RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Spectre - 07-08-2015
Comm ID: Kingston, Ensign Alexander S. (Navy Patrol Epsilon 2-6)
Target ID: Primary Fleet Patrol Reporting Center
Subject: Patrol Record for July 8th, 822 A.S.
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Hello again Liberty Navy Command, Ensign Kingston reporting in.
Before I started my patrol, I was required to fix some issues my fighter had been plagued with for the last few days. After I had discussed it with the head engineer aboard Newark, where I was stuck until my fighter was fixed, we found the problem and corrected it swiftly.
I undocked from Newark, and took the trade lane to West Point, and from there to Norfolk. As I neared Norfolk, my scanner lit up, showing a vessels tagged as [HF]-Jordan.Lancaster~. I checked my scanner to see if he was still there, but no sign, so I continued up to Fort Bush, where I stopped to check my ship's systems for full functionality.
About halfway through my diagnostics check, the same ship from before, [HF]-Jordan.Lancaster~, showed up, traveling the lane from Norfolk for Fort Bush, but cutting just short of the second-to-last lane pod. He then began to converse with me about my flee from him, and other nonsense I didn't quite understand from his point of view. I broke off the talk, and continued with my duties, finishing my diagnostics sequence before traveling to Manhattan.
Once I arrived at Manhattan, I came across a trader, FL-Trans.01 (Note: Untagged), whom I stopped and proceeded to cargo scan for contraband. Sure enough, the trader was carrying one unit of Artifacts, one unit of Synthetic Marijuana, and one unit of Stabiline, in addition to other bits of legal cargo. As I was scanning, the Hellfire Legion ship from before appeared on my scanner, accompanied by two others, [HF]-Stoneheart and [HF]-Thomas.Lewis. I ordered the freelance vessel to drop it's illegal cargo and pay a fine of 3,000,000 credits, 1,000,000 per unit of contraband. Once he had done that, I let him go on his way, and the [HF] ships flew off and left the Manhattan grid.
I landed aboard Trenton, where a friend of mine, Liberty Police Recruit Off. Chance Parker, assisted me in safely destroying the contraband. I thanked him for his help, and we parted. I undocked and took the trade lane to West Point, where the same [HF] ships from before had cut the lane and were, at least as I presumed, loitering and causing a disturbance. I asked why they had stopped me, and they proceeded to lecture me about the current state of Liberty and the political reasons of their presence. About 15 minutes they kept me there, where they eventually let me go. They proceeded on their way and me on mine. I took the rest of the lane to West Point, and then to Norfolk, where I have docked on the L.N.S. Missouri to submit this report in full.
The three ships have no doubt caused trouble for Liberty in the past. I would've attempted to deal with them, but with the problems my ship was facing and my vastly outclassed armament, I was forced to use words.
I hope we get these guys and make them pay for their crimes.
Safe travels,
Ensign Alexander S. Kingston, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, Designation: Epsilon 2-6.
(NOTE: This message was sent through a registered terminal of Liberty Communications Broadcasting Ltd. and may not me transmitted in any form without the express written consent of the LCB or Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command. Thank You.)
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Spectre - 07-15-2015
Comm ID: Kingston, Ensign Alexander S. (Navy Patrol Epsilon 2-6)
Target ID: Primary Fleet Patrol Reporting Center
Subject: After Action Report for July 13th, 822 A.S.
Encryption: Medium
Priority: High
Hello again Liberty Navy Command, Ensign Kingston reporting in,
I apologize for getting this to you late, but the terminals aboard Philadelphia Station have continuously failed to read my ID tags. Maybe just a programming error, but they work now, so...
What I had planned to be my patrol began with some small refits of my fighter, and once those were finished, I undocked the Battleship Missouri only to find the L.N.S. Firebolt, commanded by Lieutenant Commander Ben Cohen, finishing it's release from Norfolk. We quickly formed up and proceeded towards West Point Military Academy, where we encountered several Liberty Rogue vessels and one massive Maltese heavy dreadnought, designation 'M.N.S. Nightmares'.
Along with several other Navy ships, including the Battleships Magellan and Durango and the Battlecruiser Mount Hood, Admiral Morse coordinated the attack against the enemy forces, wherein all enemy capital vessels, including the Maltese heavy dreadnought, were destroyed, and no enemy snubcraft returned to base.
Once the incident was concluded, I landed aboard West Point to quickly rearm and repair before continuing on what I had hoped would be the beginning to a proper patrol. Alas, this was not the case. Reports from Freeport 4 had detected two Gallic 'Valor'-class battleships, and they were preparing to lay siege to the station.
Acting on what I believed to be initiative, Lt. Cmr. Cohen and I began to move out towards Magellan, along with the Carrier Tetra*, Battleship L.N.S. Cloverfield and the cruiser L.N.S. Integrity. Once we jumped through the gate, me and the Firebolt were sent forward to scout for enemy positions, and nearing Freeport 4, we found the two battleships stated in the report.
Once we reported their confirmed presence, the Cloverfield, Integrity and Tetra* all continued forward to begin what would become a rather fierce and long drawn battle. Before the battle, however, two ships appeared to aid us against the Gallic vessels, Liberty Police Captain J.D. Masket and an unknown LSF vessel simply titled 'Prowler'.
The Cloverfield and Tetra* cloaked, and proceeded towards the two Valors' back flank, where they revealed themselves and reigned heavy fire on the lead vessel R.N.S. Tonnant. With their flank torn to shreds, the Integrity, Firebolt, Captain Masket, I and 'Prowler' all rushed into the fight. The Tonnant took inconceivable amounts of damage, but the Gauls had to have been aware of the tactic, as they struck back at the Tetra* and Cloverfield with the majority of their arsenal. Within the first several minutes of the fight, the Cloverfield was knocked out of action and the Tetra* was absolutely obliterated. With the loss of both heavy capital ships, our remaining vessels seized the opportunity to avenge our fallen comrades.
With the Tonnant on it's last legs, our first target was to take it out of action, thinking that without the more experienced unit, the other Valor wouldn't fight as effectively. We poured as much of our energy into the Tonnant's hull as we could, the heavy battleship couldn't handle the stress anymore, and with one final blast from my Vengeances, the ship collapsed and it's drive core detonated, blowing the mighty ship to pieces.
Once the Tonnant was down, everyone focused fire on the second Valor, who put up more of a fight than the Tonnant did. We poured tubs of energy into the Valor, its shields and hull absorbing every impact and its guns dealing even more. In time, we eventually cut the ship down into pieces. In the fight, my ship took several severely damaging hits from the second Valor, but my hefty nanobots held my ship together.
After rescuing what crew we could from the Tetra* and Cloverfield, me and the Firebolt moved back towards West Point, where Lt. Cmr. Cohen put his ship in for repairs and Admiral Remus Sius was waiting. Sius and I conversed, when we got reports of another Maltese capital vessel in the Pennsylvania system. Sius and I investigated, along with a LPI Officer. Once we reached Philidelphia, the LPI officer proceeded towards Bethlehem, where he encountered the Outcast vessel. Sius and I investigated, and to my astoundment, before us sat the M.N.S. Nightmares, the same ship that was put out of commission just southwest of West Point not 2 hours before.
As the officer and the Nightmares' commander 'Cole' began conversing, my ship began it's occasional spouts of technical problems, including engine and weapon shutoff, comm static, and cruise engine malfunctions. I had managed to finish my ship diagnostics before our forces, which slipped in as I was running diagnostics routines on my ship, opened fire on the Outcast vessel, taking it out quickly and cleanly.
Once the Nightmares was dealt with for the second time, our forces moved out to West Point, where Admiral Sius began tracking three unknown contacts in the Texas system, with the help of another Navy pilot. According to the Admiral, they were headed for the California Jump Hole in Texas, so he ordered me and the Battleship Magellan to California to intercept.
After several minutes of updates and repositioning, the unknown ships were confimed in Pennsylvania. The Magellan and I proceeded through the nearby jump hole to Pennsylvania, where we encountered an Outcast Tridente jumping in mere seconds after us. A small weapons exchange occured, and the Tridente flew off, unknowingly towards Admiral Sius and the rest of the Navy forces.
The Tridente, knowing its only path to Niverton was blocked, it charged in and tried to dock, smashing into the side of the station. With that, I broke off from the task unit, my ship's engines beginning to act up. With Admiral Sius' approval, I proceeded towards Philadelphia Station, where I'm sending this report to you now.
This patrol report is definitely the longest and most detailed I have uploaded to you. Hopefully the details in this report will prove useful in the near or distant future.
Safe Flights,
Ensign Alexander Samuel Kingston, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
*A small notice, but the name 'Tetra' is a shortened form of the Navy Carrier of whose name I cannot remember for the life of me. I apologize for butchering their name, and they preformed admirably.
