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WHo likes animes!? - Printable Version

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WHo likes animes!? - SparkyRailgun - 03-21-2012

' Wrote:::3 294GB anime::
Uff...Realy much O:

I just deleted 500gb of anime I'll never watch (again, or to begin with)... I still have 500gb left. :sleep:

WHo likes animes!? - RmJ - 03-21-2012

Hey Arnold was best *fist pump*

WHo likes animes!? - meoshi - 03-21-2012

Soul eater.:cool:

WHo likes animes!? - Crackpunch - 03-21-2012

I watch English dub because I can't stand super high pitched Japanese girls. Are there any anime that offer German dub?

WHo likes animes!? - SparkyRailgun - 03-21-2012

' Wrote:I watch English dub because I can't stand super high pitched Japanese girls. Are there any anime that offer German dub?

I prefer high pitched japanese over dopey american.
Some of the more popular shows likely have german dubs.

WHo likes animes!? - Mímir - 03-21-2012

Akira (awesome, the manga was better though) and Ghost in The Shell (which was 'ok') were the only animes that did it for me. There was one more (an old one) about some strange beasts/gaia-theory, and it was dubbed. Can't remember the name exactly, but it was ok because it was so trippy, even though the plot and everything else in it was ridiculous.

In general, I can't stand the genre, its broken story-telling and poor quality of artwork - although there are a few original concepts and some previously known concepts that gets explored further in anime (like the base concept of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" getting elaborated in Ghost in the Shell), but that's about it.

I like animals far more.

EDIT: The trippy one was called "Nausicaä"

WHo likes animes!? - Mickk - 03-21-2012

' Wrote:I prefer high pitched japanese over dopey american.
Some of the more popular shows likely have german dubs.

Me too actually.

I find that most of the voice actors for dubs are badly miscast most of the time, as in the voice doesn't fit the character.

However, there are a number of very well done dubs out there, just none come to mind right now.

@Peder_Dingo, poor quality of artwork and broken story telling?

You must be watching the wrong anime, seriously.

Try 'Cowboy Bebop' or 'Black Lagoon' (CAUTION: this anime is *very* graphic in some places, but Revy is awesome so it's worth the trauma), just to name the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.

Akira was one of the very first anime I ever watched, before I even knew there was such a thing.
Must try to find a copy of it.....

*edit: just cleaning up some errors in grammar, I'll probably find/make more as I go along. lol

WHo likes animes!? - Loken - 03-21-2012

' Wrote:I watch English dub because I can't stand super high pitched Japanese girls. Are there any anime that offer German dub?
I tend to find the English dubs have the higher pitched and more annoying voices.

WHo likes animes!? - Korny - 03-21-2012

I love high pitched japanese voices.

WHo likes animes!? - Mímir - 03-21-2012

I find the artwork original/trippy in a sense and there is some merit to that, but it is also quite often done in the most lazy fashion (ie. no character features save for eye movement changes through dialogue - anime characters rarely reposition their bodies when conversing, and when they do it is always in a everything but subtle way). There are often nicely detailed backgrounds, with copy/pasted characters in front without having details such as facial expressions or bodily movement (both of which are super hard to animate) properly done.

Now fanbois might clame that this is part of the package - that the different still-images of the eyes etc. tells the tale, but I think it is a weak "code"/symbol (or strong in the sense that it is so in-your-face that you can't miss it when somebody is crying tears as large as their heads) to look for when you try to understand the character's motivations etc. It's way too convoluted, and it is just a cheap excuse to save yourself the trouble of detailed animation. And in all that, nuances and deeper understanding of the characters is lost. From a purely graphic perspective, anime is very one-dimensional compared to other more advanced forms of graphic story-telling.

And also the English high-pitched voices ARE worse than the japanese high-pitched voices. And what's up with the giggling too?

Oh, and I like Ebichu too, because I get a kick out of just how twisted the human mind can truely be.