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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Locke - 08-21-2007

Transmission to: RM
Comm ID: Lt. Erich Hartmann

Today Rheinland was attacked by the Union Of Gold. Three taiidan bombers and one support fighter flew in from the South while a member of the Dark Guardians, RM Lt. Rall, and myself waited in orbit above New Berlin.

The battle was fierce. Countless nova blasts were flying in every direction. The UOG put up a quite a fight, and they had obviously been training for this raid. Finally, all four of the members were vanquished by myself. Lt. Archer just barely missed the opportunity to engage. Lt. Rall's support was excellent as he kept that fighter from chewing me to bits.

Overall: four UOG losses, no RM/DG casualties.

I would like to note that without the support and intel of the Dark Guardian, named Dragan, we may not have noticed the threat as quickly, which could have turned the tide of battle. He also was able to gather intel on the incoming ships, so we knew exactly what we were up against. I salute our friends in Dark Guardians and hope that DG Command will acknowledge this brave pilot's work.

Defending Rheinland's Honor,
Lt. Hartmann out.

-End Transmission-

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Locke - 08-21-2007

Transmission to: Oder Shipyard Head of Maintenance
Comm ID: Lt. Erich Hartmann

I've noticed my bomber is in need of a check-up after my last battle. The cockpit shakes when I enter cruise, the yaw is sluggish, coolant tanks are not as responsive as needed, system shutdown is slow (as is system diagnosis and startup checks), and my nav-comm radar screen flickers. Please have these issues looked at and resolved within the next few days-- the safety of Rheinland may depend on it.

Lt. Erich Hartmann out.

((ooc: I'm redoing my computer. It shouldn't take more than a day and a half at the most. See you soon!))

Rheinland Military Message Dump - caylith - 08-21-2007

Message to: All RM
Comm ID: Admiral Hiltraud

Due to recent events, my leave on beautiful Baden Baden has been cut short. Pirate and terrorist attacks are coming more frequently and I just couldn't sit back and watch my men fight without me. I will say this, before I left the discipline among the ranks was getting lax. I will not stand for those talking out of turn and mouthing off to their superiors. Discipline and respect will only help rid our beloved fatherland of the scum that's infiltrating it! Rise up as one and we will fight for another day! Ready your weapons, Comrades.

Medals of Honor are awarded to Captain Meric Freelamen, and Lieutenants Gunther Hall and Erich Hartmann for tremendous courage and skill in recent battles against the Corsair scum and smugglers. Good job, boys.

Admiral Kaiser

----message ends----

Rheinland Military Message Dump - P*Funk - 08-21-2007

Transmission to:All RM

2 days ago while orbiting New Berlin I was attacked without warning by two pirates working together. They went by the call signs Moonraker and Yakumo-Sarutobi. I dueled one of them but was defeated, though they left after that since I bought time for others to flee, that or they'd already pirated everyone else. I don't want to sound like a hero.

I felt it important for me to inform you of this blatant act against Rheinland's sovereignty. As a RepEx employee I feel it my duty to comply with and aid, where appropriate, the local house authorities. I hope my actions were helpful to Rheinland.

End Transmission

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 08-21-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "Reply"
Reply to RepEX
Run Command Carbon Copy
CC to RM
CommID: Captain Meric Freelamen

Thank you for this information, RepEx. Both Moonraker and Yakumo-Sarutobi have already been added to our hostile list due to there actions in the past. Both of their ships were destroyed earlier this week, mind you. And yes, your current actions in Rheinland have been noticed and we are glad to see pilots willing to help protect the beauty of Rheinland.

Freelamen out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Locke - 08-22-2007

Transmission to: Lt. Erich Hartmann
Comm ID: Oder Shipyard Maintenance Team

Lt. Hartmann,
Your RH Bomber is up and running. All listed problems have been fixed, as well as some others that were found after several in-depth diagnostic runs. Our team just finished the final coat of polish on the snubnose, so she's ready for you to pick up at your leisure. Your invoice has been forwarded to RM's financial branch. If you'd like a complimentary shuttle from New Berlin, we can set one up for you.
Thank you, and have a nice year.

-End Transmission-

((ooc: I finished my computer. The "have a nice year" was joke, since a 'day' on New Berlin lasts a year... I think I'm the only one laughing here... *cricket noises*))

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 08-23-2007

Updating IFF................................................ Update Successful

((Nice joke, Erich, Takes 365 Standard days for NB to rotate its fat arse:D))

Glad to see you got your ship fixed, Lt.

Anything else? Oh ja, not gonna be as active as I am in school now, so please do not expect activity out of me. I also cannot be on past 9:30 PM ETZ. Other than that, hope to see ja guys in game.

Fur Rheinland, Ein Kanzler, Ein Volk, Ein Rheinland.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dieter Schprokets - 08-30-2007

Engaged madman cyborg Mon'star in Frankfurt.

After a brief firefight, blew his ship to smithereens.

Was unable to find a body or a pod...

How is he doing this? Has he found some alien teleportation tech?

Rheinland Military Message Dump - bluntpencil2001 - 08-30-2007

To: Dieter Schprockets
Comm. ID: Commander Richthofen

Message Begins//

Good job, Dieter.

We were getting ridiculous comm-chatter from the pathetic mental-patient.

He claimed to have police and military pilots in his hold. Funnily enough he fled from us at every opportunity, only engaging as we destroyed a Helghast bomber.

My scans showed that he did not have any pilots in his hold. All that I found were several weeks of his 'leavings' and what appeared to be a sick dog or cat.

The insane fellow was probably hallucinating due to his condition, or possibly Cardamine abuse. He is to be considered insane and in need of treatment. Not a true threat, however. Hopefully the psychiatric teams on New Berlin will be able to provide a swift diagnosis and treatment for this 'terrorist'. I use the name lightly, since I've met more terrifying hamsters.

-Richthofen out!

//Message Ends

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Jack Archer - 09-01-2007

Comm ID: Lt. Jack Archer, currently at New Berlin Medical Center
Reciving ID: Rhienland Military Command
Subject: Pirate attack, my attack, the reason I need a new bomber
***Begining Standard Rhienland Command Encrpytion***

While on patrol in New Berlin I happened across a Pirate in a Rouge Gunboat. I was feeling generous so I let him the option to leave, and he took it. Since I was at the end of my patrol I was going to follow him out to make sure he left, although when I jumped into Hamburg, a Outcast dreadnaught by the name of: The_Scurvy_Serpent I engaged regardless of my outmatched class, he was later joined by a N ship by a name I cannot remember in a Outcast Destroyer.I fought valliantly until my ship was all put mangled and was forced to retreat, I jumped back to New Berlin, the pair followed me the Destroyer stayed on my tail while the Outcast Dreadnaught set off to Planet New Berlin to head me off at the pass. When I had but one option I armed what systems I could and set them to self destruct and I put my bomber into a steep dive at the Dreads bridge. I managed to Eject before impact but the pod suffered sever damage from the explosion I was latter picked up in orbit of New Berlin by a medical ship why Is whay I am now at the medical center and requesting a new bomber.

Lt. Archer out
***Transmision terminated***