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Back to the Green Hell - ChillerMiller - 11-23-2011

She watched Rall how he was slowly moving towards the exit. '€œAgreed, had no breaks at all today.'€ To her it seemed the Admiral was thinking about something which needed his full attention and was probably the reason why he wasn'€™t answering.

'€œThank you, Admiral.'€ Rall was already out of the room and wasn'€™t able to hear the last sentence. Larissa sighed, his sudden silence made her worried. And she asked herself what work she would have to do tomorrow.

Larissa was tired, it was exhausting enough to get shot down and then getting asked questions without end, there surely were better days for her. With a sigh she closed her eyes and enjoyed the first moment of silence, but she also went through the events from today. She wondered herself what would have happened if she had avoided that story in Bering. That question wasn'€™t leaving her head and fell asleep after constantly thinking about it.

Back to the Green Hell - Razr - 11-27-2011

After nearly a day, Gunther was standing back in Larissa'€™s room; she was still sleeping not that he was surprised. She had barely anytime to recover when she first arrived to Vierlande, and had been instantaneously bombarded with questions, questions she didn'€™t have all the answers to he was sure. It was a lot for someone her age, but he considered his own position and stopped judging nearly as quickly as he started, it was simply a consequence for her action.

His mind slowly drifted back to the night before where he had yet another heated debate with Higham. He knew when he brought up Larissa'€™s request it wouldn'€™t go over easy, maybe not at all. It had barely been nine hours ago, the red hue her face had borrowed for the duration of the conversation was something of a perfect match for her hair. He was never good at calming her down especially, as she stood there in the doorway of his office, yelling at him.

'€œYou must be kidding me! Since when do we honor the requests of deserts and attempted murderers?!'€ her yelling echoed through the halls as she walked to his desk, slamming her hand down on the flat wooden surface.

'€œVerena, you'€™ve attempted and succeeding in murdering many people in the past, and will do so in the future. What makes you any different? The fact it wasn'€™t someone that harmed an agenda set by those above you. Ultimately the ones that controlled your '€˜fate'€™ so to speak, so please refrain from trying to take the '€˜high road'€™ your actions mirror her attempts, only yours were successful. If you want to talk about who is or isn'€™t a criminal, simply look in the mirror.'€
He watched her comfortable from his office chair, hearing her breath pass by, as it came out in heavy sighs.

'€œFeel free you look for any loophole you can find, send her through the tests, the simulators, critique as harshly as you want. You'€™re the one always complaining that I coddle the potential recruits, keeping them out longer than necessary. You'€™re the one that is constantly insisting we need as many resourceful pilots as we can get our hands on in the current situation that we'€™re in. And you'€™re the one that continues to bear down on those who are fresh, causing them to break down or leave. Are you for us or against us? It'€™s a pretty obvious question I know, but just do what you do best, and make sure she passes your standards.'€ He stopped speaking at that point, waiting for her to make her protest; he was surprised she hadn'€™t interrupted sooner.

Higham had actually calmed down somewhere in the middle of the lecture, surprised by its content to a certain extent. She felt that Gunther was being bold for blaming certain shortcomings on her alone, and not his overly protective attitude. These weren'€™t kids at a daycare, they were men and women who had agreed to give their life away to Rheinland at the Kanzler'€™s discretion. If what he said was true, she guessed she could pretend to strike a deal, and see how long it took for this young girl to break; now that she thought about it properly, she was being put into a position to have fun.

'€œSo, we'€™re going by my standards?'€
she asked, just to confirm they were on the same page.

Gunther simply nodded, not wanting to get into another lecture or get Verena on another tangent. Once she started, there was almost no stopped her, especially if she was angry. If Larissa was serious about her request she was going to have to fight for it, and actually earn it. Even though he knew it was fair, Gunther couldn'€™t help but feel sorry for the girl that was peacefully sleeping away in front of him, as if she was in the home, and bed she had been in all her years.

Back to the Green Hell - ChillerMiller - 11-27-2011

Larissa slowly opened her eyes, she had slept for quite some time now. She was still a bit dizzy and looked around in the room, asking herself where she was. The memories came back when she saw Rall standing in her room. He seemed to look quite worried.

'€œGuess I slept the whole day.'€ She yawned and looked at Rall. '€œDo you have any news for me ?'€

The Admiral remained silent and started to walk around in the room, like he did the past day. Again the movement made her nervous and so did the silence.

'€œYou'€™ll be given a chance. Higham will take care of you, so you know what to expect.'€

Larissa smiled after she had heard that, it was unexpected for her.

'€œWell...that'€™s quite surprising to say the least.'€

Back to the Green Hell - Razr - 11-27-2011

Gunther stood in place, watching Larissa'€™s smile, quietly judging her. He was sure she didn'€™t quite understand that this although good news, wasn'€™t happy news. Gunther remembered his time in military training had been rather miserable, and even he had not had to deal with someone as unpleasant as Verena Higham. She was good at her job, no one ever said otherwise, but she was hardly on anyone'€™s list of wanted company. She always had this arrogant air about her that would make those who were '€œless accomplished'€ feel somewhat low in morale, and her low tolerance for failure, even in herself made those still learning too anxious to function properly.

