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RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Printable Version

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RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Snoozzzer - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:Violation of the Hessian ID. Violation of Bretonian RP, Hessian Bretonian relationship is not such that we'd invite Hessians into battle with us. If they turn up then the best way to do things would have been to actually say "Once this ids done get lost" and co-ordinate efforts in local chat. Grouping is far and away the best way to determine if an alliance is happening as it allows for secret co-ordination. Simply put if they hadn't group[ed then they wouldn't be out in Lost.

[font=Comic Sans Ms]Does this also mean, that if say, two opposing IDs group for whatever reason, they will get sanctioned if caught? Because my Junker and Hacker have grouped with opposing IDs before for the purpose of roleplaying, and from what I see from this post I would be shunned and punished for that.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Reacher - 04-24-2012

"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"

~ William Shakespeare

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Snoozzzer - 04-24-2012

Scratch that post. I would get sanctioned, jailed, fined, screwed for participating in any kind of roleplay with an enemy that does not involve "You're red to me, now die for belonging to a different class and racial group than I"

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Petitioner - 04-24-2012

So if an alliance, by the rules, consists of grouping with someone, then change "cannot ally with x" to "may not group with x" on the IDs. Simple.

Oh wait, that's ridiculous and completely, totally OORP, because groups aren't an inRP device. Lovely how that works, it isn't? The IDs are designed to get people sanctioned, it would appear.:sleep:

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Haphestus - 04-24-2012

Seeing who is in a group is kinda Meta in some aspects along with seeing which player is in which system. now about that unusual punishment. kinda scummy.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - ryoken - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:I'll just copy and paste what I said in the sanction thread.

When you're a house that's on the verge of destruction you will do anything to prevent it. They've already done dealings and had help with (as croft said) mollies, kusari exiles, and outcasts. Why not red hessians? In fact, from an outside perspective it doesn't even look like these guys arranged any sort of 'teaming' with the hessians at all. Instead, they just 'showed up' to blow the base to oblivion with them.

But really, the Bretonians know they're about to be steamrolled by Gallia. Why WOULDN'T you try building relations with a group you don't usually interact with in order to fight a common enemy? Imho the event that took place should have been considered a step forward in Bretonian - Hessian RP and trust so they could further develop their diplomatic status with each other.. Not be punished for making their own completely reasonable RP.

Also the whole 'grouping' thing Is reasonable. I mean that the admins punished those who were grouped. That makes sense. I don't know why you guys would group.. if you all didn't it actually would have been pretty cool to see something better come out of that.

Your reasoning tells why they would "NOT" join with Hessiens. They are being pounded, and near destruction, so in no way would they piss off Rheinland by being allied with Hessiens. If rheinland ever said "thats it, we had it" Bretonia would just crumble and die. Rheinland would crush them. Nuff said.

' Wrote:So I can take a Military ID and act like a terrorist, shooting everyone that's not flying a Rheinland lawful ship, because my ID doesn't prohibit it?

Nope. Only "OFFICIAL" faction players are allowed to do that. Not indies.
hehe sorry could not resist:tease:

' Wrote:Before I go to sleep, I want to say a few things here. I was sanctioned too, as a Bowex trader who partially supplied the ships with bats and bots and partially helped shooting the base. I made it out of the Omicrons without being killed, I didn't lose anything. While I think giving out a sanction for what happened against so many players is really harsh, i can't deny that my behaviour in the situation was against my ID regulations and I'm not going to complain about the sanction to me.

I do, however, think I know what he is referring to:

I was in Omicron Delta with another char later just to fly around and watch, and I must say the behaviour around there was disgraceful, and makes the reason why the bretonian/hessian players were sanctioned for in the first place look like a joke. If you base their sanction on the simple fact that they were in the same group, then it's unconscionable to send those players through a system, being attacked from a *randomly appearing* fleet of corsair caps (all of them being prepared totally legit RPwise, and of course no metagaming >_>) and losing things such as CAU's and cloak devices they must've spent hundreds of millions of credits on, if not much more. And the simple thought that I saw one of the players who participated in this revenge orgy request in a thread later that 'the corsair base should be restored now like the brimstone refinery' is absolutely ridiculous. That loss is also in no way comparable, since the corsair base would've fallen anyway, with or without the help of the hessians and accompanying rule violations.

