RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Snoflek - 05-29-2017
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Comm ID: Cadet Sofia Chantal Victorix IV Von Karling
![[Image: tumblr_opggspuFJ41ueu0eqo1_500.jpg]](
Recipient: Liberty Navy Operational Message Dump
Subject: Patrol Report 001 'New York-New York'
While on routine patrol in the New York system, I encountered a Freelancer with Docking Ring parts, lacking a License. I attempted to halt them, whereupon they fled. However I was able to prevent this with a Cruise Disruptor, causing the offender to halt and finally converse.
He voided the parts he was illegally carrying, and was permitted to continue without any further hindrance. The parts were collected and deposited in safe storage on Planet Manhattan.
Report Concluded
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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Snoflek - 05-29-2017
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Comm ID: Cadet Sofia Chantal Victorix IV Von Karling
![[Image: tumblr_opggspuFJ41ueu0eqo1_500.jpg]](
Recipient: Liberty Navy Operational Message Dump
Subject: Patrol Report 002 'New York-Colorado'
Continuing my earlier patrol, I encounter an Outcast claiming to be an innocent Miner in the New York system. He was armed with military-grade weaponry and refused to be taken in. A fight then ensued, during which a 'Lane Hacker' showed up, however I was assisted then by Lieutenant Nicole Prower of the 5th Fleet, we managed to overpower the hostile combatants.
From there we proceeded to Norfolk where we met with other members of the Liberty Navy, before stopping an illegal prisoner transport.Fines were collected, and forwarded to the Armory. We idled at Norfolk, encountering a pilot 'Misfit' who was in possession of a licensed alien artifact. Afterwards I instigated a patrol into Colorado. While the initial sweep was clear, on the return we managed to trap and eliminate a further Outcast fighter pilot, Credits to Lieutenant Prower, though my ship was damaged in the combat.
Report Concluded
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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Snoflek - 06-02-2017
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Comm ID: Cadet Sofia Chantal Victorix IV Von Karling
![[Image: tumblr_opggspuFJ41ueu0eqo1_500.jpg]](
Recipient: Liberty Navy Operational Message Dump
Subject: Patrol Report 003 'New York-California'
I must say, I had a rather interesting Patrol today. Touching on a certain Rogue capital vessel later, the Initial patrol route I'd plotted began in new York, from the Battleship, out to California's Cortez gate. The way there was clear, but on the way back I managed to just peak a Hellfire Legion Battleship crossing the system. I tried to comm for backup but, nothing was available.
Later in New York, I stumbled upon a Rogue 'Scylla' Cruiser, already in combat with a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser, which managed to easily best the Rogue Ship. I maintained distance from the tracer fire of the cruiser, but wound up getting into a scrap with a Rogue Bomber that showed up.
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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Snoflek - 06-02-2017
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Comm ID: Cadet Sofia Chantal Victorix IV Von Karling
![[Image: tumblr_opggspuFJ41ueu0eqo1_500.jpg]](
Recipient: Liberty Navy Operational Message Dump
Subject: After Action Report 001 'New London Raid'
I seem to be gifted with the most ironic of timings, when ever it is that I hand in a report, something invariably more exciting happens just minutes later, prompting me to write a report further.
Such was the case, as I was scrambled back into flight minutes after writing my previous message, with reports of Gallic Ships in Leeds and New London, which I was scrambled to intercept. Forming into flight with Admiral Jones and other pilots, we moved to Leeds which we found empty, and then on to New London, where we were caught off guard by Valor Battleships. We struggled none the less, our few fighters against two Gallic Battleships, and their fighter support.
I'm afraid I was unable to observe the outcome of this battle, after crippling one of their Snubcraft I was nearly atomized by capital ship guns. I was nearly blinded by the impact directly against the view screen, making me easy prey for one of their snubs, which fired a homing missile on my ship. I was still stunned from the previous impacts, and unable to react, and there is little else I can remember of the battle afterwards, as said missile detonation caused me rather severe injuries, and my eventual passing out.
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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dave Synk - 06-02-2017
COMM ID: Cadet Alec Wylde
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Command
SUBJECT: Patrol Report
![[Image: kZNOVCy.png]](
Good Evening Command,
This is Wylde, reporting in. This is a late report of a certain flight patrol evening on which I encountered a vessel tagged only as “Uknown.Guardian”. The ship was a Junker class fighter craft, very armed. I was assisted by the ESRD Sentinel in the attempt to find out the true purpose of this unidentified vessel. The location of this pilot was in close proximity near military assets. It was very strange, given the fact that having a silent watcher of our flight patrol, usual fleet composition and all, nobody seemed to poke a real eye on him. Basically he didn’t caught any real attention anyway.
He left to a moment, right after he mined the trade lane and vanished, only to re-appear some moments later near the Pittsburgh debris field, near Zone 21. He was there.. I went after him and he circled the mine field, surrounding the Alaska JG. Eventually he was far away and presumably he went for the Badlands. I have made a short schematic of the flight path that he conducted and where I theorize he might settle when he comes in New York. My instincts, and not only mine, tell me he was definitely a spy, that gave out tactical data about the military assets of the Liberty Republic. A concerning thought, for it might lead to someone desiring to prepare an attack.
I also need to note that the 5th fleet did nothing, but absolutely nothing to assist in this chase, or even to move their blasted ships out of the comforting area of Norfolk to capture this spy.
Later on, I was accompanied in the attempt to catch and neutralize a Rogue gunboat. I was assisted by LNS-Sword in the attempt, we chased the pirate through Texas.. he tried to escape us through the particle fields but eventually he docked to Beaumont. Apparently the host individuals like him. Junkers hosting pirates as of lately is a big common lately. We should inspect stations like Rochester and Beaumont to inspect and find the desired wanted criminals that are against the Liberty Republic.
Chasing the "Unknown.Guardian" spy.
