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Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Printable Version

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Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Dashiell - 06-13-2011

:: Incoming Transmission ::

message begins:


Just came back from a big fleet battle in T37. Colonials, IMG and Outcasts were having it out. so when I heard about the gig me and the boys decided to hop in.

In the chaos we were able to nail 3 Outcast snubs. Even though I rammed the guncam button to identify all bogeys, I just noticed I missed out on some. Obviously, curse my luck, the ones I shot down.

Anyway, here's nr 1. An 101st Falcata. I doubt the 101st need identifying as Outcasts...

[Image: th_101st1.jpg]

Here's the 2nd Falcata that ate my razors. pavarotti. You can see in the first screen that he is identified as hostile on my scanners (being an Outcast and all that...)

[Image: th_overview.jpg]

[Image: th_pavarotti.jpg]

and the last one, a [13th]. also well know I guess, mr Moonwalker crawled on my six. Too bad for him my gunner saw him and gave him a mouthfull.

[Image: th_moonw.jpg]

note: you can see pavarotti here, shooting at me being an ever so evil outcast.

I'll leave it in your discretion whether you want to pay me or not. But I'm still out and about. Just so you know.

Account name: Free.Radical

Gary Galenson

end of message.


Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Shinobi Agency - 06-13-2011

[Connecting to the neural net]
[Communication link established]

Konnichiwa gentlemen, you instructions have been noted.

OC terminated

This one took place in Tau23, which is obvious since we worked together with your forces.

Please send 3.000.000 to Shinobi.Master

[Communication link terminated]

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - The ICMG - 06-13-2011

[color=transparent]...!The Independent Communist Miners' Guild greets all the pilots that have decided to work for the benefit of mankind, one small step at a time. Every application transmitted prior to now has been APPROVED to hunt the enemies of the ICMG, and we wish you all the best of luck. To the contrary of the IMG bounty board rules, you are permitted and actively encouraged to tell the targets that you're claiming on behalf of the ICMG, UNLESS THE TARGET IS CONSIDERED LAWFUL IN ANY MAJOR HOUSE'S JURISDICTION. All bounties that could be deemed "controversial" are only viewable to those who would have no objection to them, and all claims posted are anonymous to all but the claimants.

Additionally, the list of targets has been amended to include Outcast capital vessels, under certain circumstances. Take note of this, and hunt. Thank you for your time, now get out there already!

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Faca - 06-13-2011

>>> Incoming Transmission <<<

Name: The Faca
Call-Sign: Hannibal.ante.Portas
Ship Type(s): Sabre - Series Z Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighter
Identification: #
Weapons Loadout: #
Reputation: #
Some things about myself/the company I represent: I am gambler and adventurer, always in search for a new challenges and in mood to make more money.

I wish to claim bounties in this/these IMG Bounty Board Zone(s): (put an X in the box you want)
[x] Taus & Orkney
[x] Southern Bretonia
[x] Omegas
[x] Independent Worlds

I wish to claim bounties for the ICMG Bounty Board: (put an X in the box you want)
[x] Yes
[] No

I agree with the Terms of Agreement stated in the Combined IMG & ICMG Bounty Board
The Faca

>>> Transmission Ends <<<

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Silver - 06-13-2011

[Image: commslinksilver.png]

*Lights up a cigar and grabs a glass of Jack Daniels*

'Lo there bubba's.

*Music is heard, and a dancer on a pole is seen on the background, dancing at the rhythm of the beat*

Sorry 'bout the noise, but it's Monday-Shakin'@$$-Night.

*Coughs and sips some of the whisky*

Blew a Mando tonight in Tau-23.
Fun bunch.
Always worthy enough to spend some time talking and shooting.

All that a girl like me needs.

.:MM~Edward.Grey ID Scan:.
.:Pop'd the guy:.

Send the 4.225 mio to Silver.Reaver

Kisses and whatnot,

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Hone - 06-14-2011

[font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission*
*Encryption Level: PIGGYBACK*
*Establishing Visual Link......................................................................[Image: 2agiufc.jpg]
*VL Established*
*CptHone of the Mollys*

Id like t know why me ship "Horrible Hone" is bountied by t ICMG, far as I know I never hurt ye.

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Silver - 06-16-2011

[Image: commslinksilver.png]

*Grabs a glass of Jack Daniels*

One 'Cast Dread.
Blew up.

Pretty colors.. Everywhere.

.:MNS-Monty ID Scan:.
.:Booom and kapow happened:.

Send the 8 mio to Silver.Reaver

Kisses and whatelse,

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Jack Payton - 06-16-2011

[Image: transmissionpaytontau37.png]

Greetings comrades. I hope that Independent Communist Mining Guild will be happy. Today we executed your most wanted target, a pirate that became famous by terrorizing Sigma-13 for months now. I must say he got a nerve to show in Tau-23 after what he did. He would definitely feel better if he stayed in Sigma-13. Like they say in Bretonia... The King is dead. Long live the King!

[Image: th_2011-06-16Tau-23RipRedRorryID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-16Tau-23RipRedRorryKill.jpg]

Bounty target: Pirate Ahoudori Rip.Red.Rorry
Payment owed: 15,000,000 SC
Payment receiver: EDGE|PA|Leviathan

[Image: transmissionterminated.png]

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Silver - 06-16-2011

[Image: commslinkofficesilver.png]

*Lights up a cigar*

Just a heads up. We're expecting the pay on the last couple of kills.
And we are withdrawing our contract regarding the Taus area.

Rest is still fine and dandy to claim.

Bye bye,
Reaver Merc. Co. Associate,
K. Silver.

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - The ICMG - 06-16-2011

[color=transparent]...!CONGRATULATIONS, Emergency Defense Group Enterprise. You've made a big impression on Rorry, I hope, and you get a little bonus for being the first to collect on our bounty boards. Just between us, we'll unofficially throw in a little more cash next time if you state it was from the ICMG. Maybe a cookie if you find a way to sneak the word "comrade" in there somehow.
<div align="right][Image: EDGEpaymentforrorry6-16-2011.png]

...!Reaver Mercenary Company, we'd like to direct you to the IMG's main board, in which it is clearly stated that;
' Wrote:[font=System]If you claim a bounty on behalf of ICMG, you should state it in your message. You may not claim the same kill on both boards.
So far, you have not stated that a single kill was on behalf of the ICMG, however, for your benefit, we are amending the restrictions on destruction of Outcast capital vessels to be valid Sirius-wide. (Just between us, this includes Omicron Alpha, though I doubt you'll be going there any time soon.) Please keep this in mind in the future, and good hunting to you and yours.

[color=transparent]...!To Captain Hone;
All bounties are strictly confidential. If you've heard rumor that the ICMG has bountied you, then whoever you heard that from is not to be trusted, as the Mollys are our friends and allies in the struggle for freedom of all peoples. If you're insinuating that you've seen something which ought not be visible to you, that's reason enough for us to distrust you in the future. Good day.