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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Vycos - 03-23-2015

COMM ID: Commander Isaac Wilson
TARGET ID: First Fleet Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Incident Report - 23-03-822

Dear Naval Command,

I was patrolling New York today. Besides the usual criminal activity, a Liberty Rogue vessel designation: Rusty.Anchor was engaged in attacking Naval forces and captured several Gunboat pilots. My vessel LNS-Steakhouse is not equipped to pursue such criminals, however when he returned to the previous scene of the battle he opened fired without a warning, not to my surprise of course. Shots where returned, how ever he has continuously ran away from the battle. I remained in the close vicinity of West Point to ensure he cannot captured more pilots. Finally he fled back to the Badlands. The captured pilots are currently in his possession. Rescue mission is advised.
Report Over

Commander Isaac Wilson

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Arbs - 03-23-2015


COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Alan Jones
TARGET ID: First Fleet Reporting Facilities
SUBJECT: Post-action Report

Post-Action Report, 23 March 822 AS

Patrol started out from Planet Manhattan.
First contact was a "Tiger Shark" Light fighter, on the Manhattan-West Point lane, under the alias Darton.Faragon. I was highly suspecting of piracy, later confirmed by his shady ways and threats. However before I could get to arresting him, a legionarie "Prosecutor" Very heavy Fighter attacked me in surprise. After finishing with the Legionarie I got back to the Pirate, resulting in the taking down of them both.
Afterwards my scanners detected an Outcast IFF, under the alias Janna_Belgar, Came out to be a "Switchblade" Heavy Fighter. Soon after I got to taking it down, resulting successful.

Fore the rest of the patrol there were no other troublemakers.

Evidence: :::

Commander (CDR) Alan Jones
First Fleet, Liberty Navy


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Vycos - 03-24-2015

COMM ID: Commander Isaac Wilson
TARGET ID: First Fleet Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Leeds Offensive Strike - 24-03-822

To Naval Command,

On this day LNS-Steakhouse and its outstanding crew has set sail in the direction of the Leeds system to assist against the war with Galia. This was the first skirmish for many of the crew, and for the ship. Refueled and re supplied all the ammunition at Freeport 4 in the Magellan system, and headed to the jump hole directly to Leeds. Arriving the brown smog cloud has welcomed the ship and the crew. At this time the radar only picked up Molly and Galian contacts, and no sight of the Gallic Royal Navy. This first strike was delivered near the Battleship Carcassone which is stationed near an inactive Jump Gate. Shortly after our arrival, waves of several fighter wings, and gunboat patrols have approached the scene, and opened fire. She held steady, and slowly eradicated all the Gallic forces. The repair crew has worked exceptionally to compensate for the damage she has suffered, just when a Gallic Cruiser has bleeped on the radar. Immediately activated the heavy weapon group and returned fire. The Gallic cruiser stood no chance. Recovered the escape the cruisers commanders escape pod, and prepared to return to a friendly base, when another Cruiser has arrived to the scene of the battle escorted by two gunboats, and immediately opened fire. She has taken the beating with pride. And soon the Gallic forces have met their maker.
At this time, LNS-Steakhouse has set sail to make emergency repairs and hand over the high ranking official to the Bretonian Armed Forces.
After the repair, refuel, and resupply of munition completed at the Battleship McDuff in the Newcastle system, She has set sail to strike against the forces near Planet Leeds.
Slowly approaching the planet, the Gallic forces where prepared, and have assembled a large strike force against our skirmish, several gunboats, a few cruisers have come in waves. It was quite a fireworks. She held steady and prideful. Has sustained damaged, but it has left a complete devastation and mayhem after her. That's when a Gallic Battleship has appeared on a approaching course, rapidly. All heavy hitting weapon groups got activated, and released a rain of destruction and fury upon the Gallic Valor. Despite the battleships escort consisting of four gunboats, it has met its maker. All Gallic forces has been eliminated. And she has set sail to return the prisoners of war to the proper hands.
The crew did exceptionally well. And the ship has proven sturdy.
Must urge the Naval command that if the Gallic forces are not stopped, soon they could be on the footsteps of Liberty, and we don't want that.

Please note the attached On board System Report in regards to the captured forces.

Commander Isaac Wilson

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - l3wt - 03-24-2015

COMM ID: ARLAND, James - Planet Manhattan, New York
SUBJECT: Transfer, officer commission

To the Admiralty and High Command,

My name may or may not have passed your desk before. As a private contractor in the employ of the ESRD, I have steadily come to realize I cannot afford to remain in private employ any longer if I hope to be of use.

I realize this is an unusual request, and not one coming through the usual channels, but I am looking to obtain an officer's commission in the Liberty Navy.

My credentials are in the form of considerable training and combat experience from my time in the Bretonian Armed Forces, rank of Commander - cross-reference with their database for validation.