Hunting down the Rogue
Signing out,
Cadet Alec Wylde
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
![[Image: P9AnuNd.png]](
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Byron - 06-03-2017
COMM ID: Commander Elijah Bishop
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Command
SUBJECT: Flight Report
![[Image: jFX3cL2.png]](
Greetings Command,
Today's patrol of mine saw an -extremely- weird incident near Planet Manhattan happening. When I got the news of this jumphole suddenly appearing in our heart system, I should have known worrisome stuff is going to happen. What caught my eye was a vessel with LSF IFF, handler Amanda which was in the possession of both Order and apparently nomad technology. Additionally, the concerning person showed symptoms of an infection by a nomad incubus. She stood in -close- contact with another person, handler Peter,Wyatt, a Zoner, who seemed to be under her influence in some way.
When they didn't react on Agent Hydra's and my commands, we decided to open fire and execute the infected, which in return made them open fire on our vessels, even chasing them actively. However, they were both able to escape, as later during the fight, an Outcast, designation L\-Assassin, joined the fight and used up both of our attention.
In the end, my vessel got destroyed, escape pod rescued. By this point, I've reached West Point again, and am waiting for my Guardian to be repaired again. That's it for today, I'd suggest a Kill-on-sight order for these two individuals.
Bishop, signing off.
Signing out,
Commander Elijah Bishop
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
![[Image: P9AnuNd.png]](
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Snoflek - 06-04-2017
*** Transmission Incoming ***
Comm ID: Ensign Sofia Chantal Victorix IV Von Karling
![[Image: tumblr_opggspuFJ41ueu0eqo1_500.jpg]](
Recipient: Liberty Navy Operational Message Dump
Subject: After Action Report 002 'Leeds Conflict'
Good Evening Command.
This is an After Action report, concerning the events concluded in Leeds at 18:05, 6/4/825. Gallic Forces were spotted Massing in the Leeds System, it is assumed for purposes of an Assault on New London, or adjoining systems. An Ad-Hoc Battlegroup was assembled to counter this threat, composed of Two 'Dunkirk' Class Bretonian Battleships, 1 Maltese 'Storta' Destroyer, 1 Liberty Siege Cruiser, and several Snubcraft, to Combat Four 'Valor' Class Gallic Battleships, and One Gallic Cruiser, along with their fighter and bomber support.
Entering into the Battlefield, I concentrated my efforts primarily on preventing the manouvering of hostile craft, as well as supporting the Battleships with Paralyzer EMP Missiles, and Mine 'Bombing Runs' on the hostile craft. After the first Valor was crippled, I shifted my attentions to fighter support, Shooting down 1 Gallic Very Heavy Fighter, the Lynx, and 1 Bomber, as well as assisting in the defeat of several further craft.
See Attached Guncam Footage.
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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Snoflek - 06-17-2017
*** Transmission Incoming ***
Comm ID: Ensign Sofia Chantal Victorix IV Von Karling
![[Image: tumblr_opggspuFJ41ueu0eqo1_500.jpg]](
Recipient: Liberty Navy Operational Message Dump
Subject: After Action Report 003 'Ontario Occupation'
Good Evening Command.
This pilot began patrol several standard hours ago, Beginning from Norfolk Shipyard in New York, to Texas, before returning to New York to assist other First Fleet pilots against an Unknown Battlecruiser in the Western Debris Field. From There, Harmony forces were spotted and pursued to Ontario.
Report Concluded
*** Transmission Terminated ***
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dave Synk - 06-18-2017
COMM ID: Cadet Alec Wylde
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Command
SUBJECT: Patrol Report
![[Image: kZNOVCy.png]](
Salutation Command,
This is Ensign Alec Wylde, reporting in. I have to apologize first of all to my endured absence. I had some family matters to attend to, thus I couldn’t report all my latest activities. So here’s a big one. Several weeks ago I was accompanied by ESRD Archangel and a basic routine while we intercepted a vessel that held unauthorized Navy weaponry. We didn’t require a lot of convincing towards the pilot, so she docked immediately at West Point, having clear instructions to cooperate with the docking operators.
Moments later, I’ve intercepted a transport vessel that held black market arms. We demanded a fine but he was in in no shape to pay up. He was really desperate in his little craft, so he got away only with destroying his cargo and put as a reminder next time he crosses us.
The latest events though came more interesting as NY was very crowded with all sorts of strange individuals. One apparition came very close to the Manhattan Defense Grid, being a Wilde vessel. I hunted it down with the 5th. Yet again, I have to say they are very disappointing in combat, as in they did little to no contribution in the fight, leaving me alone to a point. I resisted against the Wilde vessel to the point he nearly exploded from my attacks but he managed to slip away with his cloak. I am sure he never came back.
Another incident was with a pirate, that offered zero cooperation or any input, firing on me directly. He didn’t gave me any other choice but shoot to kill. Which eventually happened. The target was down, but he summoned a LH friend apparently. My ship was already stressed out from the previous bomber pirate, so I lured him into the scrap field where he was destroyed. I used my knowledge of combat to outthink him as I outmaneuvered the Wilde to the point he needed to flee for his life.
What was more interesting is that a certain Sapphire Raven and Enma Loyola individuals were near our space too. One had Freelancer IFF and the other Outcast. I opened my comms and took my vessel close enough to record what they were speaking as well as scanning their ships. The Outcast vessel had artifacts aboard and Sapphire Raven had Auxesian ID. As far as I am aware, their kind are forbidden to access our space, so there is a violation of the accord. Another thing, Their kind might also be linked with infected personnel. Which brings a lot of questions and problems at hand. I will put my guncams and my blackbox recording in the following statement.
Navy Guns| Black Market Arms nullification| Pirate Identification| Pirate elimination| Lane Hacker crippling| Auxesian Infiltrator| Infectee's Craft
Blackbox Recording:
Code: [17.06.2017 22:29:57] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: What a nice sight.
