RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Spectre - 12-06-2016
- - {Transmission Initiated} - -
[COMM-ID]: Commander Kingston, Alexander S.
[RECEIVER-ID]: Liberty Navy Primary Reporting Center
[SUBJECT]: Flight Report for [December 5th, 823 A.S.]
[PRIORITY]: Iota - Medium
[ENCRYPTION]: Beta - Low
Today was a very productive day.
First, the Mount Hood deployed from it's last moor at Manhattan in response to a Defiant-class gunboat with unusual equipment. The ship in question had unknown IFF readings and an unidentifiable designation. Alongside Mal Reynolds of the 5th fleet and Captain Henderson aboard the South Dakota, the ship was eventually identified as the L.N.S. Black Watch, an older Defiant-class vessel which disappeared over seven years ago. The CO, a Sierra Omega, was supposedly sealed aboard the bridge.
After a time, we escorted the ship out to a remote sector of New York, proceeding with an investigation run to check the ship from the inside. I sent Marine Team Foxtrot aboard to locate the CO. What they found was rather extraordinary. Bodies of the crew and deceased nomad incubis. They located Omega, who at first resisted, opting to throw Corporal Mores across the room, breaking his left forearm and spooking Team Foxtrot. Omega calmed down and was apprehended, being brought on board the Hood and secured in one of her maximum security cells.
Personally, I'd like to commend Team Foxtrot for keeping a level head throughout the ordeal. It just goes to show that our people are some of the bravest in Sirius, and Foxtrot is an example to all of us.
Afterwards, alongside Captain Hirlerman, we pursued the newly risen terrorist 'Laneway', the apparent sister of Highway from before. After an engagement at Manhattan, she ran, forcing us to lose her at Fort Bush. She later contacted me over personal comms, where me and her had a rather blunt conversation. In the end, she willingly surrendered, where she was transferred to containment aboard the L.N.S. St. Lo for further processing.
All in all, a pretty productive day.
Commander Kingston, out.
{Attatchment: 1
[05.12.2016 20:13:46] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: All hands, report ready.
[05.12.2016 20:14:20] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Are you on bad terms with Zoners?
[05.12.2016 20:14:21] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Unknown vessel, cease fire immediately.
[05.12.2016 20:14:36] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: I will not give you a second order.
[05.12.2016 20:14:40] Unregistered.Object: *The vessel did as ordered however remainded completely silent*
[05.12.2016 20:14:48] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Identify yourself.
[05.12.2016 20:14:54] Unregistered.Object: ...
[05.12.2016 20:15:10] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: I don't think it's even inhabited by anyone.
[05.12.2016 20:15:12] Unregistered.Object: *Still, there was no response from the craft*
[05.12.2016 20:15:40] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Hold your course at once.
[05.12.2016 20:15:44] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Negative, I have nothing on my scanners so far. Or... If I came closer...
[05.12.2016 20:16:15] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Uh... Vessel is dead but... It's... Um. I've never got such readings before.
[05.12.2016 20:16:23] Unregistered.Object: *There was onboard human readings, yet none appeared to be infected in the least, the vessel on the
[05.12.2016 20:16:34] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: im reading a nomad power cell on board
[05.12.2016 20:16:37] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Not even back in Omicrons. My scanners are going wild.
[05.12.2016 20:16:41] Unregistered.Object: complete other hand was not such, supporting heavily intergrated technology*
[05.12.2016 20:16:59] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Roger. We're picking up heavy alien signatures.. mechanical only..
[05.12.2016 20:17:14] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: It's different, for sure.
[05.12.2016 20:17:50] Unregistered.Object: *Several odd displays followed suit coming up on the Hoods radar, ranging from text lines, to wedding symbols to
[05.12.2016 20:18:05] Unregistered.Object: just unknown text signs entirely, in the formate of sentances*
[05.12.2016 20:18:27] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Uh, Mount Hood, do you get any... strange readings?
[05.12.2016 20:18:36] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Roger. We're getting them.
[05.12.2016 20:18:37] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: im certainly getting a few
[05.12.2016 20:18:52] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: There's an energy spike for sure, directed at you.
[05.12.2016 20:19:27] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: (Could it be...? No, that's quite impossible... Or...?)
[05.12.2016 20:19:33] Unregistered.Object: *Once the lines finished, the gunship almost went dark once more and paused, even for
[05.12.2016 20:19:50] Unregistered.Object: an infested warship, it followed orders without a moments notice of waiting and even stopped firing entirely*
[05.12.2016 20:20:05] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: yep scanners confirmed crew is infested
[05.12.2016 20:20:14] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: They are different, for sure.
[05.12.2016 20:20:33] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Not the 'usual infestees'.. I guess..
[05.12.2016 20:20:39] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: it would appear not
[05.12.2016 20:20:43] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Normally they just spew crap at us.
[05.12.2016 20:21:00] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: uh huh, thats certainly what im used to
[05.12.2016 20:21:20] Unregistered.Object: *The crew seem to move towards the cargo bay of the gunship slowly and wait there, almost noticing
[05.12.2016 20:21:21] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: you wanna give the rogue a slightly more direct warning?
[05.12.2016 20:21:28] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: What if... ... I mean, there's a strange cult in Omicrons and Sigmas, they call themselves... What's the name...Oracles?
[05.12.2016 20:21:30] Unregistered.Object: that they were watched, the two pods onboard were suddenly spaced*
[05.12.2016 20:21:55] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Uh... Are you sure you want to take that cargo, Hood?
[05.12.2016 20:22:21] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: The holds of all Navy vessels are rated for exposure.
[05.12.2016 20:22:27] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: ive secured up very, very tightly in my hold
[05.12.2016 20:22:31] Unregistered.Object: *The two pilots were oddly in a state of dazz, as if they were sleep walking or barely awake at all-
[05.12.2016 20:22:48] Unregistered.Object: yet clearly not infected, the rogue pilot babbling something about 'I can see them now'*
[05.12.2016 20:22:57] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: It's not I've seen before back in Omicron Delta, for sure.
[05.12.2016 20:23:15] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: ive seen glimpses of similar things in Alaska, but nothing up close
[05.12.2016 20:23:24] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Kusari infectees for example, spewing out in the most unusual places, for example.
[05.12.2016 20:23:43] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Vessel, I repeat again. Identify yourself. I do not like this dead silence.
[05.12.2016 20:23:52] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: its remarkably docile for an infested ship
[05.12.2016 20:23:58] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Aye..
[05.12.2016 20:24:01] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Maybe they are listening?
[05.12.2016 20:24:03] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: To docile..
[05.12.2016 20:24:12] Unregistered.Object: [...**. .**..*. .****.. ..--.. .-..-- .*-..- -..-*-]
[05.12.2016 20:24:21] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: all im getting through from them is static
[05.12.2016 20:24:27] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Wait, what was that?
[05.12.2016 20:24:34] Masquerader: Could be morse.
[05.12.2016 20:24:55] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: could it be related to the K'hara that was watching our defense of Tutashkhia a couple days ago?
[05.12.2016 20:25:41] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: the k'hara merely watched, then departed
[05.12.2016 20:25:56] Unregistered.Object: [.-- . .- .-. . .-. . .- -.-- --- ..-]
[05.12.2016 20:25:58] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Huh, you got me worried for... heeey, I've heard the rumors. What happened to Cali gate?
[05.12.2016 20:26:00] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: more code..
[05.12.2016 20:26:23] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Rogue, last warning. Buzz off, or you will be engaged.
[05.12.2016 20:26:27] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: It sounds-- yeah, huh. I'll record it and put for analysis later.
[05.12.2016 20:26:39] Unregistered.Object: *The vessel seemed to be playing off an odd set of morse code..*
[05.12.2016 20:26:54] Unregistered.Object: Morse ID: [We Read You]
[05.12.2016 20:27:01] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Well, he's at one place and overseen. Do you want to have it somewhere else?
[05.12.2016 20:27:03] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: new signal, somewhere far away
[05.12.2016 20:27:34] Unregistered.Object: [... .. .-.. . -. -]
[05.12.2016 20:27:56] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: It reads... "We Read You..." Hey, you have anyone with Ancient Decryption degree on the ship?
[05.12.2016 20:28:05] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: On the other hand, a couple good torpedo hits and he's done for
[05.12.2016 20:28:21] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Technical is working on decrypting the ticks nad beeps.
[05.12.2016 20:28:32] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Ancient. Not Alien Decryption. If I wanted that, I'd simply hire myself.
[05.12.2016 20:28:42] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: is anyone else worried by the fact that ship is not doing a damn thing?
[05.12.2016 20:28:51] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: It's watching.
[05.12.2016 20:29:15] Unregistered.Object: [... .--. . .- -.-]
[05.12.2016 20:29:22] Masquerader: It might sounds a tad bit strange. But, what if the chaps are trapped in there?
[05.12.2016 20:29:22] Unregistered.Object: Morse ID: [Speak]
[05.12.2016 20:29:28] 5th|John.Armada: What's going on?
[05.12.2016 20:29:35] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: rogue, you are less than welcome here
[05.12.2016 20:29:40] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: infested gunboat
[05.12.2016 20:29:46] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: well, we think
[05.12.2016 20:29:48] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Rogue, yeah. Don't put yourself into trouble.
