RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Spectre - 03-11-2016
Comm ID: Kingston, Lieutenant Alexander S. (Navy Patrol Epsilon 2-6)
Target ID: Primary Fleet Patrol Reporting Center
Subject: Patrol Record for March 11th, 823 A.S.
Encryption: Low
Priority: Low
I began my patrol from West Point after receiving word from a miner in Pennsylvania of a pilot that was harassing and stealing from them and several other miners in the field behind Planet Erie. When I arrived on the scene, the ship, a pirate Bactrian tagged as 'Thief', was there harassing the miners. After several attempts to guide it towards a station so it could be swapped, the ship escaped.
With the aid of LPI Lieutenant Kanade Tachibana, the pilot was stopped. He stated that he had a large bounty on his head, but gave no reason for his thefts and extortions.
A scan of his ship: X
Once Officer Tachibana and the pilot exchanged words, they escorted the pilot to Bethlehem Station, where the pilot exchanged the ship.
I am currently aboard my fighter relaying this message to you now.
Safe travels,
Ensign Alexander S. Kingston, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, Designation: Epsilon 2-6.
(NOTE: This message was sent through a registered terminal of Liberty Communications Broadcasting Ltd. and may not be transmitted in any form without the express written consent of the LCB or Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command. Thank You.)
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Ace Razgriz - 03-12-2016
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Lt. Cmdr. Sara Nessel
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command
Good Evening,
I decided to pick up the patrol route for an off call officer, and it led to quite a chain of events in Pennsylvania. There was a crowd gathered outside Planet Erie, causing a commotion over vessels near the mining field, and it was then that said vessels popped up on scanners. The Order, a "valiant" organization as always was discovered perpetrating into our space, and then began mocking me solely on the Navy policies to the Nomads. I had honestly expected more out of the group revered for saving Sirius 22 years ago, but was sevrely dissapointed by their lack of respect and concern for others. They even bailed out from chasing the nomad fighter they had been following, bailing out when an anomaly appeared above Erie and spawned multiple alien threats, obviously only concerned for themselves, the Order pilots left. The area is still under an Alpha threat level, but the anomaly is gone and the threat is clear for now, I advise we implement more patrols in Pennsylvania, as it seems especially around Erie to be rowdy as of late. We need to show the Order just how thinking about yourself will end up, and next time to be a little stricter when they are spotted, find patrol files below, and have a safe evening.
Evidence: N/A
[12.03.2016 19:16:36] Thomas.Garrick: greets Sara
[12.03.2016 19:16:49] Johnywalker: hm... pilots
[12.03.2016 19:16:56] Johnywalker: not sure, but i detected something around Emlenton
[12.03.2016 19:17:07] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: Something around the Depot?
[12.03.2016 19:17:09] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
[12.03.2016 19:17:09] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[12.03.2016 19:17:15] Jimmy.R: Ohh... Lookie there. A Sirius Kraken *shivers*
[12.03.2016 19:17:30] Johnywalker: yes... just undocking i heard something dangerous, but no time for check
[12.03.2016 19:17:33] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: What exactly did you detect? I have seen this area as a bit fishy recently.
[12.03.2016 19:17:49] Johnywalker: sounds...
[12.03.2016 19:18:11] Jimmy.R: All sorts of strange 'creatures'
[12.03.2016 19:18:11] Thomas.Garrick: greetings Iosif
[12.03.2016 19:18:13] Kes'Reena: ***...|Middle-land| 'Law-bringer' (disdain)...***
[12.03.2016 19:18:19] Order|Vizier.One: Not this one again.
[12.03.2016 19:18:25] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: And heres why I thought it was fishy... This is a bit of a situation.
[12.03.2016 19:18:28] Iosif.Stalin: Helo officers
[12.03.2016 19:18:46] Order|Andrew.Williams: Greetings, citizens
[12.03.2016 19:18:54] Thomas.Garrick: orders are here!
[12.03.2016 19:18:59] Order|Vizier.One: Order.
[12.03.2016 19:19:00] Order|Vizier.One: Order.
[12.03.2016 19:19:02] Order|Vizier.One: Singular.
[12.03.2016 19:19:07] ATL-387: 2 ships with Order IFF 5 clicks out from Harrisburg.
[12.03.2016 19:19:09] Kes'Reena: ***...'Lightstuckers' (disdain)...***
[12.03.2016 19:19:10] Order|Andrew.Williams: Not orders *smiles*
[12.03.2016 19:19:14] Order|Vizier.One: How observant.