[17.06.2017 22:30:10] Enma.Loyola.: It's a super thin line, you won't be able to balance.
[17.06.2017 22:30:12] Golden.Mask.II: Girl: Careful Alec. The girls are having private talk.
[17.06.2017 22:30:15] Enma.Loyola.: able*
[17.06.2017 22:30:17] Sapphire.Raven: [provides a muffled yell, leaning inwards to hide it - it sounds like a distorted noise]
[17.06.2017 22:30:30] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Near Manhattan ?
[17.06.2017 22:30:37] Sapphire.Raven: [muffled] Like a bajillion knives, needles, swords, indescribable sharp points, all injecting within.
[17.06.2017 22:30:41] Golden.Mask.II: Girl: Girls are girls yep
[17.06.2017 22:30:58] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Oh, then they won't mind me poking an ear eh ?
[17.06.2017 22:31:05] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: You know... Liberty Security.
[17.06.2017 22:31:08] Sapphire.Raven: [raises their head] Loyola, this will not do.
[17.06.2017 22:31:09] Golden.Mask.II: Girl: I mean..go ahead at your own risk, I guess.
[17.06.2017 22:31:17] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: *laughs*
[17.06.2017 22:31:35] Enma.Loyola.: S e c u r i t y.
[17.06.2017 22:31:47] Sapphire.Raven: Find.
[17.06.2017 22:31:48] Sapphire.Raven: Cure.
[17.06.2017 22:31:49] Sapphire.Raven: Solution.
[17.06.2017 22:31:51] Sapphire.Raven: Anything.
[17.06.2017 22:31:54] Sapphire.Raven: Find your mothers.
[17.06.2017 22:32:24] Enma.Loyola.: Well, Raven, I'm on it. And it won't be fast.
[17.06.2017 22:32:25] "Ice.Princess": ?: Is that annoying bird still here? God damit....
[17.06.2017 22:32:32] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I've ran a proper check of the "banned" people. And I guess both of you are on the list.
[17.06.2017 22:32:37] 2017-06-17 22:28:43 SMT Traffic control alert: Fermanagh has requested to dock
[17.06.2017 22:32:41] Sapphire.Raven: This is pain beyond anything humane.
[17.06.2017 22:32:43] Sapphire.Raven: Please.
[17.06.2017 22:32:48] Sapphire.Raven: My biology wasn't evolved for such.
[17.06.2017 22:32:52] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: A terrorist and a Maltese even. You caused quite the trouble lately.
[17.06.2017 22:33:12] Enma.Loyola.: Caramine will help to ease this.
[17.06.2017 22:33:14] Sapphire.Raven: No.
[17.06.2017 22:33:15] Enma.Loyola.: You know it well.
[17.06.2017 22:33:16] Sapphire.Raven: It will not.
[17.06.2017 22:33:18] Sapphire.Raven: No.
[17.06.2017 22:33:20] Sapphire.Raven: Idiotic.
[17.06.2017 22:33:21] Sapphire.Raven: Foolis.
[17.06.2017 22:33:24] Sapphire.Raven: foolish, even.
[17.06.2017 22:33:43] Enma.Loyola.: Yes, suffer then, bitch. *she smiles ironcally*
[17.06.2017 22:33:45] Sapphire.Raven: I outright decline such methods.
[17.06.2017 22:33:48] Death: Dormirde was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[17.06.2017 22:33:50] Golden.Mask.II: Girl: Well..She has a solution to your pain got nothing else however.
[17.06.2017 22:33:50] Sapphire.Raven: Fi-
[17.06.2017 22:33:51] Sapphire.Raven: uh.
[17.06.2017 22:33:57] Golden.Mask.II: Girl: get pain, or her option..
[17.06.2017 22:34:00] Sapphire.Raven: I studied it, Cardamine won't fix it.
[17.06.2017 22:34:05] Sapphire.Raven: It's a Nomad problem.
[17.06.2017 22:34:08] Sapphire.Raven: You're a Nomad.
[17.06.2017 22:34:09] Sapphire.Raven: Fix it.
[17.06.2017 22:34:20] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Interesting.
[17.06.2017 22:34:29] Fermanagh: Baron: Shouldn't be a jelly if you can help it, ma'am.
[17.06.2017 22:34:35] Enma.Loyola.: It's your problem though.
[17.06.2017 22:34:39] Sapphire.Raven: I cannot help it, Loyola.
[17.06.2017 22:34:48] Sapphire.Raven: Get me on the line with Harbinger then.
[17.06.2017 22:34:58] Sapphire.Raven: Find that major node.
[17.06.2017 22:35:04] Enma.Loyola.: Well, that's why I will try to help you. But don't scream on me and such.
[17.06.2017 22:35:10] Sapphire.Raven: It isn't me screaming.
[17.06.2017 22:35:11] Sapphire.Raven: I promise you.
[17.06.2017 22:35:13] Sapphire.Raven: This is not me.
[17.06.2017 22:35:39] Enma.Loyola.: Fecking gunboat.
[17.06.2017 22:35:42] Sapphire.Raven: I cannot control the impulsions.
[17.06.2017 22:35:47] Sapphire.Raven: They happen as they do.
[17.06.2017 22:36:35] Enma.Loyola.: Yes, I saw. This patrol though
[17.06.2017 22:36:48] Sapphire.Raven: Even the placed restraints aren't doing very well. I am merely surviving on a grain of will-power.
[17.06.2017 22:37:46] Sapphire.Raven: This is impossible.
[17.06.2017 22:38:12] Sapphire.Raven: Pain, indescribable.
[17.06.2017 22:38:20] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Well mate.
[17.06.2017 22:38:21] Sapphire.Raven: You just... lose consciousness - to an extent.
[17.06.2017 22:38:24] Sapphire.Raven: People will die.