[05.12.2016 20:29:55] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: do we care?
[05.12.2016 20:30:08] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: yeah then you would know that you should leave. now.
[05.12.2016 20:30:09] 5th|John.Armada: Whom exactly?
[05.12.2016 20:30:18] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Is the hull strange on the surface, by the way?
[05.12.2016 20:30:28] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Vessel, I am demanding identification and a designation from your ship.
[05.12.2016 20:31:19] Unregistered.Object: [104-210-1190-2 8-01-815 AS]
[05.12.2016 20:31:26] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Does Navy still maintain the old tradition of plates on the hull?
[05.12.2016 20:31:40] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: You know, the callsign, shipname, and so on?
[05.12.2016 20:31:50] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Hold on, I got something... It's a date.
[05.12.2016 20:31:50] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: the navy maintains the tradition of weapons fire on hull if this guy doesnt start talking soon
[05.12.2016 20:31:55] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: We should. No telling if this one's has been torn off.
[05.12.2016 20:31:55] Unregistered.Object: ID: [ID - LNS Black Watch - Construction - 8/1/815 AS]
[05.12.2016 20:32:23] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: wait i see what you mean, there are dates from....
[05.12.2016 20:32:23] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: The first numbers, I don't know... Wait.
[05.12.2016 20:32:35] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: uh, theres a date here from 698 A.S.
[05.12.2016 20:33:02] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: this gunboat is apparently over 100 years old..
[05.12.2016 20:33:13] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: We've dug up the records from the code sent from the ship.
[05.12.2016 20:33:22] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: It's not a century old, Reynolds.
[05.12.2016 20:33:29] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Huh, I'm out of here. It's the stuff Navy should go over.
[05.12.2016 20:33:34] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: what the date on the hull says
[05.12.2016 20:34:06] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: But... heed this... um... I know there was a guy that approached the KNF destroyer once which was fully unaware--
[05.12.2016 20:34:22] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Looks like January 8th, 815..
[05.12.2016 20:34:39] Unregistered.Object: [ID - LNS Black Watch - Class - Black Ops "Alpha" Liberty Gunship - Capitan Agent Sierra Omega - First
[05.12.2016 20:35:03] The.Maverick.VI: --of the situation in Kusari and wanted to engage Bretonians around Kyushu. It claimed to have 11th December 817 A.S.
[05.12.2016 20:35:11] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Whatever it is, I'm out of here.
[05.12.2016 20:35:13] Unregistered.Object: Mission - 2/13/916 AS - Last transmission - 2/13-916 AS]
[05.12.2016 20:35:34] Masquerader: I'll be gone too, if the last intelectual person disappears,
[05.12.2016 20:35:54] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: bout time rogue. beat it.
[05.12.2016 20:35:58] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Black ops gunboat.. God, I'm not liking this thing already..
[05.12.2016 20:36:12] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: let me guess, LSF, lost in alaska.
[05.12.2016 20:36:16] Unregistered.Object: [ . . . ]
[05.12.2016 20:36:29] Unregistered.Object: [Local area cleared - AI Free'd to naval questioning]
[05.12.2016 20:36:41] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Oh lord..
[05.12.2016 20:36:55] 5th|LNS-Kansas: are you shooting them gunobat?
[05.12.2016 20:37:01] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Captain Sierra Omega.. disappeared on it's first op..
[05.12.2016 20:37:08] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: not yet anyway
[05.12.2016 20:37:34] Unregistered.Object: [Operation Blue Halo - File located - Do you wish to open this file?]
[05.12.2016 20:37:46] 5th|John:Armada: Greetings.
[05.12.2016 20:37:49] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Yes.
[05.12.2016 20:37:51] 5th|LNS-Kansas: io guess its equipped with a cloack eh?
[05.12.2016 20:37:53] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: good to see you armada
[05.12.2016 20:37:56] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: it is
[05.12.2016 20:37:58] 5th|LNS-Kansas: good thing i brought this
[05.12.2016 20:37:59] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Hello, Armada.
[05.12.2016 20:38:01] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: indeed
[05.12.2016 20:38:04] 5th|John:Armada: Thanks and likewise.
[05.12.2016 20:38:07] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Greetings everyone.
[05.12.2016 20:38:17] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Whats going on over there?
[05.12.2016 20:38:27] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: we got an old black ops gunboat, with a catch
[05.12.2016 20:38:32] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: its infested..
[05.12.2016 20:38:40] Unregistered.Object: [Opening file - Detail Classificaion: Athena - Clearance: Unknown - Ships assigned: Black Watch division -
[05.12.2016 20:38:45] 5th|John:Armada: Well...regarding this scan...I'dd say so.
[05.12.2016 20:38:51] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Gunboat of ours with old records.. LNS Black Watch.. eight year old Defiant.
[05.12.2016 20:38:56] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:What makes you think it is infested?
[05.12.2016 20:39:03] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: take one scan and tell me it isnt.
[05.12.2016 20:39:03] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: The guns, firstly.
[05.12.2016 20:39:06] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:The black Watch?
[05.12.2016 20:39:12] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Wait a moment.
[05.12.2016 20:39:21] 5th|John:Armada: Does the First Fleet use Nomad technology?
[05.12.2016 20:39:27] Unregistered.Object: mission - Operation Blue Halo - Target - To be updated - Last Captains log - N/A - Captain Name - Sierra Omega -
[05.12.2016 20:39:31] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Isn't that ship MIA?
[05.12.2016 20:39:36] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: it was
[05.12.2016 20:39:43] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Or more like KIA.
[05.12.2016 20:39:48] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: again, it was
[05.12.2016 20:40:01] Unregistered.Object: Target system - N/A [File forced removed] - Crew - N/A [File forced removed] - Location lost contact - N/A
[05.12.2016 20:40:05] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:At least if my memory is correct it was listed as KIA for at least 5 years.
[05.12.2016 20:40:18] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Allright first of all.
[05.12.2016 20:40:23] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: that is correct yes, disappeared on its first op
[05.12.2016 20:40:30] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Did you manage to make contact with the ship's crew?
[05.12.2016 20:40:35] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: not exactly
[05.12.2016 20:40:37] Unregistered.Object: [File forced removed] - Task - Excution]
[05.12.2016 20:40:37] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: The Captain and ship name are coodinative with a transmission from a terrorist who contacted the Admirals and I-
[05.12.2016 20:40:43] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: -not long ago.
[05.12.2016 20:40:47] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: they reserved the right to remain silent.
[05.12.2016 20:40:53] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:What do you mean?
[05.12.2016 20:41:14] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:I see.
[05.12.2016 20:41:28] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Jefferson hail them.
[05.12.2016 20:41:34] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Jefferson:Aye aye sir.
[05.12.2016 20:42:32] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Also someone shoot down that goddamn rogue.
[05.12.2016 20:42:42] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: The last transmission I recieved identified what I can now assume is a ship called the Black Watch..
[05.12.2016 20:42:42] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: ill deal with him
[05.12.2016 20:42:50] 5th|John:Armada: No can do, in a bomber.
[05.12.2016 20:43:01] 5th|John:Armada: I can go get my fighter vessel if you wish, tho.
[05.12.2016 20:43:03] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: And an individual named Sierra Omega.
[05.12.2016 20:43:19] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: charging weapons, loading paralyzer missiles
[05.12.2016 20:43:24] Masquerader: Ewww.
[05.12.2016 20:43:29] Death: Bin.exe2 was put out of action by LNS-Reno (Gun).
[05.12.2016 20:43:32] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: weapons hot
[05.12.2016 20:43:39] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Sierra omega?
[05.12.2016 20:43:56] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Most likely an LSF designation.
[05.12.2016 20:44:48] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Siera omega is a code indeed. Stand by Jefferson is talking with the AI of the ship.
[05.12.2016 20:47:08] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Sierra omega...why is it so familiar...
[05.12.2016 20:47:19] 5th|John:Armada: Sooo....
[05.12.2016 20:47:22] 5th|John:Armada: What now?
[05.12.2016 20:47:25] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Stand by.
[05.12.2016 20:48:52] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:God damn it!....
[05.12.2016 20:49:12] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Code sierra omega...
[05.12.2016 20:50:30] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Does that mean something in this context?
[05.12.2016 20:50:49] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: stay still...
[05.12.2016 20:50:59] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Still doing analysis?
[05.12.2016 20:51:18] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:It means we are in trouble...
[05.12.2016 20:51:38] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: we got it
[05.12.2016 20:51:38] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: target down
[05.12.2016 20:51:43] 5th|John;Armada: Good job.
[05.12.2016 20:51:47] 5th|John;Armada: Now I feel usless *he laughs*
[05.12.2016 20:52:05] 5th|LNS-Kansas: Drake:Well we gotta go now Hood. We leave this in your hands.
[05.12.2016 20:52:49] 2016-12-05 20:52:47 SMT Traffic control alert: 5th|LNS-Kansas has requested to dock
[05.12.2016 20:53:00] Unregistered.Object: [Sierra Omega status - Unresponsive however slight movement is detected]
[05.12.2016 20:53:04] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: we got anymore info on that gunboat?
