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Focus of Mod Development - Jinx - 07-15-2012

Quote:And it is the Dev Team at fault. The following happens with Disco:
Dev Team creates mod;
Dev Team selects someone to select admins;
That "Someone" selects people at random instead of using a evaluation;
Server Admins abuse rights and ignore server placed rules

the dev team consists of players/members who - at some point, showed a dedication and a will to contribute to the mod further than just adding a little idea. - very often that involves not just to assist with what you want and what you agree with - but it also involves to assist on things in the developement that you do not agree with - but you must still contribute as good as you can.

the admins are fully independent of the dev team. - no admin has a right to choose a dev - and no dev has any vote in who becomes admin. - as a matter of fact, those two "powers" are even a bit too isolated from each other at times - which makes communication hard.

the dev team monitors the forum, tries to filter out useless and useful information - and develope the mod accordingly.

a focus is on long term roleplay, dedication but also short term high quality roleplay.

very often it also depends on the grade of social competence shown by the members. - it is simply more likely that a dev listens to what one has to say, when it is presented in a civil manner, with a will to compromise and to understand a different point of view.

many times members mistake such a developement as bias, when things do not go according to what THEY want. - that is cause we have well over one hundred very different opinions - and many of them are very very subjective. - even a lot of "good" roleplay totally ignores the further effects of what they try to do - either intentionally ignoring it or cause they are ignorant of it.

Friday has... :

- an open mind
- is very flexible in terms of compromising
- willing to work WITH anyone who is willing to compromise, too
- discusses ideas with the entire team

the community cannot ask for much more in that respect.

Focus of Mod Development - ssc - 07-15-2012

I thank you not pointing fingers at people on the topic, Jinx. I am trying not to go like some would, the sudden, "This is bullcrap, everyone here is a idiot!", or something like that. Appearently, some choose to act in a different context. If this is the case, I only see a few options, and one of em would be a big alternative. Making a new Server or take Disco and comepletely revamp it. It is strict on what can happen, even random events, which could add a situation for a faction to figure out, gets targeted and removed. And few are willing to collaborate, making it harder in that aspect.

Focus of Mod Development - Daedric - 07-15-2012

Why is there a need for that?

Focus of Mod Development - Mobutu - 07-15-2012

To get rid of 2 things, without having to get rid of all the nice things and people in disco:

1: Gallia. People don't like it, people don't want it, its useless, its superfluous, its grotesque, its paradox, its counterproductive, yet it is being constantly shoved down people's throat. Latest example would be forcing people to go to gallia so they can build bases at the other end of Sirius, although that makes no sense at all and is nothing but a nuissance and totally oorp.

2: People who nested themselves in through networking and having all the right friends in all the right places, so that they can get more stuff and get away with more stuff than others, while being total arses to everyone except those who they need to keep their power, and while contributing a minimum to the server the mod, except for multiplying their own privileges. Examples would be people cheating, rule breaking, and insulting without there ever being sanction notices for it, and somewhat nonsensical and overpowered tech combinations and RP permissions that others could only dream of.

Focus of Mod Development - ssc - 07-15-2012

I say keep Gallia, but set it so that they're not isolationists and allows outside travellers in their space. Course this would cause some factions to remain as threats, like Liberty, since they allied with the Council. Everything else, Mobutu, would benifit the Lore, allowing more flexability in the story-making.

Focus of Mod Development - Mobutu - 07-15-2012

Ok keep it but make them insta-lose the war for the next update, with a revolution, and a new gallian republic that is opened to all of Sirius. Give all the stuff Gallia took in 4.86 back to the factions that owned it before. And for god sake don't force peopel to go there to build bases. Make the commodities needed to build bases and cloaks/jump drives/carrier bays logical in RP, not an absurd oorp context to send people to Gallia.

Focus of Mod Development - Govedo13 - 07-16-2012

The only wrong thing about the whole is the small easy to do things that are not done- everything else around the Dev Team is ok really- it is even np that some ships/factions have better stuff then others- there is no way to perfectly balance everything and it is clear that some with better position would get more- that`s Life so we have it everywhere why here should be different? I just does not like when some people with better tech go on small hypocricy run when you point finger at them-however it is easy to deal with those as well.

I guess nobody with enough brain in his head could demand complicated solutions that work on 100% from not paid Dev team that does not have the source code even on 10 years old game. Cannon and his people done a lot of magic- they managed to add the complicated solutions. This is really strange- making so hard things to work perfectly and failing at the small and easy to fix things.

Small stuff creates a lot of frustration because it is so damn easy to fix- like adding proper Deb guns at all speeds for example- something that community wants since more then 2 years- I guess adding 2-3 more weapons with allready ready model and ready infocard , almost ready stats requires not more then 1 hour if less- adding the weapons to the numerious bases where Debs sell takes a bit but it cannot be more then 1 hour work.
Same with freelaner Bribes that AD said would be late for 4.86.4 but would be in 4.86.5- it is not in 4.86.6 and I doubt that would be in soon and it is less then 30 min work.
The other 5 previous examples in my other post are more or less about the same situation.

