[17.08.2019 18:57:54] Nathan.Teasworth: HOLES OPEN
[17.08.2019 18:57:59] Death: 5th|Freedom was put out of action by HMS-Georgia (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 18:57:59] Death: 5th|Miles.Prower was put out of action by HMS-Georgia (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 18:57:59] Death: 5th|Rachel:Mikai was put out of action by HMS-Georgia (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 18:57:59] Death: Delta-3 was put out of action by HMS-Georgia (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 18:57:59] Death: 5th|Sarah.Evans was put out of action by HMS-Georgia (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 18:58:01] Delta-3: Do you guys want to launch a first nova salvo at their snubs?
[17.08.2019 18:58:01] Nathan.Teasworth: or here at least
[17.08.2019 18:58:02] Delta-3: Wow
[17.08.2019 18:58:06] Enforcer.of.Democracy: Wow.
[17.08.2019 18:58:09] 5th|Charlie,Davidson: AAHHAHAHA
[17.08.2019 18:58:11] Nathan.Teasworth: OPEN
[17.08.2019 18:58:11] MRG|Jaquoille[B]: Bravo!
[17.08.2019 18:58:12] HMS-Georgia: I'm dumb.
[17.08.2019 18:58:14] 2019-08-17 18:58:14 SMT Traffic control alert: BAF|Cpt.Martin.Beck' has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:58:19] MRG|Jacques_Lu__Cont: Well done gentlemen.
[17.08.2019 18:58:24] 5th|Rachel:Mikai: I kill him now
[17.08.2019 18:58:27] 2019-08-17 18:58:27 SMT Traffic control alert: Peacebringer has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:58:27] 2019-08-17 18:58:27 SMT Traffic control alert: Jax.Santiago has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:58:33] 2019-08-17 18:58:33 SMT Traffic control alert: MRG|Jaquoille[B] has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:58:33] Tiny.Teacup: ?: So.. This is it.
[17.08.2019 18:58:36] CONSOLE: The Gallic atmospheric entry point is now open.
[17.08.2019 18:58:37] Enforcer.of.Democracy: Can someone link me up with the Comms?
[17.08.2019 18:58:40] 2019-08-17 18:58:40 SMT Traffic control alert: Andrew.Anders has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:58:46] CONSOLE: And the Allied one.
[17.08.2019 18:58:48] 5th|Miles.Prower: GVET READY
[17.08.2019 18:58:52] OSC.Breezewood: goodspeed!
[17.08.2019 18:58:54] /time
[17.08.2019 18:58:54] 2019-08-17 18:58:54 SMT
[17.08.2019 18:59:06] 2019-08-17 18:59:07 SMT Traffic control alert: Le.Fighter has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:59:11] 2019-08-17 18:59:11 SMT Traffic control alert: MRG|Marcel_Patulacci has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:59:16] CONSOLE: Allies will engage the RNS Gracieuse first.
[17.08.2019 18:59:17] Jacob.Green: Call targets for bombers.
[17.08.2019 18:59:22] LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.): Breezewood, you're a godsend.
[17.08.2019 18:59:27] 2019-08-17 18:59:28 SMT Traffic control alert: Jax.Santiago has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:59:27] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Is it time for AMERICA?
[17.08.2019 18:59:33] 5th|Miles.Prower: All craft, prepare for engage hostile force.
[17.08.2019 18:59:44] 2019-08-17 18:59:44 SMT Traffic control alert: MRG|Jacques_Lu__Cont has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:59:48] 2019-08-17 18:59:48 SMT Traffic control alert: Raider59 has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 18:59:53] OSC.Breezewood: I look forward to giving you a celebratory bottle on the other side
[17.08.2019 18:59:56] Le.Fighter: gosh
[17.08.2019 19:00:02] CONSOLE: Gaian Entrypoint has been set up outside Holmfirth Base in Manchester.
[17.08.2019 19:00:07] BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart: For Bretonia!
[17.08.2019 19:00:08] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:00:08] GRN|Lucie.LeBlanc.: Go, now.
[17.08.2019 19:00:08] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:00:08] GRN|Augustin.Clair: EN GUARDE
[17.08.2019 19:00:09] Delta-3: ENGAGE!!!!!
[17.08.2019 19:00:10] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: Incoming transmission.
[17.08.2019 19:00:10] GRN|Horst.Holst: Zis is Capitane Horst Holst of ze Legion Etrangere Gauloise, arriving on station.
[17.08.2019 19:00:11] Tall.Napoleon: Defend the orbital cannons
[17.08.2019 19:00:11] GRN|Horst.Holst: Weapons are primed, targets locked in. Engaging hostile snubcraft. Fur ze Roi.
[17.08.2019 19:00:12] 5th|Freedom: Opening up!
[17.08.2019 19:00:13] MRG|Philomene;Lacroix: Time to wipe the floor with Bretons.
[17.08.2019 19:00:14] BAF|MN-Julian.Roxburgh: Engaging the enemy!
[17.08.2019 19:00:16] Suika.Ibuki: For the Tenno for Queen and Country!
[17.08.2019 19:00:18] Chasseur: Weapons online! Down they go!
[17.08.2019 19:00:18] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: VIVE LE ROI!
[17.08.2019 19:00:18] McDowell: Defending allied forces.
[17.08.2019 19:00:19] MRG|Philomene;Lacroix: Catch these hands, boy!
[17.08.2019 19:00:20] Heather.Pearson: For Bretonia! Lets make this count boys
[17.08.2019 19:00:23] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: Transmission ID : Isabelle Montlaville de Chanteloup, amiral of the MRG.
[17.08.2019 19:00:24] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: DEATH TO ALL LIBERTORIANS!
[17.08.2019 19:00:25] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:00:26] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:00:26] Heather.Pearson: Don't let them take away what is ours!
[17.08.2019 19:00:27] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: We got company, a lots of them.
[17.08.2019 19:00:28] MdG/-Eveline.Laroux.: Kill them all!
[17.08.2019 19:00:28] MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux: Time to end these Sirian dogs!
[17.08.2019 19:00:30] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Get ready.
[17.08.2019 19:00:35] 5th|Rachel:Mikai: watch out for torps
[17.08.2019 19:00:37] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: Message reads : do what is necessary. We've not come here to lose.
[17.08.2019 19:00:38] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:00:39] 5th|Sarah.Evans: Time to put an end at this.
[17.08.2019 19:00:39] BAF|MN-Julian.Roxburgh: Time to end this..
[17.08.2019 19:00:40] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:00:44] [BAF]Queen's_blessing: Jensen: Chasing enemy
[17.08.2019 19:00:45] 5th|Sarah.Evans: Weapons hot.
[17.08.2019 19:00:51] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: I'll see you all when this is over. Chanteloup out.
[17.08.2019 19:00:53] Death: Tall.Napoleon was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:00:53] Death: \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:00:53] Death: Henry.Descannes was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:00:53] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:01:10] [LN]-Anna.Brown: Going in, and engaging targets
[17.08.2019 19:01:11] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Co-pilot, target enemy cruiser. This is Navy Beta-Four-Two, going in!
[17.08.2019 19:01:24] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: One down!
[17.08.2019 19:01:26] Suika.Ibuki: ONE DOWN
[17.08.2019 19:01:27] MRG|P.Lasalle: ?: Monsieurs, time for ze last dance.
[17.08.2019 19:01:40] Base RNS Gracieuse destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:01:42] MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont: Entering the fight!
[17.08.2019 19:01:57] Death: C:

eltast-11 suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:02:23] Death: 5th|Freedom was put out of action by MRG|Philomene;Lacroix (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:02:36] Death: BAF|Dragoon.05 was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:02:36] Death: BAF|Cpt

ria.Y'berg was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:02:36] Death: [BAF]Queen's_blessing was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:02:41] CONSOLE: The damage to New London will depend upon how quickly the Triumphs are destroyed.
[17.08.2019 19:03:00] Base RNS Belle Poule destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:03:02] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: One down again!
[17.08.2019 19:03:08] Oliver.Williams: Don't stick to the dessies
[17.08.2019 19:03:09] 5th|Charlie,Davidson: To Halle!!!
[17.08.2019 19:03:09] BAF|Cdr.Seeley.French: Aim the bombs, gents!
