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Guild Wars 2 - NixOlympica - 08-28-2012

' Wrote:I'm rolling with Asura Elementalist. Burnin', drownin', zappin' and crumblin' like a boss.

Also, just tried to log in 5 minutes ago, there was a patch and now I can't log in for some reason. Tells me I encountered and error and that my game client can't get access to the game server. I checked my firewall setting again and everything, nothing changed, didn't have this problem before.

Anyone else got that?

Oh, also seems like the forums are down as well...something must be going on.

The full launch is today Peanut, I guess all those that didn't preorder came to log in. Same as at 25th pretty much IMO.

Guild Wars 2 - Mao - 08-28-2012

I'm re-playing all the GW series and if I don't get bored I'll buy GW 2 as well. GW was my first MMORPG (many men online role playing girls):ylove:

Guild Wars 2 - Soul Reaper - 08-28-2012

' Wrote:The full launch is today Peanut, I guess all those that didn't preorder came to log in. Same as at 25th pretty much IMO.

Yeah, guessed as much, though I've been trying for a good half hour they must have just closed the servers or something, to upgrade stuff.

Also, whats with the name change pil? >_>

Guild Wars 2 - Loken - 08-31-2012

Zerg, zerg, zerg.

Guild Wars 2 - Soul Reaper - 08-31-2012

No lifer.

Though not that different from me. Heh.

Guild Wars 2 - Corsair - 08-31-2012

Game runs too poorly on my system. Shame because I pre ordered it for $80 and played in all the beta weekends. I'm just going to wait till I upgrade my PC and get frames above 10.

Guild Wars 2 - Soul Reaper - 09-05-2012

Ok, seems they finally fixed most of the guild/trading post problems, as well as a few others. Which makes the game much more fun now, heh.

Oh yeah, shameless advertising, we got a guild up on Piken Square (somewhat an RP server), just poke me on pm, or skype or even ingame, char name is Kreiros Bloodfang.


Guild Wars 2 - Exile - 09-05-2012

Burak cannot recruit. He's a part of a guild I set up with some people I met on prelaunch day 1. "The Wandering Lot" we're called. Currently in debate as to where we're wandering to. At the moment, we're a 21 people guild with casual to dedicated roleplayers with an interest in WvW and PvE. We've got some no-lifers like Ross and Burak here who seem to be getting pretty far ahead. Our website is : , Though it seems all the members are anti-forums. My ingame name is Ember Stone, if anybody's interested in tagging along at some point.

RE: Guild Wars 2 - Irra - 10-12-2012

I'm on Whiteside Ridge server, come visit sometimes. You can find me on weekends on Nammuk, little charr engineer. Smile

RE: Guild Wars 2 - Divine - 11-30-2012

Sweet, Mike still playing? WvW? Come'er you lazy bastard, ima fuzz your ass <3

Give me all your account data, or at least your characters name, I'll want to know it's you should we cross swords on sPvP.

//Edit: Jeez, Ember Stone, k. The one who can read, cleary is in advantage :<
Hope you're not all on Piken, last match we had against them used to be ... weeks? months? ago.