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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Apollon - 06-18-2015


[Image: fSc0vE8.png]

SUBJECT: Reinstatement, Return to Duty.


It seems that my expectations for a peaceful and en-joyful retirement has failed me once again, I don't see myself straying around worthlessly. Nevertheless, military life would suit to me best.
I believe you already know why I'm contacting you, I request that I am to be reinstated back into the First Fleet's ranks in order to provide my support for the greater good of Liberty.

Jensen out.

[Image: DHeMZwF.png?dateline=1393503121]
For Liberty, For The People, For Justice.
JENSEN, William
Liberty Navy.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Liberty Navy - 06-21-2015


COMM ID: Navy Office of Re-enlistment and Reinstatement
SUBJECT: Application for Reinstatement
PRIORITY: Moderate

Good Afternoon, Admiral Sius and Commander Jensen,

The Navy Office of Re-enlistment and Reinstatement has deliberated on your applications for reinstatement and have come to the following conclusions:

CMDR JENSEN, William: NORR officials, in coordination with the current Office of the Admiralty, have reviewed both your application and your prior service record and found it to be quite commendable. Your continued support, most notably in your service as the Quartermaster of the First Fleet, has helped to mold the Liberty Navy into the highly dependable and incredibly effective peacekeeping force that it is. As such, we have seen fit to fully reinstate you into the First Fleet at your prior rank of Commander, with division focus pending Admiralty decision. We trust that your continued service to the Republic of Liberty will be most commendable.

VADM SIUS, Remus: Your sudden departure from the Navy due to medical reasons was most unfortunate, as both your service record and your commendations are extensive and developed. Your services, especially toward the Capital Warship Registry and your training regimen with many budding capital warship commanders - those who, mind you, have been some of the highest scoring of West Point's cadets in recent years - indicate to the NORR and the Admiralty that not only is your service wanted, it is desperately needed to continue the trend of high quality officers at all levels of Naval hierarchy. Thus, with the power vested in the Office of Reinstatement, you are hereby reinstated into the Liberty Navy at the rank of Vice Admiral. We are eager to see what bold direction you help take us in, Admiral Sius.


Daniel Ostrander
Re-enlistment & Reinstatement
First Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - rainth345 - 06-25-2015

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: np9r.png]
COMM ID: Vice Admiral Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Defensive action in Magellan

Greetings all,

Exactly two days ago, the alarms blared as a Gallic force appeared in Magellan. Intelligence teams onboard Freeport Four spotted a large fleet approaching their position. They reported the enemy fleet to be 5 Valors, 1 Obstinate Cruiser, 1 Gunboat, 1 bomber and the rest fighters.

We hastily assembled various ships from the different fleets. Our fleet disposition prior to the battle is as follows:
Quote:First Fleet:

Fifth Fleet:
5th|LNS-Odyssey - LIGHT DAMAGE
5th|Mark:Webb - LIGHT DAMAGE

Other Fleets:
Adam:Gibson - Shot down, Pod recovered
Carrier-Louisville,KY- LIGHT DAMAGE
Bowex)Teutonic - Shot down, Pod recovered
Bowex)Miranda.O'Neal - LIGHT DAMAGE
BPA)Waldorf.Salad. - Shot down, Pod recovered

To match the Gallic forces, Captain Morse, new transferee Commander Reaser and I boarded the Durango, Cloverfield and Maryland respectively. Admiral Jack O'Neil from the Fifth Fleet arrived onboard the Odyssey, he was accompanied by his subordinate Commander Mark Webb in a Guardian.

Using the same tactic we utilized on our attack on the Oubli, we baited the Gallics into assaulting our non-cloaked capitals, while approaching the Gallics from the flank in our cloaked ships: [X]

Our first target was their flagship, the Tonnant. It is worth noting the bravery of a certain Bowex pilot, Teutonic. He charged the Gallic fleet to attract their fire. Within minutes of revealing ourselves; unfortunately, he was shot down. Captain Morse onboard the Durango positioned himself too close to the Gallic armada. His ship took heavy damage as the Gallic returned fire and was crippled soon after.