Focus of Mod Development - Friday - 07-16-2012

' Wrote:The ideal system would be one which allows a dialogue between a faction and the Dev Team regarding that faction's lore.
  • The Dev Team sets the basic environment and opportunities the faction can live in, use, etc.
  • The faction decides from several possible actions, paths they want to go on
  • After the choice has been finally made, the Dev Team then submits the consequences realted to the decision
Note that the consequences should be logical as well, and the faction lead should be made aware of all the aspects it has to consider before making decision, all the aspects the consequences will be based on later. This is my opinion.
Well, I would like to think that I do engage in frank discussions with the various factions. All factions are welcome to speak to me, but I am not a faction's Personal Shopper for stuff to be given to them - and I don't tolerate abuse.

As an example, one faction rep asked for a Gunboat model to be made for that faction "because of the growing list of enemies X, Y and Z.
I asked him to set out, in story terms, how the faction would be going on the offensive against this list of enemies - or how the enemies are forcing the faction on the defensive - in order to justify this new Gunboat being made for them.

' Wrote:Small stuff creates a lot of frustration because it is so damn easy to fix- like adding proper Deb guns at all speeds for example- something that community wants since more then 2 years- I guess adding 2-3 more weapons with allready ready model and ready infocard , almost ready stats requires not more then 1 hour if less- adding the weapons to the numerious bases where Debs sell takes a bit but it cannot be more then 1 hour work.
Same with freelaner Bribes that AD said would be late for 4.86.4 but would be in 4.86.5- it is not in 4.86.6 and I doubt that would be in soon and it is less then 30 min work.
The other 5 previous examples in my other post are more or less about the same situation.

Govedo, I would like you to start a new thread on the small things - as you call them.

Can you do this for me please?

There is actually a Dev Forum thread now for these kinds of gripes. I do expect though, that a thread here on the forums about small stuff will probably blow out to major "Gimme Stuff NAO" gripes!" - but we can at least make a start.

Focus of Mod Development - Prysin - 07-16-2012

' Wrote:The community is left in the dark for good reason.
Other mods such as Freeworlds announce their development intentions etc and that's all well and fine, it's great for the community too.
Discovery is not Freeworlds though. Our community is vastly larger and thus has the potential to literally tear itself apart, as Freeworlds once did to itself.
The reason it happened to Freeworlds was a combination of things but disagreements on the future development of the mod was a key one and something that Discovery would be very susceptible to.
We already have dozen page long rage threads about changes after they happen, imagine how many would appear if folks knew what was happening before we did it?

If you have good ideas, post them.
Devs do appreciate the community's help and support, after all the mod is built for the community.
That said, you often won't get a dev posting yay or nay, or even saying their thoughts sometimes, as they don't have the final say most of the time, nor have the dev team decided on it or discussed the ideas.
Then there's also the fact that these threads can turn into massive things full of content to work through - a daunting task for anyone.

I echo what Dab and Echo have said.

Factions currently have been asked to put forward their thoughts/suggestions/plans for the storyline and they have a good month to do it.
Don't worry terribly about bias, we all have it.
Much like courage though, it's not the lack of fear that matters, it's the ability to deny it and carry on anyway.

what SHOULD be presented in advance is the balance changes/suggestions BEFORE their made...

There is tonns of stupid changes done, illogical and hypocritical ones that us players just have to accept without even half a cent worth of input. Mjolnir has as lead balancer done a good job with a FEW ships and the rest simply deserves a big questionmark.

Ship balance is wastly dependent on PVP skills. So if the balance testers have decent/high skill, the ships are nerfed thereafter thus leaving the rest of us thats not so skilled in a very very bad position.

I agree that storyline changes should be kept between the Devteam and the respective official factions, as this is how it should be.

Systems, technical addons, tech nerf changes, this shouldnt be revealed before hand.

But a simple thread saying "Eagle has too fast turning, reducing a little bit" or "Fafnir can tank too much, reducing armor and increasing turning slightly" is a good thing. We dont need to know the numbers, just if we get screwd over more or less in the next update so you can brace for it, or actually object unjustified changes. And such changes happens all the time.

Example; Salamankas and Tizonas. There was little contact with the Corsair leaders when it happened. All i know is that the leaders were told that a buff was gonna be made, which ended up being a nerf in the end...

Also, more detailed changelogs.

Focus of Mod Development - ssc - 07-16-2012

Probly if the Devs made a number of Polls on some of the aspects of Disco they would like to change, it might make it somewhat better instead of going ahead and doing it. They should be asking the community, not going on "Just Cause".