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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 01-17-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source......................Lt Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message......
Message encrypted, clearance level 2 required. Password :
[Access granted]
[opening message]

Greetings officers,

as some may already know, we faced yesterday a sizeable alien incursion in the Newcastle system. The following events first looked like a military offensive from the nomad forces, but further elements suggest that it could have been a mere decoy while a more important business, related to this, occured elsewhere in the system.

Saturday, the 16th of january 818 a.s.

9.45 pm UST : the BMM facilities in tau 23 spotted the first scouts of the alien fleet. Several more contacts quickly followed. The station manager reports no damage, as the ennemy simply hacked through the gate and proceeded to Tau 31. The nomad presence was confirmed several minutes later by the battleship MacDuff, though the ennemies remained out of short range scanners. The defense grid status was set to yellow.
10.12 pm UST : battleship Grimsby report incoming contacts aproximately located in the northen asteroid field and closing in. Defense grid status set to red.
10.15 pm UST : commander Goodmen ordered the shutdown of Newcastle and Stokes lane, then sent Ensign Tensdale and myself scouting the area, soon joined by one of the Able Ace mercenaries. Hinted by a passing by freelancer with proceeded to Scarborough Station.
10.25 pm UST : contact within short range scanner at Scarborough station, fastly zeroing on our scouting unit. I loosely reported 7 to 9 target including a larger specimen to the com channel, before ordering to retreat as the sudden proximity and size of the threat, and that... head thing made me loose my nerves.
10.27 pm UST : the BAF regrouped at Gateshead station under the command of captain Owen. We quickly set an ambush to interdict further ennemy progression along the lane. A minute later, second proximity contact is made. The nomad fleet was cruising open space, approximately heading to battleship Ark Royal. Order was issued to intercept.
10.31 pm UST : we cruised in range of part of the nomad fleet and captain Carter ordered to open fire. The location of the rest of the ennemy forces remained unknown.
10.42 pm UST : the larger of the nomad ships was destroyed. Still no news from the rest of the fleet, although some additional targets soon joined the fight . The odd part is that the aforementioned large nomad ship never fired back, and focused only on thrusting away until termination. My personal feeling is that it tried to lure us away from something.
11.04 pm UST : the battle, now in its later part, was still raging, our side suffering some casualties mainly in the reserve forces, but we kept the upper hand until the end. However, the ennemies forces held us stuck in the melee long enough to allow their mastermind to achieve a deal with the terrorist known as Salazar Kithe. The nature of this deal remain obfuscated due to its partly immaterial protocol, happening half in systemwide channel and half in some...telepathic emmission whose location and source were still unknown.
11.22 pm UST : the last alien organism was terminated. After a quick regroup move, we proceeded to Derby for report.
11.30 pm UST : decontamination and debriefing. Defense grid status back to green.

Although the motivations of the talks between the terrorist and the alien form are still unknown, they might be related to the attack of Cambridge research stations by Kithe, whose report is missing in the official BAF report entries, and probably put to secrecy by the MI5. I am now, along with most of the engaged bretonian forces, requested by the psychomedicengineering department for further inquiries. The proceedings will be forwared in this channel as soon as available.

Lieutenant Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 01-17-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source......................Lt Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message......
Message encrypted, clearance level 2 required. Password :
[Access granted]
[opening message]

Appending to the previous action report.

Greetings officer,

after long hours of test and moderate brain seizure episodes, the Cambridge Psychomedicengineering department succeeded in associating holoband storage and retrohypnosis to record part of my recent memories. You can experience via the thalamocortical plug, aside from an adrenaline rush, both the system communication from Salazar Kithe and some... telepathic footprint of a lady dressed in red. The output files, file #4323 and file #4325, have been forwarded to interested departments for further studies.