[17.08.2019 19:03:17] 5th|Freedom: good that respawn is on lololol
[17.08.2019 19:03:20] C:

eltast-69: Gentlemen, to the fight.
[17.08.2019 19:03:30] Oliver.Williams: Is it?
[17.08.2019 19:03:35] 5th|Freedom: yes
[17.08.2019 19:03:35] M.Brown."Rookie": Moving in
[17.08.2019 19:03:40] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: You fools think, killing the planet will give you a battlegroups back? Fools.
[17.08.2019 19:03:44] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Going in!
[17.08.2019 19:03:46] Death: GRN|Celice.Sylvianne was put out of action by Papillon (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:03:50] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:03:53] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:03:54] BAF|Cpt.Martin.Beck': weapons hot, moving in
[17.08.2019 19:03:57] 5th|Rachel:Mikai: FOR BRETONIA!
[17.08.2019 19:03:58] Delta-3: GET THEM OFF ME
[17.08.2019 19:04:08] [LN]-Barney.Ross: Going in
[17.08.2019 19:04:31] Death: 5th|Charlie,Davidson was put out of action by GRN|Alice.Marie.II (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:11:33] Asheling: KIL KIL KIL
[17.08.2019 19:11:36] MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux: End them!
[17.08.2019 19:11:37] Chasseur: Let's get to it.
[17.08.2019 19:11:39] Chasseur: Weapons hot.
[17.08.2019 19:11:39] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Co-pilot, run diagnostics!
[17.08.2019 19:11:42] MRG|P.Lasalle: ?: En garde!
[17.08.2019 19:11:43] BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart: Re-enganging.
[17.08.2019 19:11:44] 5th|Freedom: Time to go back to killing.
[17.08.2019 19:11:45] Death: 5th|Freedom has died
[17.08.2019 19:11:48] MRG|Philomene;Lacroix: Damn.
[17.08.2019 19:11:48] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Yes.
[17.08.2019 19:11:49] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Die.
[17.08.2019 19:11:51] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Oh, and target enemy cruiser!
[17.08.2019 19:11:52] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: VIVE LE ROI!
[17.08.2019 19:11:52] C:

eltast-69: Back to killing, shall we?
[17.08.2019 19:11:55] GRN|Horst.Holst: Zis is Capitane Horst Holst of ze Legion Etrangere Gauloise, arriving on station.
[17.08.2019 19:11:56] GRN|Horst.Holst: Weapons are primed, targets locked in. Engaging hostile snubcraft. Fur ze Roi.
[17.08.2019 19:11:56] 5th|Grey;Evans: Back at it!
[17.08.2019 19:11:56] MRG|Philomene;Lacroix: sometimes you just fall asleep in your cockpit.
[17.08.2019 19:11:58] 2019-08-17 19:11:58 SMT : MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont is attempting to disconnect from the server
[17.08.2019 19:11:58] [LN]-Orion.Thorne: Victory or death!
[17.08.2019 19:11:59] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: 1.
[17.08.2019 19:12:01] 5th|Sarah.Evans: Damn ion storm.
[17.08.2019 19:12:02] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:12:03] Tiny.Teacup: ?: Get out of our space!
[17.08.2019 19:12:04] GRN|Roch.Lafayette: Targets are locked in.
[17.08.2019 19:12:05] Delta-3: KILL EM ALL!
[17.08.2019 19:12:05] Enforcer.of.Democracy: Long live Bretonia!!!
[17.08.2019 19:12:07] GRN|Roch.Lafayette: Royal Guard is on the case.
[17.08.2019 19:12:15] Death: Andrew.Anders was put out of action by MRG|Guy.Josselyne (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:12:20] BAF-Mknight.Dragon: kill them all
[17.08.2019 19:12:20] Death: MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:12:22] Death: LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.) was put out of action by GRN|Augustin.Clair (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:12:28] Death: BAF-Mknight.Dragon was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:12:36] Death: Victoria.Price. was put out of action by MdG/-Eveline.Laroux. (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:12:38] A/)-Onyx.Wing: OW: [[So, this is what 'they' call a 'war'? Disturbing, but spectacular.]]
[17.08.2019 19:13:00] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:13:01] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:13:16] Death: M.Brown."Rookie" was put out of action by BAF|Cpt.Pria;Y'berg (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:13:22] Tina.Castillo: Death is how you live forever
[17.08.2019 19:13:24] Death: MRG|Guy.Josselyne suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 19:13:27] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:13:30] Delta-3: NOW THIS IS A FIGHT
[17.08.2019 19:13:31] Tina.Castillo: And death will come for bretonia
[17.08.2019 19:13:45] Death: Peacebringer was put out of action by MdG/-Argent-08 (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:13:51] 5th|Charlie,Davidson: // Use only scorchers for attacking the bases
[17.08.2019 19:14:02] La.Surrender: Eyes on hostiles
[17.08.2019 19:14:10] La.Surrender: VIVE LA GALLIA
[17.08.2019 19:14:11] BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway: Hi mum! Can you see me from down there!?
[17.08.2019 19:14:12] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Target destroyed!
[17.08.2019 19:14:12] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:14:12] MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont: Charging Weapons
[17.08.2019 19:14:13] LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.): Bugger off!
[17.08.2019 19:14:18] MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont: VIVE LE ROI
[17.08.2019 19:14:19] La.Surrender: Arming Weaponry
[17.08.2019 19:14:20] Base RNS Hallebarde destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:14:22] Peacebringer: "I'm back, let's send these bastards packing!
[17.08.2019 19:14:23] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Moving to next one!
[17.08.2019 19:14:26] Peacebringer: "Opening fire!"
[17.08.2019 19:14:35] BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway: Engaging! for my mum down there!
[17.08.2019 19:14:44] MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont: Engage!
[17.08.2019 19:14:49] Nathan.Teasworth: For the tea!
[17.08.2019 19:14:50] Death: 5th|Miles.Prower was put out of action by 5th|Rachel:Mikai (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:15:03] MRG|Guy.Josselyne": THEY'RE KILLING THEMSELF!
[17.08.2019 19:15:11] MRG|Guy.Josselyne": THE KING COMMANDS IT!
[17.08.2019 19:15:13] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:15:14] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:15:14] MRG|Pierre.Vaillant: They are incompetent of course.
[17.08.2019 19:15:15] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:15:16] MRG|Guy.Josselyne": DIE YOU PATHETIC SWINES!
[17.08.2019 19:15:19] MRG|Guy.Josselyne": VIVE LE ROI!
[17.08.2019 19:15:19] \*/~Gris.2: His word is law!
[17.08.2019 19:15:20] MRG|Guy.Josselyne": DIEEEEEE!
[17.08.2019 19:15:25] \*/~Gris.2: Weapons are ready!
[17.08.2019 19:15:26] Jax.Santiago: The legend has come to a full circle.
[17.08.2019 19:15:26] Death: 5th|Rachel:Mikai was put out of action by GRN|Augustin.Clair (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:15:28] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Your king won't help you.
[17.08.2019 19:15:29] Death: BAF|Cpt.Pria;Y'berg was put out of action by MdG/-Argent-08 (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:15:31] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Hes too far away.
[17.08.2019 19:15:31] Everett.Placelle: VIVE LE ROI!
[17.08.2019 19:15:33] A/)-Onyx.Wing: OW: [[Humble.]]
[17.08.2019 19:15:36] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Won't hear your prays.
[17.08.2019 19:15:43] Delta-3: MAKE THEM SCREAM!
[17.08.2019 19:15:46] Mark.Redmond: Mark Redmond here. I am going in! For God and Country!
[17.08.2019 19:15:52] Death: Lucy.Lumiere was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:15:57] Death: Roy_Howard was put out of action by MRG|Pierre.Cauchy (Wasp/Hornet).
[17.08.2019 19:15:58] Death: GRN|Celice.Sylvianne~ suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:16:00] Everett.Placelle: You will die for your god
[17.08.2019 19:16:05] Death: Oliver.Williams was put out of action by \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:16:09] Niko.DuPont: Niko Dupont, engaging for the King!
[17.08.2019 19:16:14] Melusine: Moving to intercept an enemy ships. Weapons hot.
[17.08.2019 19:16:15] CONSOLE: Respawns are enabled for New London Atmosphere!