(NOTE: This message was sent through a registered terminal of Liberty Communications Broadcasting Ltd. and may not me transmitted in any form without the express written consent of the LCB or Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command. Thank You.)
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sol - 07-28-2015
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: PR 27/07/822
Good morning sirs an' ma'ams. Lt Cdr Rowe reporting.
Though I do not have anything important, it doesn't feel like I've started my day in office after so long a time if I do not prepare some paperwork for you.
So, I've got my baby back... My little Guardian, armed with what we call the waterguns and a couple of debilitators. And I flew off West Point to have a little test drive. Luckily I remembered the important bits about it, like shooting guns, though it took a little while to readjust myself to the controls.
Just as I was finally figuring out where the gas pedal is, and had been through a very exciting couple of trade lanes, I saw a Xeno happily flying about Fort Bush, getting himself some new holes on the hull, probably so he could boast to the ladies about the glorious battles he had been in.
I decided to strike up a conversation before offering him to come visit with me the Sugarland. We talked about the eagle he's flying and the bad shape of it... Apparently, Xenos finally could get their hands on some of those high tech nanobots and shield batteries, and are no longer as dependent on duct tapes as they were before.
That was shocking. They ARE getting clever. It's a slow process, but they are getting there...
Sadly, since he would not come with me to Sugarland, I had to take him down. He ran all the way to some rock which had turrets mounted on. But it did not work for him, as I destroyed his ship promptly. It's good to know that waterguns still work, and I can still shoot straight enough.
At least, the Xeno will now have a real war tale to tell to the ladies, and pretty scars to show and impress them. I love being in the Navy... We help people out.
Christopher J. Rowe
Lieutenant Commander
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - rainth345 - 08-09-2015
COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Frank Barnes
TARGET ID: First Fleet Officers
SUBJECT: Incarceration of Admiral Sius
Ladies and gentlemen of the First Fleet,
Some of you may have noticed the absence of Admiral Sius these past few weeks.
*with a heavy sigh*
The Admiral has been medically incarcerated at the Jacobi Naval Medical Center. Doctors have been monitoring the Admiral's situation ever since his release a few months ago and during one such patrol, the Admiral suffered from PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The best of the Navy's doctors are on his case and his recuperation will be expected to take months.
Let us wish the best for the Admiral.
Trusting the above is sufficient.
Lieutenant Commander Frank Barnes
Aide-de-camp of Admiral Sius
Liberty Navy First Fleet
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Lythrilux - 08-19-2015

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ID: Zoe Valentine
Location: West Point, New York
Subject: Report
Encryption: Strong
Heyo! It's been a while since I took my Guardian out for a walk, so I deicded I'd do just that. I went on a small patrol of my own and heard that something was up in Hudson. When I got there I found a Rheinland Battleship standing over the inactive jump gate to Hamburg. I'm not too sure if the Rheinland Military told us they'd be doing that during the ceasefire, but I find this pretty suspicious myself. It might be something to chase up.
When I got there I recorded guncams of the vessel, then a Freelancer appeared who informed me about the status of the area. Unfortunately I lost track of the pilot after a brief Ion Storm. Apparently this was announced on the Colony News Service? I did some digging and found the article here.
[18.08.2015 23:49:45] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Oh look, Rheinlanderers invading again...
[18.08.2015 23:49:54] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Ah, hello there.
[18.08.2015 23:50:00] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Do you know anything about this Battleship?
[18.08.2015 23:50:07] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: I'm suprised to see it here. Makes me suspicious.
[18.08.2015 23:50:23] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Not at all, I just saw it on long distance.
[18.08.2015 23:50:27] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Hmmm.
[18.08.2015 23:50:30] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: And wanted to check if my eyes are okay.
[18.08.2015 23:50:40] Death: Mr._Bananabombsquad was put out of action by Damaron (Gun).
[18.08.2015 23:50:59] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: This looks highly problematic. Especially considering it's trying to kill me *chuckles*
[18.08.2015 23:51:11] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: What a surprise... *chuckles*
[18.08.2015 23:51:23] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Wait a moment, co-pilot is telling me something...
[18.08.2015 23:51:26] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Oh?
[18.08.2015 23:51:57] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Well, maybe I should watch CNS from time to time. He says they reported about the battleship.
[18.08.2015 23:52:09] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: CNS... the Colony News Service right?
[18.08.2015 23:52:11] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Rheinlanders claim to be here to protect the broken gate.
[18.08.2015 23:52:19] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Aye, this CNS.
[18.08.2015 23:52:25] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Hmm, I'll check it out myself then.
[18.08.2015 23:52:43] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: I don't like the idea of Rheinland placing a battleship here to protect the Gate.
[18.08.2015 23:52:52] Death: Mr._Bananabombsquad was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[18.08.2015 23:52:54] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: I know there's a ceasefire, but something more... mutal would be better.
[18.08.2015 23:53:03] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Dont believe them, I bet it is Trojan Turtle...there are soldiers inside! *grins*
[18.08.2015 23:53:07] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: To my knowledge they didn't inform us that they were going to do it.
[18.08.2015 23:53:09] Death: Damaron was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[18.08.2015 23:53:12] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: You know Freelancer, that might just be the case.
[18.08.2015 23:53:25] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: I'll definitely have to report this to High Command immediately.
[18.08.2015 23:53:30] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Oh, want a job Freelancer?
[18.08.2015 23:53:40] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Im listening.
[18.08.2015 23:53:55] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Try and dig for information on this for me from Rheinland or anywhere else if you can.
[18.08.2015 23:54:01] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: I can toss you some credits as compensation.
[18.08.2015 23:54:07] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Reach me on the neural net if you find anything useful.
[18.08.2015 23:54:19] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: Does that sound good?
[18.08.2015 23:54:20] Pegasus.the.Workhorse: Heh, I can try, but Im not sure if I will get more than CNS have.
[18.08.2015 23:54:47] [LN]-Zoe.Valentine: There could be more behind the report.
![[Image: Wdb6AaFl.jpg]](
That's all I have to report.
-Zoe V.
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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Arbs - 11-30-2015
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Captain Alan Jones
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command
Good day,
I'm reporting an incident from the Latest duty. I was notified by Vice Admiral Harriet FIeldson after she had retreated back to west point military academy, about a stolen gunboat going rogue and engaging our forces. The Vice Admiral had arrived at the scene as the officers at the officers were handling the matter, assisting them into solving it without any bloodshed. The people in question were non-compliant and that resulted in the dismantling of the gunboat. The gunboat exchanged fire with Navy and LSF personel present at the scene, and it's companion quickly followed to assist it afterwards. Both vessels were terminated without sustaining causalities.
Such an act is highly condemned by the Laws of Liberty, and shall not go unpunished. Bellow you will find evidence of the incident and flight logs forwarded from Vice Admiral Fieldson and my ship.
Evidence: ::::
Logs: [30.11.2015 19:43:11] CGA~Aeriel: Again the same, Meowty is unfair.
[30.11.2015 19:43:23] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Good day-
[30.11.2015 19:43:34] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: Sir, you are over Manhattan space. We have you outnumbered, and our pilots are highly trained.
[30.11.2015 19:43:34] CGA~Maeriel: But dear, at least these meowgents are polite!
[30.11.2015 19:43:38] Warthog-1-5: Sgt. Golen: *salutes*
[30.11.2015 19:43:38] CGA~Aeriel: Letting ilegal transports meow, but go on our nerves...typical meowtorians
[30.11.2015 19:43:42] CGA~Maeriel: Meow?
[30.11.2015 19:43:55] CGA~Aeriel: True, dear..this meowgent is polite.
[30.11.2015 19:43:56] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: We do not wish for this to end in a confrontation fashion. Please comply with our request or respond to it in a clear manne.
[30.11.2015 19:44:09] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: What in god's name is going around here.
[30.11.2015 19:44:17] CGA~Aeriel: Just some meow talk.
[30.11.2015 19:44:18] CGA~Maeriel: You would attack a civilian meow in front of meowhattan who saved meowship from meowrats?
[30.11.2015 19:44:24] Warthog-1-5: Sgt. Golen: We have an unregistered Navy Gunboat
[30.11.2015 19:44:38] Ashley.Sunderland: Yeah, some comprehensive response would be nice too.
[30.11.2015 19:44:46] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: This individual is in unauthorized possesion of the Defiant-class Gunboat. I am unable to find proper registration logs.
[30.11.2015 19:44:56] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: I believe I will require some more respect that your meow talk.
[30.11.2015 19:45:06] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: You're talking with a member of High COmmand.
[30.11.2015 19:45:09] CGA~Maeriel: Unmeowthorised? I meowthorised it.
[30.11.2015 19:45:10] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: And he... or she? is unable to produce them in accordance with Section 3-2 of Liberty Law.
[30.11.2015 19:45:27] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: I have asked for the temporary docking of this vessel on Manhattan until such can be verified or acquired.
