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Maltese Shipping - Dennis Jameson - 02-27-2011

' Wrote:And that's what you need to need to understand. Not everyone will like the direction the Outcasts are going in, nor do they have to like it. And that isn't a reason for you to lash out should they disagree.

Since other factions seems to be immune to criticism and outside feedback... well, I'm sure you can complete this sentence by utilizing your powers of deduction.

Oh, but feel free to give me some feedback over Skype sometime. I find feedback to be riveting so long as it's not placed here, lest the troll brigade comes around.

Anyway, let's get this topic back on track.

Maltese Shipping - Dusty Lens - 02-27-2011

1) I think that you would be well served by re-considering the name. Maltese Shipping is roughly as inspiring as a bowl of wet candy. Candy that you do not like. Candy which is made of pure regret. Candy that is basically just rocks that you have to chew because you swore in front of your grandmother. I'M SORRY GRANDMA DON'T MAKE ME CHEW ROCKS.


2) Ditch the non OC ID. There's a word for factions which use non factional IDs to trade. OTC. A dirty word relating to the old Omega Corsair faction thingie who traded using Junker IDs and stuff. Shameful. Be proud of who you are! Use the OC ID! Run your cardamine straight into the heart of Liberty and pirate every genetic degenerate you meet on the way! YAR.

3) When 'ol praetyre handed the Blue Lotus Syndicate to Zapp back in the day there were but a few of us in the faction. Zapp wasn't quite sure what to do with the bloody thing so I proposed a notion.

The old Blue Lotus Syndicate was built on the idea that they controlled all of Malta's Cardamine. A bloody silly affair really which lent itself to very little exploration. We own Cardamine. Good times.

The revised BLS was built on the idea that, rather than owning all of the Cardamine plantations we simply owned a rather nice chunk. Enough to be considered one of the bigger guys. Our aim was to become the big guys by virtue of extorting and disrupting the transport of any Orange that wasn't moved under our flag.

It ended up involving a lot of pirating people hauling Cardamine who didn't really follow the forum so much and lots of Q_Q and money and explosions and generally was a very good time. The downside was chiefly to be found in the insanely boring nature of shipping Cardamine over and over and over again to the same bloody destination. So things didn't really move forward. Also something about the faction leader not knowing there were any ships in the mod other than a Sabre.

An issue which will hopefully be corrected in 4.86 (the runs, not Zapp's Sabre)

Also. Trade cardi into Gallia. It's fun and the lawfuls will be all Grrrr. It's an untapped market man. Comon.

So yeah. Initial thoughts.

New name.
Ditch the mixed IDs, stand proud.
Consider upping the dynamic nature of your business model.

Also... Since when did Outcasts give a baker's toss about Humans? Let alone slaves.