[17.08.2019 19:16:27] Death: 5th|Charlie,Davidson was put out of action by C:

eltast-69 (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:16:27] Death: BAF|Lt.Cdr.Atwood was put out of action by BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:16:28] Death: Raider59 was put out of action by [BAF]Queen's_blessing (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:16:30] Death: C:

eltast-69 was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:16:30] Death: BAF|MN-George,Teeze. was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:16:30] Death: 5th|Miles.Prower was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:16:38] M.Brown."Rookie": That's the real hell
[17.08.2019 19:16:45] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:16:46] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:16:53] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Going to next one!
[17.08.2019 19:17:00] Base RNS Acheron destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:17:02] Relinquisher:404: Relinquisher, 404 Bravo-1, approaching hotzone and engaging Gallic forces.
[17.08.2019 19:17:13] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Going in, time to end this!
[17.08.2019 19:17:27] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:17:29] Death: Asheling was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:17:34] Death: Tiny.Teacup was put out of action by Pax.Picard (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:17:41] Melusine: Target locked! Feu a volonte!
[17.08.2019 19:17:45] Couden's_Camera: Your end draws near. En guard
[17.08.2019 19:17:51] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by Tall.Napoleon (Wasp/Hornet).
[17.08.2019 19:17:55] Jax.Santiago: For every spirit there is a proper place in hell!
[17.08.2019 19:17:56] BAF-Mknight.Dragon: engage enagage
[17.08.2019 19:18:01] MRG|Pierre.Vaillant: Oh I finally arrived with some late it seems.
[17.08.2019 19:18:03] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen was put out of action by GRN|Augustin.Clair (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:18:16] MRG|Pierre.Vaillant: Well charging weapons. What a mess.
[17.08.2019 19:18:30] MRG|Pierre.Vaillant: Engaging!
[17.08.2019 19:18:33] [LN]-Orion.Thorne: I shall defend Liberty and it's allies until my dying breath!
[17.08.2019 19:18:51] Death: [LN]-Marcus;Robinson was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:18:51] Death: Couden's_Camera was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:18:59] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: [LN]-Marcus;Robinson
[17.08.2019 19:22:09] Warning!
[17.08.2019 19:22:09] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[17.08.2019 19:22:09] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in New London have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[17.08.2019 19:22:09] All other server rules are in place.
[17.08.2019 19:22:25] Death: MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:22:25] Death: Heather.Pearson suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:22:32] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:22:33] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:22:39] Melusine: Moving to intercept an enemy ships. Weapons hot.
[17.08.2019 19:22:40] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by Jean.Pierre.Polnareff (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:22:41] Death: Raider59 was put out of action by [LN]-Barney.Ross (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:22:42] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:22:46] Death: Andrew.Anders was put out of action by MRG|Guy.Josselyne" (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:22:48] Melusine: Target locked! Feu a volonte!
[17.08.2019 19:22:48] [RN]-Amber~: "Reinforcements have arrived and ready to join le battle!"
[17.08.2019 19:23:01] Tiny.Teacup: ?: We've returned to fight. A fight you'll get! Opening fire!
[17.08.2019 19:23:09] Death: M.Brown."Rookie" was put out of action by MdG/-Argent-08 (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:23:12] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Season.of.Poison
[17.08.2019 19:23:23] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: This is big, co-pilot, target enemy cruiser.
[17.08.2019 19:23:25] \*/~Rouge-22: Escadron XXII, bomber support ready to move in.
[17.08.2019 19:23:28] Death: 5th|Rachel:Mikai suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:23:30] 2019-08-17 19:23:30 SMT : MRG|Pierre.Vaillant is attempting to disconnect from the server
[17.08.2019 19:23:35] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Going in!
[17.08.2019 19:23:41] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:23:42] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:23:44] [RN]-Amber~: "Joining tango on six hours!"
[17.08.2019 19:23:48] Death: LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.) was put out of action by C:

eltast-69 (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:23:53] Death: Reptile was put out of action by GRN|Alice.Marie.II (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:23:56] 5th|Grey;Evans: Fire!
[17.08.2019 19:24:03] Death: BAF|Cpt.Pria;Y'berg was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:24:07] 5th|David:Nelson: Allright time to kill them all!
[17.08.2019 19:24:11] Le,fighter: For the Royal Navy.
[17.08.2019 19:24:13] MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux: For Gallia!
[17.08.2019 19:24:16] Le,fighter: Weapons engage
[17.08.2019 19:24:18] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: BAF-Samantha.Windsor
[17.08.2019 19:24:21] Death: BAF-Mknight.Dragon has died
[17.08.2019 19:24:34] Death: BAF|Cpt.Martin.Beck' was put out of action by \*/~Rouge-22 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:24:35] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: BAF-Samantha.Windsor
[17.08.2019 19:24:35] Death: Enforcer.of.Democracy was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:24:48] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:24:48] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:24:52] Death: MRG|Louis.Clement suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:24:52] Death: [LN]-Marcus;Robinson was put out of action by Melusine (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:24:59] Auto-Buy(Nanobots): Bought 98 unit(s), cost: 19.600$
[17.08.2019 19:24:59] Auto-Buy(Shield Batteries): Bought 98 unit(s), cost: 19.600$
[17.08.2019 19:24:59] Auto-Buy(Cruise Disruptors): Bought 70 unit(s), cost: 140.000$
[17.08.2019 19:24:59] Auto-Buy(Mines): Bought 50 unit(s), cost: 300.000$
[17.08.2019 19:24:59] Auto-Buy(Countermeasures): Bought 170 unit(s), cost: 68.000$
[17.08.2019 19:25:03] Warning!
[17.08.2019 19:25:03] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[17.08.2019 19:25:03] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in New London have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[17.08.2019 19:25:03] All other server rules are in place.
[17.08.2019 19:25:07] Death: La.Surrender was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:25:17] Death: C::Hoplite-1 was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:25:18] 2019-08-17 19:25:18 SMT Traffic control alert: Yallo has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 19:25:20] Death: Oliver.Williams has died
[17.08.2019 19:25:28] Death: Andrew.Anders was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:25:49] Death: BAF|Dragoon.05 was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:25:50] Death: Roy_Howard was put out of action by Chasseur (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:25:53] Death: Le,fighter was put out of action by BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:26:12] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Co-pilot, target enemy cruiser, let's end this one and move on!
[17.08.2019 19:26:13] CONSOLE: Focus fire. Current target is the RNS Sirocco. Please do not spread the battle out too much.
[17.08.2019 19:26:18] Death: Jacob.Green has died
[17.08.2019 19:26:25] La.Surrender: Viva Le Roi!!!!!!
[17.08.2019 19:26:33] Death: Raider59 was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:26:33] Death: BAF|MN-George,Teeze. was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:26:36] La.Surrender: ARMING WEAPONS TO PURGE THE SIRIANS
[17.08.2019 19:26:37] Death: Delta-3 was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:26:50] Death: MdG/-Argent-08 was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:26:54] Oliver.Williams: Spooling up weapons.
[17.08.2019 19:26:59] Death: Victoria.Price. was put out of action by GRN|Celice.Sylvianne (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:27:02] Le,fighter: Engaging
[17.08.2019 19:27:06] MRG|Jaqouille[F]: INCOMING MISSILE!!!
[17.08.2019 19:27:24] MRG|Amelie,Caron: Approaching hostiles.
[17.08.2019 19:27:35] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:27:39] Death: GG-W-Saraswati was put out of action by Tiny.Teacup (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:27:44] Delta-3: WE WILL NOT FAIL!!!!!
[17.08.2019 19:27:45] MRG|Amelie,Caron: Weapons ready. Time to finish this.
[17.08.2019 19:28:00] Base RNS Indomptable destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:28:03] 5th|David:Nelson: There we go!
[17.08.2019 19:28:06] Asheling: omg
[17.08.2019 19:28:07] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:28:08] CONSOLE: Sirocco Next.
[17.08.2019 19:28:09] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Time for next.
[17.08.2019 19:28:09] 5th|David:Nelson: Burn you bastards
[17.08.2019 19:28:21] Oliver.Williams: Moving to Sirocco
[17.08.2019 19:28:24] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:28:24] Death: 5th|Miles.Prower was put out of action by MRG|P.Lasalle (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:28:26] Tiny.Teacup: ?: Burn the sirocco!
[17.08.2019 19:28:31] Nathan.Teasworth: Orders received, lets go lads!
