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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Keera - 02-21-2010

[Incoming transmission]
[Source ID: Ensgin Keevan]
[Subject: Duty Report]

Dear officers,

today I was on my way to the Battleship Derby to get my fighter when a Corsair ship came from the Edinburgh Jump Gate Trade Lane. I didn't get a glimpse at its ID, but I have to assume that its ship AI screwed somehow the IFF, because it docked at Planet Leeds without incident. I suppose we should have a look at the equipped ID the next time we encounter the ship. The type of the ship was "Civilian Deep Space Explorer". The name was "strmostenac1".

Here are the pictures of the docking proceedure.

Yours sincerely,
-- Ensign Keevan

[Transmission complete]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Deneth Aleski - 02-22-2010

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Name of claimant: Wilhelm Deneth Aleski
Age of claimant: 23
Rank of claimant: Ensign

Designated fleet: Fifth Great Fleet Suffolk
Asset(s) assigned: B-1290 "Templar" Very Heavy Fighter

Type of leave requested: Extended medical leave
If due to medical reason, skip to section 4

Medical condition requiring extended leave: Blunt force trauma to the head
Describe, in no more than three lines, the circumstances in which the incident took place. This section must be filled by qualified BAF medical staff.

Ensign Deneth Aleski, while performing his duties as a BAF fighter pilot, suffered severe blunt force trauma when the ejection pod he was testing outside the Suffolk catastrophically failed. One of the pod's rocket boosters malfunctioned, firing off earlier than designed. This caused Ensign Deneth Aleski's head to hit the right side of the pod at a dangerous velocity. Despite him wearing his full combat outfit, which includes a helmet, the pilot immediately fell unconscious and had to be taken into emergency care. He is expected to make a full recovery, but certain faculties remain under proper functioning levels. He will have to rest in order for these faculties to regain their initial levels of function. Besides a stiff neck and episodic headaches, Ensign Deneth Aleski is unharmed.

BAF Medical Staff team sponsoring the request: Battleship Suffolk Medical Bay
Recommended duration of extended leave: (Must be precise to the third nearest date of return) March 14th, 818AS (Approximate date of return, pending patient's progress)
Further comments: None

Signature of the claimant __Deneth Aleski, Ensign__
Signature of the claimant's sponsor __Jennifer Lewis, Head Nurse of the Suffolk__
Date __February 21st, 818 A.S.__

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Enko - 02-22-2010

Commander Reid sighed as she looked at the extended leave request still unattended, undoubtedly blaming Goodmen for this, she took the request and looked it over quickly.

Ensign Deneth Aleski 105D approved

She attached her neural net signature to it before closing the file and went back to staring out of the window into the LD-14 asteroid field.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Husher - 02-25-2010

*Uploading file*
*Videofile detected*

*Do you accept? Y/N*

To: admirality board.

[Image: iandriscoll.jpg]

Again a late report from me.
But what you want with all those scum out there?
Kusarians everyday in yer frontyard and than the dozens of pirates in our backyard who think they can come here and pirate or harash our people without BAF doing anything

*start laughing*

Well this week i had some good encounters.

At first when i was sitting in the squadronroom of the Norfolk our CO came in and yelled at me to get in space and get to Leeds as fast as possible.
I was ordered in my duck and the even gave me twenty five of those heavy torpedos, Holly ..... those are freaking expensive.
My CO said dont waste them son but iff you see a big boat you know what to do with them.

I certainly do....

In leeds i encountered some of our forces fighting three corsair gunboats.
Those blasted corsairs did destroyed a lot of our younger ensigns ships so together with a hastly scrambled force we engaged.
i was backed up by a few BAF pilots and a hunter bomber great lad btw knew his job well.

The first kill was mine.
Second kill was for the hunter and the third one was on me again.
The third one did blew up on impact of my first snac.
God that was good to see.

Kill one
Kill two
Kill three

Afterwards i paid the hunter his score of two million credits.

Well second thing i have to say between all boring patrols and skirmishes.

Believe it was last night we wasted another of that blasted emperor *spits on the floor* mighty ships.
Baf, Bowex escorts and bretonian freelancers worked hand in hand to defend our home from this Kusarian nemisis.
Oh it did destroy some ships but compared to a few fighters and bombers that battleship is a huge lost for the emperors treasure *hahaha*

I think the captain of that ship did try some hari miri or how they call it there, he tried to fly his vessel into the sun!
Can you believe it???
You fly a scrapheap worth one billion of siriuscredits and you fly it into the sun.
*shakes head of disbelieve*

Another Kusari battleship lost

Unfortunally after that the battle got more messy with incoming Kusari fighters, without fighter support i did not see it wise to assault further towards stokes.
We did already lost enough that day

Well thats all i have to say fo..... .
*A alarm is heared in the background*
Ohh for godsake give us a break ye bloody fools!!
Have to go sirs seems our kusarian matey's are back for some tea.

*link closed*

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 02-27-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Harlow]
[CommID: Fleet Admiral Nelson]

Following today's bloody repulsion of a major Kusari assault against Planet Leeds, the Admiralty wishes to formally recognise the valour and acheviements of the following officers:

Admiral Hobart, Commodore Frost, Commander Jones, Commander Ramey, Lieutenant Adama, Lieutenant Hans and Lieutenant Shekhar are to receive Courageous Action Medals.
Lieutenant Alster is to receive a Courageous Action Medal, a Disinguished Flying Cross and promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

On behalf of Her Majesty, I wish to thank all officers who contributed to this fine victory.