[05.12.2016 20:53:18] Unregistered.Object: [This unit will allow boarding units to S&R upon request]
[05.12.2016 20:53:47] 5th|John;Armada: Well... since the the First Fleet got this in good hands...
[05.12.2016 20:53:49] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: It's definitely not the usual unit I've see on 'daily basis' in Omicrons, for sure.
[05.12.2016 20:54:09] 5th|John;Armada: Shall we proceed on our patrol?
[05.12.2016 20:54:11] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Roger. We'll prepare a team.. armed and cautious.
[05.12.2016 20:54:15] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Mhm. That thing looks like it's living up to it's name.
[05.12.2016 20:54:29] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: That's an affirmative. Feel free to proceed.
[05.12.2016 20:54:43] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: i'll stay if its all the same to you
[05.12.2016 20:54:49] 5th|John;Armada: Very well
[05.12.2016 20:54:58] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Your call.
[05.12.2016 20:55:06] Unregistered.Object: *The gunship suddenly levels itself out to the known plane of space, the airlocks flashing to yellow stance, allowing for
[05.12.2016 20:55:08] 5th|John;Armada: Good luck.
[05.12.2016 20:55:12] Unregistered.Object: vessels to moor to it*
[05.12.2016 20:55:20] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: This is Dakota to the Hood. We could use a report in the situation.
[05.12.2016 20:55:43] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: That's an affirmative.
[05.12.2016 20:55:47] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Missing vessel LNS Black Watch. Disappeared seven years ago. Reappeared here.
[05.12.2016 20:55:54] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: do you want me to go aboard?
[05.12.2016 20:55:56] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: It's giving us the green light.
[05.12.2016 20:56:03] 5th|John;Armada: *incoming transmission* I'd not dock on it. Drag it to Kodiac Research Station
[05.12.2016 20:56:04] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: So I was right...
[05.12.2016 20:56:16] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Negative. Hood's marine teams are preparing to preform a search of the ship.
[05.12.2016 20:56:27] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: one person being infested is better than an entire squad
[05.12.2016 20:56:42] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Our teams are trained.
[05.12.2016 20:56:46] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: so am i
[05.12.2016 20:56:47] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: That's a negative. Do not get in it's vicinity. Specialized teams will deal with it shortly.
[05.12.2016 20:56:51] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: very well
[05.12.2016 20:57:08] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Area denial is in effect.
[05.12.2016 20:57:09] Unregistered.Object: *Black Watch remained idle while it waited*
[05.12.2016 20:58:03] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Check that. The ship will be escorted to a secure location so as to minimize potential casualties.
[05.12.2016 20:58:20] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Preferably someplace we have locked down.
[05.12.2016 20:58:55] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Uhh.. Kingston I'll mark the coordinates on your navmap. Hang on.
[05.12.2016 20:59:00] Unregistered.Object: [Request for Black Watch to follow primary naval vessels, confirm action?]
[05.12.2016 20:59:15] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Take after the Hood.
[05.12.2016 20:59:26] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: forming on the hood
[05.12.2016 21:00:10] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Coordinates are marked and locked in.
[05.12.2016 21:00:17] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Helm, set a course.
[05.12.2016 21:00:18] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: I'll provide area denial
[05.12.2016 21:00:20] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Helm: Roger.
[05.12.2016 21:00:34] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: So, Black Watch... I've got all the info I came for.
[05.12.2016 21:00:51] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Civilian craft, please keep your distance.
[05.12.2016 21:01:02] The.Maverick.VI: LeRoy: Uh, yes of course.
[05.12.2016 21:01:29] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: i dont like this, its still to calm
[05.12.2016 21:01:56] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Stay alert, Reynolds. Don't get cold feet just yet.
[05.12.2016 21:03:57] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Closing on coordinates.
[05.12.2016 21:04:31] Unregistered.Object: [Location confirmed, holding]
[05.12.2016 21:04:35] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: ready to provide possible fire support for marines
[05.12.2016 21:04:43] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Marine team Foxtrot, we are beginning closing on target vessel.
[05.12.2016 21:05:27] Unregistered.Object: (The airlocks flashed from red to yellow once cruise laning energies had passed by the hull, the small mooring
[05.12.2016 21:05:27] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Area Denial Systems are active. Keep an eye out for any unauthorized contact.
[05.12.2016 21:05:38] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: scanners confirmed marines are boarding at the aft of the vessel
[05.12.2016 21:05:52] Unregistered.Object: arms extending from the gunship. The weapons on the Black Watch go completely dark*
[05.12.2016 21:06:17] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: scanners show the black watch has disabled its weapons systems
[05.12.2016 21:06:34] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Marine team Foxtrot is boarding the vessel now. Patching them in.
[05.12.2016 21:06:53] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-1: Foxtrot Alpha here. We're boarding the craft now, sir.
[05.12.2016 21:07:02] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: alpha what do you see?
[05.12.2016 21:07:45] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-1: We're nearing the door now.. Foxtrot Two, give me a visual..
[05.12.2016 21:07:53] Unregistered.Object: (The airlocks were clearly aged yet there was a thick blackened line of blast debries around the
[05.12.2016 21:08:17] Unregistered.Object: airlock door itself, the emergancy seal handle hatch was already gone and the release
[05.12.2016 21:08:22] 5th|Mal.Reynolds: marine teams be advised ive got movement on decks 5 and 7
[05.12.2016 21:08:37] Unregistered.Object: leaver pulled already to force the door open, yet it seemed it happened a while ago then recently just
[05.12.2016 21:08:43] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-2: Roger. Stepping in.. | F-4: Jesus.. door's been flung open already..
[05.12.2016 21:08:46] Unregistered.Object: by the age of the blackened mark)
[05.12.2016 21:09:13] Unregistered.Object: (The airlock way was already a sight with the two ceiling turrets laying respectfully in shambles in the corner
[05.12.2016 21:09:42] Unregistered.Object: of the airlock and with the space suits all portered with several bullet holes, the door leading to the gunships
[05.12.2016 21:09:47] Unregistered.Object: hull was ajared)
[05.12.2016 21:10:12] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Foxtrot, you are cleared to enter. Cover each other and watch out for unknowns. | F-1: Roger that.
[05.12.2016 21:10:37] Unregistered.Object: (The hall was something completely else, already two of the black watches crews were found with what
[05.12.2016 21:10:56] Unregistered.Object: looked like dead incubies on the floor with their corpses, yet the bodies looked to have been
[05.12.2016 21:11:17] Unregistered.Object: dragged to that position after the incubies were killed as the crews weapons were bullet less with the shells
[05.12.2016 21:11:22] Unregistered.Object: scattered on the floor already)
[05.12.2016 21:12:34] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-3: Got incubis here, Commander. Deceased. Two of the crew as well.
[05.12.2016 21:13:03] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-2: Keep your eyes open, lads..
[05.12.2016 21:13:03] Unregistered.Object: (The hallway was lit with the engine room door and weapons control doors open, the door to the quarters
[05.12.2016 21:13:19] Unregistered.Object: for the crew and captains room were sealed, however the bridge, unlike the others, had its doors
[05.12.2016 21:13:34] Unregistered.Object: blown clean off with the remains of the metal all over the inner bridge area)
[05.12.2016 21:14:23] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *The team moves its way into the bridge.* | F-1: Entering the bridge, Commander. No sign of Omega. Repeat. No sign.
[05.12.2016 21:14:50] Unregistered.Object: (The bridge was something else..there was a small artifact dead center of the room with the rather
[05.12.2016 21:15:13] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Keep your eyes open.. | F-4: Was this.. sieged..?
[05.12.2016 21:15:16] Unregistered.Object: damaged bridge covered in a clear sign of infection from the nomads, several 'vine'-like trendrials
[05.12.2016 21:15:32] Unregistered.Object: covered the walls and room, the entire bridge crew lying dead in their chairs, they looked
[05.12.2016 21:15:46] Unregistered.Object: as if they just died as blood was coming from their noses, mouths and ears)
[05.12.2016 21:16:31] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: What the hell happened there..
[05.12.2016 21:16:49] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot Two shuttered.* | F-2: Christ.. I think I'm gonna be sick..
[05.12.2016 21:17:02] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-1: Focus.. keep it down and breathe..
[05.12.2016 21:17:26] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-2: R-right.. focusing..
[05.12.2016 21:17:28] Unregistered.Object: (There was the sound of movement from the captains room, a pounding on the door before it stopped, however during which, there
[05.12.2016 21:17:48] Unregistered.Object: the sound of three smaller screams around Foxtrot as three Incubies, clearly alive ones, charged at
[05.12.2016 21:17:56] Unregistered.Object: the new organismes in the bridge)
[05.12.2016 21:18:25] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *The entire squad shifted their weapons towards the live contacts, taking quick aim and dispatching them with multiple bursts-
[05.12.2016 21:18:35] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: -of energy* | F-3: Jesus Christ!
[05.12.2016 21:19:19] Unregistered.Object: (The three aliens fell without a problem, the pounding was heard at the captains room again, this time however
[05.12.2016 21:19:36] Unregistered.Object: it was much more aggressive and agitated)
[05.12.2016 21:19:56] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot Four moved towards the door while the other three covered him.* | F-2: We've got you, mate..
[05.12.2016 21:20:50] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Damnit! We should pull our guys out of there now!