[17.08.2019 19:28:33] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:28:37] Nathan.Teasworth: For the queen, for tea!
[17.08.2019 19:28:42] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:28:47] Death: 5th|Freedom was put out of action by \*/~Rouge-22 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:28:55] Niko.DuPont: No! For the King!
[17.08.2019 19:28:59] Death: M.Brown."Rookie" was put out of action by Enforcer.of.Democracy (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:01] Death: Lucy.Lumiere was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:01] Death: BAF|Cpt.Martin.Beck' was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:05] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Time to end this cruiser, gonig in!
[17.08.2019 19:29:15] Death: BAF|Dragoon.05 was put out of action by \*/~Rouge-22 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:15] Death: Niko.DuPont was put out of action by \*/~Rouge-22 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:26] Death: BAF|Cpt.Pria;Y'berg was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:31] Death: Tiny.Teacup was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:31] Death: LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.) was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:33] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:29:51] Maurice.LeRoux: Pathetic, pathetic, PATHETIC!
[17.08.2019 19:29:54] GRN|Celice.Sylvianne:
[17.08.2019 19:30:06] Ping: 78ms (Max: 1000ms) Fluct: 2ms Loss: 0% (Max: 70%) Lag: 0% (Max: 100%)
[17.08.2019 19:30:12] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:30:13] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:30:41] Death: Roy_Howard was put out of action by Enforcer.of.Democracy (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:30:41] Death: Nathan.Teasworth was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:30:46] Jax.Santiago: For Tea!
[17.08.2019 19:30:54] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:30:59] Peacebringer: "KEEPING THE PEACE!"
[17.08.2019 19:31:06] Death: Henry.Descannes was put out of action by [BAF]Queen's_blessing (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:31:09] Death: \*/~Gris.2 was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:31:14] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: YES KILL THEM ALL FOR PEACE!!
[17.08.2019 19:31:15] Death: Oliver.Williams was put out of action by Jean.Pierre.Polnareff (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:31:24] Maurice.LeRoux: Is this your BEST?!
[17.08.2019 19:31:28] La.Surrender: BURN THE SIRIANS!!
[17.08.2019 19:31:35] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by Everett.Placelle (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:31:36] Maurice.LeRoux: Sons and daughters of bretonia, is this your finest?!
[17.08.2019 19:31:40] Base RNS Sirocco destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:31:40] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:31:48] 5th|David:Nelson: ANother one bites the dust
[17.08.2019 19:31:53] BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart: Die already.
[17.08.2019 19:31:56] BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart: Weapons hot.
[17.08.2019 19:31:59] CONSOLE: RNS Casablanca is the next target.
[17.08.2019 19:32:02] 5th|David:Nelson: Kill them
[17.08.2019 19:32:07] 5th|David:Nelson: Burn them all
[17.08.2019 19:32:12] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Going in
[17.08.2019 19:32:13] Tiny.Teacup: ?: For Bretonia! Opening fire!
[17.08.2019 19:32:18] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:32:19] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:32:21] \*/~Gris.2: Weapons ready!
[17.08.2019 19:32:28] Nathan.Teasworth: Cheerio lads! Time to show those winesippers what we're made of!
[17.08.2019 19:32:35] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen was put out of action by Enforcer.of.Democracy (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:32:45] Death: M.Brown."Rookie" was put out of action by MdG/-Eveline.Laroux. (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:32:51] Death: BAF|Dragoon.05 was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:32:51] Death: BAF|Cpt.Martin.Beck' was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:32:54] Death: [RN]-Amber~ was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:32:54] Death: MdG/-Argent-08 was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:33:06] Death: Peacebringer was put out of action by MRG|Felix.Dorian (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:33:18] MRG|Felix.Dorian: There we go.
[17.08.2019 19:33:21] 2019-08-17 19:33:21 SMT : Raider59 is attempting to disconnect from the server
[17.08.2019 19:33:35] Death: GG-W-Saraswati was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:33:46] Death: BAF|MN-George,Teeze. was put out of action by Enforcer.of.Democracy (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:33:47] Oliver.Williams: Casablanca almost down
[17.08.2019 19:33:49] Oliver.Williams: Keep going!
[17.08.2019 19:33:54] Death: La.Surrender was put out of action by Enforcer.of.Democracy (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:34:01] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:34:02] Death: Venseiiz was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:34:03] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:34:04] Death: GG-W-Mantis was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:34:04] Death: C:

eltast-69 was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:34:12] Death: MRG|Jaqouille[F] was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:34:22] Death: Heather.Pearson was put out of action by GRN|Alice.Marie.II (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:34:29] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:34:33] [LN]-Orion.Thorne: I will defend Liberty and it's allied to my last breath!
[17.08.2019 19:34:37] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: And another one!
[17.08.2019 19:34:38] Death: Schanandoe suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 19:34:39] 5th|David:Nelson: YEEEEEHAW!
[17.08.2019 19:34:40] Base RNS Casablanca destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:34:41] [GM]St.Denis: Glorieuse is next
[17.08.2019 19:34:42] Oliver.Williams: Target down.
[17.08.2019 19:34:49] BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart: Target down.
[17.08.2019 19:34:49] Death: BOB123 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 19:34:50] Death: Oliver.Williams was put out of action by Victoria.Price. (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:34:54] Death: Raptor-1 was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:35:09] Peacebringer: "Arming scorchers"
[17.08.2019 19:35:15] Nathan.Teasworth: Four to go lads! We're cleaning up the night sky nicely. Give our people down below some nice fireworks to enjoy!
[17.08.2019 19:35:16] Peacebringer: "Commencing allied bombardment runs"
[17.08.2019 19:35:18] Death: A/)-Onyx.Wing suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 19:35:23] 5th|David:Nelson: Burn that thing!
[17.08.2019 19:35:29] Niko.DuPont: Hey, Hippie,
[17.08.2019 19:35:43] Niko.DuPont: Bow to The King!
[17.08.2019 19:35:47] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Going in!
[17.08.2019 19:35:48] Delta-3: KISS MY ASS
[17.08.2019 19:35:54] Death: Yallo was put out of action by MdG/-Eveline.Laroux. (Wasp/Hornet).
[17.08.2019 19:35:57] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by Enforcer.of.Democracy (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:35:58] Death: Victoria.Price. was put out of action by GRN|Celice.Sylvianne (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:36:02] 5th|David:Nelson: Destroy them all!
[17.08.2019 19:36:04] Jean.Pierre.Polnareff: It's raining...
[17.08.2019 19:36:07] Death: GG-W-Cytisus was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:36:15] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by Heather.Pearson (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:36:20] Death: \*/~Rouge-22 was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:36:20] Death: Roy_Howard was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:36:25] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:36:26] Death: [LN]-Marcus;Robinson was put out of action by Enforcer.of.Democracy (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:36:26] Death: C::Hoplite-1 was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:36:26] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:36:35] Auto-Buy(Nanobots): Bought 98 unit(s), cost: 19.600$
[17.08.2019 19:36:35] Auto-Buy(Shield Batteries): Bought 98 unit(s), cost: 19.600$
[17.08.2019 19:36:35] Auto-Buy(Cruise Disruptors): Bought 70 unit(s), cost: 140.000$
[17.08.2019 19:36:35] Auto-Buy(Mines): Bought 50 unit(s), cost: 300.000$
[17.08.2019 19:36:35] Auto-Buy(Countermeasures): Bought 170 unit(s), cost: 68.000$
[17.08.2019 19:36:40] Death: LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.) was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:36:41] Warning!
[17.08.2019 19:36:41] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[17.08.2019 19:36:41] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in New London have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[17.08.2019 19:36:41] All other server rules are in place.
[17.08.2019 19:36:49] Death: Le,fighter was put out of action by Peacebringer (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:36:51] Death: Bambaster was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:36:51] Death: Tiny.Teacup was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:37:21] Death: GRN|Alice.Marie.II was put out of action by "Agi".Lt.Hansen (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:37:21] Death: MRG|Amelie,Caron was put out of action by "Agi".Lt.Hansen (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:37:22] 2019-08-17 19:37:22 SMT Traffic control alert: Bambaster has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 19:37:26] Death: Suika.Ibuki was put out of action by La.Surrender (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:37:44] Death: 5th|Rachel:Mikai was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:37:52] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Okay, so, we have about five remaning.