[12.03.2016 19:19:24] Order|Vizier.One: Navy.
[12.03.2016 19:19:36] Order|Vizier.One: You, lady. Did Kingston pass on my warning?
[12.03.2016 19:19:44] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: Oh great... these ones appear to be snarky... just what I needed in my day. *the pilot sighs and rubs her temples thoughtfully*
[12.03.2016 19:19:50] Kes'Reena: ***...'Darklings' ~wish~ 'Ours' to ~reveal~ out of "The Veil" (?)...***
[12.03.2016 19:19:57] Thomas.Garrick: greets prica
[12.03.2016 19:20:03] Order|Vizier.One: No I just can't take idiots, lady.
[12.03.2016 19:20:17] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: And to you, I havent heard anything, Kingston's been kind of quiet lately on his assignments.
[12.03.2016 19:20:20] Kes'Reena: ***...'Ours' ~reveal~...***
[12.03.2016 19:20:25] Order|Vizier.One: Gods be damned.
[12.03.2016 19:20:41] Thomas.Garrick: ther is the nomad
[12.03.2016 19:20:50] Order|Vizier.One: Yes, yes there is.
[12.03.2016 19:21:09] Order|Vizier.One: The same Nomad from yesterday.
[12.03.2016 19:21:24] Order|Vizier.One: Listen, Nessel.
[12.03.2016 19:21:34] Order|Vizier.One: Nomad activity is RISING, you hear me?
[12.03.2016 19:21:53] Order|Vizier.One: I warned Kingston, I warned Tachibana of the LPI.
[12.03.2016 19:22:00] Order|Vizier.One: But you people seem to not get it.
[12.03.2016 19:22:16] Kes'Reena: ***...'Ours' be -harmless- :until: 'Darklings' ~combat~ 'Ours' (caution)...***
[12.03.2016 19:22:16] Tyrael: Leave her (?) alone
[12.03.2016 19:22:16] Order|Vizier.One: I've run into morphs, fighters, and an Archon. That's equivalent to your Upholder, Nessel.
[12.03.2016 19:22:29] Noah.Xonnel: You sure about this?
[12.03.2016 19:22:29] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: *the pilot raises an eyebrow* We know, how great of you to say that out in the open to a populous that won't respond to that-
[12.03.2016 19:22:36] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Now that I think about it more - it's moderately kinky.
[12.03.2016 19:22:38] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: -statement as calmly as the navy.
[12.03.2016 19:22:58] Noah.Xonnel: Well...that's just you now. *chuckles*
[12.03.2016 19:23:08] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Influenced by the people I was around.
[12.03.2016 19:23:10] Order|Vizier.One: Well if you would stop your silencing campaign and tell the truth for the past twenty years, we'd probably be better off.
[12.03.2016 19:23:14] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: And again - society would see the same.
[12.03.2016 19:23:15] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Oh.
[12.03.2016 19:23:38] Noah.Xonnel: Well. Sometimes disregarding that factor is for the best.
[12.03.2016 19:23:48] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Perhaps.
[12.03.2016 19:24:21] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: You isolated groups seem to be just as clueless as you claim us to be, you can't tell that to an entire house without massive-
[12.03.2016 19:24:22] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: -riot
[12.03.2016 19:24:25] Kes'Reena: ***...'Ours' ~sense~ -familiar- 'Drakling' (warmth)...***
[12.03.2016 19:24:32] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Oh - tssk tssk
[12.03.2016 19:24:38] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Trying to spook the locals again, huh Agents?
[12.03.2016 19:24:42] Order|Vizier.One: Well maybe if you had told the damn truth twenty years ago we wouldn't be worrying?
[12.03.2016 19:24:56] Order|Andrew.Williams: Hey, Libertonian, stop shooting at me
[12.03.2016 19:24:59] Order|Vizier.One: What are you going to say when a Marduk class bears down on Missouri?
[12.03.2016 19:25:13] Order|Vizier.One: How late does it have to get, before you admit we were right?
[12.03.2016 19:25:27] Order|Vizier.One: Another planned burned?
[12.03.2016 19:25:30] Noah.Xonnel: Order again, huh?
[12.03.2016 19:25:36] Kes'Reena: ***...(wondering) | which "veracity" 'Their' ~requires~ (?)...***
[12.03.2016 19:25:37] Order|Vizier.One: Another fleet, wiped out?