The Tonnant was disabled soon afterwards: [X]

The Gallic forces focused on Commander Reaser, on the Cloverfield and subsequently took heavy damage as well and was crippled soon after.

What followed next was a ferocious attack from our non-cloaked capitals. The Maryland was unable to record the crippling of two enemy Valors as she suffered heavy fire from numerous ships.
Communication Logs Wrote:[22.06.2015 21:53:38] Death: B}RNS-Pantheon was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Maryland (Gun).
[22.06.2015 21:54:30] Death: B}RNS-Versailles was put out of action by 5th|LNS-Odyssey (Gun).

We retreated from the field soon after but not before recording the destruction of another valor: [X]

I gave operational command to Admiral O'Neil afterwards. He spent no time in taking out another Valor: [X]

A secondary fleet Captain managed to score a kill too:[X]

After giving of the Maryland command to my XO, I proceeded to transfer to my fighter and cover the retreat of the capitals. As I arrived, remnants of our fleet included pilot Adam Gibson, 2 Carriers and 1 Assault Cruiser which was taking heavy fire from Gallic snubcraft: [X]

I was not able to prevent the destruction of our Assault Cruiser and pilot Adam Gibson was also shot down while trying to fend off the enemy fighters. The Carriers were able to head back home.

Post-analysis of the battle revealed that the Gallics have adapted to our tactics and accordingly developed counter-measures to this effect. The Gallics managed to turn their ships towards us in an astonishingly fast rate as seen when the Durango was crippled fast. The Gallic Warwolf cannons were also used to devastating effect at such a close range. I strongly advise that engagement be taken at a considerable, safe distance even when surprise and numbers are on our side.

Another matter worth considering is that the average pilot skill of the enemy far outweighs ours. They managed to eliminate most of our fighter support without losing theirs. I strongly advise holding more training sessions for our pilots and including pilots from the other fleets.

This concludes my report.

For Freedom and Justice,
Vice Admiral Remus Sius ,
Liberty Naval High Command.

*****Transmission Terminated*****

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Total.Absolution - 06-29-2015


TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Message Dump
SUBJECT: Reinstatement
SENDER ID: Commander Jacob M. Beaumont

__ --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- __
[Image: Screen-Shot-2014-06-25-at-9.59.34-AM.jpg]
-- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --

I'd like to formally apologize for not being present these past several months. During a brief skirmish against a Rogue in Texas, I was forced to eject, but unfortunately an escape pod malfunction caused a detonation, giving my face a toasty new complexion and having enough force to apparently knock me out. I've been in a hospital on Houston since, and have made a good recovery, barring scarring on the side of my head, but it won't effect me in any capacity. I'm not sure why the staff never reported my admittance to the authorities, or what happened to me. Either way, I'd like to request formal reinstatement in the Primary Fleet ranks to start serving the House of Liberty effectively again.

Beaumont out.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Teerin - 06-30-2015

COMM ID: Admiral Rohj Teerin
TARGET ID: Jacob M. Beaumont
SUBJECT: Reinstatement

Mister Beaumont,

I'll send out an inquiry to that medical center on Houston to find out what happened right away. We can't afford lose track of fine men such as yourself like that. I could argue that it's criminal negligence on their part.

We're glad to hear you're okay and eager to return to duty. The Admiralty has seen fit to reinstate you at the rank of Lieutenant Commander for now. You'll find that the ranks have shuffled slightly since you disappeared, so take a gander at the roster. Anyway; do us proud, and welcome back. That is all.


Admiral Teerin,
CO Papa Squadron,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Manticore - 07-01-2015


[Image: bOofJkX.jpg]

Source: VADM LAMBERT, James
Encryption: High
Priority: High


I wanted to report to all of you an event that occurred three days ago. The repercussions of what happened will likely affect our operational procedures over the next several weeks, so the rest of High Command has permitted me to lower this report and certain associated information to your clearance level.