[17.06.2017 22:38:30] Sapphire.Raven: I want some kind of dignity left.
[17.06.2017 22:38:40] Sapphire.Raven: I don't want to be reduced to mere instinct.
[17.06.2017 22:38:41] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Your papers don't look that right.
[17.06.2017 22:39:09] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: So be it.
[17.06.2017 22:40:00] Enma.Loyola.: Well, I will see what I can do to ease this, while we are working on it.
[17.06.2017 22:40:25] Sapphire.Raven: Good.
[17.06.2017 22:40:25] Enma.Loyola.: Because as I said, in our world nothing is happening as fast as you would want ti.
[17.06.2017 22:40:30] Enma.Loyola.: to
[17.06.2017 22:40:34] Sapphire.Raven: Efficiency is key.
[17.06.2017 22:40:45] Enma.Loyola.: Decision making process is different and all.
[17.06.2017 22:40:45] Sapphire.Raven: In the meanwhile, I have to find a garbage bin to sleep in.
[17.06.2017 22:41:18] Enma.Loyola.: I can provide you with housing.
[17.06.2017 22:41:23] Enma.Loyola.: Not a problem really.
[17.06.2017 22:41:28] Sapphire.Raven: I think resting within the scrap field will suffice.
[17.06.2017 22:41:46] Enma.Loyola.: No, that's too dramatic.
[17.06.2017 22:41:52] Sapphire.Raven: No.
[17.06.2017 22:42:01] Sapphire.Raven: Low detection rate.
[17.06.2017 22:42:07] Sapphire.Raven: It's hardly dramatic.
[17.06.2017 22:42:37] Enma.Loyola.: Low detection? Are you actually hidding?
[17.06.2017 22:42:53] Sapphire.Raven: I could sleep somewhere on Manhattan but I'd get traced.
[17.06.2017 22:43:34] Sapphire.Raven: I am the eternal guardian of forbidden knowledge.
[17.06.2017 22:43:41] Sapphire.Raven: This is what happens when you cross a certain line.
[17.06.2017 22:43:44] Enma.Loyola.: Well, I'd say pick more calm place, not 'hattan.
[17.06.2017 22:43:51] Sapphire.Raven: Hence, the scrap.
[17.06.2017 22:44:08] Sapphire.Raven: Hahahah.
[17.06.2017 22:44:09] Sapphire.Raven: I would.
[17.06.2017 22:44:11] Enma.Loyola.: Try to meditate and other new age stuff will help a bit.
[17.06.2017 22:44:12] Sapphire.Raven: If they weren't dead.
[17.06.2017 22:44:19] Enma.Loyola.: And scrap is rather Rogues choice.
[17.06.2017 22:44:26] Enma.Loyola.: You are not the one, after all.
[17.06.2017 22:45:18] Sapphire.Raven: Until the system is perfected, I will not resign from the place of duty.
[17.06.2017 22:45:33] Sapphire.Raven: I will not touch the sacred ground until I am healed.
[17.06.2017 22:46:07] Sapphire.Raven: There are some things where they shouldn't even be stored.
[17.06.2017 22:46:56] Sapphire.Raven: I'm aware.
[17.06.2017 22:47:05] Sapphire.Raven: But until the system is perfect, it may as well be dead too.
[17.06.2017 22:48:47] Enma.Loyola.: Uh.
[17.06.2017 22:49:38] Enma.Loyola.: You deserve better than living in scrap, still.
[17.06.2017 22:49:46] Sapphire.Raven: I've done it before.
[17.06.2017 22:50:01] Enma.Loyola.: I might not quite like you, but objectively speaking, at least the Freeport.
[17.06.2017 22:50:36] Sapphire.Raven: Too many assailants.
[17.06.2017 22:50:46] Sapphire.Raven: Besides.
[17.06.2017 22:50:49] Sapphire.Raven: I would be a danger to them.
[17.06.2017 22:52:02] Enma.Loyola.: *sigh* Now it's just deadly boring.
[17.06.2017 22:52:07] Sapphire.Raven: Good.
[17.06.2017 22:52:15] Sapphire.Raven: The moment is still passing through me.
[17.06.2017 22:54:36] Fermanagh: Baron: You should try flying a Clyde at some point, lass. Guarantee it will change your tune!
[17.06.2017 22:54:48] Sapphire.Raven: [stammers on the spot briefly]
[17.06.2017 22:54:59] Golden.Mask.II: Girl: Oh? I'll head to Bretonia some time and maybe look into it then.
[17.06.2017 22:55:21] Fermanagh: Baron: Send me a transmission when you're around there. I've been the local sherpa for a while.
[17.06.2017 22:55:23] Sapphire.Raven: I regret not taking some drugs from medbay before running off.
[17.06.2017 22:55:28] Jack.Ashon: we have a target pilots
[17.06.2017 22:55:34] Rapier: Hola
[17.06.2017 22:55:45] Golden.Mask.II: Girl: Interesting, I'll keep that in mind!
[17.06.2017 22:55:47] Rapier: Oh hello
[17.06.2017 22:55:51] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Another...
[17.06.2017 22:55:54] Rapier: Would you like to die?
[17.06.2017 22:56:00] Rapier: I guess you do
[17.06.2017 22:56:03] Fermanagh: Baron: Righto. I'm off to get those perfectly legal fire arms.
[17.06.2017 22:56:08] Sapphire.Raven: The real question is, do YOU want to die?
[17.06.2017 22:56:23] Rapier: Come on..
[17.06.2017 22:56:27] Rapier: Self defense..
[17.06.2017 22:56:29] Jack.Ashon: you come on
[17.06.2017 22:56:40] Sapphire.Raven: You know what?
[17.06.2017 22:56:42] Fermanagh: Baron: Libertonian professionalism, none other.
[17.06.2017 22:56:52] Sapphire.Raven: I think I require another dosage of blood.