[12.03.2016 19:25:49] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You and I both know the K'Hara won't burn a world within the reaches of the very core of Humanity.
[12.03.2016 19:25:54] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You're inciting paranoia.
[12.03.2016 19:26:03] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Just like your organisation's heritage is now.
[12.03.2016 19:26:06] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Fear.
[12.03.2016 19:26:13] Noah.Xonnel: *sighs*
[12.03.2016 19:26:17] Order|Vizier.One: You're saying genocidal alien race won't burn any human world it finds.
[12.03.2016 19:26:18] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You seem to underestimate the powers of Humanity, Order.
[12.03.2016 19:26:25] Order|Vizier.One: No, I know the power of humanity.
[12.03.2016 19:26:26] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: The situation is escalating, but we will keep liberty safe... just as we have for 823 years.
[12.03.2016 19:26:29] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Clearly not.
[12.03.2016 19:26:44] Order|Vizier.One: Clearly, you know nothing.
[12.03.2016 19:26:49] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Yeah - clearly.
[12.03.2016 19:26:53] Noah.Xonnel: Why are you here to begin with, Order?
[12.03.2016 19:27:01] Noah.Xonnel: To show how arrogant you are again?
[12.03.2016 19:27:01] Order|Vizier.One: Nomad activty has increased day after day.
[12.03.2016 19:27:06] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: And?
[12.03.2016 19:27:10] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: What do you see from that?
[12.03.2016 19:27:10] Order|Vizier.One: Yet not a single uptick in navy patrols.
[12.03.2016 19:27:17] Kes'Reena: ***...'Yours' -able not- to ~realise~ 'Darkling' "fault"...***
[12.03.2016 19:27:19] Order|Vizier.One: This is the heart of Libertyy...
[12.03.2016 19:27:24] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: No, New York is.
[12.03.2016 19:27:25] Order|Andrew.Williams: Nomads is biorobots, they only know how to kill and destroy everything.
[12.03.2016 19:27:27] Order|Vizier.One: Yet more and more Nomads show up.
[12.03.2016 19:27:38] OSC|Jura: Order vessels, any protection from the nomad threat is appreciated by OSC
[12.03.2016 19:27:45] Kes'Reena: ***...'Darkling Raven' ~realises~ 'yours' ~fault~...***
[12.03.2016 19:27:52] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: You don't have access to those kind of records, so i call crap on that.
[12.03.2016 19:27:52] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Oh thank you Reena.
[12.03.2016 19:27:56] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I'm still dark to you? Heh.
[12.03.2016 19:27:56] Noah.Xonnel: Because it's obvious...
[12.03.2016 19:28:25] Noah.Xonnel: If the Order would really care that much, it would lay emphasis on operating unseen.
[12.03.2016 19:28:26] Order|Andrew.Williams: It's obvious that they are biorobots?
[12.03.2016 19:28:31] Noah.Xonnel: Like years ago.
[12.03.2016 19:28:36] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Even robots can have corrupt codes.
[12.03.2016 19:28:40] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Even robots can miscalculate.
[12.03.2016 19:28:51] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You evidentally do overestimate them - and underestimate us.
[12.03.2016 19:28:53] Order|Andrew.Williams: Robots like K'Hara? Are you sure?
[12.03.2016 19:29:00] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: For now - you seem like you're spouting propagenda.
[12.03.2016 19:29:03] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: The Order had a time of glory, and Liberty will recognize that, but its time you stay in your place, out in the Omicrons, whil-
[12.03.2016 19:29:08] Noah.Xonnel: So why didn't you leave afterwards, then?
[12.03.2016 19:29:12] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: -the Navy handles their home, you handle yours.
[12.03.2016 19:29:13] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: The Order used to mean something.
[12.03.2016 19:29:18] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: When Golanski took over.
[12.03.2016 19:29:21] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: It went down the drain.
[12.03.2016 19:29:28] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Paranoia and fear took place.
[12.03.2016 19:29:29] Noah.Xonnel: It's not like you don't know that you're treated as terrorists.
[12.03.2016 19:29:55] Noah.Xonnel: So why show your face? It sows confusion to say the least.
[12.03.2016 19:29:57] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Humanity couldn't use it's initiative to create new ways.
[12.03.2016 19:29:58] Noah.Xonnel: Fear, if you may.
