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Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Ironwatsas - 12-08-2009

PM sent.

It wasn't you, Casero. Infact, it's mostly the fault of Zelot and assorted Indies.

Either way, it needs to be dealt with. By players of all factions, or you're going to start to drive others out. This applies to the Consortium, Dragons, GC, BHG, SCRA, Corperations, and all others.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Skipper - 02-20-2010

Just a thought to all Kusari: parading 10+ ships of KNF, Yakuza and whatnot above New London is not good RP.
It's a disgusting violation of it in fact.

I'll give you half a point for not engaging with more than twice the number of Bretonian ships in the system, though.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - LoTeK_ - 02-21-2010

Are you sure that they were official [KNF] players? Because I find it difficult to believe something like that.
Do you have further informations? Like screenshots or some character name?

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Skipper - 02-21-2010

I remember 2 [KNF] ships, 3 [Yakuza] and a bunch of indies. I'm sorry I have no screenshot as I was mostly busy getting shot by one of the Yakuza, and I didn't think of it at the time anyway.

To me it was very much reminiscent of the Corsair raids of Bretonia back in .84.
I'm taking a wild guess that it also came about in the same way: KNF (or these Yakuza people) deciding to raid Bretonia, raising the shout of who'd like to join, then steamrolling all over the place reveling in their PvP power in disregard of RP environment.

It might be my own faulty interpretation of the RP environment and if it is so, please correct me, but I'd expect large scale Kusari fleets to remain in the general area of the front lines (i.e. Taus, Leeds) and not within 10K of New London. At the very least outside previously coordinated large scale events.

I would take it as a kindness if this could be reinforced on the ranks of KNF and whoever you have influence over. Otherwise I'm pretty sure I could also pick a time when I could camp New Tokyo with a bunch of Bowex fighters greeting traders to Bretonian territory there, like it's been done to New London today.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - beunt - 02-21-2010

On a positive note, thanks for the battle in Leeds lately, you proved really fair and good in RP.
I should post that in the Kudos section but it's as fine here.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - LoTeK_ - 02-25-2010

' Wrote:It might be my own faulty interpretation of the RP environment and if it is so, please correct me, but I'd expect large scale Kusari fleets to remain in the general area of the front lines (i.e. Taus, Leeds) and not within 10K of New London.
No correction is needed, standing orders for all [KNF] are exactly these, I will bump them again.
Thanks both for your feedback.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - McNeo - 03-02-2010

Due to changes with the KNF, the Imperial Guard [IG] have now merged with the [KNF]. These ships will have the [KNF-IG] tag, and are a part of the KNF player faction.

If any of you have a problem with the way that a specific player with a [KNF-IG] tag has acted, I will deal with your complaint here and on skype if neccessary. The reason for this is because I've been placed in charge of the Imperial Guard. Thus is my mandate to deal with complaints against those bearing her tag.

Of note, I've heard and seen folks in Kusari trying to RP KNF operatives with Wilde Tags, IDs and Nomad weapons, whilst also being in group with a bunch of GCs. To accuse my men of metagaming their way to the knowledge that your character is a wilde, when you're mounting nomad weapons and the High Command doesn't know about it? That is not on I'm afraid. You will find that we will continue to shoot your characters until you roleplay them properly as undercover agents, which means you can roleplay a KNF dude all you like, just not with nomad guns or equipment.

If you have issue with that, I'd like to hear why. I'll provide a rebuttal with the concepts outlined above in a more elaborated form if so.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Akura - 03-02-2010

Order use Nomad Weapons requently, no one suspects them of infection.

Reason Iseijin can use Human-Nomad weapons is because they have spies in high places lying about special groups within the Kusari Naval Forces who are cleared to use those shooters.

So the members of these fictional wings are cleared to use illegal weaponary to 'assist Naval Goals in Kusari' outside of the public eye.

Another reason the Dragons get a lil suspitious, is when KNF ships shoot them with pretty purple guns.

And besides, the Iseijin surivive on their ability to be covert, they'd no doubt though of ways to make someone scanners lie to them.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Zelot - 03-02-2010

' Wrote:Order use Nomad Weapons requently, no one suspects them of infection.

Reason Iseijin can use Human-Nomad weapons is because they have spies in high places lying about special groups within the Kusari Naval Forces who are cleared to use those shooters.

So the members of these fictional wings are cleared to use illegal weaponary to 'assist Naval Goals in Kusari' outside of the public eye.

Another reason the Dragons get a lil suspitious, is when KNF ships shoot them with pretty purple guns.

And besides, the Iseijin surivive on their ability to be covert, they'd no doubt though of ways to make someone scanners lie to them.

I am going to have to go with Mcneo on this. I understand the whole undercover thing, but no, there are no KNF that are authorized to use nomad gear. The KNF are not the Order, and dont have that kind of relations with nomad tech. If the Iseijin want to be undercover in the, they really should look like any other KNF. They shouldnt be grouped up with GC, and they shouldnt be using Nomad tech.

' Wrote:Reason Iseijin can use Human-Nomad weapons is because they have spies in high places lying about special groups within the Kusari Naval Forces who are cleared to use those shooters.


Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - McNeo - 03-02-2010

Zelot beat me to it.

I'll address each of your points in the order that they were brought up in.

Quote:Order use Nomad Weapons requently, no one suspects them of infection.

The Order develops these weapons.
They are human adaptation of alien weaponry.
Of course they wouldn't be suspected of being infected for that reason.

However any person should suspect folks in the Order of being infested, they're a perfect target for the nomads to infiltrate.

Quote:Reason Iseijin can use Human-Nomad weapons is because they have spies in high places lying about special groups within the Kusari Naval Forces who are cleared to use those shooters.

Now if this could be set up in roleplay, I'd agree with you.

That said, since the nomad blaster/cannon change, no one has been cleared to use these shooters. Perhaps a change in RP forced by the rules, but none-the-less that's the way it is. Folks are paranoid about nomads and nomad stuff in the houses, the KNF arent different.

Quote:So the members of these fictional wings are cleared to use illegal weaponary to 'assist Naval Goals in Kusari' outside of the public eye.

With the Shogun's permission Im sure that could be arranged.
That'll be Lotek, and he's far more open-minded about these sorts of things.

Quote:Another reason the Dragons get a lil suspitious, is when KNF ships shoot them with pretty purple guns.


Quote:And besides, the Iseijin surivive on their ability to be covert, they'd no doubt though of ways to make someone scanners lie to them.

They could take the risk and try to develop technology to get people's scanners to lie to them.
Or they could eliminate the risk alltogether and fly around with a full load of disinfectors, debilitators and sunfrenzies, or even codenames.

There's no point to take the risk is there?

Let me be clear here, the problem isn't the wilde ID rephacking a wilde tag and lawful NPCs hostile. It's that the last time I saw this, it was a person claiming to be undercover KNF, with a Blossom GC fighter, and nomad weaponry.

Now with the current rep system, its very hard to convincingly roleplay a triple agent, which is essentially what this roleplay was. If the wilde ID didn't rephack then it would be easier... for example, Wilde ID, KNF tag, GC ship/guns.

But it doesn't look right to allow a ship to be flying around from a KNF standpoint, if its flashing purple stuff, with a purple thruster trail (something that you dont need scanners to see), and is using GC ships. It doesnt look right to leave it alone just because your character said he or she is an undercover agent. Would you believe me if I said that in Liberty, flying a wraith with nomad guns? I don't think I'd believe myself to be honest with you.