Sir Stanley Nelson
Fleet Admiral

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sly - 02-28-2010

"Incoming transmission..."
"Subject ID: Lieutenant-Commander John Alster, Bretonia Armed Forces"

Good evening, sirs.
This day there was a cold meeting with outcast capital ship.
I received a distress call from Thames outpost. Transmission said that there was an Outcast vessel floating near planet. By the time I got there, constable John Grey was fighting this Destroyer. With my help he took out many subsystems of Destroyer, and my SNAC delivered a solid punch to its hull.
Captain placed his ship right in front of Planet New London... His mistake made him to pay by his own ship

[Image: b7m4aq.jpg]
[Image: 16m9o3.jpg]

Lieutenant-Commander John Alster over and out.
"Transmission terminated..."

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Murkauski - 02-28-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Nick Parker]

Good day,

today i encountered a smuggler carrying cardamine in Cortez system. He refused to cooperate and engaged into battle when his team mate appeared. I had no other choice but keep the safe distance and wait for them to leave.
I saved the message history and took some visual proof. You can see it here: Scan log - 1, Scan log - 2, Scan log - 3

Shortly after that, weird thing happened. Some guy named Smeagle flew into Manchester system. He was in eagle with pirate ID. When I asked, He said that friend gave him that ID and refused to change it and started cruise mode.
Train cruise disruptor did it's job and I did mine with a help of one friendly pilot.

Ensign - Nick Parker

[Transmission ends]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - cshake - 03-03-2010

... Incoming transmission ...
Source: Lieutenant Commander Jay Clark
Subject: Patrol Report

Today I came on patrol at 22:30 SMT to reports of Corsair activity in Dublin. I arrived on scene to see Lieutenant Bridge and HMS-Wellesley in control of the situation, along with II-HMAS.Victory from the TA and Benjamin.Barker.

I stationed myself at Graves with the Victory, and saw Espi*|Sails hovering at range in his Praetorian. Some "pleasantries" were exchanged, and we came to find that we could not find evidence that he had been recently engaged in piracy or other crimes against the Crown. An unaffiliated Spatial pilot going by the callsign bugyka was somewhat delusional, tried to shoot the Sails pilot a few times, and repeatedly exclaimed that all of life was a game, and he was new at it. If it wasn't for the fact that he could reach his controls, I'd believe that he was born yesterday.

After a short break of that Spatial flitting around, *Desu|Sails reinforced his friend in his Titan, but both continued to hold their distance. At some point during this, Commodore Owen came on duty and reinforced us, and Bridge came back from investigating any activity around Gran Canaria with Barker. More verbal taunts between the Spatial and the Sails ensued, but nothing came of it. A Correo by the callsign |~|Tango also arrived on the scene with the Sails, and surprisingly we had a discussion about the merits of Zoner alcohol and Bretonian tea, generally coming to the conclusion that both were far superior to any swill that the Kusari could come up with.

During all this I was contacted over private comms by a certain "Darth Sidious" of the Shadow Outcast Brigade, who began inquiring about the state of the refugees who were leaving Planet Leeds. In this conversation he informed me that "Malta needs a lot of industrial workers. Such as ship builders, farmers, and machine operators". He clarified that all their field labor and other undesirable and 'underpaid' positions were well covered with "old, starved criminals, such as xenos, corsairs, and gaians", and that anyone coming as a refugee would not at all be in that position.
He did confirm what I'd heard from CRI that it would end up being a one-way trip due to the unavoidable development of a cardamine dependency, as it is present in the very air they breathe on Malta. While this is an issue, the "heightend physical and mental abilities" may be in our favor if these refugees remember their past and join us against the Kusari threat.

Sidious then hinted that the Outcasts are in the habit of producing "high quality munitions", "But we also offer... "retail" handguns, tanks, artillery". This seemed to be somewhat related to the request to "encourage them[refugees] to come to Malta".

I informed him that I would submit this conversation/offer to my superiors and those in charge of such matters, as I am doing now.

That is all for today's report.
Lieutenant Commander Jay Clark

... Transmission Ends ...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tensdale - 03-04-2010

-- :: Incoming Transmission :: --
-- :: ID: BAF|Ens.J.Tensdale :: --

Today, in the middle of my shift I received a transmission from Bounty Hunter Arabella that they've caught some big fish. I send Micheal Clay and John Clay to investigate (both are currently waiting for approval of the Ensign tag).. It turns out Arabella had found a little Buccaneer captain with engine problems.

Name: Buc|Capt.Henry.Morgan

Arabella helped us tow the buccaneer to Leeds orbit where he was questioned.
I decided to take him into custody rather then kill him even tho he is KOS... He claimed to have some information that would prove to be viable to the BAF, so I ordered the Clay brothers to tow him down to Leeds where he was taken into custody by federal Officers.

I expect it will be decided what to do with him as he is now officially not my problem anymore.

Good Day,

Ensign Jason Tensdale out...

-- :: Transmission Ends :: --

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 03-05-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Sender ID: Lt Adama,Lee

*Salutes* sirs
This evening while manning the blockade with commodore Roysth a ship called king 23 un-docked from leeds reportedly carrying kusari iff's both commodore Roysth and I repeatedly asked him to stop but he fled


signal terminated