[12.03.2016 19:30:01] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Because of paranoia.
[12.03.2016 19:30:08] Noah.Xonnel: And that, yeah...
[12.03.2016 19:30:33] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: The Navy are well aware of the threat.
[12.03.2016 19:30:41] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You seem to forget that the actual threat is Humanity itself.
[12.03.2016 19:30:43] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Our own people.
[12.03.2016 19:30:47] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: They can't focus on it.
[12.03.2016 19:31:02] Noah.Xonnel: If you go by that logic, you might as well help Gallia in their conquest.
[12.03.2016 19:31:04] Order|Andrew.Williams: Humanity? Maybe, you are infested?
[12.03.2016 19:31:12] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Are you blind?
[12.03.2016 19:31:23] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Do you know what I am trying to portray here?
[12.03.2016 19:31:29] Noah.Xonnel: Your...'job'?
[12.03.2016 19:31:33] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You're trying to fight them with a broken sword.
[12.03.2016 19:31:39] Order|Andrew.Williams: And protecting humanity from aliens and... "humans" like you
[12.03.2016 19:31:42] Thomas.Garrick: damn!
[12.03.2016 19:31:49] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I'm not protecting the ways of the K'Hara.
[12.03.2016 19:31:52] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I'm being open-minded.
[12.03.2016 19:31:59] Noah.Xonnel: Like you should be as well, Order.
[12.03.2016 19:32:06] Order|Andrew.Williams: Indeed, my apologies
[12.03.2016 19:32:06] Noah.Xonnel: After all that time, you've lost your way.
[12.03.2016 19:32:23] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: If I were truly to be as such, half of the people here would be dead as they don't meet by my standards.
[12.03.2016 19:32:28] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: It is true that the Nomads are a versatile species, that are not to be thought of as a simple nuisance, it comes to call-
[12.03.2016 19:32:37] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: -humanity into question in the situation.
[12.03.2016 19:32:41] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: This is why I don't actually do that.
[12.03.2016 19:32:43] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Again.
[12.03.2016 19:32:48] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You're taking things out of context.
[12.03.2016 19:33:07] Noah.Xonnel: You think being Order is like a daily patrol job?
[12.03.2016 19:33:15] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: See.
[12.03.2016 19:33:17] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Now they're here.
[12.03.2016 19:33:23] Order|Andrew.Williams: Hey... I hear... something...
[12.03.2016 19:33:26] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: *folds her arms*
[12.03.2016 19:33:42] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Indeed, I felt that tingle too.
[12.03.2016 19:33:52] Order|Andrew.Williams: *Drinks his ale* Are you scared?
[12.03.2016 19:33:57] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I'm not.
[12.03.2016 19:33:58] Noah.Xonnel: *sighs*
[12.03.2016 19:34:06] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I have no logical reason to be scared.
[12.03.2016 19:34:42] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You really /do/ misunderestimate this environment hm?
[12.03.2016 19:35:10] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: No?
[12.03.2016 19:35:18] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: We won't be scared of this, it will be handled, to protect our people we must drive the nomads away when they are a threat.
[12.03.2016 19:35:22] Noah.Xonnel: Know this Order, you're not helping anyone by being here, except yourselves.
[12.03.2016 19:35:23] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: *points towards Reena*
[12.03.2016 19:35:30] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Spreading fear, helps no one.
[12.03.2016 19:35:39] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Spreading paranoia and hatred - does not either.
[12.03.2016 19:35:45] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: And in other times, observe them and study, to ultimately wipe them out.
[12.03.2016 19:35:59] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Heh.
[12.03.2016 19:36:05] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Are you?
[12.03.2016 19:36:10] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I think not.
[12.03.2016 19:36:13] Maersk_Lines_x: Never seen it before
[12.03.2016 19:36:15] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: You should stay.
[12.03.2016 19:36:19] Order|Andrew.Williams: What about... that little biorobot?
[12.03.2016 19:36:24] Kes'Reena: ***...'Lightsucker' ~flee~ | -typicaly- for 'theirs'...***
[12.03.2016 19:36:26] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: *chuckles*
[12.03.2016 19:36:29] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Oh typical.
[12.03.2016 19:36:33] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: "protectors of Humanity"
[12.03.2016 19:36:36] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Round of applause everyone.
[12.03.2016 19:36:39] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: *sarcastically claps*
[12.03.2016 19:36:42] Maersk_Lines_x: hello there kitty
[12.03.2016 19:36:50] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Oh.