[05.12.2016 21:21:06] Unregistered.Object: (The pounding continued before whatever was inside gave up its attempt..however, the following second later, Foxtrot would
[05.12.2016 21:21:18] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot Four held his hand over the switch for the door.* | F-4: Craaap....
[05.12.2016 21:21:50] Unregistered.Object: hear something inside as the door hissed open..a second later, the closest soldier near the door was sent
[05.12.2016 21:22:03] Unregistered.Object: to the oposite wall as a pair of glowing eyes came from the darkness of the room)
[05.12.2016 21:22:43] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: nice
[05.12.2016 21:23:02] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot Four slammed into the wall by the Bridge's entrance. The rest of the squad shifted their aim towards the eyes.*
[05.12.2016 21:23:25] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-1: Christ. D-don't you move!
[05.12.2016 21:23:41] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-2: Kid! Y'alright?!
[05.12.2016 21:24:04] Unregistered.Object: (In a moments notice, Sierra Omega slowly came into view, her eyes were glowing yet already there
[05.12.2016 21:24:18] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot Four had hit the wall awkwardly, landing and hearing the slight crack of his leg.* | F-4: Nhh...!
[05.12.2016 21:24:27] Unregistered.Object: was the markings covering her body showing that she was shot, yet the wounds had clearedly healed already, and
[05.12.2016 21:24:46] Unregistered.Object: worryingly enough, the blood flowing from her body was much more of an orange hue then the dark red it
[05.12.2016 21:24:49] Unregistered.Object: should of been)
[05.12.2016 21:26:16] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-3: Sir?! | F-1: Captain.. Jesus Christ..
[05.12.2016 21:26:32] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Foxtrot team give us a sitrep, over.
[05.12.2016 21:26:45] Unregistered.Object: (However as Sierra moved to strike them, she rose a hand to her head and stumbled to the side, hittin the wall hard
[05.12.2016 21:27:08] Unregistered.Object: and stopped in her tracks) "The many of them..they want you dead..follow the sounds..then you'll escape, thats what
[05.12.2016 21:27:13] Unregistered.Object: they want..they want you gone!"
[05.12.2016 21:27:18] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-1: Target.. loca- Je-e-esus..
[05.12.2016 21:27:57] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot Three took a wild shot at her, his rounds missing in his frenzy.*
[05.12.2016 21:28:35] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Kingston, pull our guys out of tehre.
[05.12.2016 21:28:52] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: I'll prime the missiles. Let's put a fire mission into that thing.
[05.12.2016 21:29:18] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-1: Hold your fire! | Kingston: Foxtrot team, make way out of the ship. Code Black.
[05.12.2016 21:29:23] Unregistered.Object: (Sierra looked up again, this time her eyes were not glowing but she was..almost growling as she extended her hands up, and
[05.12.2016 21:29:29] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Whatever that thing is, I doubt it's worth the lives of our marines.
[05.12.2016 21:29:49] Unregistered.Object: brought them down to the floor, the weapons being pulled from Foxtrot suddenly and sent to the floor soon
[05.12.2016 21:29:51] Unregistered.Object: after)
[05.12.2016 21:30:18] Unregistered.Object: "..They won't let you escape..they want their task complete..follow the songs..yes..thats what they want, and
[05.12.2016 21:30:21] Unregistered.Object: I shall obay.."
[05.12.2016 21:31:08] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Their guns flung from their hands. Foxtrot Four laid on the ground not far from Sierra, wimpering. Foxtrot lead pulled her-
[05.12.2016 21:31:41] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: -pistol from the holster, aimed right at Sierra.* | F-1: Stand down. Just.. shut up and stand down!
[05.12.2016 21:32:26] Unregistered.Object: (Sierra slowly heard Four and turned her attention to him/her..yet locked up, slowly bringing her hands to her head
[05.12.2016 21:32:28] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Dammit, Foxtrot. I'm not sending another team in after you. Move out at once!
[05.12.2016 21:32:57] Unregistered.Object: and stumbling quickly this time, falling to the floor soon after, as if Sierra just blacked out entirely...)
[05.12.2016 21:33:08] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Fire control this is Captain Henderson, adjsut fire over.
[05.12.2016 21:33:11] Unregistered.Object: [Confirming - Sierra has become once more unresponsive]
[05.12.2016 21:33:21] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot lead noticed her gaze, firing a warning shot in front of Sierra.*
[05.12.2016 21:33:34] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Captain henderson this is fire control, adjust fire over.
[05.12.2016 21:33:45] Unregistered.Object: (There was no response from Sierra, she laid in a crumbled and clearly pained mess on the floor..the inside
[05.12.2016 21:34:02] Unregistered.Object: of her room shows more of like a warzone, given enough of a sign of what transpired to Sierra)
[05.12.2016 21:34:08] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Grid GH 34 lima niner, over.
[05.12.2016 21:34:23] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Fire control: Grid GH 34 lima niner, over.
[05.12.2016 21:34:45] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot Two and Three rushed forward and grabbed their weapons, aimed right at the crumpled form.*
[05.12.2016 21:35:20] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Get the hell out of there, Foxtrot. | F-1: Contact is unresponsive. Orders?
[05.12.2016 21:35:37] Unregistered.Object: (Sierra just remained where she was, on the floor..a moment after a pause, there was the sound of pained coughing as Sierra
[05.12.2016 21:36:04] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Argh.. Recover Four and Omega if possible. Contain her and prep for evac.
[05.12.2016 21:36:14] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Target is a Defiant-Class Gunboat, in the open. Danger Close. Out.
[05.12.2016 21:36:41] Unregistered.Object: suddenly woke up, but didn't move) "...I didn't want this..the mission was a trap..division nine all over
[05.12.2016 21:37:00] Unregistered.Object: the place..swarmed..trapped..whos there?" she asked, as if not having a clue where she was or what
[05.12.2016 21:37:02] Unregistered.Object: just happened)
[05.12.2016 21:37:08] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-1: Roger. | *Three approached Four, helping him up and holding his weight.* | F-3: I gotcha..
[05.12.2016 21:38:07] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Kingston: evacuate Foxtrot team immediately. I've already sent the coordinates to fire control. Fire mission will-
[05.12.2016 21:38:08] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *Foxtrot lead approached Sierra with her weapon raised. She pulled a pair of heavy cuffs out, lifting Sierra up and slapping-
[05.12.2016 21:38:16] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: -them around her wrists.*
[05.12.2016 21:38:42] Unregistered.Object: (Sierra didn't resist, even with her eyes half closed, it was clear she was in great pain, there was a massive mark
[05.12.2016 21:39:13] Unregistered.Object: around her neck and spine, several small wounds only noticable close up) " the hell..did I..get
[05.12.2016 21:39:19] Unregistered.Object: Liberty...?"
[05.12.2016 21:39:32] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Hold off. Foxtrot has her. Move for the mooring point, team.
[05.12.2016 21:39:36] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Double time.
[05.12.2016 21:39:47] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Foxtrot team, grab what you can and get the hell out of there.
[05.12.2016 21:39:51] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: F-1: Roger. Two, Three. Let's get back.
[05.12.2016 21:40:24] Unregistered.Object: (The artifact in the bridge began to pulsate as Sierra was moved off the ship, slowly spinning faster and
[05.12.2016 21:40:27] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *The team makes a rather speedy exit, Lead hauling Sierra practically over her shoulder.
[05.12.2016 21:40:29] Unregistered.Object: faster on its marker)
[05.12.2016 21:41:01] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Move it soldiers! Thirty seconds before fire mission!
[05.12.2016 21:41:10] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *The team rushes aboard the Mount Hood, the airlock sealing up on the Hood's side.* | F-1: We're clear!
[05.12.2016 21:41:22] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Helm: Pulling away..
[05.12.2016 21:41:48] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Fire Control: Fire for effect! TRP Grid GH 34 lima niner, Defiant class-gunboat in the open. Danger close! Fire!
[05.12.2016 21:41:48] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Helm: We're nearing safe distance.
[05.12.2016 21:41:59] Unregistered.Object: [Warning]
[05.12.2016 21:42:04] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Helm: Distance achieved!
[05.12.2016 21:42:14] Unregistered.Object: [Manual ov-ver ride confirmed
[05.12.2016 21:42:26] Unregistered.Object: [Target confirmed]
[05.12.2016 21:43:05] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: AI overridden it? Jesus..
[05.12.2016 21:43:21] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Open up.
[05.12.2016 21:43:50] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Let's get the hell outta dodge!
[05.12.2016 21:44:03] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Foxtrot. Lock her up in Delta. Helm, get us back to Norfolk.
[05.12.2016 21:44:10] Unregistered.Object: (As foxtrot got Sierra onto their ship, the heavily changed captain looked extremely bad for
[05.12.2016 21:44:18] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Fire effect successful.
[05.12.2016 21:44:28] Unregistered.Object: wear, as if on the run for seven years was not bad enough, she looked not only infested, but
[05.12.2016 21:44:38] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: We're RTB. The fleet needs us. Let's go!
[05.12.2016 21:44:59] Unregistered.Object: also starved and dyhidrated to boot, she didn't respond to any motion at her, and seemed to
[05.12.2016 21:45:03] Unregistered.Object: wait for someone to speak to her)
[05.12.2016 21:45:26] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Kingston, what's the status on Foxtrot team?