[17.06.2017 22:56:58] Sapphire.Raven: I'll start with you.
[17.06.2017 22:57:01] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Cut me the pleasentries.
[17.06.2017 22:57:02] Jack.Ashon: coward
[17.06.2017 22:57:07] Jack.Ashon: outcast scum
[17.06.2017 22:57:17] Sapphire.Raven: Something-something-begone degenerate.
[17.06.2017 22:57:20] Sapphire.Raven: [grumbles]
[17.06.2017 22:57:24] Sapphire.Raven: <:: Activated. ::>
[17.06.2017 22:57:28] Jack.Ashon: wait
[17.06.2017 22:57:30] Jack.Ashon: sapphire
[17.06.2017 22:57:32] Jack.Ashon: hold on
[17.06.2017 22:57:39] Sapphire.Raven: What.
[17.06.2017 22:57:40] Rapier: What the hell do you want?
[17.06.2017 22:57:40] Jack.Ashon: you have cardamine
[17.06.2017 22:57:44] Jack.Ashon: it's illegal
[17.06.2017 22:57:44] Sapphire.Raven: Do I?
[17.06.2017 22:57:51] Jack.Ashon: drop those
[17.06.2017 22:57:53] Sapphire.Raven: I picked it up from that other Outcast that blew up.
[17.06.2017 22:58:03] Rapier: you should drop it
[17.06.2017 22:58:12] Jack.Ashon: it's a trap !
[17.06.2017 22:58:19] Sapphire.Raven: Anyway. Back to killing you.
[17.06.2017 22:58:23] Rapier: *Lights Cardimine Cigar*
[17.06.2017 22:58:27] Jack.Ashon: you should try yes
[17.06.2017 23:00:07] Rapier: A bit of help would be nice
[17.06.2017 23:00:23] Rapier: Is something cloaked?
[17.06.2017 23:02:20] Sapphire.Raven: Humor yourself yet?
[17.06.2017 23:02:23] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: One down.
[17.06.2017 23:04:42] "Ice.Princess": ?: Well. Thanks for the clarification. Liberty is mine now.
[17.06.2017 23:05:02] "Ice.Princess": ?: I think I will sell it to Kusari or the Order.
[17.06.2017 23:10:13] Sapphire.Raven: Mm.
[17.06.2017 23:10:26] Sapphire.Raven: Shooting me was a mistake, Hacker.
[17.06.2017 23:11:17] Sapphire.Raven: Know your place.
[17.06.2017 23:11:28] Sapphire.Raven: Great, now to find a scrap heap to sleep in.
[17.06.2017 23:11:34] Sapphire.Raven: They're nothing.
[17.06.2017 23:11:38] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: You know you shouldn't be here right ?
[17.06.2017 23:11:46] Sapphire.Raven: I know that, but, I need to find a cure.
[17.06.2017 23:11:51] Sapphire.Raven: Preferably before the ends find me.
[17.06.2017 23:11:52] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: For what, may I ask ?
[17.06.2017 23:11:59] Death: John-Paul was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[17.06.2017 23:12:04] Sapphire.Raven: It would be too complicated to explain.
[17.06.2017 23:12:09] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Sounds fair.
[17.06.2017 23:12:11] Sapphire.Raven: But to shorten it; mind stuff.
I do hope the Navy Command will take great interest in this situation for it is urgent.
Signing out,
Ensign Alec Wylde
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
![[Image: P9AnuNd.png]](
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dave Synk - 06-23-2017
COMM ID: Cadet Alec Wylde
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Command
SUBJECT: Patrol Report
![[Image: kZNOVCy.png]](
Greetings Command,
Ensign Wylde, reporting in with another interesting report. Yesterday I've encountered on my usual patrol, a very peculiar ship with an LSF tag, under the name of "Amanda". I've read the records that the Navy had previous encounters with her vessel. She was interacting with an independent Navy pilot "Mark Miller", trying to convince him to go aboard on her vessel. It was... in a very provocative manner I might say. The peculiar thing was that the vessel had Order origins but infused with Nomad technology. Most of it's energy cores, weaponry, even shielding and cloaking technology had Nomad integration.
My senses all triggered up and I requested confirmation on Command about the hostility of the vessel and the modus operandi with it. I waited the green light regarding the assault of it. As I've suspected the vessel was not registered by LSF or authorized by Navy to utilize such technology. As she claimed. Especially the... mind speaking. That was the final trigger to realize Miller was manipulated and that she was an infectee. Perhaps even trying to convert Miller into one of her kind too. I managed to snap Miller out of it and we went to pursue her. The blackbox recorder everything around.
Also, another side-effect of her strange energy signatures. As she came closer, she activated something aboard her vessel and turned a Navy patrolling fleet to fire against Trenton and Newark. Reports came to me, about a similar incident near Westpoint, where I saw her in the first place. Seeing such perilous action, I started to fire upon her vessel, she tried desperately to stop me, or convince Miller to assist her, but I made her run into a mine error, resulting in her vessel's nullification.
I also cleared the rogue Navy fleet that started to create a big chaos and deliver some constant damage to the stations, by tricking the Defense Grid to target me. I used my vessel as bait for the Grid in order to bring fire against the rogue Navy fleet. I recovered several crew pods and delivered them to Westpoint for interrogation. The rest were killed in action, as they didn't showed any signs of leaving the said effect, from Amanda's vessel. Their families will be informed and they would deserve a proper burial. I will attach in the closing statement my guncams and the blackbox recording. Also, I was assisted by Gamma-1, an LSF bomber.
Note : I've encountered also an Outcast under the name of Rapier but he was dealt with fast.
Closing Statement:
Amanda's Vessel| Scan A| Scan B| Scan C| Navy Patrol being affected| Amanda's Nullification| Trenton Being Attacked| Destruction of the rogue Navy fleet
Code: [22.06.2017 22:34:10] Mark.Miller: Eh, depends *smiles*
[22.06.2017 22:34:16] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: What do we have here.