[30.11.2015 19:45:30] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Now what is this Defiant-class doing in unregistered hands?
[30.11.2015 19:45:38] CGA~Aeriel: I mean, meow command or seem to be atleast more meow then this Navy Meow yesterday.
[30.11.2015 19:45:53] CGA~Maeriel: They should have seen that meowboy yesterday!
[30.11.2015 19:46:11] CGA~Aeriel: Indeed...what a fool.
[30.11.2015 19:46:16] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: I'm going to tell you once. If you keep this up, I'm going to give the order for the pilots over there to arrest you.
[30.11.2015 19:46:26] CGA~Maeriel: How he was extorting us for money ... I still have the meowterial for the meowpress.
[30.11.2015 19:46:27] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: So, I'd recomend clarifying me this matter.
[30.11.2015 19:46:47] CGA~Maeriel: Would meowgents follow meowie orders, meow?
[30.11.2015 19:46:49] CGA~Aeriel: We meowed this Gunboat from some bad meowrats.
[30.11.2015 19:47:08] CGA~Aeriel: Meowrats wanted to use it for there own ilegal meow actions.
[30.11.2015 19:47:12] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: I see then.
[30.11.2015 19:47:15] Ashley.Sunderland: I'd be glad to follow that order, really. I kind of don't like those two.
[30.11.2015 19:47:29] Ashley.Sunderland: Well, apparently they won't listen to the voice of reason.
[30.11.2015 19:47:33] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: And I also was a giraffe on my other life.
[30.11.2015 19:47:36] CGA~Maeriel: Clearly Liberty meowficials prefer it to have remained into meowrat hands and used against them or reversemeowed.
[30.11.2015 19:47:52] CGA~Maeriel: Meow, you were?
[30.11.2015 19:47:56] CGA~Maeriel: That's meow!
[30.11.2015 19:48:05] CGA~Aeriel: I mean, my dear...when I remember meow, the meowwork is already handled right?
[30.11.2015 19:48:15] CGA~Aeriel: about to be...meow?!
[30.11.2015 19:48:17] Ashley.Sunderland: Well, I believe that standard procedure for retrieved vessels is to return them to the rightful owners.
[30.11.2015 19:48:27] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Rogers. Your call. I believe these fellas are rather incompliant.
[30.11.2015 19:48:45] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: Now I thought you were the ranking official here Fieldson.
[30.11.2015 19:48:51] CGA~Maeriel: The space law meow interhouse meow says meowvessels belong to the party retrieved them.
[30.11.2015 19:49:01] CGA~Aeriel: Meowtly!
[30.11.2015 19:49:38] Ashley.Sunderland: Well, if you want my opinion, they are either mocking us, or not in their right minds.
[30.11.2015 19:49:44] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: That is Section 1-5 of Liberty Law. The ranking officer on duty will decide punishment.
[30.11.2015 19:49:44] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Or both.
[30.11.2015 19:49:53] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Alright then.
[30.11.2015 19:50:02] CGA~Maeriel: Meowing you? That would be so meow *she looks sad*
[30.11.2015 19:50:04] CGA~Aeriel: Meow meow? Mocking you Meowtorians? Nah!
[30.11.2015 19:50:42] CGA~Aeriel: *coughs*
[30.11.2015 19:51:29] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Now, I am going to give you one chance.
[30.11.2015 19:51:35] CGA~Maeriel: Meowie and Meogents don't have a meowork to do killing meogs and meowrats!
[30.11.2015 19:51:55] CGA~Maeriel: Meow?
[30.11.2015 19:51:57] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Dock that thing now, and until I am notified of a proper registration of that vessel, that thing does not go aflight.
[30.11.2015 19:52:17] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Otherwise, your vessel's destruction is imminent.
[30.11.2015 19:52:19] CGA~Aeriel: *mumbles* Meow...meeow..
[30.11.2015 19:52:20] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Your call.
[30.11.2015 19:52:20] Warthog-1-5: Sgt. Golen: Well... well...
[30.11.2015 19:52:24] CGA~Maeriel: Meowthorities to meow the ship as they will please?
[30.11.2015 19:52:41] CGA~Aeriel: What a waste of meow resources
[30.11.2015 19:52:43] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Should I take that as a no?
[30.11.2015 19:52:46] Ashley.Sunderland: Well, how much time do they have to comply?
[30.11.2015 19:52:56] CGA~Aeriel: They? Meow me?
[30.11.2015 19:52:57] CGA~Maeriel: Meow?
[30.11.2015 19:53:15] CGA~Aeriel: I meowed -nothing-, dear meowgent!
[30.11.2015 19:53:18] CGA~Maeriel: Aeriel doesn't meow do anything, would you meowttack her?
[30.11.2015 19:53:33] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Alright then, this is useless.
[30.11.2015 19:53:38] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: You are cleared..
[30.11.2015 19:53:45] CGA~Aeriel: Meow...tack? Meh...I dont feel like meowing..this way.
[30.11.2015 19:53:47] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: You are cleared to dismantle the gunboat.
[30.11.2015 19:53:54] Ashley.Sunderland: Roger that.
[30.11.2015 19:53:55] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: Affirmative. Weapon systems primed.
[30.11.2015 19:53:59] Death: Plasmorzh was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[30.11.2015 19:54:02] CGA~Maeriel: *Sad meow...*
[30.11.2015 19:54:08] Ashley.Sunderland: Time to go in.
[30.11.2015 19:54:11] CGA~Aeriel: Meow...meow Maeriel..
[30.11.2015 19:54:13] Warthog-1-5: Sgt. Golen: Target acquired, weapons hot!
[30.11.2015 19:54:46] CGA~Aeriel: Ready to meow meow protocol, dear...just in meow case.
[30.11.2015 19:57:03] CGA~Aeriel: What a meow...for meowless stuff...*sighs*
[30.11.2015 19:58:03] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Focus on it.
[30.11.2015 19:59:05] Zettsu: Err...?
[30.11.2015 19:59:24] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: Get out of here wagging tongue.
[30.11.2015 19:59:40] Zettsu: Kind of curious what this is about.
[30.11.2015 19:59:50] Zettsu: Someone stole a Defiant from you or something?
[30.11.2015 19:59:50] CGA~Aeriel: None of your meow business.
[30.11.2015 20:00:10] [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson: Yeah that's correct.
[30.11.2015 20:03:02] 2015-11-30 20:03:04 SMT Traffic control alert: [LN]-Harriet.Fieldson has requested to dock
[30.11.2015 20:03:41] CGA~Aeriel: Meowaphs..
[30.11.2015 20:03:55] Maria.Ambrosio: What are these pigs shooting at you for?
[30.11.2015 20:03:57] CGA~Aeriel: Meow Meow..Navy Gunboat, stay out this meow.
[30.11.2015 20:04:01] CGA~Maeriel: Meowioners!
[30.11.2015 20:04:05] [LN]-LNS-Fluvanna: Jones: Alright then, this was the trouble?
[30.11.2015 20:04:11] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: Hellfire Legion ship. You are breaching the security zone. Vacate now or be fired upon.
[30.11.2015 20:04:14] CGA~Aeriel: I meow you.
[30.11.2015 20:04:18] [LN]-LNS-Fluvanna: Jones: Pappa jones, comming to solve it out!
[30.11.2015 20:04:20] CGA~Maeriel: For being a meownice girl and taking the meowship from meowrats!
[30.11.2015 20:04:31] CGA~Aeriel: Meowrighty then..
[30.11.2015 20:04:34] Maria.Ambrosio: How about we all cool down a little here.
[30.11.2015 20:04:42] [LN]-LNS-Fluvanna: Guns guns guns!
[30.11.2015 20:04:51] CGA~Aeriel: Meow...bad meow
[30.11.2015 20:04:56] Ashley.Sunderland: Well, the trouble is simple? Someone thought it was a good idea to fly an unregistered Defiant and mock the officials.
[30.11.2015 20:05:05] CGA~Aeriel: Get meowed.
[30.11.2015 20:05:10] Ashley.Sunderland: Aeriel, one chance to cease fire.
[30.11.2015 20:05:12] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: Hellfire Legion vessel, you have thirty seconds to comply with the vacate order.
[b][30.11.2015 20:05:16] Ashley.Sunderland: Or you will be obliterated
[30.11.2015 20:05:22] CGA~Aeriel: Meow meow...meh.[/b]
[30.11.2015 20:05:25] Ashley.Sunderland: I'll cover you from the bomber
[30.11.2015 20:05:25] Blaze)-"Castor": Seraph: You ladies and gents seem to be able to use some bigger guns.
[30.11.2015 20:05:35] LNFS|Kappa: Good day all
[30.11.2015 20:05:39] Blaze)-"Castor": Seraph: Want some help against that piece of scrap?
[30.11.2015 20:05:41] Maria.Ambrosio: Hmph, so we have now degraded to petty insults of random violence, have we?