[05.12.2016 21:46:13] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Foxtrot is taking a breather. I've had Echo team take the captain under guard. Langley's talking with her now.
[05.12.2016 21:46:26] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Every preparation has been made. She's not getting out.
[05.12.2016 21:46:46] [LN]-LNS-South.Dakota: Henderson: Good job out there. Take team Foxtrot to debriefing.
[05.12.2016 21:47:12] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: *The ship's XO walked around the corner towards Sierra, who was now surrounded by Echo team, relieving Foxtrot.*
[05.12.2016 21:47:21] [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood: Kingston: Roger.
- - {Transmission Terminated} - -
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Inferno - 12-21-2016
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Captain Jason Hirlerman
Report backlogging turned up one notable report from the patrols recently, more importantly, the detainment of the AWOL warship Montana, as well as her commander 'Admiral' Collins and her command staff. The Rio Grande communications center alerted the Primary fleets that one of their graveyard patrols picked up the IFF of the Montana shortly before it entered a cloaked state. As the night-shift commander of the warship Glendale, we set off from Norfolk shipyard to the last known location of the Montana. LSF Agency 404 member 'Speedster' joined the searching warship for the Montana. With the patrols comming up without sightings, the Glendale was ordered to travel back to the jumpgate connecting systems Colorado and New York. From there, a small patrol of the 'Cult of Technology' was spotted and opened fire on the 404 Agent and the Glendale, severely damaging Agent Speedster. After the patrol was destroyed, high EM scramble-patterns were being picked up near the gate. Utilizing the experimental EM-Disruption generator on board, warship Glendale uncovered the Montana sitting near three kilos away. The commander of the Montana eventually agreed, at an agreement of not being vaporized by the Glendale, to turn the warship and crew into LPI custody to have charges brought upon the Admiral Collins. 404 Agent Speedster, however, provided to be an obstruction to the detainment, attempting to 'claim via contract' authority over the command of the warships Montana and Glendale, even after several reminders that the detainment was a Naval operation.
[17.12.2016 05:14:11] Cloak Disruptor recharging. 3 seconds left.
[17.12.2016 05:14:12] Cloak Disruptor recharging. 2 seconds left.
[17.12.2016 05:14:12] Cloak Disruptor recharging. 2 seconds left.
[17.12.2016 05:14:14] Cloak Disruptor cooldown complete.
[17.12.2016 05:14:14] Cloak Disruptor engaged. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
[17.12.2016 05:14:15] Cloak Disruptor recharging. 90 seconds left.
[17.12.2016 05:14:21] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Jesus!
[17.12.2016 05:14:38] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: And Lord behold. Turns out we found both missions.
[17.12.2016 05:14:47] LNS-Montana: Tapp: I hate those damned disruptors..
[17.12.2016 05:15:15] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Seems you are late- What is this?
[17.12.2016 05:15:41] LNS-Montana: Tapp: You get that data too?
[17.12.2016 05:15:45] Cloak Disruptor cooldown complete.
[17.12.2016 05:15:48] Speedster:404: All of us did.
[17.12.2016 05:15:51] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Damn right we did. And I don't like it.
[17.12.2016 05:15:55] LNS-Montana: Tapp: The hell does it mean..?
[17.12.2016 05:16:06] LNS-Montana: Tapp: First time I've seen anything like this..
[17.12.2016 05:16:12] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: What do you think it means? Something new.
[17.12.2016 05:16:23] LNS-Montana: Tapp: No frick, sherlock.
[17.12.2016 05:16:24] Speedster:404: Be glad I have sharp eyes and this cell was taken down.
[17.12.2016 05:17:09] LNS-Montana: *heavy chatter*
[17.12.2016 05:17:15] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: First things first, we have been looking for you, Montana.
[17.12.2016 05:17:31] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Oh... no..... *muffled* Not now.... *groan*
[17.12.2016 05:17:39] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: The stunt your CO pulled with Sader and Jones got you in some serious trouble.
[17.12.2016 05:17:54] LNS-Montana: Tapp: *muffled* Michelle.. come on.. it's late...
[17.12.2016 05:18:05] LNS-Montana: *heavy chatter*
[17.12.2016 05:18:13] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: That can be settled at the trial. Right now... we have to figure out what the hell that data was.
[17.12.2016 05:19:27] LNS-Montana: Tapp: *groan* I'm sorry... what were you saying..?
[17.12.2016 05:19:30] Speedster:404: Given the crew's expertise in anti-crown operations.
[17.12.2016 05:19:40] Speedster:404: I see use for them in cooperating with us.
[17.12.2016 05:20:00] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Something you should already know, Commander. Lots of trouble, disobeying orders, the usual from the Montana.
[17.12.2016 05:20:30] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Okay, now just hold your horses, alright? I'm not the CO.
[17.12.2016 05:20:36] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Hell, I'm not even the XO.
[17.12.2016 05:20:50] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Then where the hell is your command staff?
[17.12.2016 05:20:59] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Asleep like natural human beings.
[17.12.2016 05:21:58] LNS-Montana: Tapp: I mean.. Miche.. *sigh* Collins was in here for a few moments..
[17.12.2016 05:22:31] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Honestly, it doesn't matter. From my guess she would have taken this to hostile levels fast.
[17.12.2016 05:23:04] LNS-Montana: Tapp: At this point, given what's in front of us.. I think she'd probably surrender herself.. only herself..
[17.12.2016 05:23:26] Speedster:404: The crew were under their C.Os orders.
[17.12.2016 05:23:26] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: We are here to bring the ship back, though. LIBGOV wants the warship back where it belongs...
[17.12.2016 05:23:47] Speedster:404: I'm requesting full prosecutorial immunity for the crew minus the C.O.
[17.12.2016 05:24:07] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: The request was granted long ago, Operative.
[17.12.2016 05:24:20] Speedster:404: Good, you aren't as slow as I'd assumed.
[17.12.2016 05:24:28] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Hey.. try and treat her with care.. she's been through too much to just be slammed in prison for the rest of her life.
[17.12.2016 05:24:40] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Like I said, we are here only for an arrest. Only one, maybe two for letting them leave. Docking crews, sometimes.
[17.12.2016 05:24:41] Speedster:404: At most, she'll be discharged.
[17.12.2016 05:25:02] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Then I'll pray she just gets demoted..
[17.12.2016 05:25:04] Speedster:404: It's likely given her status that she'll be put on a lengthy period of house arrest.
[17.12.2016 05:25:35] Speedster:404: Those are the terms Glendale.
[17.12.2016 05:25:38] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Anything can happen, but should she make it easier I can guarantee some alleviation of the punishments.
[17.12.2016 05:25:41] Speedster:404: Have them granted and the ship will come.
[17.12.2016 05:25:55] LNS-Montana: Tapp: I..
[17.12.2016 05:26:04] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Operative, I don't think you are making the demands here. We are here to bring a lost ship home.
[17.12.2016 05:26:14] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Can't actually.. force the ship to follow...
[17.12.2016 05:26:19] LNS-Montana: Tapp: For the record..
[17.12.2016 05:26:21] Speedster:404: And I'm here to ensure you don't kill more servicemen when were' in a war.
[17.12.2016 05:26:53] Speedster:404: Certain parties have expressed concern.
[17.12.2016 05:26:58] Speedster:404: I'm here on behalf of said concerns.
[17.12.2016 05:27:08] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: I keep telling you, if we were here for KOS orders, the warship would be dust and there would be a large Papa wing.
[17.12.2016 05:27:29] LNS-Montana: Tapp: *muffled* Thank god..
[17.12.2016 05:27:38] LNS-Montana: *light chatter*
[17.12.2016 05:27:48] Speedster:404: Every negotiation requires set terms.
[17.12.2016 05:27:57] Speedster:404: Alleviate the reperussions and the ship cooperates.
[17.12.2016 05:28:50] LNS-Montana: Harris: *yawn* So.. what's going on..? We're taking the ship back, or..?
[17.12.2016 05:28:53] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Honestly, right now I would prefer to sleep. Unfortunately I have alot of orders to watch right now.
[17.12.2016 05:28:57] Speedster:404: You have an option.
[17.12.2016 05:29:11] Speedster:404: The table has the follows.
[17.12.2016 05:29:17] LNS-Montana: Harris: Oh.. that's a dreadnought..
[17.12.2016 05:29:21] Speedster:404: Surrender and cooperate and charges will be alleviated.
[17.12.2016 05:29:28] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Yes, we are taking the ship back. Then we will figure out the criminal charges from there.
[17.12.2016 05:29:33] Speedster:404: I can't promise your C.O won't get discharged for her actions.
[17.12.2016 05:29:45] Speedster:404: But I can promise all of you will be in your homes by the end of the week.
[17.12.2016 05:29:48] LNS-Montana: Harris: Okay, okay.. hold up...
[17.12.2016 05:30:03] LNS-Montana: Harris: I'm.. running on like.. two cups of coffee right now, so please go slow..
[17.12.2016 05:30:17] Speedster:404: You. Come willingly. Get leniency, yes?
[17.12.2016 05:30:47] LNS-Montana: Harris: I was gonna come.. willingly anyway.. I told you, I'm done with this charade..
