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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Inter-House (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=69) +----- Forum: IMG| (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=89) +----- Thread: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) (/showthread.php?tid=14981) |
Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Ganimed - 03-06-2012 *** From: Dr Kein, stationed on Java station *** *** [color=#CC6600]To: Guild Communication channel On 5th of March, Mara Arin was admitted to the Java's Foreign Contaminant Wing (FCW) with respiratory and circulatory problems. Her skin was pale, her eyes bloodshot, she couldn't stand or speak properly. Her communications officer, Jin Osumi, said she was in a contact with a Nomad vessel for about an hour after which she fell into a state of coma after which they requested the emergency medical team to meet them on the landing pad. We reacted immediately and gave the patient a milligram of adrenaline to keep her stable, however there was no reaction to the stimulus so we gave her another milligram of adrenaline. Her breathing normalized, but we couldn't take changes so we took her to the FCW where the patient would be carefully examined and monitored. In absence of my assistant, Dr Jisun, Dr Ely lead the examination process and monitored the patient. We gave her a double IV therapy to which she responded well and, thankfully, fully recovered. There were no brain anomalies, but the Nomad vessel did establish a telepathic link, draining the patients energy after which she collapsed from exhaustion. Mr Walker, a pilot from IMG security, also added that he witnessed a part of the conversation after which she entered a state of stupor mumbling incoherently and taking long pauses between words. If it wasn't for the quick reactions of Ms Arin's crew, she would have been dead, so we advise everyone to stay away from Nomad vessels as prolonged telepathic conversations can severely impact one's health. Ms Arin was released from the Foreign Contaminant Wing the following day. Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Ganimed - 03-23-2012 *** From: Mara Arin, stationed at Battleship Hood *** *** [color=#CC6600]To: Guild Comm channel *** *** *** Affiliation: IMG, Research and Exploration Division, Recruit rank Greetings fellow employees, you might have noticed that I have been absent for a brief period of time due to coming exams. As you might have heard, I'm attending a medical college of Kyushu every working day for about eight hours or more, trying to gain Kusari citizenship and finally getting a recognized diploma in the experimental science branch. I will now return to my duties as a recruit of IMG's R&E division, but will reduce my activity in the transportation and mining division because of lack of time. I hope you will understand that my education and personal excellence has to come before my work no matter how much I enjoy doing it. That also means I will require funding for my research projects such as surveys as I will not be able to pay all the manpower and equipment myself. Mr. Henderson was very kind and paid the expenses for the previous surveys, so I can now go on and persue other project such as the Omega 3 survey. I'm very interested in what actually happened to my survey reports the private investor wanted IMG to conduct and to what conclusion did we come as to where the base will be constructed. I would also like to inform you that I am now in possession of a Corvo class cruiser exploration vessel for which the Sea Trading Company will pick up the bill. It is currently docked at Java and was christened IMG}{{Hope in memory of the ship I came with to Sirius a few years ago. The crew from my Uruz transport class vessel has already been transferred to the Corvo and a new batch of officers have been hired to man the Uruz. I will also attempt to install counter electronic warfare software onto the cruiser to equip it for deep exploration missions more appropriately and reduce the risk of hacking as well as stealing the precious research data I may store there. Within 72 hours an expedition to Omega 3 will be mounted and hopefully with the help of Carl Ostermann from the Heisenberg Research Station who I will contact in less then 12 hours, we will be successful and report our findings to this channel. Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Ganimed - 03-25-2012 *** From: Mara Arin, stationed at Battleship Hood *** *** [color=#CC6600]To: Archives on Uruz transport, Survey reports *** *** *** Affiliation: IMG, Research and Exploration Division, Recruit rank *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** PASSWORD PROTECTED *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 1) ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION On 8. of March 819 A.S. around 13:00 Sol hours Guild Master Takeshi Ogawa of the Independent Miners Guild sent a message using S.K.Y.P.3 protocol in the Research and Exploration channel about the need for a survey in Omega 3 as the Guild wants to claim a minable Cobalt field there. Because I had other project ongoing at that time and had to study for exams, I didn't take the assignment right away. On 24. of March 819 A.S. around 23:00 hours this survey was completed and on 25. of March 819. A.S. this report was compiled. The assignment was to survey the Omega 3 system. No specific area was chosen, the assignment only mentioned a minable Cobalt field in the aformentioned system. 2) [color=#CC6600]ABSTRACT (O) This survey was conducted using the "Uruz" battle transporter equipped with standard surveying, probing and extraction equipment without plating modifications as there were no hazards specific to Omega 3. This survey was less dangerous then the previous ones as star radiation proved to be minimal and the system enjoys a low volume of unlawful traffic. Carl Ostermann accompanied me on this expedition, but even up to this day I have no idea who he is or why Mr Ogawa suggested we mount a joint expedition as he failed to identify himself properly and had conflicting statements. Regardless, the whole Omega 3 system was surveyed consisting of five field and a single anomaly which became the main focus of my survey as it containes the cobalt Mr Ogawa was talking about. 