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[A51] Asylum 51 - Printable Version

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[A51] Asylum 51 - OsoRojo - 04-24-2008

Crap....SSDD, same stuff different day. This line of attack is getting old. Just play the game and allow others to find their voice, sheesh.

Again, A51, welcome and good luck. You seem to need it, hehehe.


[A51] Asylum 51 - Why? - 04-24-2008

' Wrote:Okay, first off, the mention of dBoy in my previous post was a reference to his stellar bomber skills, not me speaking for him.

Secondly, how is a discussion of your flimsy explanation of a RH battleship 'extraneous chatter'? Unless you were referring to my unfriendly discourse on your pile'o'battlecruisers, in which case I REALLY have no pity.

The disrespect bit... err, if you'll look back on the first page or too, you'll see a lot of encouragement. Then we notice the RH battleship, and you openly stating that you fill out your members with a solid wall of battlecruisers, in essence because you think everything smaller sucks, and battleships are too expensive. WELCOME TO CAP-WHORING. There is no better example of why people take capships than that- seriously, I've read the scant bit of your RP that's posted, and there is no way anyone with the resources to outfit ex-military crazies with a fleet capable of invading Rheinland would EVER do it. Saying you use them because they're better, and being PROUD of that, makes a little piece of me wither and die.

Then, you start snapping because we get unhappy... really now, if a flotilla of BHG battlecruisers showed up to handle your fighter squadron you might be SLIGHTLY MIFFED, don't you think? Oh wait, you don't HAVE a fighter squadron. Nevermind then.
About that, allow me to illustrate the comparison you *should* have done- lawfuls/unlawfuls. If the server was just bounty hunters vs. pirates, I would go hang myself. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. Despite being the only people with a Sirius-wide scope, other than Zoners, that does NOT make you the only enemies of unlawfuls. Firstly, we have to deal with the overloaded trader weaponry, second, the police and military, and third, the bounty hunters just itching to fight. More often than not, we're outnumbered the other way, at least 3:1. You may be omnipresent, but if you think you're all that matters we have some serious talking to do.
Darkwings, while getting a nice toasty response to your pile of assault carriers, agreed to fix it when they realized what went on. Despite some suspicious circumstances (since when do you give 'the new guy' an assault carrier without pointing him at the rules first?), they've come around, and had a legitimate reason for the most of the community's issues.

You guys, however, have pretty much declared yourselves cap-whores, pulled the lamest pathetic RP excuse in the book to get yourselves a Rheinland battleship, and when probed, fly into a superiority complex.

There is hope yet. Its only one apology and some 20 sold battlecruisers + battleship away. If you REALLY care for the community we have here, you'd do it. At least the apology bit.

Please do not think my post was responding to you, it was not. The issues you brought up should be answered by the leadership of the A51. I am not said leadership, and I speak for no one but myself. There is no need to aim your obvious anger at this one, I have nothing to do with anything you are mad about.

That quote and what I wrote about it was referring to what Sheppard had mentioned. He had some valid points as well, I just believe things need to be said in a more positive manner, especially in light that the first four pages of this stuff have included silly unnecessary attacks.

However, you do have to admit you are being seriously over dramatic. You seem to be just looking for excuses to rant like this. I don't know what happened before I arrived here, but there is no reason to assume everything that has happened will repeat itself. There is also no reason to assume every new group that comes along hates you and hates the community.

Look, you have issues with what the A51 are doing, that is cool, air them like you did on that first post. That was good.

The overly dramatic stuff you just wrote? You know just as well as I do that it cannot possible solve anything, it will just cause more unnecessary friction between the community and A51.

And the community could use a lot less unnecessary friction. Angelfire is very right about that. We can solve all the problems a lot easier without the unnecessary drama.

If it was up to this one, they would have all become card smuggling Outcasts. I however, couldn't be lower in the totem pole.

[A51] Asylum 51 - sovereign - 04-24-2008

' Wrote:Soverign - 3 to 1 odds??? When and against that group? Or are you talking about the uncontrolled independents out there? You should have seen Sigma 13 today. It had a nice little FLEET of pirates in it today. No less then 8 ranging from fighters to cruisers and not a lawful in sight. The only lawful faction around at the time was Darkwing and even with that there was only 1. A RH did show up later, spent his time scanning cargo. So please stop with the pity the pirate party.

Sigma 13 is a cesspool. Try pirating in a house system, you'll see what I mean. Actually, just try pirating in general. I'm thoroughly convinced you've never tried, and you really can't understand where I'm coming from until you try to pirate with more than "2mil or die".

Also, "uncontrolled independents" are somehow worse? Pfah. Jinx ranks up as one of the best people on this server, and is one of those "uncontrolled independents."

"So please stop with the pity the pirate party." I was commenting that your comparison was deeply flawed, not saying pirating sucks. I try to avoid it when I don't need to collect funds in-RP, because for each million credits I collect I also have to fill out a sanction report for the million I didn't collect for whatever reason. I understand that you were unhappy with Sigma-13, but really, its a cesspool in every sense of the word. ooRP traders whoring a route that only exists because of singleplayer, "2 mil or die" style pirates, and no GMG to keep the peace.

Please keep some respect for something you've quite obviously never tried firsthand.

EDIT: Saw Why?'s post. Sorry for the temper flaring and drama, but Kane's flaunting of 'we capwhore and we're proud of it' got me a bit unhappy. You, at least, I have faith in. Keep up the good work.

