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Order| tech chart change request. - Printable Version

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Order| tech chart change request. - Ryummel - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Primary:
Order - Blood Dragons
Both way white. Requested by Omicron and Ryummel
* Ryummel confirms.

' Wrote:Diplomacy with Dragons. Are you making fun of an old Zoner here?

So this old zoner diplomat thinks that crossing Chugoku (twice) in a Barge is the best way to make Dragons happy, especially if our laws chart state that only GC, Order|, GMG| and .:j:. are allowed in the system.

Order| tech chart change request. - Jacques Brissot - 10-07-2011

i love this ... order -sair RED

i approved...:lol:
like zelot said , why we should be friend? they never help corsairs, only shoot on them .. fp 9 incident ...

cheers :cool:

Order| tech chart change request. - Tommeh - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:i love this ... order -sair RED

i approved...:lol:
like zelot said , why we should be friend? they never help corsairs, only shoot on them .. fp 9 incident ...

cheers :cool:
Really, and you don't recall FP 11 incident?Which happened before anything in Theta...

Sails allying with Core against Order and Zoners...

And after both those incidents I am pretty sure it was agreed not to take actions of few individuals to dictate faction's RP.

No one said we should be friend, stop talking nonsenses, suggestion was going neutral without ability to dock on both sides and making tech chart red, it's quite far away from anything friendly related.
Not making full red only eases up for both of us in oorp terms, as atm it's quite hard to cross Delta with milion Nomad and Core NPC's, adding Corsairs one would be hell for any kind of fights interactions on there, as you would have 3 different npc spam shooting at you.

InRP there have been betreyals on both sides, but I just like it how everytime only Order is mentioned:D
Anyway, I think it would not make much sense for Sairs to shoot Order everywhere, same as Order shooting Sairs, why making enemy where it can be avoided, but I am forgeting how true spartans Corsairs are and it's np for them to fight half of Sirius alone.

Order| tech chart change request. - Hammerstein - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Hammerstein, that looks like Chugoku to me in the second pic. It's your own fault for flying through there, really.
' Wrote:So this old zoner diplomat thinks that crossing Chugoku (twice) in a Barge is the best way to make Dragons happy, especially if our laws chart state that only GC, Order|, GMG| and .:j:. are allowed in the system.
One picture is from Chugoku. Two other killings where not!

What is your point? I somehow got lost and found myself in Chugoku as i told then. You deliberatly killed an Order allie 3 times, one time with "some" formal RP-backup two times without NOT IN CHIGOKU (sidenote: I saw you official faction dragon guys are the biggest metagamers in kusari space not just on the 3 situations.)

A zoner Barge is as far away from a hostile warship or intruder as it gets. I told i am Order allie everytime you came to kill me. Order is officialy Zoner bloodline for big parts.

So you killed family for fun and now you want biz?

If Jeremy_Hunter is anything near authentical Order/Zoner RP you 4-5 looner dragonkitticats would be in for extermination and order or corsair takeover of your cute little base and sector just for deliberatly killing a zoner O N C E.

So go on here, "Order high command" and "Blood dragon whatever", give us proove what your rp reely is.

Order| tech chart change request. - Ryummel - 10-07-2011

Quote:What is your point? I somehow got lost and found myself in Chugoku as i told then.
Three times you got lost. Ach.

Quote:I told i am Order allie everytime you came to kill me. Order is officialy Zoner bloodline for big parts.
And we the Dragons don't give a damn about who you're allied with once your ship is in Kusari space (obviously excluding Okinawa and Sigmas, GMG space, their laws). It's easy: You don't support Dragons and you aren't specifically heading supply Order in Minor (in your case, since you claim to be Order ally), then we're on our right to pirate you and of course shoot you if you're found in Chugoku heading to Hokkaido or Sigma 13.

And yeah, "Blood Dragon whatever" speaking here.

Order| tech chart change request. - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Not making full red only eases up for both of us in oorp terms, as atm it's quite hard to cross Delta with milion Nomad and Core NPC's, adding Corsairs one would be hell for any kind of fights interactions on there, as you would have 3 different npc spam shooting at you.

Well the Core and Keepers have to deal with Corsair NPCs (which spawn Osirises), Order and Nomad/Core (depending on which side you're on), so I'd say that at the moment if anything, the Order has it easy when it comes to hostile NPCs. Then again, those NPCs don't really make much difference to us, so I don't see how it would to the Order.

And I think the 'sairs and Order being full red would be very helpful when it comes to preventing idiots on both sides taking their capital ships into each other's home systems.

