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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Printable Version

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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - MB52 - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:Now THAT is efficiency. I never said you guys were inefficient, in fact, your guys said they were inefficient. I said that I like to think you guys are efficient...

I have to apologize then, apparently I'm not efficient at reading posts. :unsure:

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - BaconSoda - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:I have to apologize then, apparently I'm not efficient at reading posts. :unsure:

' Wrote:I had actually just gotten back from patrol in Cali, more accurately, had just ran from a gunboat and 2 VHFs. We didn't all gang the poor nomad guy, only LSF/SA did, we sat there trying to make them stop. I'd also like to point out that the vast majority of us weren't set up yet, with a whopping... 3? not in patriots. And, like zapp said,it's our job to be incompetent. We just fly around and have fun, eat donuts, hit on LPI-Diana, the works.


That's ok, I can't really read posts all that well after 9o'clock either....

I am just rather angry that I can't hold any connection in New York, and that all of you guys were there, doing, what seemed to be, almost nothing. Sorry if I seemed rather offensive.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Zapp - 03-26-2008

Yeah, even though the LPI is definitely incompetent, we're better at enforcing Liberty Law than the LSF. I've actually been told that by someone in all serious. Quote: What's the LSF even there for? (anonymous)

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Vape - 03-26-2008

reason why the LSF isnt doing much law enforement now is because we are overhauling our structure atm. (changing things internally and rebasing ship)

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - SimonBlack - 03-26-2008

LSF needs command as soon as possible. There is nothing worse than LPI telling LSF to cut the babbling.

I always patrol California, usually sticking to LA, because it should be most secure and I get raped A LOT. By A LOT I mean a huge amount of rape. That is a lot of rape... (:D) I see other guys sitting at New York, I usually do patrols in California alone. (yesterday was different had Larry and that other guy patrolling it too)

LPI roleplay incompetent, but actually they do most of the law keeping done (aside from millitary stuff).

GUYS, please dont camp New York

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Etaphreven - 03-26-2008

If I were to lead LSF, I'd place most of my units near Willard and in Alaska.. they're supposed to be 'secret', right?

EDIT: I would also not use a carrier as a flagship. I mean, isn't it a bit too obvious for a secret organization? Your 'flagship' should be a base. But, meh.. I know you folks don't even care about this.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - kingvaillant - 03-26-2008

Eta, thats one of our ideas lol

and we are rethinking about the fate of the Goliath too

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Etaphreven - 03-26-2008

Watcha mean it's 'one of your ideas'? I didn't stealz0rs anything. >.<

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - kingvaillant - 03-26-2008

When We say re-thinking everything, we are looking at evey aspect

Although I wont state everything now,,, nothing is official yet. If At the end of the month (6 days) I get no news from Sniper. We will make an official decision

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Simsonator - 03-26-2008

Believe me, King is trying his darn hardest to get the LSF up to how it should be. He has listened to myself and others, and is trying to make the LSF work. The fact of the matter is that the LSF are not there to kill people. And there was nothing more annoying with my ex lsf pilot, than receiving messages to me saying there was an OC BS in New York, but yet the SA were told nothing. I know the LSF need to change, but people need to start realising that the majority of the LSF personnel are trying to change their roleplay to be more secret, and getting messages that would be better off addressed to the Navy bods, is not helping with that change.

Edit: When i say not there to kill people, i mean in the sense that the navy should kill people.