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The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Sebastian Wolfe - 03-25-2010

' Wrote:Holy crap.

I didn't expect you to actually play along with Mia's "Um... I'm not an Outcast. Really!" thing.

Things like that remind me of why I have Civilian ships on the Mirage ship list. Kudos.

- Magician.[101st-M]
Oh, yeah. That. Well, it was King\Duke's call.

Had it been up to me, I'd have at least asked a few more questions. Maybe that's why I'm still a Corporal?

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Kaze Dagon - 03-25-2010

' Wrote:Oh, yeah. That. Well, it was King\Duke's call.

Had it been up to me, I'd have at least asked a few more questions. Maybe that's why I'm still a Corporal?

You are CR AWACS!!!!!!!

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - tazuras - 03-31-2010

Just out of curiosity, what reason did a CR Zephyr Carrier have for being in New Tokyo? Mind you, I'm not saying there is no reason, I just find it a bit strange.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Chenzo- - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:Just out of curiosity, what reason did a CR Zephyr Carrier have for being in New Tokyo? Mind you, I'm not saying there is no reason, I just find it a bit strange.

An Emergencery operation was launched at my command, the Actual commander of the ship has departed, the Vessle had to be moved to Tau-44 ASAP. the Full details of which will be available shortly.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - [-=XTF=-]Aslan - 04-04-2010

Would like to say that we have had some wonderfull Battles with you guys lately,and always been most fair,
and must say that the recent invasion of Alpha took us most completely by surprise,although we did beat you back in the end.

In the interest of Fair play.
Also we are try to trace an xtf member who has supposedly gunned down an observer at a recent battle[last couple of days] in the Tau 23, which the CR were involved in,whilst sending system wide transmission "I kill all reds" obviously this is not an attitude we would support and would appreciate any screans shots your members may have or even a name so that we can talk to the said pilot.

Quote ,Mang 109.
I have just been in a T23 dog fight. The MNS decided that it would be smart to send two Dreads into T23. They of course died. But the usual Alpha lolwutting flotsam arrived aswell, including some XTF.

A player in the system stated clearly in system chat " Im not involved in the fight, just observing" or something to that effect. Lets call it "PLAYER1"

He was sat STILL,away from the targets, there were at least 10, maybe even 15 other IMG/CR ships pounding the dreads.

Next thing AFTER the " im not in this" statement is BOOM : PLAYER 1 was killed by XTF...

what does this XTF then say ? : "I attack all red"

WE have been unable to verify this or find a name so any help pls.

@Chenzo you have been told that you are no longer XTF please do not use XTF char again it has been spotted online.Thank you

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Beagle23 - 04-04-2010

' Wrote:must say that the recent invasion of Alpha took us most completely by surprise,although we did beat you back in the end.

If you mean the one with the Sarissa, I'm not sure "beat you back" is the phrase I'd use. :D

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - [-=XTF=-]Aslan - 04-04-2010

' Wrote:If you mean the one with the Sarissa, I'm not sure "beat you back" is the phrase I'd use. :D

ok then we destroyed your carrier and after prolonged fight with the odds slightley in your favour,you made a strategic advance back through 37 jump hole . we sufferd no losses.:P
Ref Sarisa,I was begging to be allowed to get my fighter but no one HEARD ME Waaaaaaaaa.:(

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Panzer - 04-04-2010

Was fine. That Zep that came over was stupid and instead of hammering the Sarrie like it was supposed to, it went freelancing targets.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - arvg - 04-08-2010

Good job in Tau-23 the other day.

Nice bit of RP guiding a slightly lost Coalition warship and pointing it towards Alpha.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Grail - 04-08-2010

To friends of Zed.

You guys rock and are one the most fun factions to fly with.