[30.11.2015 20:05:54] Warthog-1-5: Sgt. Golen: Hunter, feel free to engage!
[30.11.2015 20:06:00] Blaze)-"Castor": Seraph: All right then.
[30.11.2015 20:06:08] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: Castor, you know the Bounty.
[30.11.2015 20:06:11] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: All yours.
[30.11.2015 20:06:18] CGA~Aeriel: Meowty..this Hunter is mine then..
[30.11.2015 20:06:19] Maria.Ambrosio: Ugh, get that hunk of metal away from me.
[30.11.2015 20:06:27] LNFS|Kappa: hello Maria
[30.11.2015 20:06:35] LNFS|Kappa: cut your engines please
[30.11.2015 20:06:42] Maria.Ambrosio: Do you think im stupid?
[30.11.2015 20:07:00] Maria.Ambrosio: The second i stop you will shoot
[30.11.2015 20:07:00] CGA~Aeriel: Meowberty is ridiculous..
[30.11.2015 20:07:06] Maria.Ambrosio: I have been here for longer.
[30.11.2015 20:07:07] LNFS|Kappa: I won't fire
[30.11.2015 20:07:20] CGA~Aeriel: Needint that much meows for meow things..
[30.11.2015 20:07:24] Maria.Ambrosio: I trust your word as much as i do the Royal Navy's.
[30.11.2015 20:08:12] LNFS|Kappa: just few questions
[30.11.2015 20:08:26] Maria.Ambrosio: What questions..?
[30.11.2015 20:08:32] LNFS|Kappa: what are you doing here?
[30.11.2015 20:08:34] CGA~Aeriel: Why is Meowie Warth..shooting at Civilian?
[30.11.2015 20:08:41] Maria.Ambrosio: Flying.
[30.11.2015 20:08:46] Maria.Ambrosio: Obviously.
[30.11.2015 20:09:33] LNFS|Kappa: are you willing to do piracy here?
[30.11.2015 20:10:49] CGA~Aeriel: Meowunter..isnt nice..
[30.11.2015 20:10:59] Blaze)-"Castor": Seraph: Your mouth. Shut it.
[30.11.2015 20:11:19] LNFS|Kappa: I'm just checking, that all
[30.11.2015 20:11:20] CGA~Aeriel: Meowunter is rude...should get shut up..
[30.11.2015 20:11:40] LNFS|Kappa: I know HF and I know what they can do
[30.11.2015 20:11:54] LNFS|Kappa: I met someone and he was not nice
[30.11.2015 20:12:05] LNFS|Kappa: so I do't trust HF anymore
[30.11.2015 20:12:16] CGA~Aeriel: Meow meow...hunter is mean..
[30.11.2015 20:12:38] CGA~Aeriel: Hm..Meowing..
[30.11.2015 20:12:53] CGA~Aeriel: Lets...meow it..finally.
[30.11.2015 20:13:06] CGA~Aeriel: Meow..Meow..Navy
[30.11.2015 20:13:21] Death: CGA~Aeriel was put out of action by Blaze)-"Castor" (Gun).
[30.11.2015 20:13:27] Blaze)-"Castor": Seraph: Nope.
[30.11.2015 20:13:30] Blaze)-"Castor": Seraph: Bad.
[30.11.2015 20:13:36] Maria.Ambrosio: Now this is extremely unfair... Lets even the odds a little.
[30.11.2015 20:13:57] =LSF=Steve.Rogers: Suit yourself Ambrosio. Keep on the Gunboat, moving to intercept.
[30.11.2015 20:14:19] Maria.Ambrosio: You want to go first?
[30.11.2015 20:14:22] Maria.Ambrosio: So be it.
[30.11.2015 20:15:58] Ashley.Sunderland: That's getting too close to the corona for my taste.
[30.11.2015 20:16:23] Ashley.Sunderland: Don't worry, I'll be tailing him
[30.11.2015 20:16:48] Death: CGA~Maeriel suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[30.11.2015 20:16:50] Blaze)-"Castor": Seraph: Finally.
[30.11.2015 20:16:54] Blaze)-"Castor": Seraph: Awaiting my payment.
[30.11.2015 20:17:02] [LN]-LNS-Fluvanna: Jones: Great Job.
[30.11.2015 20:19:52] Traffic control alert: [LN]-LNS-Fluvanna has requested to dock
Safe Skies, Jones out.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Ace Razgriz - 12-28-2015
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Ensign Catherine Jackson
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command
Good Evening,
I'm comming in on a patrol today, some strange happenings about all of Liberty... It started with a capital brawl near Planet Manhattan, two Ranseur class vessels crawling into our space, secondary officer Charlie O'Brein, the LSF Cruiser Presque Isle, and the LNS Harmony were moved to the scene. We lost O'Brein, but tractored in his pod and moved him to Manhattan afterwards, but the Ranseurs stood no chance, defeated through Iron Will and coordination of ouor forces. The capital assets on our side suffered no damage.
Evidence: ::::
The... pressing matter of this MD came what happened later while flying around with Officer Lyons and Officer O'Brein again, O'Brein reported the battlegroup Auxesia having been causing trouble, and supposedly with a Nomad with them. We followed them all the way to Kansas, where it was suggested we continue pursuit into Humboldt, we did, and found the ships near an unknown jumphole, swarming with Hellfire presence. The chat logs represent it all, but its evident that these peoples allowances and permissions in Liberty must be re-evaluated.
[30.11.2015 19:43:11] [28.12.2015 03:37:21] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Ah, man.
[28.12.2015 03:37:37] Patricia.Lyons: Looks... like you got rid of that stuff.
[28.12.2015 03:37:45] Patricia.Lyons: Run away?
[28.12.2015 03:40:28] Charlie.O'Brien: So buddy, you got that parked there with a permit?
[28.12.2015 03:46:13] Patricia.Lyons: There is no difference... You call the LSF and they get rid of them. No difference.
[28.12.2015 03:46:45] Patricia.Lyons: Ignorant on purpose?!
[28.12.2015 03:46:48] Patricia.Lyons: That is a NOMAD
[28.12.2015 03:46:51] A/)-Christopher.Stone': So?
[28.12.2015 03:46:54] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Yeah, so?
[28.12.2015 03:46:57] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: And we're Humans?
[28.12.2015 03:47:00] Patricia.Lyons: Yes...
[28.12.2015 03:47:06] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Oh, what - we're all gonna eat fleas off of each other?
[28.12.2015 03:47:09] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Uh-huh.
[28.12.2015 03:47:10] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: That's predjudice.
[28.12.2015 03:47:12] A/)-Curate: Shortsightedness such as this will be the end of us all.
[28.12.2015 03:47:25] Charlie.O'Brien: Hey Lyons, what's- Who are all of yous? The mooks from earlier?
[28.12.2015 03:47:31] Patricia.Lyons: We had nomad... what are you doing here?
[28.12.2015 03:47:46] Charlie.O'Brien: I'm patrollin' my precinct, Patty. And you?
[28.12.2015 03:47:46] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Lyons, we're still against the aggressive 'clan' of them.
[28.12.2015 03:47:48] A/)-Curate: If there is victory to be had against the K'hara, and by victory I mean survival, individuals such as this are essential.
[28.12.2015 03:48:01] A/)-Curate: And the key word there is individuals.
[28.12.2015 03:48:06] Patricia.Lyons: Wait a moment. And stop talking about these things.
[28.12.2015 03:48:21] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Look-
[28.12.2015 03:48:24] Charlie.O'Brien: This is bad talk, Lyons... This is above our pay grade...
[28.12.2015 03:48:26] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Patricia.
[28.12.2015 03:48:28] Patricia.Lyons: O'Brien... you might want to check the lanes..
[28.12.2015 03:48:38] Charlie.O'Brien: Why, is th-
[28.12.2015 03:48:43] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: *looks sternly*
[28.12.2015 03:48:45] Patricia.Lyons: My name is Lyons... whoever you are.
[28.12.2015 03:48:52] Charlie.O'Brien: What the...
[28.12.2015 03:48:59] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Tarlach - look, I'm gonna repeat this - Tarlach shot his /own kin/ to aid us.
[28.12.2015 03:49:02] A/)-Christopher.Stone': So...yeah.
[28.12.2015 03:49:08] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: I have guncams of it too.
[28.12.2015 03:49:11] A/)-Christopher.Stone': As Curate said- he's an /individual/.
[28.12.2015 03:49:14] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: I do believe.
[28.12.2015 03:49:18] A/)-Christopher.Stone': As Sapphire said, we're /still/ against the others.
[28.12.2015 03:49:19] Patricia.Lyons: Can we talk about this... without everyone listenting in maybe?!
[28.12.2015 03:49:23] Charlie.O'Brien: I can't see the trade lane signatures...
[28.12.2015 03:49:37] Patricia.Lyons: That is because your scanner is as broken as it looks.
