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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sand_Spider - 06-07-2008 Source: Ouray base, Colorado system. Comm ID: Sam Willis. Subject: Status Report. Well, we had a successful raid at the Colorado Jump Gate in New York today; we took many pilots passing by hostage. There was a Navy guy and a Rogue that were on the scene when I arrived a little late, and they both found themselves in David Chamber's Cargo hold. There was also a police officer named Matt, who also attempted to engage us. After much time wasted, both sides called a draw, and Matt fled. Upon returning to Colorado, I stayed behind at the Jump Gate to pillage more transports and their escorts. I had no use for the cargo floating about, so I yelled to all in the system that there were free commodities at the New York Jump Gate. I was only interested in collateral damage, and the seizing of police, navy, and Rogue pilots. One of the Traders that arrived on the scene, ship name Flint.Cannon, seemed so intimidated by my mass destruction of -almost- everything in sight, that he dropped 2 Sirius credit cards he was carrying, each worth one million credits, I never even asked for them! Shows how eager people are to support the Xenos these days.. Jumping into my bomber, I launched from Ouray to hear that a certain person, Eduardo_Lope, was mining copper and shooting down Xenos. He was foolish enough to spill out his position in the public channel, which lead me to him being near the Kepler Jump Hole. Alas, unfortunately I was unable to get him to drop the 11 Xeno pilots he had with him, or catch and destroy him and retake the Xeno pilots. I gave him a good chase, but he escaped my grasp.. I suggest putting him on the "Kill on sight" list until he pays reparations for the tragedy he has committed. It will take me a couple of hours to assess the damages done to both of my ships, but I am hoping the damages are nothing a little self-mechanic work can't fix. Sam Willis, advanced mechanic, out.. *Message ends...* Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Zavier - 06-07-2008 Source: Ouray Base, Colorado Comm ID: Wing Leader Leo "Cobra" Matthews, Squadron Training Officer. Source: Edward Morris is no more! Mornin', Chaps! As you may know, A few of us Xeno Alliance top-hat people had found out about an outcast Destroyer circling Ouray, so what the heck, we decided to blow it up! Viper, Copperhead, and several others joined in the attack, but only three of us survived the explosion of the bloody thing. Its name was johns_Raider, learn it, hate it, destroy it. Anyway, we heard that Edward Morris was comin' atus from about 40k due "west" from Ouray, so we (Bushmaster in an Eagle, Copperhead and I in our Taiidan Shoeboxes, although mine is -much- sexier with its shiny silver coat.) We exchanged the usual pleasantries, opened fire, dropped his shield a few times, then I started takin' hits from his freakin' missiles! That little Lane hacker gunship is really a hard target when theres so many missiles flyin' about, your targetting system is trying to say "What the hell, man?" But anyway, He died veeeery simply! How simple? Well, Copperhead and I decided to punch his ticket with these shiney boomcannons we got. We dumbfired 'em while firin' our widows and alas! He went boom! Thats all I can remember before I got drunk, sorry fellas. Tune in another time! *Transmission interrupted* Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reverend Del - 06-07-2008 ---Accessing Communications Database--- Comm ID: Nathan "Coachwhip" Williamson Greetings, Brothers and Sisters. Yes I'm back. Having spent the last month down in Barrow trying to get that hive of madmen and psycopaths to follow the damn rules and not just kill everything in sight. I had to transport a few of the folks from Ouray, some of the more trustworthy ones, to replace some of the higher ups in Barrow. Seems they didn't tkae kindly to being told how to operate their affairs. It was with great prejudice I informed them that I didn't care and somethings had to change. Which of course meant I ended up a few heads short of a conclave. I swear working in Barrow makes you colder than you ought to be. I really can't wait to get back in the swing of things up here at Ouray. Really get flying again, I do hate being groundsided even if it is to aid our cause. You know it was never my intention to ride this high. I always just wanted to fly my ship and shoot at the bad guys. But it's become less clear who the bad guys are since my life changed so massively. But