[17.08.2019 19:37:59] Death: MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:38:02] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Let's go, get em'.
[17.08.2019 19:38:18] Death: BAF|MN-George,Teeze. was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:38:25] 5th|Grey;Evans: Engaging the Glorieuse.
[17.08.2019 19:38:25] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:38:28] 5th|Grey;Evans: For Liberty!
[17.08.2019 19:38:32] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: To time to destroy sixth one? I guess.
[17.08.2019 19:38:42] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Charging weapons.. and..
[17.08.2019 19:38:45] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Heres goes nothing.
[17.08.2019 19:38:48] Death: Pax.Picard was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:38:56] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: And now, going in!
[17.08.2019 19:39:00] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Or.. nor.
[17.08.2019 19:39:01] Death: 5th|Miles.Prower was put out of action by Jean.Pierre.Polnareff (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:39:04] 5th|Freedom: This is for the Gettysburg!
[17.08.2019 19:39:11] Death: MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont was put out of action by McDowell (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:39:12] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:39:16] 5th|Grey;Evans: For Leeds.
[17.08.2019 19:39:16] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:39:24] McDowell: One down!
[17.08.2019 19:39:34] LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.): Tally ho ladies and gents!
[17.08.2019 19:39:40] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Let's get that cruiser down, people, move!
[17.08.2019 19:39:40] Base RNS Glorieuse destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:39:42] CONSOLE: Next target is the RNS Meuse.
[17.08.2019 19:39:46] Death: Roy_Howard was put out of action by La.Surrender (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:39:46] Death: [LN]-Marcus;Robinson was put out of action by La.Surrender (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:39:54] Auto-Buy(Nanobots): Bought 98 unit(s), cost: 19.600$
[17.08.2019 19:39:54] Auto-Buy(Shield Batteries): Bought 98 unit(s), cost: 19.600$
[17.08.2019 19:39:54] Auto-Buy(Cruise Disruptors): Bought 70 unit(s), cost: 140.000$
[17.08.2019 19:39:54] Auto-Buy(Mines): Bought 50 unit(s), cost: 300.000$
[17.08.2019 19:39:54] Auto-Buy(Countermeasures): Bought 170 unit(s), cost: 68.000$
[17.08.2019 19:39:59] Warning!
[17.08.2019 19:39:59] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[17.08.2019 19:39:59] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in New London have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[17.08.2019 19:39:59] All other server rules are in place.
[17.08.2019 19:40:17] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:40:19] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:40:36] Death: 5th|David:Nelson was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:40:42] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:40:51] Death: Jax.Santiago was put out of action by BAF-Pvt.Mycroft (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:40:55] Death: Jacob.Green was put out of action by La.Surrender (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:40:55] Death: Heather.Pearson was put out of action by La.Surrender (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:40:55] Death: BAF|Dragoon.05 was put out of action by La.Surrender (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:40:57] Death: Victoria.Price. was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:41:01] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Charging the weaps.
[17.08.2019 19:41:08] 5th|Rachel:Mikai: Going in!
[17.08.2019 19:41:10] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Co-pilot, you know what to do.
[17.08.2019 19:41:20] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: And, attacking cruiser!
[17.08.2019 19:41:24] Death: Delta-3 was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:41:24] Death: BAF|MN-George,Teeze. was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:41:26] Asheling: //15fps
[17.08.2019 19:41:33] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by Chasseur (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:41:42] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Another run.
[17.08.2019 19:41:45] Death: Peacebringer was put out of action by La.Surrender (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:41:56] 5th|Grey;Evans: Keep firing! For all our fallen brothers and sisters!
[17.08.2019 19:42:08] MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux: I spit on your fallen brothers and sisters!
[17.08.2019 19:42:17] Death: 5th|Miles.Prower was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:42:19] Death: La.Surrender was put out of action by BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:42:20] 5th|David:Nelson: Resuming bombardmen!
[17.08.2019 19:42:30] Death: GRN|Lucie.LeBlanc. was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:42:40] Base RNS Meuse destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:42:40] CONSOLE: Auxerre is next.
[17.08.2019 19:42:41] [GM]St.Denis: Auxerre is the Target
[17.08.2019 19:42:41] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: This goes down!
[17.08.2019 19:42:41] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:42:52] Delta-3: FOR THE QUEEN!!!!
[17.08.2019 19:42:56] Peacebringer: "Arming weapons"
[17.08.2019 19:42:56] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: And next, is going to!
[17.08.2019 19:42:57] Death: Nathan.Teasworth was put out of action by GRN|Celice.Sylvianne (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:42:59] Death: MRG|Claude.Wallace was put out of action by BAF|Cdr.Seeley.French (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:43:00] 5th|Grey;Evans: For Freedom.
[17.08.2019 19:43:02] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:43:02] Peacebringer: "Commencing anti-Gaul brutality."
[17.08.2019 19:43:03] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:43:08] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: FOR LIBERTY!
[17.08.2019 19:43:11] Death: GRN|Roch.Lafayette was put out of action by BAF-Mknight.Dragon (Collision).
[17.08.2019 19:43:14] Death: Andrew.Anders was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:43:15] 5th|David:Nelson: FOR LIBERTY!
[17.08.2019 19:43:19] Victoria.Price.: Die!
[17.08.2019 19:43:21] Death: 5th|Rachel:Mikai was put out of action by GRI|Hydropump (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:43:34] Death: GRI|Hydropump was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:43:47] Death: Cam-01 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 19:43:55] Death: \*/~Gris.2 suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:44:18] Jacob.Green: Bombs away for Queen and Country!
[17.08.2019 19:44:19] Death: [LN]-Orion.Thorne was put out of action by Everett.Placelle (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:44:25] Nathan.Teasworth: Time to rejoin the fight!
[17.08.2019 19:44:28] Nathan.Teasworth: Launching another bombing run!
[17.08.2019 19:44:29] Maurice.LeRoux: Don't miss and hit your own city...
[17.08.2019 19:44:33] Death: MRG|Louis:Clement suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:44:42] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen was put out of action by [BAF]Queen's_blessing (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:44:54] Delta-3: YOUR CRUISERS AIN'T WORTH NOTHING!
[17.08.2019 19:44:59] 5th|Miles.Prower: All of Gallia will burn.
[17.08.2019 19:44:59] Nathan.Teasworth: Your concern is appreciated, though unlike Gallian pilots, we don't miss.
[17.08.2019 19:45:08] Death: BAF-Mknight.Dragon was put out of action by GRN|Augustin.Clair (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:45:09] La.Surrender: Thats a lie
[17.08.2019 19:45:11] Death: Papillon was put out of action by BAF|Cdr.Seeley.French (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:45:24] Death: GG-W-Saraswati was put out of action by Pax.Picard (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:45:57] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by Pax.Picard (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:46:07] Death: M.Brown."Rookie" was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:46:09] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:46:10] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:46:14] Death: Melusine was put out of action by BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:46:15] Death: Eric_Leblanc was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:46:15] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:46:15] Death: BAF|MN-George,Teeze. was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:46:19] Death: Enforcer.of.Democracy was put out of action by Niko.DuPont (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:46:20] Base RNS Auxerre destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:46:20] [GM]St.Denis: Labouchereis the Target
[17.08.2019 19:46:22] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:46:23] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: And another one.
[17.08.2019 19:46:33] 5th|Rachel:Mikai: Just two more, soldiers!
[17.08.2019 19:46:41] Tall.Napoleon: Another mindless drone
[17.08.2019 19:46:42] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Pilots.
[17.08.2019 19:46:50] Niko.DuPont: BEND THE KNEE!w
[17.08.2019 19:47:00] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Bombs away!
[17.08.2019 19:47:07] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:47:14] Oliver.Williams: Hard deck is close!! Fly carefuly
[17.08.2019 19:47:22] 5th|David:Nelson: Your kingdom shall fall GALLICS
[17.08.2019 19:47:35] Death: Roy_Howard was put out of action by MRG|Felix.Dorian (Wasp/Hornet).
[17.08.2019 19:47:48] Death: 5th|Miles.Prower was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:47:51] Death: BAF|Cpt

ria.Y'berg was put out of action by BAF|Dragoon.05 (Collision).
[17.08.2019 19:47:57] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:48:00] CONSOLE: Remember that contact with the Hard Deck means death. Be careful taking down the final two Triumphs.