[28.12.2015 03:49:37] A/)-Christopher.Stone': It's fine. Really.
[28.12.2015 03:49:41] Charlie.O'Brien: What are you on about Lyons?
[28.12.2015 03:49:42] Patricia.Lyons: Go let someone look at it.
[28.12.2015 03:50:00] Charlie.O'Brien: And why are you with these shady lookin' mooks, talkin' about the jellies like that?
[28.12.2015 03:50:31] Patricia.Lyons: You are compromising informants O'Brien.
[28.12.2015 03:50:45] Charlie.O'Brien: Informants? When did you become LSF, Lyons?
[28.12.2015 03:50:52] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Since last Tuesday.
[28.12.2015 03:50:54] Patricia.Lyons: I didn't request your assistance nor am I part of the patrol schedule right now.
[28.12.2015 03:50:54] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: This is a personal dispute, technically.
[28.12.2015 03:50:57] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I was there, at her graduation.
[28.12.2015 03:51:03] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Man.
[28.12.2015 03:51:06] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I had a blast.
[28.12.2015 03:51:11] A/)-Christopher.Stone': You should go have a blast too.
[28.12.2015 03:51:14] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Along the lanes.
[28.12.2015 03:51:17] Patricia.Lyons: Got drunk as hell... Yes yes.
[28.12.2015 03:51:26] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I mean, I'm pretty sure this is boring for you.
[28.12.2015 03:51:33] A/)-Christopher.Stone': We're basically just talkin'.
[28.12.2015 03:51:34] Charlie.O'Brien: Tell Stoner here to shut up. Jesus, Lyons, I'm keeping an eye on this.
[28.12.2015 03:51:41] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Yo', jerkoff...
[28.12.2015 03:51:50] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Have a wonderful day.
[28.12.2015 03:51:53] Charlie.O'Brien: Piss off, freelancer.
[28.12.2015 03:52:01] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Right-right, jackass.
[28.12.2015 03:52:03] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I love you too.
[28.12.2015 03:52:06] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Hey.
[28.12.2015 03:52:09] Patricia.Lyons: Now that we have this... out of the way...
[28.12.2015 03:52:30] Patricia.Lyons: You should maybe explain... what the hell you are even doing.
[28.12.2015 03:52:50] 2015-12-28 03:52:59 SMT Traffic control alert: Charlie.O'Brien has requested to dock
[28.12.2015 03:57:42] Charlie.O'Brien: *Takes off his helmet, sipping from a cup of Sunbucks*
[28.12.2015 04:01:44] Patricia.Lyons: I am becoming annoying? Excuse me? You try to tell me a lot of things that shouldn't even be possible.
[28.12.2015 04:02:26] Patricia.Lyons: I see that. But we also know that there are very intelligent ones among them.
[28.12.2015 04:02:31] Charlie.O'Brien: Jesus Christ... LYONS, GET OUT OF THERE!
[28.12.2015 04:02:34] Patricia.Lyons: For fraks sake...
[28.12.2015 04:02:36] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: *briefly pushes their fist into their forehead, and puts it down*
[28.12.2015 04:02:56] A/)-Christopher.Stone': This guy again.
[28.12.2015 04:02:57] Patricia.Lyons: Okay... just assuming I trust your words...
[28.12.2015 04:02:59] Patricia.Lyons: What now?
[28.12.2015 04:02:59] Charlie.O'Brien: That is not a frikkin' normal thing in New York...
[28.12.2015 04:03:00] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Wonderful.
[28.12.2015 04:03:08] A/)-Christopher.Stone': What now?
[28.12.2015 04:03:09] Charlie.O'Brien: Where the hell did it go?
[28.12.2015 04:03:13] A/)-Christopher.Stone': What do you mean 'what now'?
[28.12.2015 04:03:17] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We're looking to stop a mad-man from Liberty.
[28.12.2015 04:03:23] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: I'm sure you've heard of "Maverick"?
[28.12.2015 04:03:23] Patricia.Lyons: A mad man?
[28.12.2015 04:03:28] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: From the fifth fleet.
[28.12.2015 04:03:46] Charlie.O'Brien: That goddamn jellyfish... It was just there...!
[28.12.2015 04:04:07] Patricia.Lyons: The fifth fleet are crazy I give you that.
[28.12.2015 04:04:11] Patricia.Lyons: But that's it...
[28.12.2015 04:04:14] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Yes, but this one is literally unstable.
[28.12.2015 04:04:17] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: With a battleship.
[28.12.2015 04:04:23] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: The Cincinnati?
[28.12.2015 04:04:25] Patricia.Lyons: I find it hard to believe that.
[28.12.2015 04:04:34] Charlie.O'Brien: I swear to Christ, this is something for the LSF to handle...
[28.12.2015 04:04:37] Patricia.Lyons: If he were unstable he would have been removed from his post.
[28.12.2015 04:04:43] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We're already aware of his where-abouts.
[28.12.2015 04:04:48] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: They were too slow to react.
[28.12.2015 04:05:07] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: It is kind of funny isn't it?
[28.12.2015 04:05:17] Charlie.O'Brien: Dammit, I'm calling this one in.
[28.12.2015 04:05:21] Patricia.Lyons: So what do you intend to do then?
[28.12.2015 04:05:30] Patricia.Lyons: Attack a Liberty Navy ship?
[28.12.2015 04:05:31] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Obviously stop him, anyhow?
[28.12.2015 04:05:37] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: It's not even Liberty Navy anymore.
[28.12.2015 04:06:10] Patricia.Lyons: What then?
[28.12.2015 04:06:16] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: It's up to you to believe us or not.
[28.12.2015 04:06:23] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: I can't change the way your mind thinks.
[28.12.2015 04:06:28] Charlie.O'Brien: Uh... This is Officer Charles O'Brien of the Liberty Police! I just saw one of those alien things in the system! Be advised!
[28.12.2015 04:06:33] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: But know this, we're not the enemy.
[28.12.2015 04:06:50] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: Where?
[28.12.2015 04:07:03] Charlie.O'Brien: I saw it in the Detroit Debris Field! Nearby some fighters! It's going invisible or something!
[28.12.2015 04:07:37] Charlie.O'Brien: If I die in the line of duty, make sure my brothers get my pension, dammit!
[28.12.2015 04:08:01] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: I will dont worry
[28.12.2015 04:08:01] Charlie.O'Brien: Finn, Jay, James, Mikey, Joseph, Packie, Ryan...
[28.12.2015 04:08:05] Patricia.Lyons: This will make it hard to talk.
[28.12.2015 04:08:19] [LN]-Alex.Kingston: You're not dying today, pilot. I'll make sure of it.
[28.12.2015 04:08:31] Patricia.Lyons: That is not what I meant.
[28.12.2015 04:08:39] Charlie.O'Brien: They were near some weird freelancers in Sabres!
[28.12.2015 04:09:00] Charlie.O'Brien: Talkin' about taking out some Liberty Navy ship or something...
[28.12.2015 04:10:06] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: Wher are you?
[28.12.2015 04:10:34] Charlie.O'Brien: Possibly trying to flee to California
[28.12.2015 04:10:40] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: where aare those freelancerS?
[28.12.2015 04:10:59] Charlie.O'Brien: They are near the Cali jumpgate
[28.12.2015 04:11:11] Charlie.O'Brien: They have entered Cali
[28.12.2015 04:11:14] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: Cd them they are terrorists
[28.12.2015 04:13:24] Charlie.O'Brien: Headed to Magellan
[28.12.2015 04:14:08] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: Dont let those bastards escape
[28.12.2015 04:14:10] Charlie.O'Brien: Take them out. Nomad is with them.
[28.12.2015 04:14:12] K'Hara|Tarlach: !!!!
[28.12.2015 04:14:17] Charlie.O'Brien: Search the entire House for them!
[28.12.2015 04:15:00] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: they are HF sympathizers and assailants of The Cincinnatti
[28.12.2015 04:15:49] Charlie.O'Brien: Kansas hole, probably, if not Cortez
[28.12.2015 04:17:38] Charlie.O'Brien: Search the entire frikkin' system for them! They're fugitives!
[28.12.2015 04:17:41] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: The choice is now.
[28.12.2015 04:17:46] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Peace. Or war.
[28.12.2015 04:19:12] Charlie.O'Brien: Attention Freelancers! You are under arrest! In the name of the Republic of Liberty, submit to justice!
[28.12.2015 04:19:19] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: A little far, aren't we?
[28.12.2015 04:19:32] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Shut up, big mouth.
[28.12.2015 04:19:41] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: You have yet to choose.
[28.12.2015 04:19:44] [LN]-Alex.Kingston: You're still under Liberty jurisdiction, ma'am.
[28.12.2015 04:19:50] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Not anymore.
[28.12.2015 04:19:54] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: You're still in the ZOI of Liberty, submit to the militarys authority.