nevermind, that's not something you need to hear. Or want to is my guess. Back to the topic in hand. Barrow's been put on more of a interdiction footing. Trying to keep that damn Rheinland produce out of Liberty. As such we have an uneasy truce with the rank and file unioners down Bering way. Neither of us strays from our appointed territories, Xenos stick to the Liberty side, Unioners to the Rheinland side. Fel free to space em if you see em in our part of that system. Oh and the freeport is still obviously neutral territory, don't do anything to annoy the locals there, we need that freeport. Well that's pretty much me done. Hopefully my next report will be a combat report. Coachwhip Out. ---Withdrawing from Comunications Database.--- Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Dusty Lens - 06-10-2008 Combat after-action report, 6/9/817 Patrol Tango 63, consisting of one long rang recon bomber piloted by David Copperhead Chambers departed Ouray at 1700 hours bound for Texas system. Patrol encountered a Lane Hacker gunship, the renowned crazy Edward Morris with some minion of his, Lord Imapwnu. I dragged him into the debris field in hope of dampening his vessels ECM capabilities in addition to reducing his chances of requesting backup. His minion played well at preventing my nova from recharging, upon whom I couldnt bring myself to return fire, fearing firing on his starflea would bring me some grief back home, though it played heck on the fight. The battle ended in a draw, with my vessels damage board showing more red than not and his own throwing off a few more flames than anything had any right to. I broke contact and returned to Ouray for a hasty refit. Pending a few moments downtime for the wrench monkeys to weld a few fresh bit of armor scrap onto the hull of my ship, I re-launched in joint patrol with Landon Gopher Kramer and White Dahlia, on loan from one of our sister squadrons, to perform a hit and run operation on the Newark supply depots. The strike was a success, doubly so for the lack of any signifigant military presence in the vicinity. The lack of offensive units in the local area prompted my ordering that we engage secondary mission objectives, interdiction of trade coming through the pipe towards Newark. Despite the heavy element of risk associated with performing such missions in the heart of Liberty, the ongoing effort to enforce the Rheinland blockade seems to have taken a toll on the local laws ability to scramble any means of quick action response and we were able to act with impunity. In the process we downed the trade vessels Hal9000, MakaRoni and Some other bloke in addition to Jonas Happy, a lippy Junker who reckoned he would mouth off to some Xenos at the wrong time. This orgy of success was peaked in the form of an errant Liberty cruiser, doubtless off of its patrol path, that fell into our little net. The Enchanted put up a stiff fight but was ultimately downed by our small crew of fighters. At this point we overheard some panicky broadcasts that an Outcast destroyer was flying by Fort Bush, raising cain and upsetting the locals, being the good citizens that we are (and possibly having destroyed the vessel ordered to interdict the destroyer) it seemed prudent to see if we couldnt urge the fellow to make his way out of Liberty space. Perhaps in a hurry. Perhaps in a oh no Im on fire hurry. The fight was brief, but well worth the enjoyment of an accompanying explosion. Given that too much success was a given recipe for disaster, the three of us broke for Ouray to replenish our supplies. With a yawn he stood up and walked away from the keyboard. The evening had proceeded to grow even more heated, and troublesome, from there. But that's all he had time for before the call of the rack proved overwhelming. Switching the machine off David stumbled slowly to his small bunk, attempting to ignore the various pains brought on by an evening of high G turns and stressed combat. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 06-12-2008 Having recently got his Kushan Freighter back into order, Glenn finally moved it back to Ouray. Upon recieving landing clearance, he touches down softly on the landing pad and jumps out of the cockpit. "Whew, I need a drink. I wonder what's on tap at the Ouray Inn today. Hope it's not more of that Liberty Ale swill they had last time..." He thinks to himself. After walking halfway across the landing bay, his train of thought is derailed by a group of maintanance techs sitting around a cargo crate with a deck of cards. "Hey!" he shouts "What do you all think you're doing? There's ships here that need fixing, and that's not happening if you're all here playing cards! Save it for your off time..." He looks on satisfied as they all get up and return to their tasks. He continues on his way to the bar when he sees another maintainance tech standing by the H-Fuel tanks smoking a cigarette. He immediately runs over there and slaps the cigarette out of the tech's hand and steps on it, to which the tech protested. "Are you stupid or something, boy?" Glenn shouts "Smoking near the H-Fuel tanks?! What in god's name were you thinking? You know what'll happen if one of those tanks has a leak? DO YOU?! I face death every day, but I have no desire to die because of the stupidity of someone like you. You'll be scrubbing the latrines for the rest of the year for this one!" With that, Glenn storms off to his office to file his report before going to the Ouray Inn for that much needed drink. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sorcha - 06-13-2008 --->incoming Transmission<---
Comm ID: Jonathan Hype Gentleman, my first patrol after i finished the set-up of my Starblazer was successfull. I was able to raid Pueblo with some comrades (MEGAHERT+NPC's) and to shoot down various hostile ships. ![]() After this, i returned to Ouray 'cause this little Starblazer does not have a toilett onboard *smiles*. I'm sending this report now from the Hatchling quarters. --->Transmission ends<---
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Jihadjoe - 06-13-2008 ****INCOMMING TRANSMISSION**** COMM ID: Jack 'Sidewinder' Tar SUBJECT: Recent activity *Buzzing noise is heard as the antique coms equipment crackles into life* Well If I dun' be workin' out how t'be a-usin' this ol' heap at last. I bin' pretty stuck on ol' ouray these last few weeks. I got me in a big ol' ruckus in ma eagle and gone an broke ma thumb when I dun' sommin' dumb and flew mysel' inta tha flank o' an ol' Bounty Hunter Destroyer. Without ma triggah thumb I bin pretty gosh-durned useless. That plus ma eagle is still in tha ol' repair dock. But Since I was talkin' t'you bunch last I only dun' got me promoted into dem serpentis bunch. An' now Ah gots me some cool snake like name. We always did have dem o' sidewinder snakes back home, so Now I gots me dat ol' name. Plus it kinda works, cos dem boys is always tellin' me how I is using dem ol' missile a bit too much... But anyways, Dem medics be tellin' me ma thumb is bein' better, an I can be gettin me back to flyin' wid you's lot agin. An cos ma eagle still be ebing repaired you's kind lot only dun' gun let me be flyin' dat ol crow you had lyin' about... It sure ois odd, But I'll be gettin' used to it. Awww heck... Dem Bounty hunter's be tryin' to kill of som o' us lot agin, dis time dey be right outside ol' ouray. I'm gunna be gettin' mysel' in space right 'bout now. Time t'be checkin' out how dis ol' crow flys. Jack out *Massive thumping noise is heard as jack smashes the off button diabling the comms equipent in an attempt at turning it off and creates yet more work for the mechanics on ouray* ****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED**** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - k-9 - 06-14-2008 welcome to Windowss 9040 communication set up. if you would like to try and connect a network, please try atleast 100 baseless methods and supersticious acts in a vain hope you can get this program to work. Then consult the user guide. Then repeat. if you fail to connect we blame your ship. /run admin comms.exe .Sucess /connect Xenos .attempting to connect. .re-attempting .connection failed /connect xenos alliance .attempting to connect.. .Connection astablished. ========================= *Decrypting* User: Khaine Ine Location:Huston/texas Priority: Low/Medium ========================= *Secure comms* Hey, is this thing working. bahhh this better reach you guys. i recived word from a xeno opprative that you where accepting me amongst your ranks. upon hearing this, ive jacked this here ship. the late Huntsville security officer who owned it had some niffty gadgets installed. one of which is this damn forsaken comunication array. windows pfftt anyway im about to launch and see if i can leave this planet un noticed. i aint goin back to huntsville! I'm settin a route to colorado. please send a broadcast that i aint no scumbag lawfull! the ships serial number is A-1157-2450. im praying you get this message before i get there or im gonna get ghosted! =========================== *connection lost* If you would like to re-establish a connection please keep dreaming. the fairy frekin god mother will get to you as soon as she can. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sorcha - 06-15-2008 --->incoming Transmission<---