As I said, I didn't lose anything on my side and I do think a consequence was appropriate for multiple players involved in the action, including me, but I denounce the way this was handled both by the admins enforcing the punishment as well as the corsairs and other players abusing the situation to farm some very expensive equipment and to get personal revenge based on an admin action which has nothing to do with RP events at all.

It is power gaming via Skype, and forum. Everyone does it. Same way a fleet appears suddenly in rheinland if a few Lib caps show up, and vice versa. Power gaming, and skype. We all do it. Is it wrong? yup. Will it stop? nope.

' Wrote:[font=Comic Sans Ms]Does this also mean, that if say, two opposing IDs group for whatever reason, they will get sanctioned if caught? Because my Junker and Hacker have grouped with opposing IDs before for the purpose of roleplaying, and from what I see from this post I would be shunned and punished for that.

Only if ID says "cannot ally with" like hessien ID does. Grouping is allying with. Was said by admin on first page. Should read entire post.

Now Corsairs going after BAF after sanction? well that is just wrong. BAF/Hessiens did bad, and were punished for it. Corsairs deciding to be pricks back? well that is just as bad as what the sanction was for. I joked about it with some Liberty lawfuls about stoping BAF in Alaska, but we joked, and said bad form. To actually do it like Corsairs? This should also be punished.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:So if an alliance, by the rules, consists of grouping with someone, then change "cannot ally with x" to "may not group with x" on the IDs. Simple.

I think the point is here - and you're WAY over there, missing it completely.

' Wrote:The group is the whole issue here, nothing more.

' Wrote:Also the whole 'grouping' thing Is reasonable. I mean that the admins punished those who were grouped. That makes sense. I don't know why you guys would group.. if you all didn't it actually would have been pretty cool to see something better come out of that.

How many times have we seen screaming about the Order and the Core 'working together' in the Omicrons when the Nomads show up? (Or the Core working with the Nomads that one time, when the Order showed up ... although we didn't join in the fun... and before you guys REALLY scream about that, remember the Core Guildmaster is Stoat ... infected, Wild member Stoat ... and yes, that's deliberately done that way to further the RP of the Core, so deal with it.)

Point being - even in this latest thing, when the Tundra came back - the Core did not and does not GROUP with their enemies. Even when we were 'allied' with the Corsairs for a while, we didn't GROUP with them. We may have WORKED with them - but we didn't GROUP with them. Grouping with someone means that you're pretty much allied with them - and that's a no-no. Come on, the BAF / BPA / BIS are the lawful good guys - they KNOW that the Hessians are unlawfuls, and the BAF would work WITH the RM against them in Omega 3 / 7 if need be.

What I don't understand is why, unless they were all hostile to the Zoners, that the people would even TRY to get back through space without docking at FP11 and mounting their gear back up. The Order was sitting in Zeta having lovely chats with people - I was there trying to freak them out and I could have done much worse if I'd brought in a different ship, but it wasn't fitting my RP on the character I had. (***BPA - friendly (?)***) I know there were BHG logged in Delta, too, to escort people.

Actually, as far as sanctions go, in my opinion this was pretty light, and it gets the message out to everyone. If you want to work with your enemies or someone you're not normally supposed to do, then DON'T GROUP WITH THEM. That's the point Del AND Blodo made - you shared comm links, you weren't working against a common enemy, you ALLIED with them.

No. Bad pilot. No cookies.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Aingar - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:What I don't understand is why, unless they were all hostile to the Zoners, that the people would even TRY to get back through space without docking at FP11 and mounting their gear back up.

Actually, the whole system was swarmed, FP11 was more or less surrounded by legates and bombers, while Zeta hole was reasonably clear. Oh, and sairs also camped Iota-Delta hole until pretty much everyone got out of there/F1 in space.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - dodike - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:Actually, as far as sanctions go, in my opinion this was pretty light, and it gets the message out to everyone. If you want to work with your enemies or someone you're not normally supposed to do, then DON'T GROUP WITH THEM. That's the point Del AND Blodo made - you shared comm links, you weren't working against a common enemy, you ALLIED with them.
If that's goal the whole sanction seems redundant.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Dude - 04-24-2012

no sir, zeta was full...........full of orfer and hessians. i do not want who was there but the guys , who were there know who i mean