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Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Printable Version

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Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Rashnok - 04-10-2008

Here's an idea that may or may not get shut down. Make the capship license lootable. That way, if you die, you better bloody be prepare for it, or you're getting downgraded. In addition, taking out a PC capship is something of a real accomplishment. Probably lots of room for abuse, but I'm sure the idea can be refined. The major issue seems to be the fact that everyone has them, and once they have one, you can't get them out of one. If you make it expensive, past the purchase point, then I'm sure that we can reduce the numbers while allowing for those who are truly dedicated and do a good job to continue.

Feel free to totally slaughter this idea, but hey. Could work.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - sovereign - 04-10-2008

' Wrote:Here's an idea that may or may not get shut down. Make the capship license lootable. That way, if you die, you better bloody be prepare for it, or you're getting downgraded. In addition, taking out a PC capship is something of a real accomplishment. Probably lots of room for abuse, but I'm sure the idea can be refined. The major issue seems to be the fact that everyone has them, and once they have one, you can't get them out of one. If you make it expensive, past the purchase point, then I'm sure that we can reduce the numbers while allowing for those who are truly dedicated and do a good job to continue.

Feel free to totally slaughter this idea, but hey. Could work.

That actually sounds pretty good. Especially since that will ease making it cost full guard rep....

Combine this with unique licenses and if you play a capship you had better use it for its intended purpose...

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Laowai - 04-10-2008

Hmmmm ......

Right, i've had it with bombers.... my idea is we move them to gaurd systems and nerf their weapons. Then we up their price by about several billion, that will stop the power traders and the bomber fleet whores, who fly around in packs pwning everything and completely ruining my cap ship Role play. Next, we make it so faction leaders have to give special permission to a player who wants to fly a bomber, who then has to pass a "Role Play" revue board made up of Cap ship players, who all have to vote unanimously on whether or not that player can APPLY to have a bomber.. After they get permission to apply they must do so in a special "elite" bomber pilots only forum where the bomber pilot community then decides whether they like the player or not or if their Role play is suitably like everyone elses.

After this, the player then must pay a special bomber "tax" of 25 mil to their clan every week. If they cannot do this satisfactorily, their bomber will be downgraded by force and they will be fired upon by the other "elite" bomber pilots until they get the message that BOMBER WHORAGE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

(Yes... this is ridiculous - leave the blasted cap ships alone)

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - marauder - 04-10-2008

Keep it up guys, I'll end up with a fleet of my own capships.

Like laowai said, RP with everyone, doesn't matter if you don't like how they RP, doesn't matter if you disagree with their ship choice.

Its their character, it's their RP, leave em to it.

If they are blatantly breaking rules and ignore a polite //have you read the rules on the forum? then report them.

I've got beyond sick and fed up of the flames and politics and backstabbing, I'm heading well out into tired of it all. Once I get past tired of it all, you won't be seeing me post on the forums again.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-10-2008

I think that the only fair solution is to put the capital ships in Guard systems. At least the players will have the correct reps then.

I don't really care about capital ships now, there are people who roleplay and those who don't. It happens with all types of ships, with all types of IDs and players.

Guard systems, only fair option in my opinion.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - I_m_rdy - 04-10-2008

Frankly, I expected this idea to be shot down. Consider it as officially scrapped, even though I scrapped it after posting it. It was so ridiculous it just had to be shot down. The only solution for this issue is time. Time until people realize which ship class fits them best. Time until people learn how to play the role of a capital ship captain or a fighter pilot. This idea was about adding a wee bit of fun into the process of purchasing a capital ship. Doing the same trade route countless times is simply boring and not that much RP... But you never can satisfy everybody with balacing or proposing things, becuase there always will be at least one who will complain.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Freedom Defense - 04-13-2008

Wow are we all dictators now? I don't understand how it's easy. Um because I have my noob character and I can't even afford a gunboat I mean I only have about 160,000 crdits. So I agree with Titan and disagree with the rest of you because we are not the president of the U.S. so we should not be dictating