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Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Printable Version

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RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-15-2013

[Image: Mandela-Cell-3.jpg]

Back in his cell Hone considered it a good day's work, he'd gotten a message out, and as he was leaving, caught the word "cordes"...
"Just need a response"
He muttered to himself, as he settled down for what would be his first GOOD nights sleep since arriving on this god forsaken ship.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-16-2013

In a hour Lyon reached Cordes outpost. From the window on bridge Marcell observed small battlegroup that was waiting near station. Several heavy ships were on stand by as reserve forces. For a while he just enjoyed the view. Then ordered to contact Cordes and inform that they have captive that have to be transfered to prison. Then he went down to prison level on his ship. Marines opened the cell and entered it. They handcuffed inspector and waited for Marcell's word.

"No one answered." he said to Hone simply.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-16-2013

[Image: shockcuffs.jpg]

Following silently in the midst of a heavily armed squad of enemy troopers, deep inside hostile territory, about to be transferred to a secure station, and probably locked in a high security cell, Hone had to admit things did not look good. His best hope had been that some Bretonian force, perhaps the privateers, or maybe even a CR patrol, would intercept the ship, and bust him out before it could reach safety. But with no reply to his message, and the horribly large amount of defences he could now see, between him and rescue, his confidence was falling fast.

Still, if there was one thing he knew, it was that bureaucracies worked slowly, they could be debating a prisoner exchange right now. There was still hope, and to make the best of it, he'd better start learning all he could about his new environment;

"So Commie, is this goodbye for us? Where am I going now?"

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-16-2013

Marcell shruged "I don't know. Perhaps to Avallon station in Burgundy..." He looked in inspector's eyes "Well, if what you said true, your friends will find a way to get you out. If no, this war will end, eventually."

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-16-2013

[Image: 1261118444E7tLG7.jpg]

Resignedly Hone stepped up to the station airlock, what would be waiting for him on the other side?
"Oh well, here goes..."

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-17-2013

A sudden emergency swept over the ship. Marcell listened carefully, while marines quickly pushed prisoner back on the ship and jumped back straight after him. Airlock closed.

"Colonial forces attacking..." he gazed at inspector doubtfully.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-17-2013

Hone's heart raced as he was bundled back aboard, and it skipped a beat when he heard the Colonial's first words broadcast over the shipwide coms;

[Image: 24msyaa.jpg]

A prisoner on board? That was him! They HAD sent help, and in a BIG way! A colonial capitol fleet, with snub support:

[Image: 24dhsh1.jpg]

However the overwhelming Gallian forces were matching them ship;

[Image: 25hjuqo.jpg]

For ship:

[Image: 3g9ra.jpg]

With the Lyon being pressed back into service, while Hone was still aboard!
"Hah, I TOLD you they would come!"
He managed to yell triumphantly at Marcel, before they were dragged in opposite directions, one by his duty, the other, just dragged. Listening to the shipwide battle announcements as he was frogmarched along, Hone cheered the colonials on, this could be it, his big chance, visions of home filled his mind, Bretonia...

Unfortunately; it was not to be, elation turned to dismay, as the colonial battleship emulated it's ancestors, and fell before the might of Gallia:

[Image: 121zzb8.jpg]

Shocked, and suddenly horribly outgunned, the colonial cruiser soon followed:

[Image: 4fvdjp.jpg]

The guards were standing still now, they had been listening just as intently to the shipwide coms, but now they were laughing, and jeering at the colonial efforts,
"Ohohohoho, Petit fools!"
They chortled, unaware that behind them, dismay was now turning to anger. His guards distracted and his chance of rescue, gone, Hone decided he'd take his chance at escape instead, raising his handcuffed arms in front of him, he brought the central lock down like a hammer on the back of the nearest guard's head, crumpling him to the floor instantly. The second guard had more warning, and was beginning to shout and turn, as Hone jumped him, literally jumping onto him, wrapping his legs around his body to pin his arms, and slowly garroting him with the handcuffs. The guard struggled and stumbled, trying to bash the maddened policeman off him against the wall, but Hone hung on grimly, and without his arms to pull at the handcuffs, the guard was helpless to resist. Soon the exertion and lack of oxygen got to him, his breathing faltered, and he fell to the floor in a faint.

