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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 01-24-2018

[Image: xkNs6Fw.png]

Izayoi Shiroe

Consider yourself reintegrated.
You will receive assignments orders shortly. Meanwhile, please head to Sasebo Naval Arsenal, New Tokyo system, for preliminary training.

Kampai and gambatte!

Mochizuki Tatsuya
Board of Admirality

[Image: JCMMxNU.png]

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Alpha.Wolf - 02-06-2018

...Incoming Transmission...

Sender: Ex {343} Pilot Kiyosuke Hirayama
Location: Planet Kyushu
Recipient: Kusari Naval Forces High Command

Konnichiwa, my name is Kiyosuke Hirayama *bows*. I was born as son of a Kempeitai Elite, Katsumoto Kumo, and a KNF Pilot, Miyasaki Hirayama in 771 A.S. on Kyushu. I joined the Naval Forces in 790 A.S. and fought for Kusari in the Nomad war in 800 A.S. My squadron and I defeatedthe infected Rheinland forces succsessfully in the Kyushu system. After the war, my mother and I were stationated on the Nagasaki to fight the new enemy: Bretonia. But when the Gallic forces talked to the Kusari officials in New Tokio, my father knew, that we will be betrayed. I was very disappoinetd when it was clear for all members of the crew. My father had to leave my mother, when our Empire was expelled from Kusari ground. My father had to work close with the BIS and the Tenno, but undercover of course. He was not allowed to tell anyone, what was planned. So I lived a long time on the Battleship Nagasaki in the Leeds system and was not able to get back to my home; Kusari, till the Gallic forces annexed the system. We returned to our home, Kusari and we flew to free it from Gallic influence. Now, as the civil war is over, my squadron was dissolved and my friends begin to become farmers on planet Kyushu. I personally am a man of service in a naval force! There are enough threads we have to deal with! It's my time to end my service as a Samurai of old imperial traditions, to leave my home again, to protect the whole Kusari! My fatherland. I will wait for your reply. I am ready to start my service at any time.
Yoi ichinichi wo osugoshikudasai,

Kiyosuke Hirayama

Additional information for archieves;

Flight experience: Fighters: 7 Capital ships: 8 Bombers: 4

Knowledge of Kusari RP: 9

//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address: Navy_Pilot31

//Your timezone UTC + 01:00 (GER)

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 02-06-2018

[Image: xkNs6Fw.png]

Kiyosuke Hirayama

You are accepted in the Kusari Naval Forces.
Active duty will begin tomorrow. Please report to Nashita military base, planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo system.


Mochizuki Tatsuya
Board of Admirality

[Image: JCMMxNU.png]

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Slewzy - 02-22-2018

Konnichiwa High Command,
*bows respectfuly*
My name is Minamoto.No.Tametomo, I have served Kusari and her people in various operations over the years, But due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to withdraw from active duty . How ever i would like to reinstate myself to fight alongside my fellow samurai once more. I have just recently finished assisting in operations with the Hotakadake battle group. Rear-Admiral Yoshida Korechika's Action report should now be live.



Flight experience: Mixed (fighters bombers or gun boats/destroyers prefered)

Knowledge of Kusari RP: used to be quite high but i got some reading up to do and so on so id say about 6-7

//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address: n/a im already part of the discord coms group

//Your timezone UTC+00:00

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 02-22-2018

[Image: xkNs6Fw.png]

Welcome back Lieutenant Minamoto

Consider yourself reintegrated.
You will receive assignments orders shortly.

Kampai and gambatte!

Mochizuki Tatsuya
Board of Admirality

[Image: JCMMxNU.png]

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Slewzy - 02-22-2018

Hai, Mune ga ippai ni narimashita. that you have seen it in your wisdom to reinstate me, my ancestors must be smiling down upon me!

How ever im currently stationed at Ohashi Border Station,as that is where the patrol finished up. I will be enroute to matsue base to undertake repairs and re arm my ship, i shall await there for further instructions or should i say my first assignment since being reinstated

Lieutenant. Minamoto.No .Tametomo

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Princess_Stardust - 06-21-2018

~~~Incoming Transmission~~~
~~Source: New Tokyo Junkyard~~
~Encryption: High~

Greetings, KNF High Comannd

I would like to have the opportunity to join your ranks and be able to stop the pirate and Galia expansion into our space. Also the threat from Bretonia is also never over.

I have a good knowledge of ships and also on how to fly, and perform routine maintenance on them, not afraid to get dirty either.


  • Full name: Octavia Dust

  • Short biography: Octavia Dust grew up on a space station within Liberty space, she grew up around Junkers within the Pennsylvania system, while she grew up she learned all the Junkers traditions and also there explicit contraband smuggling side, learning of all the official and unofficial routes into Liberty space. As the Bretonian Police started to increase the patrols around the hidden star base, Octavia decided it was a good time to leave before it all ended in fire and dust. She took her junker frigate and headed away from Liberty space, moving up towards Kusari space, using her junker knowledge of scrap fields she started shifting though some of the more profitable mining fields around New Tokyo.

  • Flight experience (6, good with capital ships, crap with fighters and bombers. Don't put me in one of them, unless you like holes in your station)

  • Knowledge of Kusari RP (4, read up on the laws and stuff not done a Kusari rp yet)

  • //S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address (Got Discord: Stardust1995)

  • //Your timezone (GMT+1)

  • //Ship Class: Kusari "Ashikaga"-class Gunboat

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 06-26-2018

[Image: xkNs6Fw.png]

To Miss Dust

Due to a considerably large number of factors, we cannot accept your enlistment into the Kusari Naval Forces main operations branch.
We wish you good luck in your future endeavors, and in legalizing your situation in Kusari

The Board of Admirality

[Image: JCMMxNU.png]

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Nika - 07-15-2018

[File corrupted]

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Sturmwind - 07-18-2018

>>Incoming text-based transmission<<
>>Source: Kyoto Naval Forces Recruitment Office<<
>>Subject: New applicant, please advise<<

>>Opening File<<

  • Hiiro Nakamoto

  • Hiiro Nakamoto was born on Planet New Tokyo, as the second son of Otoya Nakamoto, a wealthy Samura executive. From his childhood, Hiiro was raised with extremely strict discipline, a sense of honor and a devotion to Kusarian traditions and culture. He attended private school, excelling in both grades and behavior. Hiiro attended Kyoto University's Faculty of Economics, during which he devoted all his time to his studies. While Hiiro intended to follow in his father's footsteps, the elder, Otoya, demanded that he served some time in the military before he was to continue the family's business linage. Right after university, Hiiro signed up for service in the Naval Forces, longing to fight for his nation with Kusari's best.

  • Flight experience: 10

  • Knowledge of Kusari RP: 10

  • //S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address (required for coordination purposes): alec.voelkel

  • //Your timezone (for informational purposes): GMT+2

>>Closing File<<