactly want your Barghest coming out to dice with two Clydesdales - the Buccaneers used to use an even more extreme version of the "run and live another day" tactic you guys use. :D

One thing that would be interesting would be LR / Bowex convoy disruption events. It's not my place to suggest or organise them, but if you're interested I could see if Wellingtons would be up for it too. Could generate a bit more high-brow entertainment (after all, what's classier than an enraged Bretonian?) than the Cali norm. :P


Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - tansytansey - 06-06-2011

' Wrote:But then people would hear about rumors of PvP
We're not a PvP faction.

' Wrote:I'll break the new feedback rules in order to pay a compliment. Thanks for agreeing to try and pirate me earlier. Was good to finally get a chance to be on the receiving end of official Rogue wit and guns. Also, I understand why you didn't exactly want your Barghest coming out to dice with two Clydesdales - the Buccaneers used to use an even more extreme version of the "run and live another day" tactic you guys use. :D

One thing that would be interesting would be LR / Bowex convoy disruption events. It's not my place to suggest or organise them, but if you're interested I could see if Wellingtons would be up for it too. Could generate a bit more high-brow entertainment (after all, what's classier than an enraged Bretonian?) than the Cali norm. :P

Those feedback rules are in regards to comments made about the info posted in the announcement thread, stuff unrelated about that is fine.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Although our tactic isn't "run and live another day" so much as that there's no profit in combat. We were looking to make some credits, not blow up some traders who clearly weren't going to pay, we weren't going to waste our time hunting you down for sport, there was other credits to be made!

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Pinko - 06-06-2011

' Wrote:We're not a PvP faction.

The Xenos are.