[17.08.2019 19:48:03] Death: Niko.DuPont was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:48:04] Mark.Redmond: Excellent work men
[17.08.2019 19:48:20] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:48:22] Death: Peacebringer was put out of action by La.Surrender (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:48:22] Death: La.Surrender suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:48:23] Death: Victoria.Price. was put out of action by GRN|Roch.Lafayette (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:48:40] Death: Andrew.Anders was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:48:51] Tip: Armor Upgrades are permanent items which, when mounted, multiply your ship's base hitpoints. It is an essential item on any ship.
[17.08.2019 19:49:04] Death: MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont was put out of action by [LN]-Barney.Ross (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:49:04] Delta-3: WATCH THE STORM!!!
[17.08.2019 19:49:07] MRG|Louis:Clement: Yeah. Gonna bring in some bombs.
[17.08.2019 19:49:08] Death: GG-W-Saraswati was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:49:11] [LN]-Anna.Brown: Yeah!!!
[17.08.2019 19:49:35] Death: \*/~Rouge-22 was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:49:35] [LN]-Barney.Ross: Keep killing
[17.08.2019 19:49:38] MdG/-Eveline.Laroux.: FIGHT ME
[17.08.2019 19:49:39] Death: 5th|Freedom was put out of action by Everett.Placelle (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:49:48] AF-Tony.Sterling: lets go people!!!
[17.08.2019 19:49:49] Maurice.LeRoux: Remember, brave Gallic warriors, if you find yourself on the way down, try to hit something importan, ahahaha!
[17.08.2019 19:49:51] Everett.Placelle: That was not mine, monsiour
[17.08.2019 19:49:51] MRG|Amelie,Caron: Approaching hostile targets.
[17.08.2019 19:49:56] Death: Nathan.Teasworth was put out of action by MRG|P.Lasalle (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:49:58] MRG|Amelie,Caron: Weapons are ready. Time to finish this.
[17.08.2019 19:50:04] Death: 5th|Rachel:Mikai was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:50:08] AF-Tony.Sterling: send these gallics back to where they came from
[17.08.2019 19:50:13] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:50:14] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:50:15] [RN]-Amber~: "Joining tango on eleven hours."
[17.08.2019 19:50:16] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Roi fanatics, hear this, YOUR KING IS NOT GOD.
[17.08.2019 19:50:22] Death: BAF-Pvt.Mycroft was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:50:26] MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux: Oui, he is!
[17.08.2019 19:50:28] Death: GRN|Lucie.LeBlanc. was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:50:29] Chasseur: Burgers aren't your god.
[17.08.2019 19:50:30] Death: GRN|Celice.Sylvianne was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:50:37] 5th|David:Nelson: Your king is pathetic.
[17.08.2019 19:50:40] Maurice.LeRoux: Then why does his reckoning fall on this world?!
[17.08.2019 19:50:45] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Then you are nothing but devils.
[17.08.2019 19:50:47] 5th|Grey;Evans: Their mothers are even more so.
[17.08.2019 19:50:49] MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux: Non, your face is pathetic!
[17.08.2019 19:50:53] [GM]St.Denis: Cassiopee is next
[17.08.2019 19:50:54] Maurice.LeRoux: Then we will be YOUR devils!
[17.08.2019 19:50:56] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:51:00] Base RNS Labouchere destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:51:02] Death: Six.Flags was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[17.08.2019 19:51:04] 5th|Freedom: We are almost done! Continue! For Bretonia! For Liberty!
[17.08.2019 19:51:09] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:51:16] /time
[17.08.2019 19:51:16] 2019-08-17 19:51:16 SMT
[17.08.2019 19:51:22] 5th|Grey;Evans: For Liberty! For Freedom! Destory these suckers.
[17.08.2019 19:51:23] M.Brown."Rookie": need cover
[17.08.2019 19:51:26] Delta-3: ENGAGE!!!!!
[17.08.2019 19:51:26] 5th|David:Nelson: We must save the tea drinker homeworld at all costs.
[17.08.2019 19:51:28] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:51:29] 5th|Miles.Prower: Engage!
[17.08.2019 19:51:33] 5th|Grey;Evans: Fire in the hull!
[17.08.2019 19:51:36] Death: Roy_Howard was put out of action by GG-W-Mantis (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:51:37] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Bombs away!
[17.08.2019 19:51:39] MRG|Felix.Dorian: Watch the deck.
[17.08.2019 19:51:46] 5th|David:Nelson: FIRE EVERYTHING
[17.08.2019 19:51:51] Death: 5th|Miles.Prower was put out of action by GG-W-Mantis (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:51:55] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by Everett.Placelle (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:52:08] Everett.Placelle: Again not mine, monseur
[17.08.2019 19:52:08] 5th|Freedom: Focus your fire!
[17.08.2019 19:52:13] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Droping more bombs!
[17.08.2019 19:52:16] Death: Jax.Santiago was put out of action by Papillon (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:52:22] Death: MRG|Guy.Josselyne" was put out of action by GRN|Roch.Lafayette (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:52:22] Death: Henry.Descannes was put out of action by GRN|Roch.Lafayette (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:52:24] Death: MRG|Guillaume.Bertinont was put out of action by Reptile (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:52:26] Death: 5th|Sarah.Evans was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:52:26] Death: Oliver.Williams was put out of action by MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:52:32] Death: Le,fighter was put out of action by BAF|Cdr.Seeley.French (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:52:46] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by GRN|Alice.Marie.II (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:52:47] Death: Andrew.Anders was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:52:47] Niko.DuPont: Why do you continue to resist? What have you to loose from our rule? Barbarianism?
[17.08.2019 19:52:53] GRN|Alice.Marie.II: // bye
[17.08.2019 19:52:54] GRN|Augustin.Clair: Destroyed.
[17.08.2019 19:53:04] Death: 5th|Rachel:Mikai was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:53:05] BAF|Cdr.Seeley.French: It is called "barbarism", Sir.
[17.08.2019 19:53:11] Death: Asheling was put out of action by BAF|Cdr.Seeley.French (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:53:18] Walcroft: Time to kill some frogs
[17.08.2019 19:53:18] Jax.Santiago: Hold the line!
[17.08.2019 19:53:22] Walcroft: FOR THE QUEEN!
[17.08.2019 19:53:23] Death: BAF|MN-George,Teeze. was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:53:26] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:53:26] Death: M.Brown."Rookie" was put out of action by GRN|Augustin.Clair (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:53:32] 5th|Miles.Prower: Bombs away punks!
[17.08.2019 19:53:43] Death: [RN]-Amber~ was put out of action by 5th|Freedom (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:53:49] Death: Tiny.Teacup was put out of action by MRG|P.Lasalle (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:53:53] Delta-3: THIS IS BRETONIA!
[17.08.2019 19:54:02] MRG|Jacques_Lu_Cont: Yes, a dead bretonia.
[17.08.2019 19:54:13] Death: Mark.Redmond was put out of action by Niko.DuPont (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:54:17] Death: GRN|Alice.Marie.II was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:54:25] 5th|Grey;Evans: Fire.
[17.08.2019 19:54:28] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Happy homecoming Gauls, after this.
[17.08.2019 19:54:31] Death: Nathan.Teasworth was put out of action by GRN|Celice.Sylvianne (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:54:32] Oliver.Williams: Don't give up now!
[17.08.2019 19:54:35] Death: Jean.Pierre.Polnareff was put out of action by Everett.Placelle (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:54:44] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Hopefully, Council will take you out.
[17.08.2019 19:54:55] Tall.Napoleon: Good one
[17.08.2019 19:54:55] 5th|Sarah.Evans: Weapons back up. Getting in.
[17.08.2019 19:54:58] Lucy.Lumiere: Bretonian fools! I pour tea in your wounds!
[17.08.2019 19:55:03] Death: LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.) was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:55:06] MRG|Guy.Josselyne": Time to fight another round!
[17.08.2019 19:55:08] MRG|Guy.Josselyne": Vive Le Roi!
[17.08.2019 19:55:09] Death: Victoria.Price. was put out of action by Niko.DuPont (Gun).
[17.08.2019 19:55:13] MRG|Guy.Josselyne": ONWARD! TO BATTLE!
[17.08.2019 19:55:17] CONSOLE: The destroyers are down, but respawns will remain enabled until 2100 hours.