Also, I don't see how the Order and Corsairs being repped red to each other would make things so much easier for the Core/Keepers, as Corsairs rarely go into Delta nowadays, and the Order rarely venture further than Delta in force.

Order| tech chart change request. - Lennox - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:One picture is from Chugoku. Two other killings where not!

What is your point? I somehow got lost and found myself in Chugoku as i told then. You deliberatly killed an Order allie 3 times, one time with "some" formal RP-backup two times without NOT IN CHIGOKU (sidenote: I saw you official faction dragon guys are the biggest metagamers in kusari space not just on the 3 situations.)

A zoner Barge is as far away from a hostile warship or intruder as it gets. I told i am Order allie everytime you came to kill me. Order is officialy Zoner bloodline for big parts.

So you killed family for fun and now you want biz?

If Jeremy_Hunter is anything near authentical Order/Zoner RP you 4-5 looner dragonkitticats would be in for extermination and order or corsair takeover of your cute little base and sector just for deliberatly killing a zoner O N C E.

So go on here, "Order high command" and "Blood dragon whatever", give us proove what your rp reely is.

I think it's the wrong way to to handle something like this here just because you are mad because your Barge got shot. Live with the fact. Otherwise nothing will change.

But to be honest i do not see the point why Corsairs should be friendly with the Order. Sure, if they are in Minor to help against, for example an overwhelming action of the noms (5 BS or so), then I think the Order| is or should be glad about the help of some Sairs, appearing with their Legates and Corsair Ossis. But something I dislike are players in Minor with a Corsair ID who are trying to get Order rep for whatever a reason without any prior RP. If there is no real reason for them being in Minor they should leave.

Same for the Order in Gamma. But I personally never entered Gamma with an Order char before, so long as there wouldn't have been nomads. It's easy. If Corsair people, sitting in Minor and doing missions or even pirate in our system then they shouldn't wonder about not that kind of a friendly "hello". OORP is another thing at that point. I was there in Minor with my Corsair Osiris too with prior RP and it was no problem. I think people fail to see everything is dependent on the RP of the people. No RPing Corsairs/no RPing Order = in worst case a blue message. I can imagine if a Sair comes to Minor with very good RP he/she won't be shot if he refuses to leave because of their wanted actions there. I think, or I am just wrong, it could be the same in Gamma with an Order char if there is a valid connection to RP of the Order.

Order| tech chart change request. - Friday - 10-07-2011

Dude - take it to the Dragons feedback page if you are unhappy.

EDIT: ninja'd!

Order| tech chart change request. - Hammerstein - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Three times you got lost. Ach.

And we the Dragons don't give a damn about who you're allied with once your ship is in Kusari space (obviously excluding Okinawa and Sigmas, GMG space, their laws).
You never even asked what i do there once. I was prey for fun for you.

One Time i got lost. Zoner have stations in Kusari Taus (you know? Never let me see or hear you dock or docked a zoner station anywhere!) and zoners need to cross the space inbetween to get there.

So you kill a zoner Barge somewhere in Kusari you kill a zoner because your a terrorist that kills zoners. Order alliing with you is oorp from your side and from order side even more.

' Wrote:It's easy: You don't support Dragons and you aren't specifically heading supply Order in Minor (in your case, since you claim to be Order ally), then we're on our right to pirate you and of course shoot you if you're found in Chugoku heading to Hokkaido or Sigma 13.
I dont have to justify what i do in Minor as zoner to Blood Dragons. Next you want to shoot me in Minor and ask Order to support you or what?

Oh and MY zoner barge happed to bring a load of Deuterium to Minor JUST two days ago. I had Order escorts who can confirm. I payed them well ofcourse. My zoner Barge comes to minor to support order on a regular base. I even did the run to the secret base in Alaska once. That i did for Zoner/Order RP from my side and far as i know im the only Zoner Barge doing that.

So dont give me "And we the Dragons don't give a damn about who you're allied with" because i give allot about that and your lake of respect for that is another GOOD reason Order should kick your butt instead of kissing it.

' Wrote:And yeah, "Blood Dragon whatever" speaking here.
This is a RP-multiplayer server. You pewpew but you take no responsibility or consequence for what you do?
Go play singleplayer or start to accept the consequence of YOUR OWN RP-ACTING. Else what is the difference to anyone else cheating any other aspect of this multiplayer-RP-game here?

Order| tech chart change request. - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 10-07-2011

Hammerstein, how the Order| see the destruction of a Zoner Barge by the Blood Dragons is up to the Order| to decide, not you.

If the Order| want to ignore it in favour of better relations with the Blood Dragons, they're perfectly entitled to do so, and I think that is what is happening.