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Main discovery balance problem - Xenosaga - 12-22-2011

' Wrote:You do realize these are huge changes right?

Try fighting a turret-steering GB with VHFs or bombers than have 1/4 of the current number of bots it's quite different.

I wouldn't mind disabling turret-steering for gunboats altogether. There simply is no need, because they are already extremely strong.

' Wrote:Also if you just add 100 m/s to everything the fast guns that are already easy to hit with (750m/s ones) will get just a bit better. The 600 m/s guns that are hard to hit with will get a lot more hits.

Most current 750m/s guns however, are very energy inefficient. Like all 8.33 guns and Gaian/GC 5.88s. And hitting small-sized dodgers with 750m/s guns STILL is a pain and makes fights more tedious than exciting.

Main discovery balance problem - ... kur nubėgo? - 12-23-2011

Battles of capital ships are won by causing damage (mostly)
Battles of snubcrafts are won by avoiding damage (mostly)

I don't see even the slightest of problem in that.

Main discovery balance problem - Names - 12-23-2011

Buff fighter projectile speeds, and maybe range
Nerf fighter armour

That would, imo, fix the ridiculously long fights and give escorts the ability to do more than just scout ahead.

However, whatever the devs decide goes.

Main discovery balance problem - Veygaar - 12-23-2011

' Wrote:Battles of capital ships are won by causing damage (mostly)
Battles of snubcrafts are won by avoiding damage (mostly)

I don't see even the slightest of problem in that.

I fly capitals and snubs and all in-between.

The problem isn't that one group of ships is stronger than the other, the problem is that the complainers just suck at whatever they're flying.

Main discovery balance problem - Nicolas - 12-23-2011

That doesn`t change the fact that an escort of fighters barely is able to defend a trader from one or two bombers. That really should be fixed.

Main discovery balance problem - Govedo13 - 12-23-2011

I would say that cruiser escorted by 1 fighter should be able to survive enough under the attack of fighter and bomber till his escort eliminate the bomber, even full solaris cruiser have problem with that, so yes fighters do a way too much dmg to the caps and a way to less dmg to the bombers- the fix is really easy- reduce the fighters dps and increase their projective speed. It is not normal in big fight one bomber to have more worth then one cruiser and to be able to do more damage then it.

Main discovery balance problem - Black Widow - 12-23-2011

Yes PVP sucks in DISCO as its completely unbalanced, like how a bomber can produce a 1 Shot Kill Weapon SNAC that deals 132,000 Dmg from barely 30k of Energy where as Cruisers have to use up 1Mill of energy to produce a 150,000 Dmg Projectile, where is the balance there that bombers are so super powered compared to Caps??

Also what sucks in Disco is that Fighter to Fighter Combat is unbalanced, when a Titan (slow turning heavy ship) with refire 2.0 Codenames can pwn a Eagle(fast turning vhf) with refire 4 weapons then you know there is something wrong. Give back the Eagle in its former glory and remove under powered ship mods with lower hulls and powercores like the eagle used to have 9900 Hit Pts now only 9200 Hit Pts (joke).

Its a real shame for such a great mod the fighting side of it has been pathetic so far, so much so that I get more enjoyment out of flying my liner than I do my eagle!
Hope 4.86 will fixx this! Then again knowing Disco Community and its lolRPer's that wont happen!!

p.s. Do you ever get that feeling, that a masterpiece is nearly perfect but somethings just not right yet?
That feeling applies here I think

Main discovery balance problem - ... kur nubėgo? - 12-23-2011

' Wrote:I would say that cruiser escorted by 1 fighter should be able to survive enough under the attack of fighter and bomber till his escort eliminate the bomber, even full solaris cruiser have problem with that, so yes fighters do a way too much dmg to the caps and a way to less dmg to the bombers- the fix is really easy- reduce the fighters dps and increase their projective speed. It is not normal in big fight one bomber to have more worth then one cruiser and to be able to do more damage then it.

orly? And by what messure players in big ships should have better opportunities to survive longer than those who prefer to go with snubcrafts? From what you are arising this supremacy issue of one side of players compared to others?

Anyway. A bomber and fighter to take out a cruisser and a fighter ... should be aces at what they are doing. It's not something what happens every day. While of course some hardcore pvp guys will engage in such battles and might win. Becouse it's challanging and fun. But that doesn't mean it happens on regular basis as you tried to portrait in your post and not by meaningless shieldrunning either.

Quote:Also what sucks in Disco is that Fighter to Fighter Combat is unbalanced, when a Titan (slow turning heavy ship) with refire 2.0 Codenames can pwn a Eagle(fast turning vhf) with refire 4 weapons then you know there is something wrong.

1) eagle is a civilian generic ship.
2) it has potencial but if you can't use it properly it's not the fault of balance.

Yes it is possible to counter manouver eagle in a titan if titan guy knows what he is doing. And what's wrong with it?

Main discovery balance problem - Black Widow - 12-23-2011

' Wrote:1) eagle is a civilian generic ship.
2) it has potencial but if you can't use it properly it's not the fault of balance.

Yes it is possible to counter manouver eagle in a titan if titan guy knows what he is doing. And what's wrong with it?

Eagle has been modded to be less agile and have less hull than it was originally given by Microsoft, it is thus unbalanced and a pathetic excuse for a ship

Main discovery balance problem - Ursus - 12-23-2011

Remove mines from fighters, balance them with gun/missile directed firepower