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Hardest role to play - Printable Version

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Hardest role to play - sovereign - 05-05-2008

' Wrote:PVP whore right?

I wouldn't mind an RP whore, as long as they're will to go OORP for some things.:)

Talk to Praetyre. Biggest RP whore around here, if you ask me. But he absolutely will not go OORP for you, no matter how much you pay him. Not in system, anyway. :crazy:

Hardest role to play - Qunitinius~Verginix - 05-05-2008

Oops! Edited my posts, because that was really dumb of me >.<


Hardest role to play - Oniros - 05-05-2008

The hardest class of character to roleplay are the generics (terrorists ID is generic in my opinion not the Xenos). The only limits that they have are the limit players put on themself. A well defined archetype have enoug guideline to not loose someone who is not used with role-playing. The hardest role-play ? Any character that is far far away of our own psychlogy, our own flaws and qualities.

Moreover, a hard roleplay is not related to how hard it is to realise an action on the server. It is easy and boring to do a regular trade route, it does not imply that RPing a trader isn't hard. For a OS&C captain in a luxury liner, it is really hard to only transport passengers and simulate a cruise with no one to interact on board. He will always have the temptation to transport boron, or beryllium which, in the luxury liner is a complete non sense.

Imagine that rules abide a trader to belong to one single company, and force him to transport only authorized product by this compagny. I am pretty sure that a newcomer will learn more easily what role-play mean. While the generic Trader ID let him free to not RP at all especially when we know that the generic trader is mostly use as cash cow. I will be very shocked to be considered as a cash cow if i was the trader !

Hardest role to play - Varyag - 05-05-2008

I chose Merc. There is really few who want to hire you and people assume that you lack any RP by being a merc. Kinda makes it impossible to be one and have a descent story that you can work in-game with.

Hardest role to play - Dusty Lens - 05-05-2008

*chuckles* On a side note, the number of posts stating: "Terrorist ID, but not the Xenos" is cracking me up.

Hardest role to play - n00bl3t - 05-05-2008

' Wrote:*chuckles* On a side note, the number of posts stating: "Terrorist ID, but not the Xenos" is cracking me up.

Copperhead feeling insulted?:P

Hardest role to play - Nomad - 05-05-2008

You've forgotten Die Wilden and The Nomads. As a result, I can only incur a reciprocal misdeed upon your survey. Voted trader.

Hardest role to play - Oniros - 05-05-2008

' Wrote:*chuckles* On a side note, the number of posts stating: "Terrorist ID, but not the Xenos" is cracking me up.

And indeed Xeno is a faction archetype, while "indie" terrorist is strictly out of the pre-established faction. So it is a generic class of character. (Are you feeling close to Mon'star ?) The question should have been "what is the class of character the harder to play ?". There is nothing to do with who is a good RPer, nor what is hardest to do technically.

Note : the poll is about class of characters and not faction... a character belong to a faction, the faction give the line. Without line (ie faction affiliated) it is harder to define what is your character. So, yes a terrorist without faction is harder to define than a terrorist affiliated to Xeno, as a indie trader is harder to define compared to a Synth Food trader.
In the end, i voted Mercenary because, they are ALL without a faction, so either you belong to a player faction (which give you the limit), or you are not and you have nothing left.

It's my very strict-minded view of what RP is.
Hope yout get my point. No offense.

Hardest role to play - Ion - 05-16-2008

Terrorist is by far the most difficult on that list, people expect you to act like Mon'Star as he is the only true terrorist a majority of people are familiar with, and chances to role play properly are often superceded by peoples expectations.

that having been said, when you do get RP going it is the most fun RP I have had on discovery.

*goes to play*

Hardest role to play - Junker Congress - 05-16-2008

Also voted Terrorist. Ideology is hard to express while mowing down your mortal enemies.

But as a Trader who roleplays as empathic and slightly Machiavellian, it depresses me to see how many pirates out there simply demand a ransom and get all oorp angry because you don't stop on a dime when they say "HALT". Sorry, but if you leave me with an obvious window of escape, I WILL take it.

Shoot out the trade lane, hit me with a CD. Hell, pump a few shots at me -- shieldbusters are incredible negotiation tools. El Divido is a lot more apt to listen when his hand is forced. Nothing personal, but I didn't get get where I am by being paralyzed by fear, when time is short and action is called for.