[22.06.2017 22:34:24] Amanda: The desire... it grows
[22.06.2017 22:34:30] Rapier: Hola
[22.06.2017 22:34:41] Amanda: No longer can i only observe.. *she giggles*
[22.06.2017 22:34:52] Rapier: Interested in the dance?
[22.06.2017 22:34:54] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: What the...
[22.06.2017 22:34:57] Mark.Miller: I see...
[22.06.2017 22:35:06] Amanda: "Destroy the outcast"
[22.06.2017 22:35:07] Mark.Miller: Farewell...
[22.06.2017 22:35:09] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Care to explain what was that all about ?
[22.06.2017 22:35:21] Mark.Miller: It was a... happy accident
[22.06.2017 22:35:26] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Happy accident ?
[22.06.2017 22:35:42] Mark.Miller: I'll explain it later
[22.06.2017 22:35:51] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Well "later" it's quite now.
[22.06.2017 22:35:54] Mark.Miller: This Outcast is my target now
[22.06.2017 22:35:58] Rapier: Alright.
[22.06.2017 22:36:00] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Very well.
[22.06.2017 22:36:25] Mark.Miller: Once I'm done with this guy
[22.06.2017 22:36:28] Rapier: Are you too scared?
[22.06.2017 22:36:32] Mark.Miller: Whoa, stop doing that
[22.06.2017 22:36:43] Rapier: Let's do this
[22.06.2017 22:36:43] Rules Tip: A single player running two or more instances of Freelancer for trading or mining purposes is against server rules and is regarded as cheating.
[22.06.2017 22:36:47] Rapier: Arming weapons
[22.06.2017 22:36:52] Mark.Miller: I'll make you experience fear now
[22.06.2017 22:37:25] Mark.Miller: I am here, you fool
[22.06.2017 22:37:34] Rapier: Not nice.
[22.06.2017 22:37:39] Mark.Miller: You dare to attack a heavily damaged vessel
[22.06.2017 22:37:49] Amanda: Patethic...
[22.06.2017 22:37:52] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: He is a low-key scumbag. What do you expect.
[22.06.2017 22:38:00] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I ran into this moron before.
[22.06.2017 22:38:11] Amanda: Destroy him..
[22.06.2017 22:38:30] Mark.Miller: And it appears he is using ion jamming system
[22.06.2017 22:38:31] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I'll return to you later. You have ... interesting things aboard you.
[22.06.2017 22:40:02] Mark.Miller: You really a true meaning of pathetic
[22.06.2017 22:40:06] Death: Leon_Nettoyeur was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[22.06.2017 22:40:22] Amanda: *intense laughs* Do you fear for you life?
[22.06.2017 22:40:32] Amanda: //your..
[22.06.2017 22:42:13] Amanda: *amusement*
[22.06.2017 22:43:06] Death: RamsesLegion was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[22.06.2017 22:43:49] Amanda: Cower.. run for your patethic life.
[22.06.2017 22:44:03] Amanda: Amuse us
[22.06.2017 22:44:08] Death: Rapier was put out of action by Mark.Miller (Wasp/Hornet).
[22.06.2017 22:44:17] Mark.Miller: Scumbag
[22.06.2017 22:44:26] Amanda: "What the hell.."
[22.06.2017 22:44:35] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Now to you.
[22.06.2017 22:45:13] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Identify yourself pilot.
[22.06.2017 22:45:13] Mark.Miller: About this...
[22.06.2017 22:45:32] Amanda: Officer.. your making me blush.
[22.06.2017 22:46:00] Mark.Miller: This is... eh... a day *grins*
[22.06.2017 22:46:07] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I will return.
[22.06.2017 22:47:01] 2017-06-22 22:43:03 SMT Traffic control alert: [LN]-Alec.Wylde has requested to dock
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] Welcome to the year 824 A.S. (740 A.G.S.) on Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] Type /help for more information.
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] Press the ENTER key in order to send messages to other players or to use server commands.
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] Press the Y key in order to access the ingame player list and chat history.
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] This is a role-playing server. Players are required by server rules to roleplay here. Visit our forums at to find out more as well as introduce yourself to the server rules.
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] Server administrators are: Clavius, Hawk, Sindroms, Skorak, St.Denis and Tunicle.
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] Other players are here to answer your questions, help with the basics of our mod and direct new players to official factions that may interest them. Contact higher-ranked players or ones with [Helper] or similar tags for help ingame, but for the best results, please visit our forums and our Help and Tutorials section!
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] Active Event: Nomad Presence in Bretonia
[22.06.2017 22:47:07] Nomad sightings in Bretonia are on the rise. A recently developed anomaly in the New London system has hinted on a rift to the Nomad Worlds. Join either the human or the alien side and fight over the New London system and earn bonuses while doing so. More info on the forum.
[22.06.2017 22:48:24] Mark.Miller: Finaly the flames seem to have been put out
[22.06.2017 22:48:29] Amanda: Too long i have been.. alone.. i lust for another..
[22.06.2017 22:48:44] Amanda: "For you.."
[22.06.2017 22:49:06] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I don't want to interrupt anything going on. But there are still things that are not clear for me.
[22.06.2017 22:49:12] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I'm waiting Command's input on this.
[22.06.2017 22:49:14] Mark.Miller: I've never had this kind of a... meeting with someone
[22.06.2017 22:49:27] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: You have an Order vessel, equipped with Nomad technology. How do you explain that ?
[22.06.2017 22:49:39] Amanda: How about a proper intruductuion you are clear to board this vessel in my quarters..
[22.06.2017 22:49:53] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Miller, don't do it.
[22.06.2017 22:50:01] Amanda: *she opens the other comm* Officer Alec..