At roughly 2300 on June 26, I received a request for assistance from Vice Admiral Baker in the Texas system. She was sparing with the details but requested I move to assist her at Cold Bay in Hudson. LNS Fearless was already on alert so I quickly boarded and we departed Norfolk. While in transit, we overheard the following on the secure unit comms:

Moving as quickly as we could, we arrived at Cold Bay to find an unusual amount of traffic - several Libertonian capital ships and a number of freelancers. Vice Admiral Baker informed me that her command had moved down the lane to the disabled Hamburg jumpgate.

It was immediately obvious that something was different. There was a strange anomaly that had opened in front of the gate - one of the jump holes. It appeared to be unstable. We had no idea where it led. What's more, there were numerous Rheinlanders parked around the gate - several military vessels, a BDM, and our friend Oberst Klugmann. The situation was tense, with both sides maintaining their distance from one another.

The anomaly flickered, and then visually stabilized. The Battleship Alma was in the vicinity, and her sensor techs indicated the hole was stable, and was leading to a location they couldn't determine. The aliens that Vice Admiral Baker had fought against prior to my arrival had come from the jump hole, so the theory was proposed that they were creating the jump hole through some artificial means.

Vice Admiral Baker and I conferred, and then decided to lead the Libertonian fleet through the jump hole, in order to hopefully close it and prevent further attacks.

We immediately encountered contacts. More of the aliens, and in numbers.

There was an alien structure there - the likes of which I'd never seen before. Unfortunately, my logs did not contain a clear image or scan of it, but we ordered our units to focus fire. Its location near the jump hole indicated that it likely had something to do with the creation of the anomaly. The capitals poured their fire into it while my crew and the snubcraft set to holding off the small, quick alien craft.

The alien capital ships opened up on our ragtag group, causing immediate damage. We shifted formation to meet them - beginning to drive them back when something even more bizarre happened. Our cockpits reverberated with a strange sound. An odd musical tone. Then a voice - distorted and alien - speaking threats.

We sustained a few losses, but we fought back the onslaught. Our attention renewed on the construct, it collapsed in upon itself - destroyed. My ship received a distorted priority comm from the Alma. The hole was fluctuating, as if it were about to collapse. At the same time, a second alien force appeared, a fleet of at least triple the number of capital-class ships we had just fought off. I ordered the civilians and Rheinlanders out first, and Vice Admiral Baker, Commander Reaser aboard the Cloverfield, Lieutenant Cohen, and a freelancer named Siara Solatra prepared to hold the line.

The fleet was right on top of us, but fortunately I was close enough to the Vice Admiral's ship to pick up her pod. We survivors slipped through the hole amidst a torrent of fire. Except for one, that is.

The Cloverfield entered the hole just seconds after us, after bearing the brunt of the fire from the oncoming fleet. Reports indicate the hole spun shut on that end before she cleared the maw, and it cut through the last section of her hull. Survivors from the bridge report that the sudden loss of most of the engine compartment caused an immediate explosive reaction through the ship. Fortunately, the bow half of the ship was blown clear of the jumphole in the process.

We sprung into action on the other side, gathering as many lifepods as we could. Final tallies are still incomplete, but it appears that over 100 of her crew perished. They gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect us all from this alien threat.

Though the losses of so many of our best and brightest hang over my head, I am officially making some recommendations for awards for those who defended Liberty with distinction.

Medal of Honor for Vice Admiral Rachel Baker, for the highest valor, outstanding leadership, and willingness to sacrifice her life to protect those of many others.

Silver Star and Purple Heart for Commander Natalie Reaser, for her actions aboard the Cloverfield.

Presidential Unit Citation for the crew of Cloverfield, for extreme sacrifice in the line of duty.

Navy Gallant Unit Citation for the crews of Fearless and Alma, for courage under fire.

Bronze Star for Lieutenant Ben Cohen, for courage under fire.

We will fight, and we will overcome.


Vice Admiral James Lambert
CO LNS Fearless
Liberty Navy First Fleet


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Euca - 07-01-2015


Lieutenant Emma Lynch
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: 02/07/822 A.S.

Lieutenant Emma Lynch, reporting.

After an extended break from keeping Liberty secure, I launched into action with Alan Jones and J Winchester to combat criminal threats that were pesterin' the lanes. When I had started up my communicators, the trash talkin' between a trader and Rogue had already been goin'. Needless to say, these crooks were 'escorted' out of Liberty.

