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Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 08-30-2018

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

Michelle Fox;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Thank you for your services.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Gladiator DW - 08-31-2018

Name: cmd. John Kingston

Callsign: BHG-Gladiator-[DW], group identificator - [DW]

On behalf of company (if applicable): Death Wing mercenary group

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons 1
Weapons 2

Visual evidence of reputation:


RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 09-02-2018

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

Death Wing - [DW] ;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
Your organization is now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Thank you for your services.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Sarawr!? - 10-06-2018

Name: Rachel Alexis Baker

Callsign: Warmaiden

On behalf of company (if applicable): Myself

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons Loadout

Visual evidence of reputation:

Hostiles 1
Hostiles 2
Hostiles 3

Friendlies 1
Friendlies 2
Friendlies 3

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 10-08-2018

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

Rachel Alexis Baker;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Thank you for your services.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Banned player t202085 - 10-22-2018

Name: Alfred Rotschild

Callsign: RAM|

On behalf of company (if applicable): Rotschild Asset Management

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

RAM Utilise a mixture of vessels all of which are Civilian/CTE technology with the exception of the Falchion Borderworld fighters.


Visual evidence of reputation:


RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - TacticalNoodle - 11-03-2018

Name: Alexander Mason

Callsign: Grinder

On behalf of company (if applicable): None

Visual evidence of Affiliation, Loadout and Reputation:


RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 12-29-2018

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]


We require adherence to our protocols of presenting registration template as it is. Please provide evidence of your reputation and equipment in quickly accessible format.

Thank you for your services.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Kherty - 01-11-2019

Name: Mike Lewis

Callsign: RV-Tempus.Fugit

On behalf of company (if applicable): Myself

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons 1
Weapons 2

Visual evidence of reputation:

Friendly 2
edit: changed name of the ship

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Kathy - 02-21-2019

Name: Conry Seaver

Callsign: Conry.Seaver

On behalf of company (if applicable): Bounty Hunters Guild (Independents)

Visual evidence of affiliation:

See attached files

Visual evidence of loadout:

See attached files

Visual evidence of reputation:

See attached files