Comm ID: Jonathan Hype Gentleman, i have a "small" report for you. Yesterday, me and Max raided New York and destroyed some depots near Baltimore shipyard. On way back, i found an unused base about 8k away from Ouray. Perhaps we can use it in our future? A bit later, me and various other pilots of the Xeno Alliance, i remember Leo, Glenn, Jerry, Jack, and Landon, and or course David, went to New York. Speaking in the system channels over the unjustice and unfreedom in Liberty, we somehow ended up near Fort Bush. There we had an interesting encounter with several Naval Captial ships: The Battlecruiser Gafwmn was the first one. ![]() The Spuernova shot you can see there heading to this ship brought him his destruction. Then a Cruiser came, LunaPhase-2401. It also was destroyed in a short time. ![]() Well, it seemed the New York Command recognized, that cap ships are useless against our forces. So they sended a Havoc Bomber, the Southern Alliance pilot Stephanie Malaign. She couldn't stand any chance against us. The next encounter was nice, a School Bus bringing some girlies to Camebrige. Well, they wanted to go there. While we were asking him for a "donation", we were attacked by Duke Nukem, a Spatial SHF. It was soon disabled. ![]() Back to the School Bus. Well they tried to escape, so we had no other possibility then to, *coughs*, withdraw some students from Camebrige. ![]() Next we encountered Davian Quintaine, but he had some cloaking device on his ship...... Seconds later, a Bounty Hunter battlecruiser came in. It took one of us down by surprise, and even took his escape pod, bt was destroyed soon after, so we took the escape pod back. ![]() I don't know what happened next, but someone else died. Well, as my cargo hold was somehow full, and my ship was a bit overloaded by all the escape pods i tractored in: ![]() i decided that it was time to return to Ouray to dispatch all the escape pods. Johnny --->Transmission ends<---
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - k-9 - 06-15-2008 Khaine set the co-ordinates to ouray into the vessel and went to the back of the ship to find what other little gadgets where in this sweet little freebee. everything was good i could see from the port window we where headed to the colorado jump gate so i got stuck into the loot aboard this little treasure chest, about 3 minuits passed by and the ship started to slow. Exelent wont be long now. The comms sprang to life spewing forth fear and dismay into the vessel as a man began to speak "This is Rochester we have received your docking request, confirming I.D." ... ..... ...... "Ah luitentant Mathews, your late. Proceed to dock 4, We will set up a confrence room" What the hell is this, Thought khaine as he ran to the navigation screen. Oh hell this stupid pile of junk was set to auto pilot. I HATE WINDOWS! Im dead, they are never gonna let me live. not after discovering something going on between them an liberty. The hawk vibrated as the reverse thrusters kicked in to soften the landing. Ive got to do something quick! Khaine promptly took seat glaring at the shutting blast doors of the station. Thats it! He braught up the tractor beam sub targeting system and locked onto a large floating peice of debrey. God i hope this works. A crimson beam blossomed forth from the hawk surounding the debrey in a sort of statis feild. a large grinnding noise echoed around the station before complete silence washed over the hawk. The docking bay was jammed open, he had done it. He quickly set the vessel to auto pilot, lining himself up with the forged escape hole. Cruise engins engaging in 5... ...4 ....3 .....2 ......1 And with a ball of flame the hawk burst into the free embrase of sirus. welcome to Windowss 9040 communication set up. if you would like to try and connect a network, please try atleast 100 baseless methods and supersticious acts in a vain hope you can get this program to work. Then consult the user guide. Then repeat. if you fail to connect we blame your ship. /run admin comms.exe .Sucess /connect Xenos .attempting to connect. .re-attempting .connection failed /connect xenos alliance .attempting to connect.. .Connection astablished. ========================= *Decrypting* User: Khaine Ine Location:Huston/texas Priority: Low/Medium ========================= *Secure comms* Ouray, I't seems im going to be later than expected. you could say i ran into a little trouble, |