[28.12.2015 04:19:58] Charlie.O'Brien: Kansas is sovereign space of the Republic of Liberty, and you are criminals, and will be subject to Liberty legal code.
[28.12.2015 04:22:40] Charlie.O'Brien: All units, what's your status?
[28.12.2015 04:22:56] [LN]-Alex.Kingston: Following your lead, officer.
[28.12.2015 04:23:36] Charlie.O'Brien: They're not picking up on system scanners anymore.
[28.12.2015 04:23:54] [LN]-Alex.Kingston: Perhaps another jump hole?
[28.12.2015 04:24:14] Charlie.O'Brien: There is Humboldt. Is that in our jurisdiction?
[28.12.2015 04:24:42] [LN]-Alex.Kingston: I believe so. It is classified as a 'system bordering Liberty Space'.
[28.12.2015 04:24:53] Charlie.O'Brien: That is the only other place I can think of.
[28.12.2015 04:25:47] Charlie.O'Brien: Let's pursue into Humboldt. They will most likely jump into Vespucci, and then we must give up.
[28.12.2015 04:26:28] [LN]-Alex.Kingston: Then we must be swift.
[28.12.2015 04:28:10] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: To voids, to dust, to the stars, to the light, and to the darkness. I wonder how it all started. What a funny universe.
[28.12.2015 04:29:02] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: You have yet to choose. Peace. Or war.
[28.12.2015 04:29:09] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I think they already chose.
[28.12.2015 04:29:17] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Exile.
[28.12.2015 04:29:34] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: So be it.
[28.12.2015 04:29:54] Charlie.O'Brien: Be ready for them. They have a Nomad with them. Better we live to inform the Republic.
[28.12.2015 04:30:13] A/)-Christopher.Stone': If you get close, you won't.
[28.12.2015 04:30:25] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I assure you, jackass. Turn around while you still can.
[28.12.2015 04:30:31] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Both you and your friends.
[28.12.2015 04:30:35] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Calm yourself.
[28.12.2015 04:30:47] Charlie.O'Brien: Targets confirmed obtaining IFF and ID.
[28.12.2015 04:30:50] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: No. The Liberty Navy will not stand down from a terrorists threat.
[28.12.2015 04:30:55] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: This is not a terrorist threat.
[28.12.2015 04:31:02] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: You're misunderstanding us.
[28.12.2015 04:31:02] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Far from it.
[28.12.2015 04:31:03] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Whatever you claim to be, I will prove you wrong.
[28.12.2015 04:31:13] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: What, even if we claimed to be on YOUR side?
[28.12.2015 04:31:19] [LN]-Alex.Kingston: This doesn't have to end in conflict, pilot. Just cut your engines and prevent this madness.
[28.12.2015 04:31:27] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: As we said. Peace or war.
[28.12.2015 04:31:28] A/)-Christopher.Stone': They're cut.
[28.12.2015 04:31:28] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: I'm yet to see evidence of that.
[28.12.2015 04:31:30] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: It's your choice.
[28.12.2015 04:31:31] Charlie.O'Brien: Come peacefully.
[28.12.2015 04:31:39] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We're outside of Liberty space.
[28.12.2015 04:31:44] A/)-Christopher.Stone': We've been waiting out here for some time.
[28.12.2015 04:31:44] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We have no hostile intentions.
[28.12.2015 04:32:00] Charlie.O'Brien: You are under arrest. Come quietly, and there will be no hostilities.
[28.12.2015 04:32:09] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We're outside of your space. And for what anyway?
[28.12.2015 04:32:22] A/)-Christopher.Stone': We are, yes.
[28.12.2015 04:32:26] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Huh. She isn't here...
[28.12.2015 04:32:32] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: terrorist dogs
[28.12.2015 04:32:34] A/)-Curate: How unfortunate.
[28.12.2015 04:32:37] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: This is still in my jurisdiction, in a system directly bordering Liberty space.
[28.12.2015 04:32:46] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Such as?
[28.12.2015 04:32:46] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Kingston, what rank are you?
[28.12.2015 04:32:48] Charlie.O'Brien: Conspiracy against the Liberty Navy, consorting with the enemy, and fleeing from an officer of the law.
[28.12.2015 04:32:55] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: *sigh*
[28.12.2015 04:32:57] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Allow me to explain.
[28.12.2015 04:33:04] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: You do know of the Cincinnati, yes?
[28.12.2015 04:33:10] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Yes.
[28.12.2015 04:33:12] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: It was stolen, it isn't a Naval vessel anymore.
[28.12.2015 04:33:21] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: And it's being used for ill-intended purposes.
[28.12.2015 04:33:23] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: So where does it lie now?
[28.12.2015 04:33:25] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: So, no.
[28.12.2015 04:33:31] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Basically, you're not doing anything to stop it's Captain. So we are.
[28.12.2015 04:33:37] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: you bastards helped her escape and you have assisted the Legion
[28.12.2015 04:33:38] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: I can't quite say, but it is really far from here.
[28.12.2015 04:33:46] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Probably at the Omicrons by now.
[28.12.2015 04:33:46] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: What happened to you informing the LibGov of this?
[28.12.2015 04:33:52] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: They won't do anything.
[28.12.2015 04:33:58] A/)-Curate: Last visual contact was the Omega border worlds.
[28.12.2015 04:33:59] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: It's beyond their power.
[28.12.2015 04:34:04] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: they are liars and conspirators
[28.12.2015 04:34:07] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Uh-huh.
[28.12.2015 04:34:16] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: They are the sanctioning body, it is their job, are you in the military? No, you do not know my government.
[28.12.2015 04:34:19] A/)-Christopher.Stone': And you call us terrorists without even /trying/ to understand what's going on.
[28.12.2015 04:34:22] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: I know where they rest.
[28.12.2015 04:34:35] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: But killing me, arresting me, doing whatever to me, will not let you gain access to that.
[28.12.2015 04:35:34] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Hmph, you would be amazed what could be found out with your capture.
[28.12.2015 04:35:48] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: I was trained up by the Core and nearly tortured to death by the Order.
[28.12.2015 04:35:52] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: How are you going to be any different?
[28.12.2015 04:36:02] /fi lyons
[28.12.2015 04:36:14] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: These terrorists fired on my vessel in Coronado
[28.12.2015 04:36:21] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Yeah, so?
[28.12.2015 04:36:24] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Self defense.
[28.12.2015 04:36:26] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: You got too close. Infact, if anything, you technically shot first.
[28.12.2015 04:36:29] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: bull crap
[28.12.2015 04:36:33] A/)-Christopher.Stone': You tried to assassinate our leader.
[28.12.2015 04:36:37] A/)-Curate: You fired first. What is it with the 5th fleet and insane captains?
[28.12.2015 04:36:48] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: your lead vessel the Eidolon Wraith fired mortars at me unprovoked
[28.12.2015 04:36:49] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Ok... attacking a Navy capital officer... Another offense to tack up.
[28.12.2015 04:36:59] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Uh, hell-oo?
[28.12.2015 04:37:00] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: You were warned to keep away.
[28.12.2015 04:37:04] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Additionally, it isn't your space.
[28.12.2015 04:37:07] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: So.
[28.12.2015 04:37:07] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Who gave you the right to play god?
[28.12.2015 04:37:16] A/)-Christopher.Stone': What, d'you go around killin' people 'cus you fancy it?
[28.12.2015 04:37:19] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: If we had not removed you, the other local authorities would have.
[28.12.2015 04:37:20] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Yeah, it was self-defense.
[28.12.2015 04:37:22] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Or even the hostile aliens.
[28.12.2015 04:37:38] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Believe it or not, it was kinder of us to dispose of you first.
[28.12.2015 04:37:45] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Because your crew could have died to your idiotic actions.
[28.12.2015 04:37:54] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: traiterous bastard
[28.12.2015 04:37:57] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: So... a question to you bunch...
[28.12.2015 04:37:59] A/)-Curate: I'm afraid you were right Keeper, I see little hope for this group.
[28.12.2015 04:38:00] A/)-Christopher.Stone': What a child.
[28.12.2015 04:38:00] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: There was a hostile alien battleship appearing right after your crew had evac'd
[28.12.2015 04:38:11] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We released your crew. They wouldn't have.
[28.12.2015 04:38:15] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Why not stop, and simply explain yourselves? Why run to a place where I see Legion activity?
[28.12.2015 04:38:24] A/)-Christopher.Stone': We stopped.
[28.12.2015 04:38:27] A/)-Christopher.Stone': We are explaining.
[28.12.2015 04:38:33] A/)-Christopher.Stone': This imbecile of a captain is intruding.
[28.12.2015 04:38:33] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: It's an Independant World area.
[28.12.2015 04:38:36] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Teach him manners.
[28.12.2015 04:38:42] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: In Humboldt, in an area thick with Hellfire.