[12.03.2016 19:36:52] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: An explosion.
[12.03.2016 19:36:53] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Well.
[12.03.2016 19:36:55] Noah.Xonnel: It's the same with every organization that grows too fast...too strong.
[12.03.2016 19:36:57] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: That works as a clap.
[12.03.2016 19:36:58] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I guess.
[12.03.2016 19:37:12] Kes'Reena: ***...'New-Native mother' | 'Ours' ~sense~ 'Theirs' (rage)...***
[12.03.2016 19:37:31] If you find your ship in Bastille please check the Sanction sub-forum on
[12.03.2016 19:37:32] Maersk_Lines_x: hello
[12.03.2016 19:37:36] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I wonder why?
[12.03.2016 19:37:40] Kes'Reena: ***...(curiousity)...***
[12.03.2016 19:37:47] Maersk_Lines_x: don't be shy
[12.03.2016 19:38:13] Noah.Xonnel: Well, maybe the Order did invite it to begin with.
[12.03.2016 19:38:18] LN-Prica_Srbija: i see multy nomad ship in this aeria
[12.03.2016 19:38:21] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: And there they go, threat levels are at Omega now, civilians need to clear, top priority of these things destruction goes to-
[12.03.2016 19:38:26] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: -the Navy and the Order.
[12.03.2016 19:38:28] Noah.Xonnel: Given they somewhat share the concept of fear.-..
[12.03.2016 19:38:31] ATL-387: Did you notice that anomaly?
[12.03.2016 19:38:33] Noah.Xonnel: Oh wow...
[12.03.2016 19:38:36] Maersk_Lines_x: dont go
[12.03.2016 19:38:36] Tyrael: Can you here them too? Like me?
[12.03.2016 19:38:37] Noah.Xonnel: We've got incoming.
[12.03.2016 19:38:39] Jimmy.R: Anomaly detected in the area !
[12.03.2016 19:38:40] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Yet again, the Order failed.
[12.03.2016 19:38:43] ATL-387: I've got strange readings on the scanners
[12.03.2016 19:38:54] Noah.Xonnel: I read one Marduk and one Irra.
[12.03.2016 19:39:02] Noah.Xonnel: Some sort of anomaly formed...
[12.03.2016 19:39:04] Kes'Reena: ***...'Elder brothers/sisters' (warmth)...***
[12.03.2016 19:39:05] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: *sits quietly*
[12.03.2016 19:39:08] Jimmy.R: Nomads ! BIG ones !
[12.03.2016 19:39:18] ATL-387: Visual on multiple nomad vessels. Proceed with caution!
[12.03.2016 19:39:39] Jimmy.R: This is not good.
[12.03.2016 19:39:57] [NSE][IA]Dark~Lucia: Navy, if you need my help, just call me.
[12.03.2016 19:40:01] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: *whispers carefully yo Noah* I sense something near, just a heads up.
[12.03.2016 19:40:04] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: //to*
[12.03.2016 19:40:07] Kes'Reena: ***...~brace~ 'Yours-selve' upon 'Ours' might (warmth)...***
[12.03.2016 19:40:11] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: We've got this handled, all hands pick a target!
[12.03.2016 19:40:14] Noah.Xonnel: You do..?
[12.03.2016 19:40:15] Clouded~Mind: What's there
[12.03.2016 19:40:24] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Oh?
[12.03.2016 19:40:25] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: Bigger ships focus on the bigger enemies.
[12.03.2016 19:40:26] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: Oh well.
[12.03.2016 19:40:29] ATL-387: Cloak disrupted!
[12.03.2016 19:40:38] Noah.Xonnel: Uh...
[12.03.2016 19:40:42] Noah.Xonnel: It was a Navy vessel...
[12.03.2016 19:40:50] A/)-Bird.Of.Passage: I wonder why you were sneaking so close then, hmph.
[12.03.2016 19:40:50] [NSE][IA]Dark~Lucia: Haha, I remember the Navy saying this on last Xeno fight.