[17.12.2016 05:30:52] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Dreadnought. Missing. Government wants back. We bring back, you don't get charged for Treason.
[17.12.2016 05:31:05] LNS-Montana: Harris: Okay..
[17.12.2016 05:31:09] LNS-Montana: Harris: Sure..
[17.12.2016 05:31:17] Speedster:404: I've taken interest in your objectives.
[17.12.2016 05:31:28] Speedster:404: So effective immediately I am offering you a contract of cooperation.
[17.12.2016 05:31:35] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Or, you do, but I honestly can't stop that from happening.
[17.12.2016 05:31:47] Speedster:404: You haven't yet been punished under law, so you may legally contract with me.
[17.12.2016 05:32:21] LNS-Montana: Harris: Okay.. yeah, sure..
[17.12.2016 05:32:25] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Operative, we have it from here. Your 'contract' will only make for more paperwork.
[17.12.2016 05:32:39] LNS-Montana: Harris: Hey.. nooo.....
[17.12.2016 05:32:39] Speedster:404: My 'contract' grants the crew immunity under the LSF operational code.
[17.12.2016 05:32:45] LNS-Montana: Harris: He stays...
[17.12.2016 05:32:45] Speedster:404: The crew's coming with me, Captain.
[17.12.2016 05:32:47] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: For all the command staff here, in fact.
[17.12.2016 05:33:32] LNS-Montana: Harris: Look.. I just want to sleep.. Jaz, why can't y- oh....
[17.12.2016 05:33:34] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Operative, you were not given operational authority over this. The orders stand. Bring the ship back. Don't kill sailors
[17.12.2016 05:33:50] Speedster:404: Their past aiding and abetting of their C.O is hereafter, void under the law. The LSF and their agents avail said right.
[17.12.2016 05:34:47] Speedster:404: This'll be a public trial as well.
[17.12.2016 05:34:56] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Let's move, Harris. I just hung up on an Admiral and they want to start sending the Gold wing.
[17.12.2016 05:34:58] Speedster:404: The people you're charging will appear before the Manhattan Supreme Court.
[17.12.2016 05:35:21] LNS-Montana: Harris: Ohhhkay... now it's kicking in...
[17.12.2016 05:35:47] Speedster:404: There's children on that ship.
[17.12.2016 05:35:51] Speedster:404: If anyone so much as fires..
[17.12.2016 05:35:58] Speedster:404: God help you from my retribution.
[17.12.2016 05:36:12] LNS-Montana: Harris: Who's going to fire?
[17.12.2016 05:36:15] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Operative, you must be the slow one. There are no orders for battery discharge on a ship.
[17.12.2016 05:36:21] Speedster:404: If there are.
[17.12.2016 05:36:24] Speedster:404: If Sader pulls anything.
[17.12.2016 05:36:33] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Sader. Isn't. Awake. I am.
[17.12.2016 05:36:40] Speedster:404: Then let's move.
[17.12.2016 05:37:00] Speedster:404: Montana, vector alongside the Glendale.
[17.12.2016 05:37:05] Speedster:404: Destination Manhattan.
[17.12.2016 05:37:15] LNS-Montana: Harris: Jaz.. prime the batteries.. just in case that hooligan gets any ideas..
[17.12.2016 05:37:23] LNS-Montana: Harris: Understood..
[17.12.2016 05:38:03] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Weapons systems are a sign of hostilities. I suggest against it. I would prefer to only lose two warships right now.
[17.12.2016 05:38:28] LNS-Montana: Harris: I'm just doing it as a precaution.
[17.12.2016 05:38:36] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Shame we had to scuttle one. A damn shame. Let's move, full impulse.
[17.12.2016 05:38:45] LNS-Montana: Harris: Just so I can at least give some sense of fatherhoodliness.
[17.12.2016 05:39:13] LNS-Montana: *heavy chatter, yelling*
[17.12.2016 05:39:21] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Damn traders don't know what a dreadnought is and how to move around it...
[17.12.2016 05:39:29] LNS-Montana: Harris: God damn, Michelle.. just settle down..
[17.12.2016 05:40:12] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Helm, Vectors 180, 10, 35. Send us through.
[17.12.2016 05:40:31] Speedster:404: Move along, Montana.
[17.12.2016 05:40:33] LNS-Montana: Harris: Take us through, Jaz.
[17.12.2016 05:41:42] LNS-Montana: Collins: *muffled* It's on right..?
[17.12.2016 05:41:49] Speedster:404: Loud and clear.
[17.12.2016 05:41:50] LNS-Montana: Harris: *muffled* Yeah.
[17.12.2016 05:41:56] Speedster:404: You'll be put through a trial, ma'am.
[17.12.2016 05:41:56] LNS-Montana: Collins: Alright..
[17.12.2016 05:42:11] LNS-Montana: Collins: Trust me.. I'm well aware.
[17.12.2016 05:42:29] DSE)C-12F.Huron: Greetings
[17.12.2016 05:42:35] LNS-Montana: Tapp: Hiya.
[17.12.2016 05:43:05] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Good morning, Buttercup. Time to face the music.
[17.12.2016 05:43:17] Speedster:404: Excuse me?
[17.12.2016 05:43:25] LNS-Montana: Collins: Technically, I still outrank you, Captain.
[17.12.2016 05:43:29] LNS-Montana: Collins: So zip it.
[17.12.2016 05:43:35] Speedster:404: Both of you.
[17.12.2016 05:43:36] Speedster:404: Shut up.
[17.12.2016 05:43:52] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: /Technically/, you lack rank anymore. That will be fixed.
[17.12.2016 05:44:05] Speedster:404: Collins anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.
[17.12.2016 05:44:32] LNS-Montana: Collins: Agent.. no disrespect, but I know the rights.
[17.12.2016 05:44:37] Speedster:404: Operative.
[17.12.2016 05:44:43] LNS-Montana: Collins: Whatever.
[17.12.2016 05:44:50] Speedster:404: Clearly you don't know everything.
[17.12.2016 05:44:55] Speedster:404: Vector to the mooring port, quietly.
[17.12.2016 05:45:03] LNS-Montana: Collins: Yes, 'sir'.
[17.12.2016 05:45:13] LNS-Montana: Harris: *muffled* Honey.. please don't..
[17.12.2016 05:45:23] LNS-Montana: Collins: Fine.
[17.12.2016 05:45:24] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: Jason: Collins, you are lucky you have a command crew more sensible than the Harmony. The Nevada was going to find you.
[17.12.2016 05:45:37] 2016-12-17 05:45:39 SMT Traffic control alert: LNS-Montana has requested to dock
Jason Hirlerman
Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - KamiFaby - 01-06-2017
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Lieutenant John Mayer
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
Greetings Ms or Mr,
today's patrol was rather interesting, although it started really quiet. I started patrolling the lanes for a while. During my patrol I was accompanied by a LPI-Officer named Lance Spot and captain Hirlerman. After a while without any signs of trouble we got a system wide emergency call. The Pilot called himself "Delta Nine" and was supposedly under hostile fire. When we arrived the pilot was eager to get going and chase the enemies. He didn't want to tell us who attacked him. In the short time, we met this pilot, I tried to scan his ship. I only got partial information about some things. His IFF was unknown and the scanners weren't able to identify his guns. His plan was to send two guys to the California gate and the last one follows him to the Colorado exit. The Captain and I made our way to the California gate. On the way I told the Captain about the Scans. His answer was to call the ESRD. The Captain said he got strange readings in California and told me to get back to West Point and wait for the ESRD Agent. Shortly after I arrived, the ESRD Agent send me a message and asked me some questions about the ship. I answered his questions and he eventually arrived at West Point. I showed him the spot where we found the unknown ship and told him everything I knew. After I finished talking, the LPI-Officer arrived safe and sound at our location and told us the ship attacked him. Officer Spot was able to take down the ship. After a short talk with the Agent, we made our way back to West Point.
The Audio-Logs are attached to this report.
John Mayer, out.
[06.01.2017 01:50:21] D9|Valiance: Sierra Foxtrot, this is Delta Niner, requesting backup at sector Charlie Three.
[06.01.2017 01:51:05] D9|Valiance: Grid Negative five one four seven two three three eleven eleven eight three four.
[06.01.2017 01:51:35] D9|Valiance: We're under fire, need immediate backup.
[06.01.2017 01:51:54] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: We got ya', hold tight!
[06.01.2017 01:52:06] D9|Valiance: They ran deeper into the field.
[06.01.2017 01:52:10] D9|Valiance: Come on let's go!
[06.01.2017 01:53:01] D9|Valiance: Alright rally up.
[06.01.2017 01:53:05] D9|Valiance: Here's the plan.
[06.01.2017 01:53:33] D9|Valiance: Thres two ways they could've gone. One is California and the other is Colorado.
[06.01.2017 01:53:49] D9|Valiance: I need two volunteers to check out the California gate.
[06.01.2017 01:54:01] D9|Valiance: One of you is with me, to the Colorado exit.
[06.01.2017 01:54:09] Lance.Spot: Il come with you
[06.01.2017 01:54:11] D9|Valiance: Anyone up for a volunteer job?
[06.01.2017 01:54:11] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Slow down, son. Best start explaining what happened.
