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Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Petitioner - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:You been around for awhile and know, as I do, that these faction have existed throughout multiple updates. Aside from their very personal you see anything, ANYTHING at all outside their personal spheres that have any mention of these factions let alone show any change due to them?

Edit add: :laugh: Someone else pointed out my mistake with the word canon. Thanks :)
It doesn't matter. What you said is they are canonically non-existent. The Bundschuh haven't changed anything outside of Rheinland. They haven't even changed anything INSIDE of Rheinland. They're sure as [redacted] hell there, aren't they?

Anyways, getting back on-track.
This affects absolutely everyone. I can only speak for Bundschuh, and, to a small extent, IMG, though I'll refrain from commenting on the latter.

A small group, the Bundschuh rely on their strong friendships with others to survive, regardless of what Nooberlin hipsters donate. They rely on assistance from the Unioners in acquiring parts to repair their ships. These parts are stolen from Republican. The Unioners, Hessians, Bundschuh, and the LWB, all more than likely use the same parts in their gun technology. Ships might be a different matter, and I'll discuss those in later posts. But this is just a short example of why this doesn't make sense for some factions.

I'll be taking questions after the lecture, and selling copies of my book: FIX DEVS PLOX, An Argument Against Insanity.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - mayu20 - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:You been around for awhile and know, as I do, that these faction have existed throughout multiple updates. Aside from their very personal you see anything, ANYTHING at all outside their personal spheres that have any mention of these factions let alone show any change due to them?

Edit add: :laugh: Someone else pointed out my mistake with the word canon. Thanks :)

Then show me changes of other factions? As I can see only Galia makeing changes in Sirius, in Bretonia and Kusari more exactly. How could HF or SCRA make a change? We do those changes inRP.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - ProwlerPC - 12-17-2011

Yes, back on topic. I should at least place my thought on this.

My main question is; what kind of nerf are we talking about? Is it possible that we can see some approximate numbers. For the most part I'm fine with this new idea but the numbers can certainly change persons opinion in an instant. I'm also not capable, at the moment, of fully seeing a big picture on how this can turn out quite yet nor how far of an impact it will have. Certainly (even though my non-canon argument projects a belittling tone to their efforts) the three groups I've mentioned are long time important parts of the community having defenetely made their RP part of the average person's ingame experience and we see them being effected. How much more will we find under the same predicaments? This isn't a tiny change that's happening but I'm willing to test it out and see how it goes. My hope is that it's not a hasty decision. If it was, I'm pretty sure we will all be knowing soon enough.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Seylah - 12-17-2011

Old factions like HF and SCRA should be grandfathered under the new system.

New players wanting to "techmix" should be expected to earn the equipment in the game through actual roleplay (not just by posting a request on the forums) just like the HF did.

I stopped playing Discovery for a long time so I'm pretty newb to 4.85, but I used to play alot in 4.83/4.84 and I remember the HF's roleplay back when I used to be in LSF. It was good and unique and I would hate to see factions like this suffer because of the possibility that other people abuse the tech chart.

Old factions with standing RP should be grandfathered in. I support the "techmixing" nerf because it will be good for those who actually want to earn their equipment and it will prevent people who don't want to roleplay from owning things they shouldn't.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Azan27 - 12-17-2011

I have yet to hear a solid set of numbers for this, but I agree with Prowler.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Veygaar - 12-17-2011

[Image: popcorn2.gif]

I think we should stop complaining and wait and see how it really is, then give feedback during beta...

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Blighter - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:You been around for awhile and know, as I do, that these faction have existed throughout multiple updates. Aside from their very personal you see anything, ANYTHING at all outside their personal spheres that have any mention of these factions let alone show any change due to them?

I'm afraid you don't.
But just because there's no infocards mentioning the SCRA or HF or the AGS- anywhere, doesn't mean we ain't canon, unless if we take the complete existence of in-game play and forum RP out of the picture. In that case, yes, we ARE NOT canon.

Nor is the [RHA], because no infocard I've seen mentions Major Gunther Hoerst, or Brigadegeneral Kaspar Meisnerr.
Nor is the TBH, as no infocard mentions Elders Miguel Sephardi or Juan Montoya, nor Tribune Skyelius.
Nor is the Order|, as no Admiral Golanski is mentioned. Neither is Dustin "Dboy" Hoff.
And the [LN] isn't either, because there is no mention of Fleet Admiral David Hale, there is no mention of former Admirals Christopher Phelps or John Talon.
The XA as well is not, as there is no mention of David "Copperhead" Chambers. There is no mention of Jonathon Jones.
There is no mention of them. There is no mention of Phantoms like Virus or Onyx or even Dark Star.

None of those exist to my knowledge, and if they do then only in the Guard Systems of the respective factions, or as tiny in-jokes per NPC names, like there is a Mia Bonello in the Corsair Guard system on one base.

None of us are canon this way, if canon is the infocards and NPCs found in house-space and vanilla systems then we're all non-canon.

But all those exist or have existed, and IF we disregard just that they do not have nor will have infocard mentions outside of "Guard Systems" which the respective factions sort of own and can do with as they please, then they ALL become canon. HF, AGS-, SCRA, XA, LN, with all their players behind them shape the canon and are part of it this way.

The other way, we're acting as representatives, but ultimately in terms of lore, we are nothing.

EDIT: This is neither here or there however.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Petitioner - 12-17-2011

Prowler, you and I successfully derailed this.:cool:

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - mayu20 - 12-17-2011

Do I have to remind you what Freelancer was? The original one? IT was a game where you could take your decisions, what's best, what ship and guns to use, etc. Where you could actualy be a Freelancer and choose your stuff. I guess this is where Freelancer ends and Discovery 4.86 starts.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - NixOlympica - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:The matter of what happened to Bret and Rheinland was a pretty funny but still it was some kinda experimental punishment to wake up the two sides who were breaking the cannon lore in an exceedingly glaring fashion when both these houses were not doing so well with the actual wars they had (and were ignoring). I thought it was pretty funny but I hold no illusions to what that really was.

edit add: ask the devs if they took that event seriously when making .86

Excuse me but I just call bull**** on this. As far as I know it was agreed on that faction should have more power of the lore and the change of ownership of those stations/battleship was just a testing shot. Seriously if the way here is now "100% canon, faction politics not fitting are going to be retconed" why the hell to even play here? You could play a singleplayer for that with (and now excuse me again) much better story than "big bad frenchies are gonna attack us and then whole Sirius unites and kicks their buts". Why do we need those constant updates then? Why to even play some larger RP that "greedy Mercenary Bob", "good policeman Jim", "angry pirate Charles"".