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What do YOU want from a faction? - Printable Version

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What do YOU want from a faction? - Jansen - 02-27-2011

- Good members with respect for each other
- Members that understand that its just a game
- It should be able to adjust its diplomacy in the way it wants, not in the way someone else wants it to
- Shouldnt be in Liberty
- Interesting (sneaky) RP
- Payment would be cool, but thats mostly not possible

What do YOU want from a faction? - Sanguines - 02-27-2011

- An good envoriment, msot importnant stuff: Fun, Mature. Not required as a team for me <3

What do YOU want from a faction? - Backo - 02-27-2011

  • Cool players in it, even about things outside of Disco.
  • The ability to RP with both friendlies and enemies.
  • Not being completely neutral. If I wanted to be neutral, I'd make a freelancer.
  • Respect among members.
  • Reasonable activity.
  • Faction goals in different directions, so it won't get boring pretty fast.
  • Understanding that they're not the most important faction in the whole game. I like to fly with people that know that the other side of the fight is also played by people who want to have fun.

What do YOU want from a faction? - Vladimir - 02-27-2011

Gamma raids.

What do YOU want from a faction? - Lucas_Fernandez - 02-27-2011

' Wrote:Gamma raids.


What do YOU want from a faction? - Blighter - 02-28-2011

' Wrote:Raids.

Fixed that for you, S[color=#FF6600]IR.

But I kid.

What do YOU want from a faction? - Vexykin - 02-28-2011

' Wrote:Good members, it's all about the team.
