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Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Printable Version

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Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Curios - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:Yup. But if they were firing on edges of base(which i have done with dread in past) and not the docking/undocking point, and if they were there and not AFK with mouse weighed down, and if they just RP'd. NONE of this would have happened.
I really see that nothing needs to be changed, other then the "BASE MUST DIE, KILL AT ALL COSTS" mentallity.

PS. Just to add a point. Well shooting a base in Yorktown. We had a transport pop out, we all stopped firing, and told it to be gone, and had some bombers chase it away, then continued firing. So how hard is it really? Allso as stated. We fired at edges, not docking/undocking point. With shields they cannot dock, so why bother.

The last part of this makes me think you didn't bothered with reading. I highlighted it. So I guess now you will take some time for this was the main point of all what happened.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Govedo13 - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:With shields they cannot dock, so why bother.
' Wrote:With shields they cannot dock, so why bother.

' Wrote:With shields they cannot dock, so why bother.


Ok now go to read the first post.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - ryoken - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:aha


Ok now go to read the first post.

I did. And if they turn off shields, then you pound them with RP. Not just continue to rapid fire the docking point. That does not give the right to not let players leave, or disregard RP. Which is why you all got nailed.
The commands for shields are just fine. RP server remember? So you cannot figure a way to stop them, OH NO! lets break rules instead.
To stop docking you could have repeated the message "any ship aprouching base will be shot" you did not.
You could have said that "all on base can leave, we will stop for 1 minute" you did not.
You could have fired at edges of base. You did not.
So all i see in this thread really is "we were not smart enough to figure out any RP to beat the base, so we broke rules to do it instead. Now we want new rules, because again, we not smart enough to RP away to beat a base" So nuff said. Done now.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Curios - 05-18-2012

For the first time I see that you have to warn people who approach the warzone that they can be shot.

ryoken, being such a combat guru, can you tell me how would you prevent the cloaked transport from fast docking into the base in that second between two events:

1. They turn of shields
2. Shields turns back on by the first shell landed

No damage done to base - check.
Cloaked ship with repair items got inside - check.

You can't see the cloaked ship.

I think we all are up to listen.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Daedric - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:It is matter of maths actually- sadly most people cannot count- you tell me what happens if 10 battleships with output of like 1 000 000 DPS per second shoot at one spot and if transport continue to appear to be at that spot intentionally? Same spot camped by the cloaked shield abusers?

It is nice how the people cannot see the big picture here.
I am not saying that it is good thing that they got shot, I am also sure that with 20 ships some shoot them intentionally as well but in general if the transports undocks and dies in 2 seconds before the attackers stop to shoot the base it is his own fault, and they wanted to die in order to provide life shield to the cloaked suppliers so they intentionally died.

And you obviously have idea about how bases works since you re-wrote the tutorial -do tell me is it ok to you to have bases supplied under siege when the shield is on?
The shield is so strong exactly because during the siege base cannot be supplied if you don't abuse the game mechanics or Cannon added no docking on activated shield just for fun?

In general I would say Curious said it on the best possible way I cannot explain it better.

Its not a matter of math. From what I can tell from that thread - the victim told you he was wanting to leave the system and you continued to fire on the dock point.

You broke the rules. Doesn't matter if a cloaked ship was sitting there or not. The guy asks to leave; by the rules you are required to let him leave.

The big picture is you purposefully violated the rules. You try to justify that by saying another person was abusing part of the system. Doesn't matter if they were. You don't get to violate the rules, even if they are abusing the system.

You can claim he was intentionally dying all you want. Doesn't mean it is true. That is just your opinion on the matter.

If you read my posts throughly you'll find the answer to your question regarding supplying a base under siege with a shield up. I will comment that I don't think it is a smart idea to remove the ability to manually turn it on and off. I think that a base owner should have the choice to lower the shields in hopes of having emergency supplies dropped off. I think that choice should come with great risk though.

' Wrote:Many of "you" came back after getting killed by a weapon platform. Should it be considered PvP death if, as you say, it is a combat zone and bystanders are fair game?

This is another extremely valid point. Those attacking a base are not penalized for dying if no enemy is around. They are free to respawn and rejoin. This is an advantage for them. Bases should be able to be supplied while under siege, but at further risk. Drop the shield and the attackers now have the ability to deal direct damage.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Curios - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:Its not a matter of math. From what I can tell from that thread - the victim told you he was wanting to leave the system and you continued to fire on the dock point.

You broke the rules. Doesn't matter if a cloaked ship was sitting there or not. The guy asks to leave; by the rules you are required to let him leave.

The big picture is you purposefully violated the rules. You try to justify that by saying another person was abusing part of the system. Doesn't matter if they were. You don't get to violate the rules, even if they are abusing the system.