And now, I back out of this thread....

[A51] Asylum 51 - Raekur - 04-24-2008

Soverign, I DO have a pirate on this server that i have logged over 60 hours with. Yes I do understand that pirating is very difficult at times. But I know that you have an advanced train for cash gathering so the "2 mil or die" is something you do for fun same as I do.

As to Sigma 13. I wasnt in there when there was 8. I entered when there was 2 fighters, 1 gunboat, and a cruiser. I entered to collect on a bounty which was on the fighters. I nailed both of them and then left.
Good RP from the cruiser and good fight to the gunboat, you fly that thing very well.

[A51] Asylum 51 - DBoy1612 - 04-25-2008

(Wow... Disappeared for only a couple of hours, seems I got a bit of writing to do.)

Right so... From the top.

As you can see, A51, from all the comments posted, salvaging from Sigma 13 WILL NOT happen, it can't, the wrecks are completely dead. And hell, I wasn't even thinking about the Junkers when I made my post, and it just proves my point even more. Flying a Rheinland Battleship is completely out of RP and will lead to you getting flamed, smashed, smacked, and every other legal word I'm allowed to use on the forums. It just won't work.

Also, being happy you're all capwhores? Well guess what, the community isn't as you can obviously see. Were a roleplay server, so tell me, how would a single Bounty Hunter group (yes, GROUP, not the entire guild) managed to get their hands on so many Orca Gunboats and Battlecruisers? Please, explain that, because I see no valid reason on why the BHG would give out so many capital ships to one command group, it doesn't fit.

Now, as for showing you that capital ships aren't all that. Well, I prefer just letting the server do it for me instead of doing it myself. Yes, true, tutting my own horn, I have quite a bit of skill in a Bomber, as does Sovereign, along with a few others. We can easily show you, but, I'm not in to that, I'll let RP takes it course to the usual PvPs and you'll see it for yourself when your own death message comes up on your screen.

As for Sigma 13 having no lawfuls? Well sorry, that's how it's SUPPOSED to be. Rheinland will never enter Sigma 13, at least none of the [RM] boys will, I have no control over the indies if they're outside of Rheinland. And from what I know, the KNF won't go in there either. So, simply deal with Sigma 13 yourselves, the houses don't really care, or at least Rheinland doesn't, I'm not speaking for the KNF themselves. Want it protected? Mercs, Bounty Hunters, and Freelancers will be happy to do it for a bit of cash. Oh and no, YOU DON'T need a stupid capital ship to do it.

So, now I shall be brilliantly blunt, A51. You screwed up, you have to many capital ships, and your RP background is horrible. Those are your problems, those are the reasons you are getting flammed in your own thread, and why you will continue to be considered "yet another group of players thinking they can do as they please". Want to fit in around here on this server? Fix it.

[A51] Asylum 51 - DW-Suzanna - 04-25-2008 seems to me that you and a few others would be happier without any players on this server.
I am getting tired of the ranting, you people should remember a game is nothing without players. FL is an old game and does not get many new players these days, those that do make it here should be encouraged, not ranted at and driven away. Respect and tolerance goes a long way to building a strong community.

[A51] Asylum 51 - Horon - 04-25-2008

' seems to me that you and a few others would be happier without any players on this server.
I am getting tired of the ranting, you people should remember a game is nothing without players. FL is an old game and does not get many new players these days, those that do make it here should be encouraged, not ranted at and driven away. Respect and tolerance goes a long way to building a strong community.

Yes, but there is very little encouragement for people who are so far out of roleplay here in Sirius that they are back in Sol. We try to get people to RP properly. If they do, then bravo! And if they basically say screw you I'll do what I want.... Well, quite a few of us aren't going to be too encouraging.
Mass transfers of a clan from a mod and server to a COMPLETELY new mod and server seems to have always ended badly... First those DIC-heads (Sorry.. Couldn't resist), and now it seems you guys are, well, not exactly melding well with the Discovery RP sense.

[A51] Asylum 51 - OsoRojo - 04-25-2008

Ok, this is humorous...Define proper Role Play and who is the arbiter? There is to much self-centeredness floating within this thread. Stop brow-beating and change tack to helping, not flaming.

[A51] Asylum 51 - Praetyre - 04-25-2008

I think, like Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once said about obscenity, out of roleplay behaviour is difficult to define, but you know it when you see it. To me, anyone except the highest ranking Kriegsmarine personnel using Rheinland battleships is out of roleplay.

[A51] Asylum 51 - DavidAce - 04-25-2008

I do have to say that it is quite amusing as I go through most of the hotly contested threads on the forums, The Admins insist on RP here so all the little school kids on the server constantly whine and complain about what "proper" RP is, if it doesn't agree with Their Ideas of how things should be. On top of that, The Brilliance of people who state that flying Cap ships is stupid...because they are easily defeated, but then whine that if you have topo many you're just "CAPWHORES", is amazing. Even if you hate those who fly Capships, you must admit the reasoning is flawed. I also love the automatic label that if you primarily fly capships your an eliteist pig...if two generally good Bomber Pilots can own a GB , Battlecruiser, and you have a Battlecruiser Pilot who can defeat 2 or 3 Bombers a good percentage of the time, shouldn't those skills be applauded, what is with all the hate??