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the liberty battlecruiser - Printable Version

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the liberty battlecruiser - Xing - 05-15-2008

and it certainly makes up for my wish: replacing all current import models with the creation of the discovery members.

This model might I say, is a thousand fold superior to the ugly star wars thingy.

the liberty battlecruiser - jshkornmiller - 05-15-2008

I think it looks freakin' awesome. i would totally buy that.

the liberty battlecruiser - Jwnantze - 05-15-2008

here jinx....LOL

[Image: stuffbertyBCmq.jpg]

EDIT: HAHAHAHAHA Fist thats Great!

the liberty battlecruiser - AdamantineFist - 05-15-2008

[Image: ROFLCOPTER.jpg]

OMG IT IZ TEH ROFLCOPTER!!!11!!! :crazy::crazy::crazy:

the liberty battlecruiser - n00bl3t - 05-15-2008

' Wrote:[Image: ROFLCOPTER.jpg]

OMG IT IZ TEH ROFLCOPTER!!!11!!! :crazy::crazy::crazy:


Awesome stuff. Really. Perhaps a bit "edgier" to get a more "Libertonian" feel and removing the forward-facing antennae on the monkey face.

Edit: I am talking about Jinx's design with my post. The emoticon refers to the drawing quoted.

the liberty battlecruiser - Jihadjoe - 05-15-2008

Duke, adamantine, that is awesome.

Jinx I like your ship, It does need something though... I just don't know what... *thinks hard*

the liberty battlecruiser - Jinx - 05-15-2008

"Jinx I like your ship, It does need something though... I just don't know what... *thinks hard*"

thats about the problem. - i feel like somethings not 100% good yet - but its hard to know what. liberty designs are by no means very complicated - and in a way, ... they are modular, too.

the cruiser has the very same tail like the gunboat ( prolly due to the fact that the gunboat is non vanilla - but even so ) ... so one would think of the battlecruiser to be the same tail aswell - with a larger and more massive front - instead of the big guntube.

but then... a battlecruiser is some two times bigger than a cruiser - and may aswell use the dreadnaught engines, allright.

i have replaced the engines with a dreadnaught like engine ( not as massive, but its now a big tube instead of 4 smaller ones ) - and modified the nose into a straight hatchet. - the hatchet is by no means as dominant as the dreadnaughts, but it looks weaker now. ... cause the front of the ship doesn t end bluntly anymore, it lost its "heavy armoured tank look" and looks more the lines of a kusari destroyer ( not in terms of looks, but in terms of how massive it feels )

all in all - it feels like a very long, but thin ship now. ( well, at least not like a "hind" anymore ) - but i m not convinced about it. - i keep both versions saved seperately and check some other variations.

the liberty battlecruiser - Panzer - 05-15-2008

Not much left now to boot.

Xing's doing the carruer, Jinx is fixing the BC, Eppy and treewyrm have the Outcast and Hacker stuff on the drawing boards, Dreygon's working on BH...


the liberty battlecruiser - Jinx - 05-15-2008

soo - thats one step back ( no textures ) and hopefully 2 steps ahead again...

this version includes some suggestions... - the "nose" is now much longer and sharper, - giving the whole ship a more shiplike shape again. - i replaced the cruiser engine with a smaller version of the dreadnaught engine.

[Image: version2battlecruiser.jpg]

furthermore, i removed the sensor spikes ( upper ones ) and shortened the lower ones. - the whole design is now a very compact ship. - current size is around 15% longer than the BHG battlecruiser, but has a much smaller profile from the front.

hitbox would be the cruiser hitbox .... its not much more than a tube. ( allthough that would be a generous hitbox - what hitbox is used for the liberty gunship? )

edit: the big tube below the nose isn t supposed to be just another superweapon - its only a heatsink - i thought that made sense considering that its a smallish ship capable of firing battleship sized weapons with an allmost twice as large reactor as a normal cruiser.

the liberty battlecruiser - Vape - 05-15-2008

*starts drooling as he stares and the BC*
*begins saving money for a battlecrusier*