You can claim he was intentionally dying all you want. Doesn't mean it is true. That is just your opinion on the matter.

If you read my posts throughly you'll find the answer to your question regarding supplying a base under siege with a shield up. I will comment that I don't think it is a smart idea to remove the ability to manually turn it on and off. I think that a base owner should have the choice to lower the shields in hopes of having emergency supplies dropped off. I think that choice should come with great risk though.

Well, lets say you're on the street, and you've got a gun. A real one. It's legal. You have it registered in local police.

The laws are forbidding you from killing anyone. That's a law. That's a rule. You shouldn't kill people.

However you see the scene, not far from you. A murder is about to shoot down the woman! You don't know her nor you know the killer. However he's surely breaking the rules. The laws. They are set in stone and you're law abiding citizen have to decide between the not breaking the rules and thus leaving another human to the death and between breaking a rules yourself by shooting the scum down. Religion say don't kill, laws say don't kill. Moral rights, sometimes, say as well - don't kill.

But rules are dependable. That's why it's always good to review the situation.

"Yeas they did something bad, but you broke rules"

"So you're to be shot"

I see the intelligence abilities being below low, or someone just lazy to apply logic and investigate the case.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Daedric - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:Well, lets say you're on the street, and you've got a gun. A real one. It's legal. You have it registered in local police.

The laws are forbidding you from killing anyone. That's a law. That's a rule. You shouldn't kill people.

However you see the scene, not far from you. A murder is about to shoot down the woman! You don't know her nor you know the killer. However he's surely breaking the rules. The laws. They are set in stone and you're law abiding citizen have to decide between the not breaking the rules and thus leaving another human to the death and between breaking a rules yourself by shooting the scum down. Religion say don't kill, laws say don't kill. Moral rights, sometimes, say as well - don't kill.

But rules are dependable. That's why it's always good to review the situation.

"Yeas they did something bad, but you broke rules"

"So you're to be shot"

I see the intelligence abilities being below low, or someone just lazy to apply logic and investigate the case.

I'm not exactly sure what point you're trying to make with all of your non sense. The people that got sanctioned broke the rules. Intentionally. They've admitted to it.

The other players were not breaking any rules. Were they abusing a game mechanic? That is debatable. As I do not have the video nor all of the images that the admins have I cannot speak on the matter with any ounce of expertise.

I'm going by the posts that a the sanctioned party and the admins have made in this thread and the sanction thread itself. As far as I can tell, the sanctioned party was specifically focusing on the docking point because they thought a cloaked transport might park itself there. They didn't stop firing to let a transport, who requested to leave the system, leave the system. They did this on purpose. They've admitted to that. That is a violation of the rules.

Now. Their sanction and their reasoning does bring into light issues regarding certain features. Said features should indeed be reviewed.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Curios - 05-18-2012

Ahh, your lovely rules.

Okay, I'll toss some in, just for you since you're going so hot out of them.

1.2 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.

Nothing is perfect.
That includes the rules, the game we're playing, many many things. We're not perfect as well.

That's why doing something, which was supposed to be unreal, is a rule 1.2 violation. Gameplay was harmed. Seriously or not, but it was. System had a gap, loophole, bug.

However the actions of parties involved shouldn't be reviewed separately, since they are just a parts of one bigger event. They are connected.

As rules are not perfect and don't match all the situations we have to review the whole picture.

That's what was my example for, shame you didn't got it.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Daedric - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:Ahh, your lovely rules.

Okay, I'll toss some in, just for you since you're going so hot out of them.

1.2 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.

Nothing is perfect.
That includes the rules, the game we're playing, many many things. We're not perfect as well.

That's why doing something, which was supposed to be unreal, is a rule 1.2 violation. Gameplay was harmed. Seriously or not, but it was. System had a gap, loophole, bug.

However the actions of parties involved shouldn't be reviewed separately, since they are just a parts of one bigger event. They are connected.

As rules are not perfect and don't match all the situations we have to review the whole picture.

That's what was my example for, shame you didn't got it.

Just because you are of the opinion that the transports in question violated 1.2 does not mean they did. That is your opinion; it is not fact. I'd lean towards the fact that the admins have not sanctioned the transports in saying that those players did not break 1.2.

Your example was a bunch of non sense. That is the reason I didn't get what you were saying. Had you read my post and understood what I said; you'd know that I have already said that the feature that the sanctioned party felt was being abused should be reviewed.

Was game play harmed? Yes. By the party who got sanctioned. Not by the other party. They were not abusing any feature nor were they violating any rules.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - massdriver - 05-18-2012

Sanction was ok in term of rules, but in term of gameplay it is wrong. Better fix the base shield system to avoid such situations in future.