[06.01.2017 01:54:17] D9|Valiance: Alright. Good.
[06.01.2017 01:54:21] D9|Valiance: There's no time now.
[06.01.2017 01:54:31] D9|Valiance: Kazuo, break a leg and get to the Cali gate. Go!
[06.01.2017 01:54:34] D9|Valiance: Spot, with me!
[06.01.2017 01:54:39] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Let's go Mayer.
[06.01.2017 01:54:42] D9|Valiance: I know a short cut outta here.
[06.01.2017 01:55:24] [LN]-John.Mayer: Can we realy trust that guy?
[06.01.2017 01:55:39] Lance.Spot: Indeed.
[06.01.2017 01:55:43] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Honestly? No.
[06.01.2017 01:55:46] [LN]-John.Mayer: My scanners showed some strange readings.
[06.01.2017 01:56:08] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Yeah, mine as well. Goes with what HC says... best phone in the ESRD about this.
[06.01.2017 01:56:48] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Get back to West Point. Tell him I ran after a strange reading.
[06.01.2017 01:56:58] [LN]-John.Mayer: Yes Sir
[06.01.2017 02:03:43] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: I was called. Why?
[06.01.2017 02:04:25] [LN]-John.Mayer: We found a ship in New York. Scanners showed strange readings.
[06.01.2017 02:04:41] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Define strange. Unreadable strange?
[06.01.2017 02:05:41] [LN]-John.Mayer: Yeah. Something unknown. Scanning systems showed some errors.
[06.01.2017 02:05:59] [LN]-John.Mayer: Weapons weren't scanable either.
[06.01.2017 02:06:03] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Let me guess. Weaponry, Transponder, no known signals?
[06.01.2017 02:06:09] [LN]-John.Mayer: Nothing.
[06.01.2017 02:06:12] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: I'll be over. Show me where.
[06.01.2017 02:06:27] [LN]-John.Mayer: Yes Sir.
[06.01.2017 02:07:04] [LN]-John.Mayer: I'm waiting for you at Westpoint.
[06.01.2017 02:07:39] [LN]-John.Mayer: The location was in the scrap field.
[06.01.2017 02:09:30] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Show me.
[06.01.2017 02:10:00] [LN]-John.Mayer: We got an emergency call from said ship.
[06.01.2017 02:10:16] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: He give a name?
[06.01.2017 02:10:21] [LN]-John.Mayer: He supposedly was attacked in the field.
[06.01.2017 02:10:29] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "By who?"
[06.01.2017 02:10:48] [LN]-John.Mayer: He called himself Delta Niner
[06.01.2017 02:11:12] [LN]-John.Mayer: He didn't told us. He said he there was no time.
[06.01.2017 02:11:31] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Delta Nine. That's not new here. Where did he go?"
[06.01.2017 02:11:40] [LN]-John.Mayer: We split.
[06.01.2017 02:11:49] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "We?"
[06.01.2017 02:12:15] [LN]-John.Mayer: Me and Hirlerman went for the california gate.
[06.01.2017 02:13:01] [LN]-John.Mayer: Lance Spot, a LPI officer, accompanied the unknown ship.
[06.01.2017 02:13:02] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "And the other?"
[06.01.2017 02:13:07] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Where?"
[06.01.2017 02:13:50] [LN]-John.Mayer: I don't know a direction. Delta Niner said he knew a shortcut out of the field.
[06.01.2017 02:14:12] [LN]-John.Mayer: That's the last thing I heard from either one.
[06.01.2017 02:14:32] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Right. Anything else?"
[06.01.2017 02:15:28] [LN]-John.Mayer: Nothing more to report.
[06.01.2017 02:15:50] [LN]-John.Mayer: Well. Hirlermann went into california to track strange readings.
[06.01.2017 02:16:10] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "And that is where you last saw him?"
[06.01.2017 02:16:15] [LN]-John.Mayer: Yeah.
[06.01.2017 02:16:25] Lance.Spot: John.
[06.01.2017 02:16:28] [LN]-John.Mayer: Oh, there's Lance.
[06.01.2017 02:16:34] Lance.Spot: Yeah. That agent?
[06.01.2017 02:16:39] [LN]-John.Mayer: What happened?
[06.01.2017 02:16:46] [LN]-John.Mayer: Yeah. The ESRD Agent.
[06.01.2017 02:16:48] Lance.Spot: He shot at me.
[06.01.2017 02:16:53] Lance.Spot: Put him in a pod
[06.01.2017 02:17:09] Lance.Spot: He was real determind to kill me it seemed.
[06.01.2017 02:17:14] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Let me guess. Delta Niner, Unknown transponder, strange weapons, spooky talk?"
[06.01.2017 02:17:22] Lance.Spot: Yep. Thats about right.
[06.01.2017 02:17:34] Lance.Spot: Not a big threat. Put a bit of a repair bill in
[06.01.2017 02:17:40] Lance.Spot: No idea where him or his pod went however
[06.01.2017 02:17:45] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "And... he chose to fight a combat freighter alone?"
[06.01.2017 02:18:12] Lance.Spot: Apparently. Not the brightest thing I have seen today.
[06.01.2017 02:18:25] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Seems he wasn't bright at all."
[06.01.2017 02:19:26] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "And Captain Kazuo?"
[06.01.2017 02:19:56] [LN]-John.Mayer: As I said, he went to California and told me to get back to Westpoint.
[06.01.2017 02:20:16] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Seems he dropped off after that, then."
[06.01.2017 02:20:27] [LN]-John.Mayer: And I was supposed to tell you, he went after a strange reading.
[06.01.2017 02:20:45] [LN]-John.Mayer: Havn't had any word from him afterwards.
[06.01.2017 02:20:47] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Did he explain anything after that?"
[06.01.2017 02:21:48] [LN]-John.Mayer: No, he only said we should call the ESRD 'bout that unknown ship.
[06.01.2017 02:22:03] Lance.Spot: Well that ship is now history...
[06.01.2017 02:22:22] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "That's where I came in. Got some call about strange readings and missing ships."
[06.01.2017 02:22:37] [LN]-John.Mayer: Missing ships?
[06.01.2017 02:23:37] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "I can't share much. Many of these
[06.01.2017 02:24:21] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: 'Unknown' ships are piloted by LSF agents proclaimed 'Missing' on thier assignments. Thier reappearance is why I was called."
[06.01.2017 02:25:20] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Seems there isn't anything else I am needed for."
[06.01.2017 02:25:44] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: ?: "Debrief as per usual and get some rest. Maybe a drink, too."
[06.01.2017 02:25:59] [LN]-John.Mayer: Nothing at the moment. We'll make sure to contact you if we find anything strage.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - KamiFaby - 01-15-2017
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Lieutenant John Mayer
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
Greetings Ms or Mr,
today I got word from Captain Hirlerman that there's a Rheinland Military Vessel in Alaska. I quickly joined him in Alaska and we tracked down the vessel. After we found it, the pilot wasn't aware she's braking several laws. We made clear, we can't let her go. So we decided to destroy the vessel. Well, a Wraith that belongs to the Rheinland Military in a restricted System. Anyways, I was able to destroy the vessel with the assistance of Captain Hirlerman. When the vessel was destroyed we got word of a maniac trying to shoot Long Island. We arrived and engaged the at once and helped the Fifth Fleet until the vessel vanished. Seemed like a new cloak which instantly cloaks or something.
A bit later, two more rogues appeared. First we fought against one, which I was able to destroy. Afterwards I found myself in a duel with the other one. It was an interesting fight, well, until the rogue run. We didn't have to wait long for him to appear again and the duel continued. This time the fight didn't last long, I got hit by his SNAC.
John Mayer, out.
[15.01.2017 16:04:56] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: You.
[15.01.2017 16:05:21] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: ?
[15.01.2017 16:05:29] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: You little insufferable kraut.
[15.01.2017 16:05:38] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Do you realize how many laws you are breaking?
[15.01.2017 16:05:47] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: Ehm... nein
[15.01.2017 16:05:56] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Almost all of them.
[15.01.2017 16:06:04] LNS-Detroit: *loud patriotic music cuts in - cuts out*
[15.01.2017 16:06:17] [LN]-John.Mayer: Heh. At least she's not carrying contraband.
[15.01.2017 16:06:26] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: I only want explore these system
[15.01.2017 16:06:31] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Bull.
[15.01.2017 16:06:44] [LN]-John.Mayer: Explore a restricted system?
[15.01.2017 16:06:45] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: This system is restricted for a reason.
[15.01.2017 16:06:50] [LN]-John.Mayer: Are you joking?
[15.01.2017 16:06:59] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: No
[15.01.2017 16:07:41] LNS-Detroit: ?: Kraut military don't explore nothin'. They protect their kraut laws. In their kraut space.
[15.01.2017 16:08:00] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: Why u are so evil? Ive done nothing
[15.01.2017 16:08:09] LNS-Detroit: ?: Oh, but you have.
[15.01.2017 16:08:22] [LN]-John.Mayer: Nothing? You violated several laws.
[15.01.2017 16:08:26] LNS-Detroit: ?: You are inviolation of... many laws.
[15.01.2017 16:08:27] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: You broke several laws, most notably several of your own.
[15.01.2017 16:08:39] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: Ehm... ups?