[17.08.2019 19:55:17] 5th|Freedom: We did it!
[17.08.2019 19:55:20] 5th|Miles.Prower: For Liberty! For BRetonia!
[17.08.2019 19:55:21] Enforcer.of.Democracy: It is done
[17.08.2019 19:55:21] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: For the Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:55:24] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: You lost.
[17.08.2019 19:55:25] Death: Oliver.Williams was put out of action by \*/~Gris.2 (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:55:27] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Another glorius victory for Queen!
[17.08.2019 19:55:29] 5th|Grey;Evans: Face it, Gauls. You lost.
[17.08.2019 19:55:31] Maurice.LeRoux: Did we?
[17.08.2019 19:55:31] Suika.Ibuki: You lost gauls burn now!
[17.08.2019 19:55:38] "Agi".Lt.Hansen: Weapon ready!
[17.08.2019 19:55:39] 5th|Miles.Prower: Gallia will burn!
[17.08.2019 19:55:40] Base RNS Cassiopee destroyed
[17.08.2019 19:55:41] 5th|Rachel:Mikai: Burn in hell Frog Eaters!
[17.08.2019 19:55:41] MRG|Jacques_Lu_Cont: Not before you die.
[17.08.2019 19:55:43] Death: Niko.DuPont was put out of action by Tall.Napoleon (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:55:43] Death: 5th|Grey;Evans was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 19:55:47] Suika.Ibuki: All your efforts worthless burn frogs burn!
[17.08.2019 19:55:48] Death: 5th|Rachel:Mikai was put out of action by Papillon (Mine).
[17.08.2019 19:55:49] Everett.Placelle: VIVE LE ROY. LETS DESTROY THEIR ACES ONE BY ONE
[17.08.2019 19:56:00] Death: Venseiiz was put out of action by BAF|MN-George,Teeze. (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:02:09] MRG|Pierre.Vaillant: Time to end them I see.
[17.08.2019 20:02:18] MRG|Jacques_Lu_Cont: It was long overdue.
[17.08.2019 20:02:34] OSC.Breezewood: Glorious, it'd be a pain to reprint all the OSC brochures with Bretonia routes
[17.08.2019 20:02:43] Death: BAF|Dragoon.05 has died
[17.08.2019 20:02:51] OSC.Breezewood: well done, then
[17.08.2019 20:02:59] Death: [LN]-Orion.Thorne was put out of action by \*/~Emeline.Coste (Wasp/Hornet).
[17.08.2019 20:03:08] 2019-08-17 20:03:08 SMT Traffic control alert: [LN]-Marcus;Robinson has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 20:03:08] Auto-Buy(Shield Batteries): Bought 27 unit(s), cost: 5.400$
[17.08.2019 20:03:10] Death: "Agi".Lt.Hansen suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:03:11] Death: MRG|Pierre.Cauchy suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:03:17] Warning!
[17.08.2019 20:03:17] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[17.08.2019 20:03:17] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in New London have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[17.08.2019 20:03:17] All other server rules are in place.
[17.08.2019 20:03:22] 2019-08-17 20:03:22 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:03:22] Death: Tiny.Teacup suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:03:29] 2019-08-17 20:03:29 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:03:29] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson: Time to shoot some froggies with my Guardian.
[17.08.2019 20:03:35] 2019-08-17 20:03:35 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:03:35] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: BAF-Mknight.Dragon
[17.08.2019 20:03:37] 2019-08-17 20:03:37 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:03:37] OSC.Breezewood: well, I have celebratory drinks for any who want it
[17.08.2019 20:03:39] 2019-08-17 20:03:39 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:03:39] Death: [LN]-Anna.Brown suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:03:39] 2019-08-17 20:03:39 SMT Traffic control alert: BAF|Lt.Vincent.Greene. has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 20:03:39] 2019-08-17 20:03:39 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:03:39] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by \*/~Emeline.Coste (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:03:45] 2019-08-17 20:03:45 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:03:45] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson: Job isn't done yet.
[17.08.2019 20:03:48] 2019-08-17 20:03:48 SMT Traffic control alert: [LN]-Marcus.Robinson has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 20:03:59] Warning!
[17.08.2019 20:03:59] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[17.08.2019 20:03:59] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in New London have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[17.08.2019 20:03:59] All other server rules are in place.
[17.08.2019 20:04:05] 2019-08-17 20:04:05 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:05] Death: Eric_Leblanc suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:04:05] 2019-08-17 20:04:05 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:05] Death: BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:04:05] 2019-08-17 20:04:05 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:05] Death: Melusine suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:04:05] 2019-08-17 20:04:06 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:05] Death: Suika.Ibuki suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:04:11] 2019-08-17 20:04:11 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:11] Death: [LN]-Barney.Ross suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:04:12] 2019-08-17 20:04:12 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:12] Death: Roy_Howard suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:04:13] 2019-08-17 20:04:13 SMT Traffic control alert: MRG|Claude.Wallace has requested to dock
[17.08.2019 20:04:15] 2019-08-17 20:04:15 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:15] Death: Mark.Redmond suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 20:04:15] 2019-08-17 20:04:15 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:15] Death: \*/~Emeline.Coste was put out of action by Mark.Redmond (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 20:04:19] 2019-08-17 20:04:19 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:04:19] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson: Drinks after. Now, it's time for New London low orbit cleaning!
[17.08.2019 20:06:26] MdG/-Eveline.Laroux: Finish off the stragglers.
[17.08.2019 20:06:27] 2019-08-17 20:06:27 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:06:27] MRG|Claude.Wallace: for the king!i
[17.08.2019 20:06:28] 2019-08-17 20:06:28 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:06:28] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson: Now, whos first.
[17.08.2019 20:06:33] 2019-08-17 20:06:33 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:06:33] BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden: Weapons free!
[17.08.2019 20:06:41] 2019-08-17 20:06:41 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:06:41] Death: Jax.Santiago was put out of action by BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:06:41] 2019-08-17 20:06:41 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:06:41] Death: MRG|Guy.Josselyne suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:06:45] 2019-08-17 20:06:45 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:06:45] Death: GRN|Alice.Marie.II suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:06:49] 2019-08-17 20:06:49 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:06:49] LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.): Sod off you cheese eating snail riding baguette wielding surrender monkies.
[17.08.2019 20:06:53] 2019-08-17 20:06:53 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:06:53] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Tiny.Teacup
[17.08.2019 20:07:02] 2019-08-17 20:07:02 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:07:02] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson: Going in to support friendly units!
[17.08.2019 20:07:19] 2019-08-17 20:07:20 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:07:19] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: A millenium later and you're still using the same dumb phrases. Speaks volumes of your intellect !
[17.08.2019 20:07:22] 2019-08-17 20:07:22 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:07:22] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Tiny.Teacup
[17.08.2019 20:07:30] Chasseur: Let's finish them off.
[17.08.2019 20:07:40] 2019-08-17 20:07:40 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:07:40] MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux: Oui, too easy!
[17.08.2019 20:07:46] 2019-08-17 20:07:46 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:07:46] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Time to clean up.
[17.08.2019 20:07:50] 2019-08-17 20:07:50 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:07:50] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Vive Le Roi!
[17.08.2019 20:08:00] 2019-08-17 20:08:00 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:00] Death: Victoria.Price. suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:08:01] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson has set Henry.Descannes as group target.
[17.08.2019 20:08:01] OK
[17.08.2019 20:08:05] 2019-08-17 20:08:05 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:05] Death: BAF-Pvt.Mycroft was put out of action by \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:08:06] 2019-08-17 20:08:06 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:06] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: Next !
[17.08.2019 20:08:19] 2019-08-17 20:08:19 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:19] Jules_Cassecouille: Allons tuer des bretons!!!
[17.08.2019 20:08:20] 2019-08-17 20:08:20 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:20] Death: Bret was put out of action by C::Hoplite-3 (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:08:23] 2019-08-17 20:08:23 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:23] GRN|Celice.Sylvianne: No
[17.08.2019 20:08:29] 2019-08-17 20:08:29 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:29] 5th|Sarah.Evans: Weapons online. Time to end this once and for all.
[17.08.2019 20:08:29] 2019-08-17 20:08:29 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:29] Jules_Cassecouille: My weapons are hot, On y va!