[28.12.2015 04:38:55] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Do you see any Legion pilots around?
[28.12.2015 04:38:57] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I sure don't.
[28.12.2015 04:38:58] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: You already fled as well, you fled 4 systems.
[28.12.2015 04:39:22] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[28.12.2015 04:39:33] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: And you stop now, when you have an easy avenue of escape.
[28.12.2015 04:39:41] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Obviously.
[28.12.2015 04:39:42] A/)-Curate: People who are fleeing usually do not stop, period.
[28.12.2015 04:39:43] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We could have escaped any way we wanted.
[28.12.2015 04:39:46] A/)-Christopher.Stone': What, y'think we'd actually trust you?
[28.12.2015 04:39:51] A/)-Curate: If escape was our intent we would already be gone.
[28.12.2015 04:39:54] A/)-Christopher.Stone': We could've 'escaped' already.
[28.12.2015 04:40:05] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Think before you speak. Pointless chatter has no place now.
[28.12.2015 04:40:13] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: As Curate says, quite.
[28.12.2015 04:40:28] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Well, seems that my suspicions are right, how do you plan for the navy to trust you on this when you dont trust us?
[28.12.2015 04:40:40] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Because you never trusted us in the first place.
[28.12.2015 04:40:52] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Oh- and don't forget the one true fact...
[28.12.2015 04:41:04] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We're not here to be your slaves, or your underlings. We're here to help. Against the true hostilies.
[28.12.2015 04:41:04] A/)-Christopher.Stone': You have trigger-happy Cruiser Commanders that will shoot to kill at any point.
[28.12.2015 04:41:10] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Yeah- no. I'm not going to trust you.
[28.12.2015 04:41:37] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: The primary fleet is the ruling body in this encounter, we will certainly exercise over the Cruiser.
[28.12.2015 04:41:55] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: We're aware of some of the more illict activities that have ongoing within Liberty.
[28.12.2015 04:42:01] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Too bad it'll be overlooked huh?
[28.12.2015 04:42:28] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: // have been ongoing*
[28.12.2015 04:42:31] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Its also a shame that this issue won't be let go of, pity, i was looking forward to my solid 8 hours tonight.
[28.12.2015 04:42:53] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: What, you think we're just going to give up?
[28.12.2015 04:43:10] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Funny, you think the same of me.
[28.12.2015 04:43:25] A/)-Christopher.Stone': We don't. We're sure that you're going to start shooting.
[28.12.2015 04:43:28] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: I mean, as you said, you're pretty brave to come out here, outside of your directive?
[28.12.2015 04:43:32] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: What with the Gallics?
[28.12.2015 04:43:55] A/)-Christopher.Stone': They already blew up San Diego. It seems the Navy just /gave up/.
[28.12.2015 04:44:05] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Poor Bretonia.
[28.12.2015 04:44:26] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: ...
[28.12.2015 04:44:36] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Trigger-happy Captains.
[28.12.2015 04:44:43] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: silence civilian
[28.12.2015 04:44:44] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Insulting us and now our allies? How considerate of you.
[28.12.2015 04:44:52] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Right now, you are my directive.
[28.12.2015 04:44:54] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Civilian. Heh.
[28.12.2015 04:44:55] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Please tie him to a post.
[28.12.2015 04:45:01] 5th|LNS-Vengeance: if you defend these traitors floating around then we should treat you as such
[28.12.2015 04:45:03] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Calm yourself Chris.
[28.12.2015 04:45:09] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: And also, Vengeance, turn your god damn guns off.
[28.12.2015 04:45:22] A/)-Curate: Heh.
[28.12.2015 04:45:38] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I was certainly wrong about this Captain of yours.
[28.12.2015 04:45:46] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Even /you/ told him to shut off his bloody guns.
[28.12.2015 04:45:57] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Nice military you have there.
[28.12.2015 04:46:02] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Let's not.
[28.12.2015 04:46:11] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I'm just lookin' over the facts.
[28.12.2015 04:46:14] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: Yes, nice banter you throw around.
[28.12.2015 04:46:17] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: *puts her hands to the side of her head*
[28.12.2015 04:46:40] Charlie.O'Brien: We already have the proper evidence of your crimes. You will suffer Liberty justice.
[28.12.2015 04:46:45] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Okay?
[28.12.2015 04:46:48] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Right.
[28.12.2015 04:46:50] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: You still won't learn anything from it.
[28.12.2015 04:46:55] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Pretty much that.
[28.12.2015 04:47:00] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: So, go ahead.
[28.12.2015 04:47:01] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Arrest me.
[28.12.2015 04:47:05] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: This will come back to you, don't think this case is over. It may bite you in the ass sooner than later.
[28.12.2015 04:47:21] [LN]-Catherine,Jackson: All forces, head home, we all need some rest after dealing with these beats...
[28.12.2015 04:47:29] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Though, your little friend, Charlie?
[28.12.2015 04:47:30] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Huh.
[28.12.2015 04:47:32] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Might want to check him out.
[28.12.2015 04:47:32] A/)-Christopher.Stone': I'm surprised.
[28.12.2015 04:47:40] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: He seems to be paranoid of something.
[28.12.2015 04:47:44] A/)-Christopher.Stone': You have my thanks, miss Jackson.
[28.12.2015 04:47:49] A/)-Curate: I hope you return Ms. Jackson. You don't seem entirely unreasonable.
[28.12.2015 04:47:58] A/)-Sapphire.Raven:: Farewell.
[28.12.2015 04:48:09] A/)-Christopher.Stone': Fare thee well indeed.
[28.12.2015 04:48:11] [LN]-Alex.Kingston: Farewell, ma'am.
Safe Skies
-Catherine Jackson, Ensign.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Ace Razgriz - 12-29-2015
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Ensign Catherine Jackson
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command
Good Evening,
Another busy day, Liberty is just becoming more of an active place... heres todays report.
Patrol started off with another capital encounter, Outcast Ranseurs and Rogue Cruisers as well as fighters. We intercepted with the LNS Harmony, as well as snub support and the 5th dreadnought LNS Fury. They stood no chance, the primary fleet issued the call to battle, and we moved in. The dreadnoughts fell and soon so did the Scylla class, the Harmony suffered minor hull damage and we lost one bomber, but otherwise we were casualty free. Hopefully this will teach them their lesson to take those capital assets out of Liberty.
Evidence: ::::
[28.12.2015 23:28:52] Predator.66: [DANGER! Hostile vessel spotted at D-3 , callsign Scrubby.Bubble , Civilian traffic proceed with a detour!]
[28.12.2015 23:28:53] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: Back off? Sir youre in violation of many Liberty laws.
[28.12.2015 23:29:05] Mike.O'Brien: Stand down IMMEDIATELY!
[28.12.2015 23:29:07] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Mhm..."
[28.12.2015 23:29:15] Defiance': What do you mean stand down?
[28.12.2015 23:29:15] Tarantula: Kevin:Mates we can talk.
[28.12.2015 23:29:20] Defiance': We haven't done anything
[28.12.2015 23:29:25] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "How much are they worth hmm..."
[28.12.2015 23:29:34] Predator.66: [Scan complete, target confirmed as hostile. Proceeding with removal]
[28.12.2015 23:29:34] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: No, not when theres a rogue scylla here.
[28.12.2015 23:29:36] Mike.O'Brien: You are flying with illegal IFFs and vessels!
[28.12.2015 23:29:49] Tarantula: Kevin:Oh realy i didnt noticed that!
[28.12.2015 23:29:50] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Heh, all except the Maltese."
[28.12.2015 23:29:57] Predator.66: [DANGER! Hostile vessel spotted at D-3 , callsign Mr.Killer , Civilian traffic proceed with a detour!]
[28.12.2015 23:29:58] Pvt.Nordlander: What the...
[28.12.2015 23:30:02] Mike.O'Brien: OH SWEET JESUS!!!
[28.12.2015 23:30:02] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "I am quite sure a Cutlass isnt ilegal"
[28.12.2015 23:30:04] Scrubby.Bubble: Here's the heavy hitters.
[28.12.2015 23:30:06] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: WHOA ITS BACK
[28.12.2015 23:30:06] Defiance': Well my ship is okay...
[28.12.2015 23:30:19] Defiance': Whoa.
[28.12.2015 23:30:22] LNS-Harmony: This is Battleship Harmony. We will open fire on all hostile targets should a firefight begin.
[28.12.2015 23:30:22] Defiance': Right okay then
[28.12.2015 23:30:28] Adam.Gibson: That dreadnough is definitely illegal
[28.12.2015 23:30:29] LNS-Harmony: Weapons charged.
[28.12.2015 23:30:30] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Hm, Naaavy~"
[28.12.2015 23:30:37] Death: LNS-Zirconia was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.12.2015 23:30:42] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Can I join the little party?"