Safe Skies
-Sara Nessel, Lieutenant Commander.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Ace Razgriz - 03-19-2016
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Lt. Cmdr. Sara Nessel
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command
Good Evening,
Liberty's forces were scrambled out oddly quickly to California, I arrived on call of the captain of the Malrone. What we were headed out for was a rather startling Hellfire Capital force. We headed in and were surprised by an uncloaking fleet. Despite losing one asset aboard the LSF Cruiser Scorpion, all forces were eliminated properly and the force headed back to Liberty for briefing. This shows a rather troubling rise in the Legions confidence in open attacks, something we will have to watch out for in the future. Find all standard data attachments below and let us think on just what may unfold in the future from this. This is Lieutenant Commander Nessel reporting out.
Evidence: |1|
[19.03.2016 00:34:14] =LSF=Scorpion: Towers: Hostile on scope.
[19.03.2016 00:34:20] =LSF=Scorpion: Towers: Prepare firing solution.
[19.03.2016 00:34:23] LPI-SWAT-Rikers.Island: Rogers: Got em'.
[19.03.2016 00:34:39] LPI-SWAT-Rikers.Island: Rogers: Charging up the core, ready to let loose.
[19.03.2016 00:34:45] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: Artillery prepped, moving in on the target.
[19.03.2016 00:35:00] 5th|Jack.O'neill: And there it is.
[19.03.2016 00:35:08] HFBC-Ravager: Ember: Anyway. Let'sa go.
[19.03.2016 00:35:11] LPI-SWAT-Tachibana: Weapons hot. Engaging HFBC-Ravager.
[19.03.2016 00:35:13] [LN]-LNS-Malrone: Marlone: here we go.
[19.03.2016 00:35:20] [HF]-HFBC-Warspite: Warspite here, lighting up the Scorpion.
[19.03.2016 00:35:21] TheHelper: **Weapons Ready**
[19.03.2016 00:35:22] =LSF=Scorpion: Towers: Alright.
[19.03.2016 00:35:25] [LN]-LNS-Malrone: Marlone: All hands to battlestations, fire at will.
[19.03.2016 00:35:28] =LSF=Freedom: Eva: My oh my.
[19.03.2016 00:35:32] =LSF=Freedom: Eva: Cloaking device offline. Full power to weapons. It's hotdrop o'clock, boys, time to play some fun games.
[19.03.2016 00:35:35] Kai.Dressel: Ready to assist the lawful forces.
[19.03.2016 00:35:37] [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr: Lancaster: Damn. Target locked, wreck the Scorpion.
[19.03.2016 00:35:53] Kai.Dressel: Antimatter canon charged, fire!
[19.03.2016 00:36:02] [LN]-LNS-Malrone: Reaser: Oh. It seems the LSF would like to handle this.
[19.03.2016 00:36:06] 5th|Jack.O'neill: Now this is what i call a mess.
[19.03.2016 00:36:33] [LN]-Andrea.Ericksson: All non-engaged Naval units, rally on my position.
[19.03.2016 00:36:56] Death: =LSF=Scorpion was put out of action by [HF]-HFBC-Warspite (Gun).
[19.03.2016 00:36:57] Kai.Dressel: locking the next target.
[19.03.2016 00:36:57] 5th|Jack.O'neill: Is there a problem Erickson?
[19.03.2016 00:37:18] [LN]-Andrea.Ericksson: Negative.
[19.03.2016 00:37:21] =LSF=Freedom: Eva: Easy enough.
[19.03.2016 00:37:21] Death: HFBC-Ravager was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Malrone (Gun).
[19.03.2016 00:37:27] Death: [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr was put out of action by TheHelper (Gun).
[19.03.2016 00:37:33] =LSF=Omnia.Licet: All targets down
[19.03.2016 00:37:39] [LN]-LNS-Malrone: Reaser: Target destroyed.
[19.03.2016 00:37:41] Death: [HF]-HFBC-Warspite was put out of action by [LN]-Sara.Nessel (Gun).
[19.03.2016 00:37:46] LPI-SWAT-Tachibana: Two more on scanners
[19.03.2016 00:37:47] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: Shack on the target!
[19.03.2016 00:37:50] LPI-SWAT-Tachibana: One more.
[19.03.2016 00:38:33] TheHelper: Standing by for orders. *over*
[19.03.2016 00:39:12] 5th|Jack.O'neill: Any damage on our ships?
[19.03.2016 00:39:14] [LN]-LNS-Malrone: He decloaked 3k Away
[19.03.2016 00:39:29] Death: [HF]-Smoke was put out of action by =LSF=Omnia.Licet (Gun).
[19.03.2016 00:39:43] TheHelper: good work!
[19.03.2016 00:39:44] Kai.Dressel: All targets down?