[17.08.2019 20:08:42] 2019-08-17 20:08:42 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:42] Tiny.Teacup: ?: Restocked and ready to fire
[17.08.2019 20:08:45] 2019-08-17 20:08:45 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:45] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: BAF-Samantha.Windsor
[17.08.2019 20:08:47] 2019-08-17 20:08:47 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:47] Tiny.Teacup: ?: Opening Fire!
[17.08.2019 20:08:49] 2019-08-17 20:08:49 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:08:49] Lucy.Lumiere: Let go, jack
[17.08.2019 20:09:04] BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden has set GRN|Celice.Sylvianne as group target.
[17.08.2019 20:09:09] 2019-08-17 20:09:09 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:09:09] BAF-Pvt.Mycroft: Engaging enemies!!
[17.08.2019 20:09:18] 2019-08-17 20:09:18 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:09:18] Death: BAF|Cdr.Eva.Flameheart was put out of action by MdG/-Eveline.Laroux (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:09:19] 2019-08-17 20:09:19 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:09:19] Death: GRN|Celice.Sylvianne was put out of action by BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:09:21] 2019-08-17 20:09:21 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:09:21] Death: M.Brown."Rookie" was put out of action by GRN|Alice.Marie.II (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:09:27] BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden has set GRN|Augustin.Clair as group target.
[17.08.2019 20:09:32] MdG/-Eveline.Laroux: You're mine Teeze.
[17.08.2019 20:09:36] 2019-08-17 20:09:36 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:09:36] Jules_Cassecouille: Crevez!!
[17.08.2019 20:09:41] 2019-08-17 20:09:41 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:09:41] Death: 5th|Charlie,Davidson was put out of action by GRN|Augustin.Clair (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:09:47] BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden: TARGET IS AUGUSTIN CLAIR
[17.08.2019 20:09:48] BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden has set GRN|Augustin.Clair as group target.
[17.08.2019 20:10:06] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson has set GRN|Augustin.Clair as group target.
[17.08.2019 20:10:06] OK
[17.08.2019 20:10:12] 2019-08-17 20:10:12 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:10:12] Death: MdG/-Regis.Descoteaux suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:10:16] 2019-08-17 20:10:16 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:10:16] [LN]-Barney.Ross: heh
[17.08.2019 20:10:18] 2019-08-17 20:10:18 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:10:18] Death: LtCdr.Jack.Barnes(Ret.) was put out of action by C::Hoplite-3 (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:10:27] 2019-08-17 20:10:27 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:10:27] Lucy.Lumiere: Scratch one.
[17.08.2019 20:10:29] 2019-08-17 20:10:29 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:10:29] Death: MRG|Louis:Clement suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 20:10:29] 2019-08-17 20:10:29 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:10:29] Death: MRG|P.Lasalle was put out of action by MRG|Louis:Clement (Missile/Torpedo).
[17.08.2019 20:10:35] BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden has set GRN|Augustin.Clair as group target.
[17.08.2019 20:10:58] 2019-08-17 20:10:58 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:10:58] MdG/-Descoteaux: end these dogs!
[17.08.2019 20:11:09] 2019-08-17 20:11:09 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:11:09] Death: [LN]-Marcus.Robinson was put out of action by Chasseur (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:11:13] 2019-08-17 20:11:13 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:11:14] Auto-Buy(Nanobots): Bought 68 unit(s), cost: 13.600$
[17.08.2019 20:11:14] Auto-Buy(Shield Batteries): Bought 68 unit(s), cost: 13.600$
[17.08.2019 20:11:14] Auto-Buy(Cruise Disruptors): Bought 70 unit(s), cost: 140.000$
[17.08.2019 20:11:14] Auto-Buy(Mines): Bought 50 unit(s), cost: 300.000$
[17.08.2019 20:11:14] Auto-Buy(Countermeasures): Bought 170 unit(s), cost: 68.000$
[17.08.2019 20:11:23] /time
[17.08.2019 20:11:23] 2019-08-17 20:11:24 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:11:31] Warning!
[17.08.2019 20:11:31] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[17.08.2019 20:11:31] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in New London have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[17.08.2019 20:11:31] All other server rules are in place.
[17.08.2019 20:11:43] 2019-08-17 20:11:43 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:11:43] MRG|Louis.Clement: So, ending the rest of them.
[17.08.2019 20:11:43] 2019-08-17 20:11:43 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:11:43] Death: [LN]-Anna.Brown suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:11:44] Adama: Hostiles detected. Make ready for contact
[17.08.2019 20:11:46] 2019-08-17 20:11:46 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:11:46] MRG|Louis.Clement: All guns in.
[17.08.2019 20:11:49] 2019-08-17 20:11:49 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:11:49] Death: Roy_Howard was put out of action by Chasseur (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:12:24] 2019-08-17 20:12:24 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:24] Boris.Neumann: Really?
[17.08.2019 20:12:33] 2019-08-17 20:12:34 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:33] Boris.Neumann: How about we shoot gauls first
[17.08.2019 20:12:41] 2019-08-17 20:12:41 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:41] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: Non.
[17.08.2019 20:12:45] 2019-08-17 20:12:45 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:45] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: Moving in.
[17.08.2019 20:12:46] 2019-08-17 20:12:46 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:46] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson: Going in!
[17.08.2019 20:12:49] 2019-08-17 20:12:49 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:49] Death: Victoria.Price was put out of action by MRG|Louis.Clement (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:12:52] 2019-08-17 20:12:52 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:52] BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart: Weapons hot.
[17.08.2019 20:12:53] 2019-08-17 20:12:53 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:53] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson: Dropping a hammer!
[17.08.2019 20:12:55] 2019-08-17 20:12:55 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:55] BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart: Moving in.
[17.08.2019 20:12:56] 2019-08-17 20:12:56 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:12:56] MdG/-Descoteaux: Next!
[17.08.2019 20:13:03] 2019-08-17 20:13:03 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:13:03] Jules_Cassecouille: gonna drop you!
[17.08.2019 20:13:09] 2019-08-17 20:13:09 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:13:09] Boris.Neumann: By the name of Lenin Gallic filth shall burn!
[17.08.2019 20:13:11] 2019-08-17 20:13:11 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:13:11] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: I'm going to drop your mozeur !
[17.08.2019 20:13:22] BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden has set GRN|Augustin.Clair as group target.
[17.08.2019 20:13:28] 2019-08-17 20:13:28 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:13:28] Jules_Cassecouille: Bien dit!
[17.08.2019 20:13:32] 2019-08-17 20:13:32 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:13:32] Death: Jax.Santiago was put out of action by GRN|Celice.Sylvianne (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:13:34] 2019-08-17 20:13:34 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:13:36] 2019-08-17 20:13:36 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:13:36] MRG|Marcel-Patulacci: OUI
[17.08.2019 20:13:54] 2019-08-17 20:13:54 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:13:54] Death: BAF|MN-George.Teeze. was put out of action by MdG/-Eveline.Laroux (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:14:01] 2019-08-17 20:14:01 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:14:01] Jules_Cassecouille: Un de moins
[17.08.2019 20:14:35] 2019-08-17 20:14:35 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:14:35] Death: MdG/-Descoteaux was put out of action by 5th|Charlie,Davidson (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:14:42] 2019-08-17 20:14:42 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:14:42] Death: Camera.Null suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.08.2019 20:14:49] 2019-08-17 20:14:49 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:14:49] Death: [LN]-Marcus.Robinson suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.08.2019 20:14:52] 2019-08-17 20:14:52 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:14:52] Death: BAF|Cdr,Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by Papillon (Gun).
[17.08.2019 20:15:01] 2019-08-17 20:15:01 SMT
[17.08.2019 20:15:01] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: RFP|BP.Hks-W.Kruppstahl
[17.08.2019 20:15:06] Auto-Buy(Nanobots): Bought 68 unit(s), cost: 13.600$
[17.08.2019 20:15:07] Auto-Buy(Shield Batteries): Bought 68 unit(s), cost: 13.600$
[17.08.2019 20:15:07] Auto-Buy(Cruise Disruptors): Bought 70 unit(s), cost: 140.000$
[17.08.2019 20:15:07] Auto-Buy(Mines): Bought 50 unit(s), cost: 300.000$
[17.08.2019 20:15:07] Auto-Buy(Countermeasures): Bought 170 unit(s), cost: 68.000$