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Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - Printable Version

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Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - Rolain - 02-04-2008

' Wrote:And you, chump, have made it blatantly obvious what kind of person you are, because you obviously can't read and are obviously very unobservant. The Phantoms? You don't have a grasp on any of the server politics, and I would question as to whether or not you have actually read the server rules all the way through...

Oh yes, and you have me for the most part confused with geisha.

' Wrote:Blood Dragons aren't technically Terrorists, though they're described as such. NovaPG, a Blood Dragon subsidiary with their own ID, are technically Terrorists.

and i had it understood earlier in this convo that terrorists (like xenos --> example) can shoot on sight.

So, there you have it.

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - Eppy - 02-04-2008

Quote:Oh yes, and you have me for the most part confused with geisha.
Doesn't matter. You're just another faceless poster who's been a member for, what, all of five days? You come charging onto the forums yelling and screaming like you've got it all figured out. Well, here's some opposition for you: WE SAY NO. And our collective Join Dates are quite a while ago...

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - chopper - 02-04-2008

' Wrote:You have no idea who I am, do you? Well, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, considering you stopped for a Phantom, who are terrorists and perfectly entitled as such to kill you without warning...

And that would be a very moral thing to do.
Killing of new players in their traders, without asking for tax or at least RP-ing an explanation.
And then you ask yourselves how come they are confused?
Phantoms are not mentioned in the rules, are they?
And as far as i know, rules clearly say next :

Quote:6.18 Owners of Terrorist IDs have a right to attack:

- Trader ships that do not pay for passage
- Everyone else

Quote:6.19 Pirates and terrorists have a right to deal as much damage as they see fit before or after demanding money from a trader ship, but killing trader ship before demanding money is not allowed. Attacking traders or demanding cargo is not allowed for cruisers and battleships, unless cruisers and battleship belong to Terrorist ID or Phantom ID owner.

So, no, Phantoms can't kill a trader without warning. That would be rule-breaking, would it now?
Because, their ID is technically a Terrorist ID, yes?
Well, there you go. Don't interpret the rules, just read them.
Xenos can't attack Traders without "tax" either.
Blood Dragons can't do that either.
NovaPG can't do it as well.
No one can actually. Rules are quite clear on that one.

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - Rolain - 02-04-2008

' Wrote:Doesn't matter. You're just another faceless poster who's been a member for, what, all of five days? You come charging onto the forums yelling and screaming like you've got it all figured out. Well, here's some opposition for you: WE SAY NO. And our collective Join Dates are quite a while ago...

Oh no! New member? My suggestions must not even be valid then, i bow before the power of your Nerdcore COLLECTIVE JOINDATE CANNON!

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - chopper - 02-04-2008

' Wrote:Oh no! New member? My suggestions must not even be valid then, i bow before the power of your Nerdcore COLLECTIVE JOINDATE CANNON!

Way to go!

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - Reverend Del - 02-04-2008

Okay enough is enough, this has become an all out flame war, this is a rules forum not a penis waving contest. Trent, stop. Epyon you're way better than this.

I regret posting in this to start with. We're all gonna regret this if an admin has to break this fight up.

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - StarButt - 02-04-2008

' Wrote:Oh no! New member? My suggestions must not even be valid then, i bow before the power of your Nerdcore COLLECTIVE JOINDATE CANNON!

:yahoo: ROFL :lol: hahahahaha hear hear....

PWNT! :laugh:

' Wrote:Epyon you're way better than this.

I have my doubts about this statement :rolleyes:

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - caylith - 02-04-2008

It says on the Phantom ID that we're not allowed to ask for payment from traders. It moves; it dies. Those who can pick up a Xeno ID...have to ask for tax/payment. Those who pick up a BD ID have to ask for tax/payment.

The TERRORIST ID has been given to 3 players on the server. If you hold a Phantom or Terrorist ID, you have free reign to attack any and all you choose. Those who hold those ID's have proven themselves to be exceptional RPers both ingame and on the forums.

Now, stop arguing with each other and calm the hell down. Wither put out the flames yourselves or I'll do it for you.

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - chopper - 02-04-2008

Sorry caylith but then the rules need to be changed.
All those things should be written in the rules, not on ID's themselves.
I can't really scan the Phantom and read his ID if he's shooting on me, can I?
Terrorist ID as well, it says in the rules that you can't attack traders with it w/o asking for tax.
Why is it then possible?

I would and i will report any Terrorist ID holder that attacks my Trader without asking for tax.
Why? Because it is written in the rules that it is against the rules.
Now, yes, you told us differently, but that didn't change the rules.
There were quite a few events where admins disagreed on interpreting the rules.
One of those was starting cruise to catch on an enemy for example.

So, my point is, your response isn't official, it can't be, at least regarding the Terrorist ID.
Because the rules are quite opposed to your response.
I will respect what is written in the rules.

Now, this is not flaming or anything, it's just a discussion.
So don't flame me for flaming, flame me for discussing.

I don't like this at all. Because, most people that are asking about the rules are flamed for not reading them.
And when they do read them, it seems that it might be worthless, because there are some rules that are above the regular rules.
How can anyone know if Terrorist (Mon'star, Doom) can kill them, or not?
Where is it written?
It is still a rule violation, because it says in the rules that it is against the rules!
Now, yes, i agree that admins probably won't punish a Terrorist ID'ed player who killed a Trader w/o taxing.
But it is still a valid rule violation report, that's my point.
And until rules are changed, it will stay like that.

Traders, if you don't stop when asked to, we'll skip the asking, and go straight to shooting. - LancerZero - 02-04-2008

I never tax a trader below level 55 or so. Generally, the lower-level ones don't have enough cash on hand to make it worth the trouble of stopping them...sometimes barely even enough to pay for the Train CDs you shot at them.:P

Depends on the ship, though. Level 50 in an armored transport? No tax, have a nice day. Level 50 in a Bumblebee? 250k, please. Etc. I only charge 2 mil if it's an advanced train, 1 mil for large trains and transports with more than 3k cargo, 500k for transports between 1k and 3k cargo, and 250k for the few people with less cargo than that that I decide are worth the trouble of stopping.

Traders with my faction's pilots in their hold are a different matter. If they don't drop the pilots when I ask, their cargo holds get forcefully vented by my Supernova.;)If they're smart and actually hand over the pilots, I let them go with a warning that I'll be keeping my eye on them when they're in my territory. To date, nobody has handed over the pilots...they always try to run or dock so they can sell them to our worst enemies, then expect to undock and go "Whoops, my bad. Sorry dude!"

As for stopping when asked...I NEVER ask a trader to halt unless I am able to stop them from fleeing. As in, I CD them. If they keep trying to run, I keep CDing them and say something like "1 mil for the cause, if you please." And yes, I DO actually say "if you please":PAnyhow, if they do nothing or keep trying to run, I say "Five seconds." Plenty of time to calm down and find the "trade" button, but not generally enough time to call in a buddy in a battlecruiser. If they still do nothing when their time is up, they get blown up.

Anyhow, that's just how I operate, and how I encourage the other folks in the RHA to operate.

You should make a list of pirates that blow you up after you pay...such pirates are verging on terrorists. It's stupid to do that, because then nobody will ever stop to pay you. Why, if they know they're likely to get blown up anyway? I think somebody tried to compile a list like that some time ago...can't remember, though.