Hone looked desperately around, even though there was no-one in sight, it couldn't be long before security found out, and sent someone, if they hadn't already. Quickly stripping off the handcuffs with the guards keys, he grabbed their weapons, utility pouches, and a helmet. He wished he could dress himself in one of their uniforms, but there was no way he had that kinda time, besides if they saw a naked guard, they'd be sure to guess his disguise, hopefully they wouldn't notice a missing helmet in all the confusion. Charging for the escape pods, Hone used the helmet coms to keep abreast of any internal pursuit, as well as the exterior battle. It seemed the Colonial bomber was hanging around, and Hone had to admire its courage, taking on an entire fleet alone! But then he saw why; Another Colonial Gunboat and Battleship hove into view:

[Image: 23udkxs.jpg]

But whereas the Gunboat dove in to assist the determined little snub, the Battleship, apparently unwilling to share its predecessor's fate, hung back from the fight. Unfortunately this lack of heavy support could mean only one thing, and the bomber finally gave up the ghost:

[Image: scqngk.jpg]

Wincing as he ran, Hone heard the Gallic shouts of triumph over his "liberated" helmet coms, he knew it was now just a matter of time for the gunboat, and that practically meant the end of his escape pod ambitions. He wasn't about to just give up yet, but now he needed somewhere to hide. He urgently scanned around, where could he hide that wouldn't be seen...? Of course! The air ducts, he'd seen it a hundred times in the Holos hadn't he? Wrenching the grille from a nearby duct, he dived inside, just as, sure enough, the gunboat went out in a Blaze of Glory:

[Image: os7omg.jpg]

And... Wedged.
"Ahrgh! God Dammit!"
Hone grated, as he wriggled his shoulders agonisingly round,
"They. Always. Look. Bigger. On- Oof!"
He grunted, as he managed to turn and get a hand back out into the corridor. One thing was for sure, he wasn't going to be making any quick escapes like this! But it was still better than being caught and returned to his cell. Grabbing the grille, he replaced it over the entrance, to mask his trail, and began the laborious task of worming his way slowly backwards, hoping for an intersection which might allow him to turn around again.
"God I just hope the Frogs don't watch the same Holos we do..."

Hours passed in this uncomfortable state, while the Gallic fleet pursued and destroyed the Colonial Remnants:

[Image: 2ywv5l0.jpg]

And all the while; Hone Planned.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-19-2013

Even though fight ended Marcell remain on bridge. Phrase of the inspector made him feel anxious. In a second his thoughts were interrupted by message from crewman, who found two unconscious marines. After asking the details, Marcell ordered med team to pick them and deliver to med bay, and himself headed there. After checking marines he ordered to put ten marines to secure safe pods and the rest to search the ship.

"Don't make your life more difficult..." he said, referring to inspector. Then he left med bay under escort of few marines, and joined the search.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-26-2013

[Image: shadowy_figure_by_stock7000-d31hlhk.jpg]

As Hone lurked in the shadows of the ship, a plan began to form. What he had:

A Guard Helmet,
A Gun
A utility knife and pouch
Little knowledge of the French language.

OK, clearly the ship wasn't going to go anywhere with him still on board, and after enough searching, sooner or later they would find him, that pretty much ruled out waiting for the ship to enter friendly territory, and try for an escape pod. So basically it was a choice between, "Give yourself up" and "Try to escape onto the station". Well, that was no choice really, but how to do it? Sure most Gallians spoke fluent english, but what if they got suspicious when he NEVER spoke french? And he was sure they'd be searching everyone who crossed out of the airlock onto the station. Although... they'd be searching everyONE, but would they be searching everyTHING?

The workers resupplying the Lyon were moving quickly, they had another battleship, and system patrol to fill after this, and the sooner they finished, the sooner they could go on break. Skirting around rear of the crates waiting for loading, Hone breathlessly searched for his target. It had taken a lot of wrong turns to find his way to the cargo hold through the vents, with a nasty close call when he found himself at a grille leading into the guard barracks. But by watching the workers loading empty crates onto the supply trolleys headed through the cargo airlock for the main station, and unloading full ones, he was able to identify the section to be loaded next. Nervously looking around, he dashed over to them, and began checking, trying desperately to keep out of the workers line of sight. 3 crates along he found a possibility, it was a depleted munitions crate, still containing enough casing to mask his weight, but enough room left for him to fit.
"Oh geez I hope this weren't nuclear rounds,"
he muttered to himself
"Thats all I need, to die of Goddam cancer!"
But a search for more luxurious transport was cut short as he heard a shout, a garbled mix of french and english, and footsteps approaching round the stack, the workers were about to start on his section! Panicking, he dived into the crate, pulling the lid back on top of him, before he could be spotted, and sent back to his cell.
"Guess this is it now, at least if there are guards on the other side, hoepfully they wont have time to search EVERY crate..."

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-31-2013

Together with his group Marcell searched the area around place where marines have been found. Without any success he ordered the rest to keep searching, when himself moved to the bridge, trying to think about the possibilities of escape. The only two ways out of ship were safe pods and airlock. First were well guarded, and even if the prisoner would be able to use them, he would be spotted and captured easily, with such numbers of ships in the area. So only option was airlock. However it haven't been left unguarded...

When Marcell reached the bridge his xo said that Lyon docked with station and already begun resupply. What if officer would use this opportunity? He squinted and ordered via comm link to stop resupply and scan every crate, those that have already been transfered to Cordes and the ones that remained on Lyon...