He decided there was no time like the present to make sure that smile also came with a sense of understanding.

'€œWhile it is a surprise, it'€™s not completely a pleasant one. I doubt this will be like training for the Liberty Navy; the sad thing is that it won'€™t necessarily be better, just tougher. Rheinland is known and proud for the strict discipline that it instills into '€“most- of their pilots. You could say that Vizeadmiral Higham is the very embodiment of such an idea. She simply wants you under her wing for the opportunity to find a simple hole in what would make you a valid candidate as an officer in the Rheinwehr. You could say it'€™s a bit of a gamble.'€ He paused as Larissa stopped smiling, though she didn'€™t appear to be scared or discouraged. The look she gave him was more inquiring than anything else.

'€œWell, obviously if you don'€™t pass, she'€™s not going to just give you citizenship and a clean slate. She will most likely just toss you in a cell. She may ask you to do things most of those in training would never be capable of; it'€™s kind of the consequences of having to be trained at her discretion, nothing I could really argue against. She'€™s also not too concerned about what shape you'€™re in as you begin exams and sims tomorrow. I guess that means you shouldn'€™t be awake too long, whatever you decide to do within the confines of Vierlande, not that it'€™s too much of a treat, but you'€™re free to roam around as you please until tomorrow.'€

With his lecture over, Gunther walked over to the bed, and sat quietly on the edge, he would be surprised if she didn'€™t give up soon and just take a cell.

Back to the Green Hell - ChillerMiller - 11-28-2011

'€œHeh. Failure is not an option. I better do my best and succeed in all those tests and simulations before I get thrown into a cell in which I will rot for god knows how long.'€

Her tone seemed extremely helpless, she made no secret out of it that she was afraid to fail with the upcoming tasks. But there was no way back and she knew that.

'€œIt was hard enough in Liberty to get accepted as a Rheinlander, but there'€™s one thing I'€™m sharing with my sisters. All of us are damn stubborn and it takes a lot of effort to '€˜break'€™ us.'€

It was hard for herself to believe what she just had said, she searched for an excuse to feel a bit stronger and didn'€™t really care if she would look stupid in front of Rall.

'€œThanks for the offer, but I'€™ll stay in this room, there is no reason for me to '€˜explore'€™ this station...'€

Back to the Green Hell - Razr - 11-29-2011

Gunther simply nodded, offering the most reassuring smile he could. It always seemed to make him look younger than he was, it didn'€™t help that his face most always remained completely shaven, something he had picked up from his mother'€™s complaining when he first began to grow facial hair. Even though he managed not to think about it often, his age bothered him. He wished the years would speed up, feeling there was not really anything worth waiting on. His 24th birthday had recently pasted a couple months back; he had spent the entire day in bed, simply waiting for the day to come to its conclusion.

He felt a twinge of pity listening to, and seeing how lost she felt. Maybe that'€™s how he was able to justify what he was doing to himself, he knew what he was doing wasn'€™t right, it just wasn'€™t wrong either. He wondered if Larissa felt how he felt about time, or if she would come to during her stay here. Every time he went on this path of thought it became more depressing, that Rheinland would continue to eat itself, as all the future generations lost love for their nation. He was simply waiting for the point where they would start to be born without it to begin with.

He shook his head briefly to find Larissa staring at him, with her head cocked to one side. He must'€™ve seemed odd sitting there, staring with some kind of odd smile while he had completely spaced out.
'€œSorry.'€ He muttered in apology.

He gave her a while to speak, but nothing came, so he stood back up, taking in his surroundings again. The room, like every other one in the hospital was still spotless, the tiles on the floor seem too shiny in a surreal way, as if someone was purposely trying too hard. He could still smell the disinfectant in the air without effort. He never really talked about it, but hospitals always made him feel uneasy, he would'€™ve preferred a cell personally.
'€œGet dressed, I'€™ll wait outside,'€ Gunther finally piped up, ignoring Larissa'€™s protests from earlier.

He didn'€™t mind seeming so rude in demanding this time in particular. If you'€™re going to spend your time doing things that are physically demanding, it'€™s good to prepare the body, and he still found the hospital to be too depressing to sit in without a break if you were capable of moving.
'€œWe'€™ll just have a quick tour.'€ He said before walking out.

Back to the Green Hell - ChillerMiller - 11-29-2011


Larissa closed her eyes for some minutes before she stood up from the bed and looked around in the room.

'€œGet dressed he said. But with what clothes ?'€

She looked around in the closets and found nothing. It took her some minutes to be finally successful with the search. Somewhere lying on a small desk she found her Liberty Navy uniform. Larissa grabbed it and took a closer look on it.

