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Discovery has taught me... - Printable Version

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Discovery has taught me... - Reverend Del - 01-29-2012

Disco has taught me...

...that the bloodhound is awesome in packs

...that the community is awesome in general

...that sanction reports are the worst thing you could ever have to do round here.

...that JihadJoe has some of the best taste in music I have ever seen. Kudos to Joe.

Discovery has taught me... - Veyron - 01-29-2012

Discovery has taught me; 2milrdai, engagbugign, lol-prefixing just about everything, Agama's suck, that I should never lead a faction, turret gb's are for the girliest of girls, I'm still a big noob, NEVER piss off a flashpoint eagle, Agama's rock, challenging razr to repeated duels does not go well for me (qq) and my personal favourite~ ))).

Danke Disco. Danke.