[22.06.2017 22:50:01] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: This might be something going on.
[22.06.2017 22:50:25] Mark.Miller: It does seem too good to be true, but...
[22.06.2017 22:50:27] Amanda: Can you not see we are in the middle of something your questions are irrelevant.
[22.06.2017 22:50:35] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: They are not irrelevant.
[22.06.2017 22:50:45] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: You cooperate with what I did requested, or I shall open fire.
[22.06.2017 22:50:54] Amanda: Right now.. they are *she winks*
[22.06.2017 22:50:55] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Miller, where is your duty sense ??
[22.06.2017 22:51:05] Amanda: Open fire.. *she laughs*
[22.06.2017 22:51:07] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Can't you see what her ship's signatures are ?
[22.06.2017 22:51:22] Amanda: Can you not see this is a prototy vessel..
[22.06.2017 22:51:30] Amanda: //prototype
[22.06.2017 22:51:40] Mark.Miller: O-oh, you may be right. I am on duty afterall. My apologies!
[22.06.2017 22:52:22] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I have received word from Command regarding your identity.
[22.06.2017 22:52:32] Amanda: *she opens a secure channel* This is a classified LSF mission.
[22.06.2017 22:52:47] Amanda: This vessel is a prototype..testing..
[22.06.2017 22:52:57] Amanda: Cloaking technology.
[22.06.2017 22:53:08] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: *secure channel* And Navy doesn't have the authority to be aware ?
[22.06.2017 22:53:31] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: No.
[22.06.2017 22:53:59] Amanda: *private channel* Kinda of used it for a diffrent purpose as you see.. i was watching Miller all day long..
[22.06.2017 22:54:17] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Mhm.
[22.06.2017 22:54:33] Amanda: Come i wish to meet in person.
[22.06.2017 22:54:38] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I have orders to terminate your vessel. You are an apparent enemy of the Navy.
[22.06.2017 22:54:38] Mark.Miller: *wonders why the comms are silent* So... I am not in trouble, am I?
[22.06.2017 22:54:42] Amanda: Get to know each other *she touches herself*
[22.06.2017 22:55:00] Amanda: "What?!"
[22.06.2017 22:55:02] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Miller. Orders from Command dictate to neutralize the vessel.
[22.06.2017 22:55:06] Mark.Miller: *Miller makes a surprised face expression*
[22.06.2017 22:55:10] Amanda: "What?!"
[22.06.2017 22:55:10] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Will you comply or I shall report it to Command ?
[22.06.2017 22:55:19] Amanda: "How dare you insect?!"
[22.06.2017 22:55:30] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Hmm... See now ?
[22.06.2017 22:55:30] Amanda: *rage*
[22.06.2017 22:55:30] Mark.Miller: E- excuse me?
[22.06.2017 22:55:47] Mark.Miller: That was an enemy?!
[22.06.2017 22:55:50] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Miller.
[22.06.2017 22:56:04] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: She had Alien technology. Usually, individuals that have that. Are infectees.
[22.06.2017 22:56:12] Mark.Miller: I was deceived afterall
[22.06.2017 22:56:22] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I received confirmation from Command to neutralize the target.
[22.06.2017 22:56:25] Mark.Miller: That's why my mine launcher was triggered by itself
[22.06.2017 22:56:45] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: What is your service record ?
[22.06.2017 22:56:54] -ZombieFolk-: greetings. hauling helium to the sigma 59 system
[22.06.2017 22:56:54] Amanda: "You wish to destroy this vessel, why?!"
[22.06.2017 22:57:01] Rules Tip: This is a roleplay server, so keep your ship's name in line with the setting. Do not use references to pop-culture such as memes or distasteful subjects.
[22.06.2017 22:57:06] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Carry on. DSE.
[22.06.2017 22:57:09] -ZombieFolk-: thx
[22.06.2017 22:57:11] Amanda: "We lust for desire.. the touch of the body.."
[22.06.2017 22:57:32] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: You pose a danger for Liberty security.
[22.06.2017 22:57:38] Mark.Miller: How foolish of me not to think of such possibility. Seems it was possible to not only manipulate my, but also my vessels system
[22.06.2017 22:57:49] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Be careful Miller.
[22.06.2017 22:57:58] Amanda: Enough..
[22.06.2017 22:58:07] Amanda: "All is revealed"
[22.06.2017 22:58:18] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Come around.
[22.06.2017 22:58:28] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Miller stay sharp.
[22.06.2017 22:59:26] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: On pursuit.
[22.06.2017 22:59:44] Amanda: Come.. closer..
[22.06.2017 22:59:48] Amanda: Observe..
[22.06.2017 23:00:06] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Observe what ?
[22.06.2017 23:00:10] Amanda: "Watch.. *she stands up from her chair*"
[22.06.2017 23:00:20] Amanda: The Battleship attacking your station?!
[22.06.2017 23:00:23] Amanda: "The weak minded insect"
[22.06.2017 23:00:36] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: What the he-..
[22.06.2017 23:00:50] Amanda: Explain this..
[22.06.2017 23:00:55] Mark.Miller: THat's the 2nd time this is happening
[22.06.2017 23:00:58] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: You.
[22.06.2017 23:01:07] Mark.Miller: We had a Navy patrol attacking Synts convoy
[22.06.2017 23:01:16] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Enough of this stupidity.
[22.06.2017 23:01:17] Mark.Miller: Synth*
[22.06.2017 23:01:21] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I have my orders.
[22.06.2017 23:01:26] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Prepare for engagement.
[22.06.2017 23:01:27] Amanda: "Spare me your petty judgements"
[22.06.2017 23:01:30] Amanda: You are a puppet
[22.06.2017 23:01:38] Amanda: "save me..
[22.06.2017 23:01:44] Amanda: "Miller.."
[22.06.2017 23:01:48] Mark.Miller: Whoa, whoa, officer Wylde
[22.06.2017 23:01:53] Amanda: "Stop.."
