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Remaining two sleeper ships - Fletcher - 06-27-2011

Freelancer Canon =/= Disco Canon.

Remaining two sleeper ships - Hone - 06-27-2011

And the best thing about disco canon? It is changed anytime the devs feel like it.

Remaining two sleeper ships - Hielor - 06-27-2011

' Wrote:No way, that got cut out, so its non canon.
I believe the decision was made to use that as canon for the Discovery mod even though it was non-canon for Vanilla.

Remaining two sleeper ships - Klaw117 - 06-27-2011

Igiss has said several times that the destruction of Sol is Discovery canon, although I and many others weren't really big fans of the decision (either that or we didn't care either way). Personally, I'd like to see the SCRA join a Coalition-controlled Sol, which decides to invade Sirius.

Remaining two sleeper ships - Politus - 06-27-2011

' Wrote:Igiss has said several times that the destruction of Sol is Discovery canon, although I and many others weren't really big fans of the decision (either that or we didn't care either way). Personally, I'd like to see the SCRA join a Coalition-controlled Sol, which decides to invade Sirius.
No, because that would take attention away from Igiss's antagonist for Disco, Gallia. :rolleyes:

Remaining two sleeper ships - Cap.Kennedy - 06-27-2011

' Wrote:Igiss has said several times that the destruction of Sol is Discovery canon, although I and many others weren't really big fans of the decision (either that or we didn't care either way). Personally, I'd like to see the SCRA join a Coalition-controlled Sol, which decides to invade Sirius.

Sol is birthplace of humanity, but essentialy it is just another system, i doubt they would have enough firepower to invade sirius even if they survived.

Remaining two sleeper ships - jxie93 - 06-27-2011

We have to make do with what canon background we've got. As far as we're concerned Sol was destroyed by the Nom Noms and even if we somehow develop the technology and gather the resources to go back there isn't anything to go back to.

I don't mind the spelling and such, but can you please use paragraphs to make your posts easier to read? Thanks.

Remaining two sleeper ships - Python 72 - 06-27-2011

If you want to know what happened to the other two ships, I think this sums it up!

I know that it is a different mod, but i am pretty sure that the two modding teams support the combined lore here, and there was discussion about linking the two areas (Sirius and Pelaides) together, but i believe both partys want the two mods to stand alone (don't take this as fact though, I am an uneducated dimwit!)

Remaining two sleeper ships - Klaw117 - 06-28-2011

' Wrote:Sol is birthplace of humanity, but essentialy it is just another system, i doubt they would have enough firepower to invade sirius even if they survived.
Well, in the 800 years that the Alliance has been colonizing Sirius, I'm sure the Coalition, if it survived, would have colonized just as many systems near Sol.

Remaining two sleeper ships - Cap.Kennedy - 06-28-2011

' Wrote:Well, in the 800 years that the Alliance has been colonizing Sirius, I'm sure the Coalition, if it survived, would have colonized just as many systems near Sol.

I don't think so, when American continent was discovered there was a baby boom, colonists often grow rapidly because they have to grow to become independent, in the other hand coalition was real nice and cozy on earth (if it was not destroyed) and they had no reason to move out, and don't forget that they do not have jumpgate technology, they would have to travel for years to reach their closest colony.