[28.12.2015 23:30:43] Death: Scratchproof was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.12.2015 23:30:50] Predator.66: [Happy beeping]
[28.12.2015 23:30:54] Tarantula: Kevin: Wait a bit gentlemen.
[28.12.2015 23:30:58] Scrubby.Bubble: Mike, mate, ya gotta calm.
[28.12.2015 23:31:02] Corvo.Attano: *sips Coffee* GET OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP.
[28.12.2015 23:31:03] Tarantula: Kevin:Lets even out the odds.
[28.12.2015 23:31:08] Scrubby.Bubble: Have some Cardamine.
[28.12.2015 23:31:13] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "I want to help the little cute drone again" *she smiles amused*
[28.12.2015 23:31:15] Death: CR|-WO.Souza suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[28.12.2015 23:31:23] SirLagsalot: Oh hey! Cardie! Do you have a liquid one?
[28.12.2015 23:31:24] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: Another ranseur? Jeez you Maltese are smart sniffers.
[28.12.2015 23:31:29] Mike.O'Brien: Scrubby, get OUT of your VEHICLE, you Rogue MOOK!
[28.12.2015 23:31:29] LNS-Harmony: Heavy Artillery ready. Waiting for the signal.
[28.12.2015 23:31:39] Tarantula: Kevin:Wait!
[28.12.2015 23:31:40] Scrubby.Bubble: Would I be binging wine if I did?
[28.12.2015 23:31:45] Predator.66: [Beep]
[28.12.2015 23:31:53] Defiance': Welp...
[28.12.2015 23:31:54] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Hmph....hello? Navy~"
[28.12.2015 23:31:57] Defiance': I'm willing to leave
[28.12.2015 23:31:59] Death: pkshetlie was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.12.2015 23:32:00] Corvo.Attano: *dunks* Surrender now..
[28.12.2015 23:32:06] Tarantula: Kevin:One of our guys is still preparing his ship.
[28.12.2015 23:32:18] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Ah come on now..."
[28.12.2015 23:32:20] Tarantula: Kevin:It would be a shamefull victory for you.
[28.12.2015 23:32:22] Mike.O'Brien: Surrender and we'll let you live! You will be charged accordingly due to Liberty Law!
[28.12.2015 23:32:33] Tarantula: Kevin:Wait a bit then ill surrender.
[28.12.2015 23:32:38] Tarantula: Kevin:Big pirate promise.
[28.12.2015 23:32:42] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Hmph..."
[28.12.2015 23:32:57] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Mhm, Miss Jackson..?"
[28.12.2015 23:33:09] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: Hmm? What is it pilot?
[28.12.2015 23:33:15] Predator.66: [Recording transmission to the Junkers]
[28.12.2015 23:33:18] Mike.O'Brien: Awaitin' your command to blow these suckers away, Cathy!
[28.12.2015 23:33:19] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "You wouldnt mind me to assist you, right?"
[28.12.2015 23:33:21] Predator.66: [Subject: YOU WHAT MATE?!]
[28.12.2015 23:33:25] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Just in case..."
[28.12.2015 23:33:26] Tarantula: Kevin:Ladies wait.
[28.12.2015 23:33:27] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: Of course, you're welcome to.
[28.12.2015 23:33:32] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: All forces, ON MY MARK!
[28.12.2015 23:33:32] Tarantula: Kevin:Im binding my shoes.
[28.12.2015 23:33:37] Scrubby.Bubble: Oh snap.
[28.12.2015 23:33:38] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Thanks...heh"
[28.12.2015 23:33:41] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: ready!
[28.12.2015 23:33:43] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: Aim!
[28.12.2015 23:33:45] Predator.66: [Ready beep]
[28.12.2015 23:33:45] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: FIRE!
[28.12.2015 23:33:46] LNS-Harmony: Copy that. Battleship Harmony opening Heavy Artillery fire!
[28.12.2015 23:33:53] Corvo.Attano: Engaging!
[28.12.2015 23:33:53] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Lets have fun"
[28.12.2015 23:34:00] Adam.Gibson: Weapons hot, engaging hostiles
[28.12.2015 23:34:20] Death: Scratchproof was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.12.2015 23:34:42] Death: LNB-Treehouse suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[28.12.2015 23:35:35] MNS-Mr.Monty: weapons online
[28.12.2015 23:35:51] 5th|LNS-Fury: ugh damnit
[28.12.2015 23:35:58] 5th|LNS-Fury: stupid outcasts again
[28.12.2015 23:36:36] 5th|LNS-Fury: moving in for the kill
[28.12.2015 23:36:41] MNS-Mr.Monty: harmony.... come.. face to face
[28.12.2015 23:37:12] 5th|LNS-Fury: fire
[28.12.2015 23:38:02] Death: Scrubby.Bubble was put out of action by Corvo.Attano (Gun).
[28.12.2015 23:38:07] Death: Mr.Killer was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.12.2015 23:38:36] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Come here, with your little Scylla"
[28.12.2015 23:40:07] Death: MNS-Mr.Monty was divided by zero.
[28.12.2015 23:41:37] Mike.O'Brien: WOO HOO!
[28.12.2015 23:41:38] Death: Tarantula was divided by zero.
[28.12.2015 23:41:39] 5th|LNS-Fury: sleep well
[28.12.2015 23:41:46] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: Targets down, good job everyone!
[28.12.2015 23:41:50] Corvo.Attano: *Sips coffee* whos next?
[28.12.2015 23:41:51] Predator.66: [Happy beeps]
[28.12.2015 23:41:56] "Fumeina.Ai": S: "Mhm, yeah..."
[28.12.2015 23:42:20] [LN]-Catherine.Jackson: All those participating, report home... wherever it may be, navy forces lets move to Manhatten for debriefing and reapairs.
[28.12.2015 23:42:26] Predator.66: [Beep]
[28.12.2015 23:42:31] Mike.O'Brien: Rearming and refueling!
[28.12.2015 23:42:35] Adam.Gibson: Roger that
[28.12.2015 23:43:14] Corvo.Attano: *dunks donut*
[28.12.2015 23:43:14] Pvt.Nordlander: They better have donuts waiting for us.
[28.12.2015 23:43:28] Pvt.Nordlander: Damn, how'd you already get some?
Now, another little report, this one on a troublesome little smuggler who honestly thought he'd gotten away. He was confident enough to bluff in system communications, he was caught easily once he arrived, find his idiocy below.
Evidence: ::::
Safe Skies
-Catherine Jackson, Ensign.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Ace Razgriz - 12-29-2015
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Ensign Catherine Jackson
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command
Good Evening,
The criminals of Liberty never seem to learn... The outcast capitals MNS-Monty and Mr.Killer returned, this time with even more escorts, multiple snubs and bombers, and a scylla cruiser. We moved in with our intercept force, me, the LPI Chief, Oreo.Supply, the LSF Cruiser Presque Isle, and the LNS-Harmony. The fight was intense, the Harmony suffered heavy reactor hits and was dead in space. It was rough, but with attack runs we moved in. We took out the Ranseurs and snub support, then chased after the cruiser. Managed to get the kill identified on the cruiser from my hit, kinda proud of it myself. That is all, find guncams and a casualty list from the fight below.
Evidence: ::::
[29.12.2015 19:28:10] Death: LNS-Harmony has died
[29.12.2015 19:49:28] Death: Kayleigh.Sunderland was put out of action by Claude.Giroux (Gun).
[29.12.2015 19:50:08] Death: Aco_Navy_X-1 was put out of action by Claude.Giroux (Gun).
[29.12.2015 19:36:32] Death: Dust was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.12.2015 19:46:17] Death: Mr.Killer was put out of action by Oreo.Supply (Gun).
[29.12.2015 19:49:34] Death: MNS-Mr.Monty was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.12.2015 19:50:34] Death: Claude.Giroux was put out of action by [LN]-Catherine.Jackson (Gun).
[29.12.2015 19:51:46] Death: Nicki.Minaj was put out of action by Liberty.War.Hero (Gun).
[29.12.2015 19:57:11] Death: Wingman.Alpha was put out of action by Liberty.War.Hero (Gun).
Safe Skies
-Catherine Jackson, Ensign.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sirius.News - 12-30-2015
![[Image: b8LRfDL.jpg]](
To: Liberty Navy Command
Subject: Inquiry in regards to the Alien Jump Gate in Liberty
Dear Sirs,
Sirius News is trying to shed some light on the events occurring in the New York system near Fort Bush yesterday. Messages were published on the neural net that a Alien Jump Gate will materialize and attacks are imminent. The Sirius News Channel is wondering how much or if any of this is true.
See our report on yesterdays event:
Alien Jump Gate in Liberty - A Hoax?
Any information provided by you will be handled according to your restrictions. We would like to get an official statement from the Liberty Navy as well to add it to our report.
Please contact me on private channel if you have any questions.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Pam Hendriks