'€œHmmm, it'€™ll be probably the last time for me to wear this uniform...'€

She sighed as it felt like a loss for her, she always liked the Navy uniform with its blue colors with a touch of red on the shoulders, including the Liberty star. It took her some time to dress her with the uniform and once that was done she looked at herself in the mirror. A smirk followed after she imagined herself in a green Military uniform and then she tried to fix her red hair. It was pure chaos after lying for so many hours and she hated it when her hair wasn'€™t looking good. She left the room after she was done and entered the hallways where Rall was waiting for her. Larissa didn'€™t say a word and noticed the bypassing persons looked quite surprised after seeing the Liberty uniform.

'€œI'€™m feeling like an idiot with that uniform.'€ Were her thoughts while she silently stood in front of Rall.

Back to the Green Hell - Razr - 12-02-2011

Gunther flashed a smile, trying to lighten the mood, but in truth he was also testing Larissa. He was curious as to how she would hold up with a blaring target on her back, not that Higham didn'€™t see one already without the uniform. Gunther knew full well what it was like to be the black sheep, a bit of subtle preparation for one'€™s mental toughness.
'€œNice fashion statement, you'€™re making there.'€ He kept his tone casual.

Without so much as a word, he began to walk away from Larissa'€™s door, expecting her to follow as common sense would dictate. The hallways of the hospital were no different than the rooms, bland white walls, made from what Rall assumed was sheet rock, their reflections appearing on the waxed, white tiled floors. As usual the door of every patient was closed for one reason or another, as most were enemies of the state anyway. This also meant most doors were locked from the outside rather than in.

For security reasons, the hallway throughout the hospital was irregularly long, and there were no turns. This left one way in, and one way out. The exit from the patients'€™ ward, all shared by every patient in the care of Vierlande'€™s medical staff, led to a small and rather bare reception area. It did fine as none of its occupants would have family visiting, nor was there ever a long wait to enter someone into a doctor'€™s care.

Gunther noticed as they entered the main lobby, the only receptionist behind the desk, a young man he didn'€™t quite recognize was giving them an odd look. It wasn'€™t hard to discern he was staring at Larissa, most likely her uniform. Gunther walked over to the desk, waving him off to signal that everything was fine as he approached.

Back to the Green Hell - ChillerMiller - 12-02-2011

'€œIf I was alone and he had a gun, he wouldn'€™t hesitate to shoot me.'€ were Larissa'€™s thoughts when she watched the receptionist looking at her. But it was sure for her that almost everybody who is somehow connected to the Military would do the same. It was a natural reaction for her, she was wearing a Navy uniform, it forces the Rheinlanders to think she is the enemy. It was a similar situation when she was in Liberty, though it was not as hostile as in Rheinland.

She leaned against the wall and watched Rall talking with the receptionist, he seemed like a similar person like Higham to her, with an hostile attitude, generally a person Larissa would like to avoid. The talk between those two got ignored by her, she wasn'€™t really interested in it. She stared at the wall and started to think about the next days.

'€œI bet Higham will torture me with her tests and she will probably enjoy it...'€ she could imagine Higham standing in front of her, laughing at Larissa'€™s failing. It was her goal to avoid that situation. '€œShe won'€™t win this.'€ Larissa clenched her fist, she would punch the next Rheinlander who dared it to look strange at her, but then she realized it would earn her a stay in a cell, so she swallowed her anger and calmed down a little.

Rall had turned around and notified her with a nod that the '€˜tour'€™ would continue now and Larissa walked over to him, completely ignoring the receptionist.

Back to the Green Hell - Razr - 12-06-2011

Gunther sighed to himself, watching the expression on Meyer'€™s face as he stared at Larissa like she had punched him in the face or offended him in some manner only he was aware of. Gunther gave him a pat on the shoulder, and walked off with Larissa in tow. Somehow he got the feeling he was defusing a situation. He led Larissa out of the hospital itself, a red sign flashing above their head with a shield signaling the entry, or exit in this case to the hospital.

The inner workings of Vierlande were always so boring to Gunther; it reflected its outside shell perfectly. Every intersection had four directions, each of which eventually looped back into a central hallway, leading to the hangar. Maybe it did seem effective for a prison, three ways to cut off potential escapees. As the pair made it to the intersection where all four pathways merged, taking a right Gunther led them into the Hangar, the entryway already opened.

The first thing he took notice of was the smell of burning steel, there were several engineers running about the hangar, fitting weapons, ammunition, and repairing ships, including the Eagle that Larissa had damaged earlier. His interests, however were directed somewhere else, he began walking towards a military grade fighter, the same one he flew on most of his patrols. Gunther pressed his palm against the hull as if he were feeling for some kind of nick, he dragged his hand across its side briefly.

'€œDo you know what a wraith is?'€
He asked Larissa without actually turning around to look at her.