Flight Data - [Visual Data]
[01.07.2015 14:41:19] Cole.Volter: Thats why you where a target
[01.07.2015 14:41:25] Cole.Volter: Also you attempted to flee
[01.07.2015 14:41:30] SiriusStar: And succesfully
[01.07.2015 14:42:42] Emlek.Tarosh: Let us all complain about pirates, let us all look ot the authorities and shout for help, take the matters into your own
[01.07.2015 14:42:46] Emlek.Tarosh: hand or keep your mouth shut!
[01.07.2015 14:42:59] [LN]-Alan.Jones: Oh. Hey.
[01.07.2015 14:43:05] [LN]-Emma.Lynch: I ain't even gonna bother askin' what's goin' on.
[01.07.2015 14:43:16] [LN]-Emma.Lynch: But instead, I'm askin' y'all to clear off.
[01.07.2015 14:43:30] Emlek.Tarosh: You cannot force anyone to not talk.
[01.07.2015 14:43:59] [LN]-Alan.Jones: I bet them crooks can hear guns better than words.
[01.07.2015 14:44:09] SiriusStar: There were two pirates here
[01.07.2015 14:44:14] SiriusStar: One gunbota one fighter
[01.07.2015 14:44:16] [LN]-Alan.Jones: Where is that?
[01.07.2015 14:44:23] SiriusStar: I barely escaped with my life
[01.07.2015 14:44:25] [LN]-Emma.Lynch: Found 'em.
[01.07.2015 14:44:30] Cole.Volter: My passin for killin
[01.07.2015 14:44:33] [LN]-Alan.Jones: On the way.
[01.07.2015 14:44:34] SiriusStar: They were on the lane to Fort Bush
[01.07.2015 14:44:38] [LN]-Emma.Lynch: Troops, down the trade lane!
[01.07.2015 14:44:48] [LN]-Emma.Lynch: We've got a double red!
[01.07.2015 14:45:01] Cole.Volter: And i got a Triple red good
[01.07.2015 14:45:16] [LN]-Alan.Jones: There's one pinned.
[01.07.2015 14:45:17] [LN]-Emma.Lynch: Hold it.
[01.07.2015 14:45:33] Cole.Volter: Well
[01.07.2015 14:45:44] Cole.Volter: Since you need 20 of you to do something
[01.07.2015 14:45:52] Cole.Volter: Im going to get some friends while your with him
[01.07.2015 14:47:59] Death: Teranexo was put out of action by [LN]-Alan.Jones (Gun).

Cole Volter and his pal, Emlek Tarosh cleared off pretty quick when the heat started to show up. Didn't see them again, they probably ran off to some other poor bastard's house.

Anyway, y'all should be seein' a lot more of me around now.
Lieutenant Lynch.
First Fleet, Liberty Navy


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Lord Caedus - 07-01-2015


COMM ID: Captain Michael Morse
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Hellfire Legion Operations

[Image: xSzkpGk.jpg]
Morse here,

The Legion has become active again, launching several incursions into New York over the last couple of weeks. One such incursion was backed by capital-class ships, so myself in the Durango, and Admiral Baker on the Mount Hood moved in to provide assistance to a group of fighters and bombers that had already engaged. The Incursus went down first, followed shortly after by the destruction of the Last Sunrise. The Legion fighter managed to withdraw, as we deemed it unnecessary to pursue.

I believe that should cover my report.


Captain Michael Morse
Commander E.S.R.D
Liberty Navy First Fleet.

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Long Island Station - 07-05-2015

COMM ID: Directorate, Long Island Station (NOF 31)
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center

SUBJECT: Recognition and acknowledgement

Directorate transmission initiated.

The Directorate of Long Island Station is pleased to announce the completion of three "Cargo"-class MKIII cloaking devices under contract for the [redacted]. The sale of these now-harmless devices (thanks to innovative disruptor technology that Long Island itself will be producing shortly) has greatly boosted surplus funds for Long Island and the Logistics Corps, and the following individuals are thus being rewarded in Navy reimbursement tokens, which may be used to exchange for prototype equipment, tastier ration packets, and much more. Without further ado, the Directorate would like to recognize:

LT COHEN, Benjamin

These three were instrumental in the production of these modules and are highly valued members of the Logistics Corps.