[22.06.2017 23:02:17] Amanda: "Stop this now.."
[22.06.2017 23:03:10] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Remember, Miller. Never leave your guard down.
[22.06.2017 23:03:22] Mark.Miller: Well, that vessel went down quickly
[22.06.2017 23:03:31] Mark.Miller: Roger that, I will remember this
[22.06.2017 23:05:32] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Carry on with your duties. If you discover more anomalies. Please contact me or anyone familiar.
[22.06.2017 23:05:49] Mark.Miller: I shall do that immediately if that's the case
[22.06.2017 23:05:59] Mark.Miller: Thank you once again
[22.06.2017 23:06:17] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Gamma-1, we have a situation here with some Navy war vessels.
[22.06.2017 23:06:23] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: As you can see..
[22.06.2017 23:06:24] LSF|Gamma-1: Good day.
[22.06.2017 23:06:43] LSF|Gamma-1: I can see, what the hell triggered this course of action?
[22.06.2017 23:07:05] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I have no idea. We've encountered and neutralized a possible infectee vessel under the name of "Amanda".
[22.06.2017 23:07:11] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: It might've been linked.
[22.06.2017 23:07:32] Mark.Miller: The same happened at West Point when that vessel has appeared
[22.06.2017 23:07:42] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Hmm I see..
[22.06.2017 23:07:49] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: It had some strange energy signatures.
[22.06.2017 23:08:00] LSF|Gamma-1: Where did it come from?
[22.06.2017 23:08:12] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: It was trying to... "seduce" Miller.
[22.06.2017 23:08:16] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: So to speak.
[22.06.2017 23:08:27] LSF|Gamma-1: More importantly where did it go.
[22.06.2017 23:08:30] Mark.Miller: I don't want to talk about it...
[22.06.2017 23:08:33] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: It got vanished.
[22.06.2017 23:08:33] LSF|Gamma-1: "Seduce".
[22.06.2017 23:08:39] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I hunted it.
[22.06.2017 23:08:47] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Made herself into a mine error.
[22.06.2017 23:09:08] LSF|Gamma-1: This is not looking good. So the vessel has been disposed of..
[22.06.2017 23:09:14] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Yes.
[22.06.2017 23:09:35] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: The effect on the minds of them ... didn't passed.
[22.06.2017 23:09:35] Mark.Miller: I think my report might be somewhat inapropriate... that lady onboard was acting... provocative
[22.06.2017 23:09:43] LSF|Gamma-1: Ah well, we sure could have used studying it, but I suppose it's for the best.
[22.06.2017 23:09:54] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I think we will see it again sometime.
[22.06.2017 23:10:05] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Miller, report your sightings. As I will go for mine.
[22.06.2017 23:10:05] LSF|Gamma-1: Wait, didn't you say the vessel was destroyed?
[22.06.2017 23:10:11] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: It was...
[22.06.2017 23:10:13] Mark.Miller: *nods*
[22.06.2017 23:10:28] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: It also had Alien technology on it. It might... re-appear. Like they do.
[22.06.2017 23:10:32] LSF|Gamma-1: So what makes you believe it will come back?
[22.06.2017 23:10:59] LSF|Gamma-1: Was it a nomad or nomad-like vessel, then?
[22.06.2017 23:11:01] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: We had an increase of Wilde and Alien-affiliated vessels in the last days.
[22.06.2017 23:11:15] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: It was an Order VHF, with Nomad technology installed.
[22.06.2017 23:11:32] Mark.Miller: It appeared in front of me out of nowhere
[22.06.2017 23:11:34] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: And it had some strange energy readings. And all this chaos started.
[22.06.2017 23:11:41] Mark.Miller: After my mine launcher got triggered by itself
[22.06.2017 23:11:59] LSF|Gamma-1: That is indeed odd. How did it even get here. If they have the ability do jump on us like this we're in trouble.
[22.06.2017 23:12:01] Mark.Miller: and then the automatic Navy patrols have shot down a Synth convoy
[22.06.2017 23:12:12] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I had also a small steering issue with my ship while firing at it.
[22.06.2017 23:12:17] Mark.Miller: It happened in a span of 5 minutes
[22.06.2017 23:12:48] LSF|Gamma-1: Damn it, Nomads appearing in New London, now this.
[22.06.2017 23:12:51] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: We might need to call for bomber support if this goes on.
[22.06.2017 23:12:57] LSF|Gamma-1: Things are getting out of control.
[22.06.2017 23:12:59] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I've heard about London too...
[22.06.2017 23:13:13] Mark.Miller: In Bretonia too? Holy cow...
[22.06.2017 23:13:33] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I will have to draw fire somehow.
[22.06.2017 23:13:39] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I will try something risky..
[22.06.2017 23:13:40] LSF|Gamma-1: Allright, assisting.
[22.06.2017 23:14:17] Mark.Miller: It seems there's no helping it
[22.06.2017 23:16:23] LSF|Gamma-1: I seemed to have triggered an automatic response from the stations.
[22.06.2017 23:16:54] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: I'm drawing fire from the Docking Ring.
[22.06.2017 23:17:17] Rules Tip: Do not threaten a player with reports or sanctions. If you see someone breaking server rules - help them. If that does not work - report them to the administration team on the Forums.
[22.06.2017 23:18:09] Mark.Miller: One gunboat remaining
[22.06.2017 23:19:36] [LN]-Alec.Wylde: Good job men. Command will be proud.
[22.06.2017 23:19:49] Mark.Miller: Thank you sir, likewise
[22.06.2017 23:19:59] Mark.Miller: Sector secured
[22.06.2017 23:20:16] LSF|Gamma-1: Can't say I'm happy to call this mission a success.
Signing out,
Ensign Alec Wylde
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
![[Image: P9AnuNd.png]](
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.