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The future of mining? - Printable Version

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The future of mining? - Dart - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:My question to BMM, Kruger, IMG... you started to play those factions just because of the mining mod? I'm sure BMM was there before that, same with IMG... maybe it's time for you to remember what made you play those factions.

Maybe I'm expecting too much, but knowing some people in those factions, I can't believe they were there just for the mining mod.

There's a down side, some miners were really cool, like GMS (which by the way, don't switch to a lawful char when hostiles are around) and that's probably the only bad thing out of this.
BMM doesn't have any hard, strong RP without the mining

you want it to trade? it isn't meant to be a trading faction
you want it to PvP? IMG, mollys, corsairs are more than well enough equipped to wipe out BMM hardware with thier Capships

What do you want us to do exactly? PvP factions only exist if they dont get old. Outcasts dont get old because they have everywhere in space to go.

Mining adds a very powerful dynamic to the RP experience. It adds a "check" to RP and makes people think twice before making a certain move.

again, BMM will be just as good as planetform, and planetform doesn't even have any good activity! BMM doesn't have any unique RP to utilise with its environment either!

The future of mining? - Lobster - 03-02-2011

Quote:Because people here are too greedy.

The people are the problem. Not mining.

Just sayin'.

The future of mining? - Dart - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:The people are the problem. Not mining.

Just sayin'.
love you lobby (heart)

The future of mining? - Blighter - 03-02-2011

Turning it off was unnecessary. We have whole official factions centered around mining. You just killed off parts of their ingame-activity by killing off mining. That alone is reason enough.

Nerfing a thing is unnecessary. Buff trading and smuggling to a level that is competitive to mining instead. I see people solo-mine in Dublin then fly their Ore in their Mining Ships to NY. Apparently going about it that way is still more profitable than trading. And that's retarded. Mining being a little bit better than trading / smuggling is fine, as to completely utilize its potential you require a group. It's faster and makes more $$$ that way.

Next is the problems or whatever. By turning off mining you're not going to solve them, whatever they are, because people will just go somewhere else. Instead of having 12345 Dublin threads, you will have 12345 threads about same sorts of stuff in other areas. People will migrate. People might very-well spread out. And if they spread out, it will LOOK LIKE there are less problems, but that's false. It's just the deceiving appearance you get when all stuff gets spread out rather than clustered into one, two, three systems.

All in all I find this matter rather funny to be honest, Schadenfreude is awesome afterall, but this here isn't exactly necessary, or much less the "right" thing to do.

And I mean no offense, but essentially saying that turning it off because "people here are too greedy" is right, is, in my book, wrong.

After XYZ nerfs to trading, smuggling, even some to mining, you expect people not to be greedy? Slave off hour after hour to get X sum of money, taking a total amount of time that a year or so ago would have been cut by half, and you don't expect people to be greedy? I think especially non-regular, casual players, have the very damn right to be greedy if all they see is the ongoing qq fests here and there that end up causing rulechange X, nerf Y, other thing Z, which ends up affecting them even though they ain't done a thing. Hell as good as everyone here probably has reasons to be greedy in one area or another.

As for the mentioned lack of creativity, I wouldn't exactly say that it has much to do with that. Some people simply wanted to mine, have the collective experience of mining in a group, working out ways how to optimize the whole ordeal, and just having that team-work experience. Mining is the peaceful equivalent to PvP in a sense. Group-combat requires thinking, requires brains, not just individual skill. Mining in a group requires the same, even though we all always like to simplify it into shooting rocks. Yes it is less demanding in thought, but you put ten people together, tell them all to mine, and you'll see how after a while they will find ways to increase the efficiency and profit, they'll find ways to do things -better-. But eh. I won't even go into stuff like BMM 'cuz them folks already covered it.


The future of mining? - casero - 03-02-2011

Quote:BMM doesn't have any hard, strong RP without the mining
I'd be careful to say that your faction doesn't have any strong RP without the mining, that doesn't talk good about you.

Quote:you want it to trade? it isn't meant to be a trading faction
you want it to PvP? IMG, mollys, corsairs are more than well enough equipped to wipe out BMM hardware with thier Capships

What do you want us to do exactly? PvP factions only exist if they dont get old. Outcasts dont get old because they have everywhere in space to go.

Mining faction or Mining ore faction? Because mining was there before the Ore commodities were created, and it was profitable, not like Ore, but still good as trading if done well.

Quote:Mining adds a very powerful dynamic to the RP experience. It adds a "check" to RP and makes people think twice before making a certain move.

I think twice before making a certain move with all my chars, dynamic RP experiences are there without mining, maybe this time will make you see that.

Quote:again, BMM will be just as good as planetform, and planetform doesn't even have any good activity! BMM doesn't have any unique RP to utilise with its environment either!

If you want to think so white and black, there should be 3 factions in all the server. Pirates, Traders and Police. BMM is as good as the people playing it.

The future of mining? - Pinko - 03-02-2011

Fix GMG = Fix mining mod!

The future of mining? - ryoken - 03-02-2011

Well now this is like shooting horse with a splinter,instead of pulling it out. Junkers will also now start pirating i am sure. After all no more scrap mining right?

Ok instead of arguing i will throw out an idea. How about every few days the admins randomly open,and close mining area's. IE so today silver is availible to mine in Penn,but 2 days from now? gone,and gold in Dublin opens up. A few days,and poof another new area is open. Also make stuff like O2,and H2O worth mining. Make some area's pay well for these. Hell it is everywhere right? so no clustering in 1 system.

Also make better trade routes. Right now every dam lawful faction has nerfed them in game with their RP of all these dam Embargo's. Thats why no one will trade. Plus half the civ ship's are banned cause they built in an enemy system. Forget what Info card has written on it.

So to sum it up. shutting off mining is just opening a new bag a crap,and alot of peoples chars/ships are now pointless.

The future of mining? - Dieter Schprokets - 03-02-2011

I think we are missing one key thing : if you love mining for RP purposes cuz you are BMM or IMG or another mining faction, you will mine if it is nerfed a bit.

If you are just trying to grind to get a lolcap, you will now trade instead.

So if we nerf it a bit, the powerminers dissappear, and the powertraders appear, but at least they are spread all over Sirius.

The current weighted average of the nerf is 20% in this poll if you do the math


(X1)100% + (X2)0% + (X3)75% + X4(50%)

where Xi is the vote share of each option

then divide by 4

Then take result and deduct from 100%

You get the weighted average where proportion of votes determines the proportion of nerf.

Which is where i suspected the correct nerf should be all along

Therefore I am the hive mind of the community

Kneel before Zod!

The future of mining? - Markus_Janus - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Fix GMG = Fix mining mod!

Yeah fix Samura.:P

The future of mining? - ryoken - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:I think we are missing one key thing : if you love mining for RP purposes cuz you are BMM or IMG or another mining faction, you will mine if it is nerfed a bit.

If you are just trying to grind to get a lolcap, you will now trade instead.

So if we nerf it a bit, the powerminers dissappear, and the powertraders appear, but at least they are spread all over Sirius.

The current weighted average of the nerf is 20% in this poll if you do the math


(X1)100% + (X2)0% + (X3)75% + X4(50%)

where Xi is the vote share of each option

then divide by 4

Then take result and deduct from 100%

You get the weighted average where proportion of votes determines the proportion of nerf.

Which is where i suspected the correct nerf should be all along

Therefore I am the hive mind of the community

Kneel before Zod!

Huh? What did he just say?