Directorate transmission complete. Signing off.

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Euca - 07-07-2015


Lieutenant Emma Lynch
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: 07/07/822 A.S.

Lieutenant Emma Lynch, reporting.

Took to the skies after we got calls of a Rogue on the lanes, a standard customer too, California.Blue. Micheal Morse, Frank Burnet and myself took up arms against the threat, who swiftly fell after his thrusters were destroyed. A pirate then showed up, tryin' to help the doomed Blue, so he was put down too. However, he fired up his cloakin' device and decided to make a run for it, so Jansen on board the Lansing dumb fires a missile and the pirate flew right into it! Ha!

Flight Data - [Visual Data]
[07.07.2015 03:08:04] California.Blue: Ned: This is.....
[07.07.2015 03:08:13] California.Blue: Ned: How ya say not worth it eh?
[07.07.2015 03:08:23] California.Blue: Ned: Ohoho...
[07.07.2015 03:08:29] [LN]-LNS-Lansing: Morse: That's a shame.
[07.07.2015 03:08:36] California.Blue: Ned: Well..
[07.07.2015 03:08:56] California.Blue: Ned: I ain't no match for ye destroyer eh?
[07.07.2015 03:09:04] California.Blue: Ned: Close eh?
[07.07.2015 03:09:05] [LN]-LNS-Lansing: Morse: Scorch it, Lynch
[07.07.2015 03:09:10] [LN]-Emma.Lynch.: Damn it, it's Burnet.
[07.07.2015 03:09:17] California.Blue: Ned: We'll see
[07.07.2015 03:09:21] [LN]-Emma.Lynch.: D3
[07.07.2015 03:09:29] California.Blue: Ned: Wait..
[07.07.2015 03:09:31] [LN]-Frank,Burnet: Thats Commander to you by the way.
[07.07.2015 03:09:37] California.Blue: Ned: Don't ye want to know somethin?
[07.07.2015 03:09:48] [LN]-Emma.Lynch.: Oh, we're goin'?
[07.07.2015 03:10:40] [LN]-Emma.Lynch.: Engagin' then.
[07.07.2015 03:10:52] [LN]-Frank,Burnet: Oh look, is there shooting happening?
[07.07.2015 03:11:55] [LN]-Frank,Burnet: Well I guess I should help out.
[07.07.2015 03:13:47] [LN]-LNS-Lansing: stop wasting rockets on his shield
[07.07.2015 03:14:11] Death: Core|Nanami suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[07.07.2015 03:14:35] {PR}Stitch: A friend in distress.
[07.07.2015 03:14:53] {PR}Stitch: You might need a hand on that my friend!
[07.07.2015 03:15:09] {PR}Stitch: Let's dance navy.
[07.07.2015 03:15:16] California.Blue: Ned: A liittle
[07.07.2015 03:17:33] California.Blue: Ned: Destroyed my thrusters... ugh!
[07.07.2015 03:17:48] Death: California.Blue was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Lansing (Gun).
[07.07.2015 03:17:59] {PR}Stitch: Well, I better leace
[07.07.2015 03:18:07] {PR}Stitch: I mean leave!
[07.07.2015 03:18:07] [LN]-Frank,Burnet: Good joke.
[07.07.2015 03:18:09] [LN]-Emma.Lynch.: Y'all ain't goin' nowhere
[07.07.2015 03:18:17] 2015-07-07 03:18:16 SMT  Traffic control alert: California.Blue has requested to dock
[07.07.2015 03:18:35] Miner.01: Oh boy... The 'blue one' got burned. Soo sad ... *smirks*
[07.07.2015 03:19:10] [LN]-Ben.Cohen: Thought you guys could use an extra gun
[07.07.2015 03:19:11] Death: {PR}Stitch was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Lansing (Missile/Torpedo).

Signin' off.
Lieutenant Lynch.
First Fleet, Liberty Navy