Lieutenant Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - ryoken - 01-17-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: LSF Liberator WRECKER-JR]
[CommID: Clasified]

I am contacting the BAF in an effert to purchase,or lease 2 of your adv splitter's,and 2 reg splitter's to mount on the LSF Liberator WRECKER-JR. These weapon's would be used for the singular purpose of dispatching unwanted Pirates who have been harrassing trade ship's to,and from Liberty space. I would be able to supply above and beyond the purchase price of these weapon's. Thank you for your time, I shall await your response.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - cshake - 01-18-2010

... Incoming transmission ...
Source: Lieutenant Commander Jay Clark
Subject: Patrol Report

Sirs, I came on duty today at 15:00 SMT, and immediately upon going online received a message from a ship by the name of Terrance.Chamberlain with the report of multiple <strike>Nomad</strike> hostile contacts in the Cortez system. As there were no LN ships around, I responded to the call, picking up a friendly Bounty Hunter by the name of Esther.Carson. along the way. Once there I found Mr. Chamberlain to be an Order pilot, and along with a friendly Zoner gunboat, we all went on the hunt for the <strike>voices in our heads</strike> hostile contacts.
We searched the system for nearly 45 minutes, and finally found the hostiles near the California gate. <strike>Xa'Pak</strike> One of the <strike>trial morphs</strike> hostiles jumped through the gate, but I respected the Treaty of Curacao and did not follow. Ms. Carson did however, and succeeded in taking the little bugger out. While those two were in California, <strike>Keepers.Qaniss:</strike> the larger of the hostiles and the Order pilot opened fire on each other, while <strike>Ishum</strike> some unidentified little blue thing hovered nearby, but without any apparent hostile intent or even weapons. I let the Order pilot know that I would engage any of the hostiles if they were openly hostile to me, but no weapon fire came my way and Mr. Chamberlain destroyed the hostile contact on his own before long.
[Image: th_Freelancer-2010-01-18-10-54-01-67.jpg]
(Please excuse the HUD layout errors, the technicians on the Derby are currently looking into the problem)

After the larger ship was destroyed, we all got the feeling that the unarmed one was scared, and decided not to pursue as it ran off. I was able to facilitate a bit of goodwill between the Order pilot and Ms. Carson, as Mr. Chamberlain had some Hunter pilots in his hold that he offered to me so I could transfer them to her.

On our way back to Leeds, Ms. Carson remarked to me how generous Sir Nelson was in providing a fully armed Templar when she was looking to purchase the ship, and was suitably impressed with the Ultra Sunrails he included with it, so I thought I should pass this on.

This concludes my report for this incident.

... Transmission Ends ...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 01-18-2010

---Incoming transmission---
---Sender ID: Cdr. Robert Jones---
---Subject: Action Report---

All right, here goes. I was patroling omega-3 when I came across a corsair, pirating a trader. I suggested that he bugger off, not to put too fine a point on it, and he suggested that I should go and have a tea break. Another 'sair soon arrived and they decided on a compromise, the compromise being that I would be killed and that they would continue their piracy. Naturally, I couldn't accept such a generous offer and added tachyon, pulse and Razor shots to my side of the bargain. Unfortunately our negotiations were cut short when one blew himself up on his own mine and the other ran off screaming.

---Report ends---
---Attached images: 2---
Corsair 1 explodes
Corsair 2 flees

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beander2 - 01-19-2010

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Ensign Nathaniel Buchanan]
[Subject: Patrol Report]

Dear Sirs,

I again send you a message from my hospital bed, this time on the Derby. After a brief patrol with Lt. Blair, I headed back into New London where I caught a Gaian, [NLH]-Shadowcat, attempting to disrupt a trade lane between Southhampton and the Leeds JG. The Gaian ran when I appeared, but I watched him on long-range scanner and then went into Leeds via the JG to track him there. Again, I found him actually disabling a trade lane - this time between the NL JG and Planet Leeds - and I demanded he leave. After a bit of a "chat," and upon his steadfast refusal to leave, I engaged. After a number of passes, my ship was destroyed.

I am not badly injured - my pod thankfully held together well. However, I would very much appreciate some sort of additional combat training, at a mutually convenient time.

Respectfully yours,

Ens. N. Buchanan

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 01-20-2010

:::Incoming Transmission:::
Source: Commodore Blake Owen
Subject: Citation Request


Yesterday, Lieutenant Blair preformed admirably in defense of Graves mining station from a Kusari assault. The base was under attack from one Chimera, one Mafic, one SHF of unidentified class, and one Titan. They attempted to destroy my vessel before I could raise the alarm, however I was able to summon Blair on the S.K.Y.P.E. secure line. Dispite the clear firepower advantage of the enemy, Lieutenant Blair quickly came to my aid and destroyed one of the fighters despite taking heavy fire himself. After a short while Ensign John Cooper came to our aid with a few \CZ\ AI vessels. At this point the fight broke in two with Ensign Cooper and myself chasing the Titan and the rest pursuing the retreating Kusari. The Ensign's Templar was destroyed unfortunately, but all enemy attackers were destroyed or have retreated to the Taus. Every pilot preformed admirably, however I feel that Lieutenant Blair should receive an extra citation because he joined the battle while the odds were against him, while the other pilots joined to even the battle.