Additional information regarding - amongst other things - the nature of my early retirement from the Armed Forces, I will provide over a more confidential network.

Hoping for your swift response,

James Arland


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Wildkins - 03-31-2015

[Image: AFUIeZG.png]

To CMDR ARLAND, James (ret.):

Greetings, Mr. Arland. While I must admit your request is intriguing, it is by no means the first. While I'm sure the Admiralty would be quite interested to understand the nature and reasons behind your sudden departure from the Bretonian Armed Forces, we would nonetheless be very interested in transferring you into the Navy.

I'm aware that you've already spoken with Recruitment and Retention, and filled out a modified version of our questionnaire. Needless to say, the Admiralty is impressed with your results and is willing to offer you a position within the Navy as a Lieutenant (LT). If you're still interested, Mr. Arland, let us know. We'd be grateful to have another veteran in the Liberty Navy.

Fleet Admiral Davies
Liberty Navy


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sunset Glow - 04-08-2015


COMM ID: Sandra Rivers, Lieutenant
TARGET ID: Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Confiscated artifacts
PRIORITY: Moderate

Lieutenant Rivers here,

At the end of my patrol today, I came across a repair ship that had rheinland civillian weapons of the "flammenwerfer" type equipped. I made sure to check the laws on the matter before talking to the pilot, but after we spoke about the matter and I asked him to dismount the weapons please, in accordance to section 3 ยง1 he graciously obliged and exchagned his weapons for civillian weapons of Liberty make.

Right afterwards, I came across what looked like the biggest junker convoy of confiscated artifacts that I ever saw. I easily counted five ships all tagged and transpondered carrying an enormous amount of artifacts and following an LPI pilot by the name of LPI-H.I.McDunnough[LtD]. He informed me that the artifacts were confiscated and transported to the LPI base near Fort Bush for disposal.

I escorted the convoy from battleship missouro to Fort Bush. Even though it was just one trade route you never know what can go wrong.

I witnessed the convoy docking at the LPI base.

Guncam shot : COnfiscated Artifact Convoy

Sandra Rivers

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - J03C001 - 04-25-2015


COMM ID: Cadet Benjamin Cohen
TARGET ID: First Fleet Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Patrol Report
Priority: Low

Greetings, This is Cadet Benjamin Cohen reporting in,

Today was my first patrol as a cadet in the Liberty Navy. It's a lot different then flying a mining freighter, but definitely more enjoyable. Unfortunately, My first patrol was a rather uneventful one. I started my patrol out of West Point Academy. Form there I went form Norfolk Shipyard, to Fort Bush, Manhattan, then back to West Point. There I linked up with some other navy pilots and we moved onto the Pennsylvania System. Upon our return to New York we ran into a Freelancer running some Counterfeit Software and Stabiline just outside the badlands. He failed to answer us tried to make a run for it before we hit him with a cruise disruptor. After this he surrendered his cargo and we gave his a hefty fine and sent his on his way. Other then that I would just like to report that I have completed my 4 hours of flight time as a cadet.

Before Patrol

After Patrol

Cadet Cohen out.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Spectre - 04-30-2015

Comm ID: Kingston, Cadet Alexander S.
Target ID: Primary Fleet Patrol Reporting Center
Subject: Patrol Record for April 29th, 822 A.S.
Encryption: Low
Priority: Low

Hello Liberty Navy Command, Cadet Kingston reporting in.

My first solo patrol under the Navy banister was a rather uneventful one. I flew from my undocking point in Alaska to New York, and stopped at Norfolk to scan ships coming to and from the Texas system. Several ships, including a couple Junker Salvage Frigates, passed through, but no violation reports were given out. One science vessel, whose name escapes me, stopped nearby and proceeded with what I could only assume was onboard research. Several more ships passed through, but all passed security scans. I then proceeded to fly to Manhattan, where I send this report through.

I also would like to state that I have passed my 4 hour preliminary flight time.

Flight time after scan patrol:

Safe Flight,
Cadet Alexander S. Kingston.

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Skenners - 05-07-2015


COMM ID: Navy Cadet Kenneth Western
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Command
CC: None

Routine patrol from Texas to New York systems.
Encountered Liberty Rogue ships disrupting trade lanes in Texas system. Pirates were engaged and destroyed. Second wave of Rogues approached, ships also engaged and destroyed.
Pilots were captured and turned in at Battleship Missouri.
Uneventful travel to and docking at West Point Academy.



RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - t0l - 05-07-2015


Comm ID: Captain Willard Huff, Liberty Navy
Encryption: High
Priority: High
Subject: Hudson Ravis


We regret to inform all on this frequency that, officially, as of 7:55 PM, May 6th, 821 AS, Primary Fleet Lieutenant Hudson Ravis has been pronounced dead. The official cause of death is complications arising from severe brain damage caused by blunt force trauma.

That will be all.