[19.03.2016 00:39:50] =LSF=Omnia.Licet: Targets down.
[19.03.2016 00:40:03] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: All targets are down, one asset lost on our side.
[19.03.2016 00:40:29] [LN]-LNS-Malrone: Reaser: Affirmative, set course back to New York Jump Gate.
[19.03.2016 00:40:39] [LN]-Sara.Nessel: Roger that, charging engines.
Safe Skies
-Sara Nessel, Lieutenant Commander.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Jeremy Hunter - 03-27-2016
COMM ID: Commander Kei Nagase
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Command
SUBJECT: This idiot yet, yet again...
Commander Nagase reporting
As of last night, the LNS Mount Hood has encountered the Rogue Scylla dubbed DeathCollector a grand total of three times, twice happening last night. As of last night, the Mount Hood as shot the damn things twice. Already it has been destroyed once through concentrated fire by the Mount Hood as well as a wing of secondary fleet snubcraft. As of last night, we confirm that this baka is trying to continue using Bethlehem Station as a retreat point, which places the entire station at risk from our more...gung-ho Secondary Fleet captains.
I'm not sure what we can do at this stage, but I will continue to watch over Pennsylvania and New York as best as I can. Luckily, though, I've run into freelancers and Secondary pilots during most patrols, making the finding and ultimate destruction of yowamushi such as DeathCollector much more swift.
::DeathCollector commencing Combat Dock::
Commander Nagase, out.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Skorak - 04-13-2016
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
SENDER ID: CAD Oliver MacLeod ::: Liberty Navy, First Fleet
RECEIVER ID: Liberty Navy, First Fleet Command
SENT ON: 13 (Wednsday) ::: 04 (April) ::: 823
SUBJECT: Report.
This is Cadet Oliver MacLeod reporting in,
I have finished my basic flight hours mostly under command of Vice Admiral Jones. I was part of a patrol around Liberty where we intercepted a smuggler. I was explained many things about the different hostiles we might face in Liberty and we even had to take down an attacking pirate bomber.
Another day I was accompanying the Vice Admiral to Bretonia where he showed me the former Battleground. We then went on a supposedly harmless patrol towards the Leeds system. On our way to Magellan we were intercepted by a Gallic squad and I sadly failed and needed to eject. My pod was safely delivered to the nearest Navy base allowing me to even write this report. After the medical checks were done I have been deemed combat ready again.
End of report,
Oliver MacLeod
Cadet, First Fleet
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Skorak - 04-15-2016
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
SENDER ID: CAD Oliver MacLeod ::: Liberty Navy, First Fleet
RECEIVER ID: Liberty Navy, First Fleet Command
SENT ON: 15 (Friday) ::: 04 (April) ::: 823
SUBJECT: Smuggler escaped.
This is Cadet Oliver MacLeod reporting in,
Today I intercepted a Samura transport smuggling Artifacts. It stopped for a moment but then ran and was allowed to dock at West Point! What an odd occurence. Maybe a misunderstanding in the comm IDs. The transport was the Sakura|Amami-Maru.
End of report,
Oliver MacLeod
Cadet, First Fleet
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Reeves - 04-16-2016
Comm ID: Cadet Avery Reeves (Navy Patrol Erie; Pennsylvania)
Target ID: Primary Fleet Patrol Reporting Center
Subject: Patrol Record for April 16th, 823 A.S.
Encryption: Low
Priority: Low
I began my patrol briefly around West Point, ensuring no contraband was smuggled through, I was contacted by a citizen to help them assort their cargo above Erie, my nature as a defender of liberty encompasses more than just defending the economy but also helping those whom may boost the economy through trade. Upon arrival and soon after helping the citizen sort their items and properly set up their ship, three Rogue cruisers entered the sector. They instantaneously chose to attack me due to my Navy ID. Despite this, I knew I could not let them do the same to the other citizens, so I ordered everyone in close proximity to leave while I drew the fire and was chased away from the trade lanes. I managed to get within the range of Battleship Gettysburg once all the civilians had left the area and remained there to avoid taking further damage, it was at this time I called for reinforcements and a Navy Cruiser promptly came to the area, we were unfortunately outnumbered and out-gunned but held for a duration longer than should have been possible with how well geared our enemies were. Due to our efforts no civilian casualties were incurred, my craft was heavily damaged thereafter and I was not able to witness the fate of the allied Cruiser since I had ejected at that point. I had my craft repaired and resupplied not long after and set out again to ensure nothing of the same scenario occurred again.