[15.01.2017 16:09:05] [LN]-John.Mayer: Think about it kraut. If you spot a Navy ship inside a restricted area in your house. What are you going to do?
[15.01.2017 16:09:08] [LN]-John.Mayer: Tell me.
[15.01.2017 16:09:16] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Best get talking.
[15.01.2017 16:09:28] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: Ehm... i wont insulting him :?
[15.01.2017 16:10:14] [LN]-John.Mayer: Forget about those insults. What are you going to do to the ship?
[15.01.2017 16:10:31] [LN]-John.Mayer: Well, we pulverize such ships in Liberty.
[15.01.2017 16:10:46] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Let's see... entering Liberty space, foreign military, possible espionage, restricted system...
[15.01.2017 16:10:59] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Clearly knows too much.
[15.01.2017 16:11:04] [LN]-John.Mayer: Foreign military vessel.
[15.01.2017 16:11:09] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: Not fair
[15.01.2017 16:12:16] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Only one plain choice here. This pilot knows too much, and arresting them would only let them off the hook for a little.
[15.01.2017 16:12:33] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: Ehm... arrasting?
[15.01.2017 16:12:40] LNS-Detroit: ?: Alright boys, time to add some Rheinland dust to the Alaskan ice field. Make it quick, its roast beef for lunch today.
[15.01.2017 16:12:47] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Sure thing.
[15.01.2017 16:12:53] [LN]-John.Mayer: Better make sure the krauts don't get to know what we are doing here.
[15.01.2017 16:12:56] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Let's dance boys.
[15.01.2017 16:12:59] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: I'll lead.
[15.01.2017 16:14:37] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: Ehm... and what now?
[15.01.2017 16:15:14] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Mayer, help me disable the ship and detain the pilot.
[15.01.2017 16:15:22] [LN]-John.Mayer: Sure.
[15.01.2017 16:15:50] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Zone is hot, let's silence the kraut.
[15.01.2017 16:15:51] [LN]-John.Mayer: So let's "zerstoer" this ship and capture the pilot.
[15.01.2017 16:15:53] LNS-Detroit: ?: Crew, hold fire unless the First fleet boys need help. Which I doubt they will.
[15.01.2017 16:16:05] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: what?
[15.01.2017 16:16:08] [LN]-John.Mayer: Weapons primed.
[15.01.2017 16:16:09] RM.Vanessa_Hilbig: No
[15.01.2017 16:16:55] [LN]-John.Mayer: Stop kraut!
[15.01.2017 16:21:41] LNS-Detroit: ?: Missile one and two, prime. Await my command.
[15.01.2017 16:23:19] LNS-Detroit: ?: Missile one, fire.
[15.01.2017 16:24:09] LNS-Detroit: ?: Missile two, fire away. Prime missile one.
[15.01.2017 16:24:40] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: You little brat.
[15.01.2017 16:24:48] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: I'm going to kill you now.
[15.01.2017 16:24:51] LNS-Detroit: ?: Missile one, fire.
[15.01.2017 16:25:20] Death: RM.Vanessa_Hilbig was put out of action by [LN]-John.Mayer (Mine).
[15.01.2017 16:25:30] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Target down.
[15.01.2017 16:25:32] LNS-Detroit: ?: Never get tired of seein that.
[15.01.2017 16:25:34] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Kill the pod.
[15.01.2017 16:26:11] [LN]-John.Mayer: One less to worry about.
[15.01.2017 16:26:27] [LN]-Jason:Kazuo: Damn foreigners sometimes
[15.01.2017 16:26:37] LNS-Detroit: ?: How about that roast beef now.
[15.01.2017 16:26:45] [LN]-John.Mayer: They don't even know their place.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - OrionThorne - 01-31-2017
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Recruit Orion Thorne
Greetings to whom it may concern,
While awaiting assignment for my first patrol I received a distress call at Fort Bush. By the time I had arrived our forces were already starting to lose. Once I started fighting they directed almost all of their firepower towards me and I was forced to dock for repairs. But by the time I got back out there our forces had either retreated, or died in battle. Since I couldn't find the rogues I returned to my post at West Point.
A few hours later while resting at West Point I received another distress call, this time HF and 3 Auxesia ships were spotted in NY. I was ordered to report outside of West Point. Once we had grouped up we had searched California and Cortez for the culprits, but didn't find anything. Shortly thereafter we regrouped at West Point and concluded they had fled.
Orion Thorne, Over and out
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Jeremy Hunter - 02-07-2017
COMM ID: Captain Kei Nagase
TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Central Reporting
SUBJECT: Scylla Down
Today I was assisted by [LN]-ESRD|Hunter in pacifying Pennsylvania of a hostile Rogue warship.
The Mount Hood received zero damage, and only expended a two missiles. We returned to Manhattan later on - Nothing else to report.
Kei Nagase
Liberty Navy First fleet, LNS-Mount Hood
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - extraaccountduetonopassword - 02-12-2017
COMM ID: Bravo-1
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Command of Operations Centre
SUBJECT: Smugglers in Liberty
Good day Command, Officer Argan reporting in after successfully nullifying a smuggler run in Colorado.
At the scene was a freighter vessel of sunburst model named "Hiden" carrying Nuclear Devices into Liberty space.
Non compliance and total neglect of any hals and warnings from the vessels pilot resulted in a fine acording to Liberty rules with a drawback on the amount since the pilot was unaware of the Liberty Laws, i thought at first...
The pilot used an Freelancer transponder ID but seemed to not know hes way around in Colorado henze the clearification struck me that he was not from around and i should go soft on him.
However the pilot docked suddenly at a battleship but was rejected docking and tried to flee heading to kepler Jumpgate and refused to respond to any warnings given carrying all these Nuclear Devices i can only fathom in my mind what they where for. (criminal terrorist of higher ranks probably)
So i smoked the bastard from behind chasing him, utilizing all my Magma Hammer MkIV and also got to try out the newly installed Maxim Chaingun. Boy do these tungsten bullets ripps hulls right off!
Afterwards in the big dustcloud most of the cargo with Nuclear Devices was destroyed abit away from any base/ship and the rest that i had tractored in was taken to Fort Busch for examination.
I would like to point out that there is a severe growing problem with smugglers carrying more and more dangerous cargo, maybe a word with the Command of the LPI in Ny would help sort this mather out?
Evidence needed seen below
End of report.
Officer, liutenant Argan.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - KamiFaby - 02-18-2017
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Lieutenant John Mayer
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
Greetings Ms or Mr,
today was a pretty busy day. It started of with a Rheinland Battlecruiser in New York. It refused to cooperate and we were forced to destroy it. After we killed the Battlecrusier we made our way to California to find a bunch of rogues waiting to be destroyed. We were able to destroy every Rogue and made our way back to New York. In New York I found a hacker named Jordan.Starhoundhound who got destroyed in no time. After the fights we started to patrol the system. The patrol went really smooth without any trouble. After a while we grouped up with the LSF and LPI and started hunting smugglers in Texas. We were able to catch two smugglers and destroy them due to no cooperation. Below you can find the guncamshots of the fights.
John Mayer, out.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - KamiFaby - 02-27-2017
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Lieutenant John Mayer
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
Greetings Ms or Mr,
this is going to be a short report. I undocked from Manhattan and immediately found a outcast Dread in front of Manhattan. The 'Lancers around Manhattan joined and kept the outcast occupied while I went to Westpoint and readied my bomber. When I arrived the lone dread had called for help and we had to fight a small fleet of Outcasts and Rogues. As expected, the junkies lost.
That's all,
John Mayer, out.
[27.02.2017 18:59:33] Death: HadesDisgrace was put out of action by LNS-Warspite (Gun).
[27.02.2017 19:01:03] Death: /_\-Joey.the.Wrench was put out of action by Blue.Starburst (Gun).
[27.02.2017 19:03:59] Death: Pheonix was put out of action by LNS-Warspite (Gun).
[27.02.2017 19:04:12] Death: Pure.Intentions was put out of action by BHG|Paladin (Wasp/Hornet).
[27.02.2017 19:04:33] Death: Zed.Alfanzo was put out of action by LNS-Warspite (Gun).
[27.02.2017 19:11:09] Death: Curse.of.Mortality was put out of action by BHG|I.Go.Face (Gun).
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - The Sovereign - 03-01-2017
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
COMM ID: Cadet Mark Felix
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
Greetings Ms or Mr,
I was moving out on my normal patrol throughout liberty space when the hostile ship Tutashkhia was spotted. the Kusari explorer ship was quickly engaged by a small fleet of Lancers under contract and a few of our bombers before being destroyed. However I did partake in this conflict as while i was moving to intercept the ship I noticed another Outcast ship named Clea.DiRigo flag my sensors. It seemed he was using the fight as a distraction to slip past. Intercepting the outcast ship, I noticed how the outcast was complying with my each and every order, and despite being a tad jumpy when my ship got too close, remained entirely passive and cooperative the whole duration of my interrogation of him. I offered the outcast a choice, leave liberty space for good, or be destroyed. Obviously he chose to live. The escorting of the ship went smoothly, and the outcast left Lib space as per orders issued. Returning to New York I learnt that the other outcasts had been defeated.
That's all,
Cadet Mark Felix, signing out.