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Remove Connecticut - Tomtomrawr - 01-06-2012

' Wrote:How is that discovery?
Why are you trying to take the title of the mod so literally?

The effort that was put into making the Gallic Core systems could have made drastic improvements to every system in 4.85. It could have changed everything, helping reduce the number of frankly pointless and ridiculous systems.

Remove Connecticut - dodike - 01-06-2012

' Wrote:Why are you trying to take the title of the mod so literally?
Because I've seen other people doing it a lot and it was annoying to the point when I decided to joined them.

Remove Connecticut - aerelm - 01-06-2012

  • There's no actual disco "PvP" server.*
  • If Conn gets removed, people will just pvp in guard systems.

    So your argument is invalid.
* Don't say Disco of Disco, cause it's just a fun server. DoD is not stable enough to be considered a pvp server.

Remove Connecticut - Tomtomrawr - 01-06-2012

' Wrote:
  • There's no actual disco "PvP" server.*
  • If Conn gets removed, people will just pvp in guard systems.

    So your argument is invalid.
* Don't say Disco of Disco, cause it's just a fun server. DoD is not stable enough to be considered a pvp server.
Thank you. Although it would be awesome to bring the PvP server back with Bulldognk in charge. (j/k)

Edit: Aerelm, I don't think you were around when there used to be a PvP server. It was a long time ago...

Remove Connecticut - Govedo13 - 01-07-2012

' Wrote:We need constant add-ons of new systems to discover. Otherwise what's point of playing "Discovery"?
It is ok but in this case someone need to be wiped out too in order to distribute players right- for example removing 10 systems and adding 10 new will be fine.:)

Remove Connecticut - Jayce - 01-07-2012

Conn is cool, don't be a moron and try to remove it.

Yes, I mad.

Remove Connecticut - Jaman45 - 01-07-2012

dude whats the point? its just one system, people like to have fun with it
players can chill out with there fav ships
make up fun events
do training with any ship

aerelm] There's no actual disco PvP" server.*[/quote Wrote:{Discovery of Discovery} - i can say disco of disco cause it obviously is a PVP server

[quote="aerelm]If Conn gets removed, people will just pvp in guard systems.
I would say guard systems are to be an oasis to get away from invading trolololowuts

so.... bam..

Remove Connecticut - dodike - 01-07-2012

' Wrote:It is ok but in this case someone need to be wiped out too in order to distribute players right- for example removing 10 systems and adding 10 new will be fine.:)
Why 10? All systems that has already been discovered should be removed.

Remove Connecticut - Jihadjoe - 01-08-2012

' Wrote:This sound nice to me. How feasible is this?

I'm no code monkey, but I'd imagine since it'd be related to the .beam command, very possible.

' Wrote:First possible exploit I see, though, is using the /conn - /home command for instant travel. A corsair smuggler brings their artifacts to New York, or Gallia (assuming they pay well), sells the artifacts, /conn , /home , repeat.

People could also use it to regroup from anywhere, no matter how spread out. Though if this would be bad or not I am not sure.

Any alternatives to the /home command?

I'd imagine a method could be found, perhaps rather than returning you to a 'home' base, it just puts you back on the last base you docked outside conneticut.

' Wrote:Hm, how about something like the /pimpship command? Can only be done inside a base. So, /conn will take you to Connecticut, and /return will take you back to the base you had used the /conn command at.

...for obvious reasons, the /conn command will not work in Connecticut bases.


(also, <strike>with this proposed /conn - /return method, you do not need to empty your cargo hold....</strike> nevermind, just thought how that could be exploited, too. Player A brings 5000 X to Connecticut, swaps them with Player B for 5000 Y, both do /return, profit, repeat. sigh Hrm.)

(another also, I just discovered what the ??? is in the Profit equation. /return . Yay.)

You've struck opon the major issue with creating a /conn command while the jumphole to NY is still in existance as well...

Get junker transport, fly it to alpha, buy cardi, undock, /conn, sell on manhattan for massive profit, and no travel time.

But overall, I think the idea would be a workable one. It's an idea that's come up in the admin forums before now and been discussed, but there are (fairly understandably) more important things which need doing at the moment. If I had the ability to, I'd make it happen myself but sadly I can't. (damn this brain and all it's inadaquecies)

Remove Connecticut - bigal_250 - 01-12-2012

If a flhook command was installed to control movement into and out of Connecticut, then logically the JH to NY would be locked / removed to stop exploits.

Ends up being like Bastille, only a command can get you there.