I am currently docked aboard the Philadelphia station relaying this message to you now.
Stay Vigilant,
Cadet Avery Reeves, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet.
(NOTE: This message was sent through a registered terminal of Liberty Communications Broadcasting Ltd. and may not be transmitted in any form without the express written consent of the LCB or Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command. Thank You.)
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Reeves - 04-16-2016
Comm ID: Cadet Avery Reeves (Navy Patrol West Point; New York)
Target ID: Primary Fleet Patrol Reporting Center
Subject: Patrol Record for April 16th, 823 A.S.
Encryption: Low
Priority: Low
I was docked aboard the West Point Navy Academy when I was given a report that a Xeno by the name of Razor Blade had been hunting transports within my close vicinity. I launched at once and surveyed the nearby areas, he briefly retreated to Colorado but eventually made his way back to New York, at this point I was joined by fellow cadet Oliver MacLeod. We decided it best to split up and minimize the time it would take to search for the perpetrator. I checked West Point thoroughly and it was clear, Manhattan was also clear, Detroit Munitions as well. I had a vague gut feeling about Fort Bush so I utilized the trade lane, after a few seconds I was pulled out of the Trade Lane and immediately noticed my target nearly within gun-range. I made a split second decision and relayed the position to my fellow cadet, I held him off until their support arrived and we took on the Xeno together. Our combined effort resulted in the termination of the Xeno for which I landed the final gun strike, this in no way undermines the effort both of us put in. The day where these criminals have free reign will never come as long as the Navy is around.
I am currently restocking at Manhattan while relaying this message.
Stay Vigilant,
Cadet Avery Reeves, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet.
(NOTE: This message was sent through a registered terminal of Liberty Communications Broadcasting Ltd. and may not be transmitted in any form without the express written consent of the LCB or Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command. Thank You.)
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Reeves - 04-19-2016
Comm ID:Ensign Avery Reeves (Navy Patrol Planet Manhattan; New York)
Target ID: Primary Fleet Patrol Reporting Center
Subject: Patrol Record for April 19th, 823 A.S.
Encryption: Low
Priority: Low
I was in close proximity to Manhattan as per my usual patrol route, since this is a frequent spot for smugglers to pass through, I noticed a civilian who possessed Police verification upon first scan but lacked the proper identification, my systems might have been incorrect about that or his ID was faulty. I asked them to stop and scanned them, upon doing so I discovered they had Drail guns equipped to their ship. I asked whether they knew possessing such weapons was not allowed. They said they would sell them at once. After a few minutes of them staying docked on Manhattan, they returned from docking in a Grizzly, most likely thinking the bigger ship size would intimidate me. They indirectly me threatened me given the amount of armor the ship has and they still had the drail guns attached. They yelled "Hail Lord Revan" and ran for the trade lane to Fort Bush, I shot it till it went offline and left them stranded with me near Manhattan, they quickly turned around as I lit them up and made haste to the docking rings and docked upon the planet just as I was about to land a critical shot on their already weakened hull. This perpetrator needs to be taught a proper lesson. Hence the purpose of my report.
Stay Vigilant,
Ensign Avery Reeves, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet.
(NOTE: This message was sent through a registered terminal of Liberty Communications Broadcasting Ltd. and may not be transmitted in any form without the express written consent of the LCB or Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command. Thank You.)
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Reeves - 04-21-2016
Comm ID:Ensign Avery Reeves (Navy Patrol Planet Erie; Pennsylvania)
Target ID: Primary Fleet Patrol Reporting Center
Subject: Patrol Record for April 19th, 823 A.S.
Encryption: Low
Priority: Low
I was patrolling around the Pennsylvania system when I noticed a person by the name of Frank Morris pass by me in a rather fast fashion. Upon scanning his cargo hold I found he had cardamine aboard and I asked him to stop his craft, he quickly engaged what seemed like a cloak drive and vanished, this happened a second time. The subject resisted the direct demand to stop of a Navy pilot and such has been documented along with the scanner results.
![[Image: gnhh84I.png?1]](
Stay Vigilant,
Ensign Avery Reeves, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet.
(NOTE: This message was sent through a registered terminal of Liberty Communications Broadcasting Ltd. and may not be transmitted in any form without the express written consent of the LCB or Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Command. Thank You.)