For your consideration,

-Blake Owen

Attachments: Casualty Report

:::Transmission Ends:::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 01-21-2010

--Incoming Transmission....connection stablished.
--ID: Capt. Roland Gilead.
--Security encryption: High BAF secure comms.

My report is quite all over the place I know, but the following needs to be reported and said.

Starting at 0800 I began my shift and was contacted by the IMG carrier Perihelion from cortez. He informed me that he wanted clearance to pass through Bretonia to the Omega 3. I gave the order for the carrier to await my arrival for escourt through our space at Magellan. When I got there I saw a Lane Hacker pirate trying to destroy drone ships for their cargo. I identified the ship through comms as Elric.Izen. I proceeded to give direct warning to the lane haco evacuate Bretonia space. He complied. The carrier reached it's destination saly as well.

Later at 1301 I came across a trader without the proper licence to operate. I immediately had the ship dock at New London for search to assure it was nothing of a threat to her majesty's interests. The ground crew informed me that all was well and the ship was established with the proper licence and sent on it's way.

Finally at 1522 hours, a group of corsair ships accompanied by another group of unidentified ships was assulting the BAF in manchester. I coordinated the battle from a safe distance and watched as our men fought bravely and valiantly. All hostile ships were neutralized and their remains were taken to MI6 labs for research.

--End Transmission--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sly - 01-22-2010

"Incoming transmission..."
"Subject ID: Lieutenant John Alster, Bretonian Armed Forces"
"Source: Planet Leeds, Leeds.
[[TimeStamp -- Acquired]]"

Greetings, officers.

Today I received an emergency call in Armed Forces secured channel. Admiral McKenna told that there are a bunch of Joker thugs, the Joker himself and a pair of Bounty Hunters. Our wing was harshly dispatched to current location.
When we arrived there things were common. Joker with a pair of his thugs were pirating tradelane at NL->Leeds Jumpgate -- Southampton. Joker and his thugs refused to leave this place and we began to attack. The battle lasted for some time, but their forces were defeated by complex of BAF and BHG force. There was a corsair who fought along Joker's side, I managed to obliterate this one.

[Image: 20p4wlk.jpg]

That is all.

Lieutenant Alster out.

"Transmitter signal - TERMINATED..."

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Decoy - 01-22-2010

::Incoming Transmission::
Subject: Dublin After Action Report

On routine patrol in Dublin I came across a BHG Gunboat being harassed by our number one public enemy, the Joker. The BH was mining gold close to Arranmore base and was ordered to leave by the Joker under authority of the Mollies. After an exchange of words Joker opened fire, to which I responded as best i could. Following a short dogfight the BH fell leaving only my Templar against the Joker's ship. Soon after, Mandalorian Reiner Hetsau arrived on the scene to asisst, however even with 2:1 odds we were still severely outgunned.

The space got more crowded as the struggle continued on, as a nearby Molly bomber came nearby, but did not engage. Following this, a BAF gunboat answered our signal for help, the HMS Odyssey.

Gun Cam Footage:

Seeing the balance of power shift, the Molly bomber entered the fight and despite the combined efforts of the Mandalorian and myself, was able to bring down the Odyssey with concentrated fire from the Joker.

After this tragic loss, the Joker turned his attention to me, leaving the Mandalorian to fight the Molly 1v1. Already having suffered heavy damage to both nanaobots and sheild recharge systems I withdrew to the nearby Battleship Essex for emergency dock. The Joker pulled back once he was in range of the Essex' main weapons.

In a bit of good news I was told that long range scanners were able to confirm the destruction of the Molly bomber by the Mandalorian, some vengenace for our brothers aboard the Odyssey...

I am currently remaining on the Essex until my ship can be repaired by the techs here. One day soon the Joker's time will be up, I just hope im there to see it...

Warren Siderman
Ensign, Bretonia Armed Forces
January 22, 817 A.S.