3) [color=#CC6600]PREPARATION (O) Using both S.K.Y.P.3 and standard IMG encryption protocols, I contacted Mr Ostermann who responded well within the time frame of 12 hours and said he will come in a heavy fighter class vessel to assist me with the surveying. Having no idea how all the surveying equipment could fit into such a small ship, I didn't ask too many question hoping that his expertise which he described as „ interest in Astronomy and nanotechnology“ will help me in the survey. Despite being puzzled by his reply, I continued to Omegas traveling through independent systems which went excellent without a single bump along the way. After arriving I landed on Freeport 1 to contact scientists from Ames Research Station in Kepler who assisted me with the previous two surveys and told them that I'll transmit the raw data via encrypted channels for analysis. Because they are still my employees who I hired for a period of one month, they accepted the job on their last day of employment grumbling. After establishing a connection with them, I left the Freeport and began my survey. 4) [color=#CC6600]PROCESS (O) After downloading the map of Omega 3 I visited all the asteroid fields and surveyed the central area of each, taking careful notes about my relative position to the nearest known object such as a station. After arriving in the central area, I took mass measurements as well as rock samples to identify the asteroids' minerals. Daumann's personnel on Rugen didn't mind me surveying the Roth Asteroid Field, but BMM personnel on Douglas did, so they attempted to scare me away with turret fire after I told them I'm conducting a survey on Coombe Asteroid Field. After being in dark matter and electric discharging storms this was a laugh, as they didn't penetrate even half the shield which the aforementioned storms could bypassed completely. My next destination was the Graham Ice Field which was near the Cambridge jump gate. I feared Jokerz might attack me as they have been sighted in the area quite often, but all went well and after sampling the area I went to Burgess Ice Field near the Freeport. There I stopped and uploaded the data I've already gathered after which I took a sample from the center of the field. Last stop was the Wilkes Ice Field in which Aland Shipyard was located, infamous as Hessian staging area for attacks in Omegas. Thankfully, no ships expect for a few border world transport vessels were sighted. Once I finished surveying near Aland, I continued to view the anomaly near the Omega's star which happened to be a stray comet. After probing the surface, extracting a sample and evaluating the mass I went back to the Freeport to upload the data while taking a beating in the process as the star's radiation damaged the plating. 5) [color=#CC6600]RESULTS (O) A) [color=#CC6600] Roth Asteroid Field Roth is the „shorter straw“ by being less abundant with hydrocarbon compounds and having asteroids with dense thick covering layer. Large clusters of asteroids are present within the field with the exception of a cleared space around the Daumann's Rugen Station. Asteroids are filled with different alkane, alkene, alkyne, cycloalkane and alkadiene compounds, but most of them are covered by a layer of thick dense rock layer which makes it hard to penetrate without proper mining equipment. That has it's upsides however, one of them being that unregistered miners are discouraged to mine in the field. B) Coombe Asteroid Field Coombre in the „longer straw“ by being having more hydrocarbon compounds beneath the asteroids' rock layer. The field is also larger then the Roth Field, but I was unable to determine by what volume as BMM personal didn't wish to share such information. Nevertheless, I was able to evaluate that mining the asteroids in this field yields far more hydrocarbon not only because of less dense rock layers covering the asteroids, but also because the asteroids are much larger, therefore having more minerals within them then those in Roth Field. C) Graham Ice Field The field which houses the jump gate to Cambridge is full of water in it's solid state. It also has some gases, but due to being far away from the star, the gas expands very slowly and is masked by all the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Mining in this area would yield large amounts of water and some gas, but the gas yield is far too low to be profitable. D) Burgess Ice Field Freeport 1 is on the edges of said field and is filled with water in it's solid state. Sample extraction showed no gas which indicates that all the hydrogen and oxygen atoms formed water molecules making this a very old field, more so then the previous one. Freeport 1 is constantly supplied with fresh water without any minerals by mining this field, but extensive mining wouldn't yield enough water per asteroid to cover the fuel expenses. E) Wilkes Ice Field The last of five fields, this one is very like the Burgess Ice Field in both contents and density. I've heard rumors on Aland Shipyard which is located inside the field that Hessians used it to stage attacks on rest of Omegas, but now it's empty as they have retreated to their diamond yielding fields. F) Anomalies and hazards A single anomaly was encountered in Omega 3 which might be the reason why I was sent there to conduct the expedition. A comet called „Cross-Vandermeer“ named after Johan Vandermeer, a physicist who predicted that the comet will pass through Omega 3 due to the gravitational anomaly known as the Baxter anomaly, and professor Cross, an astrophysics from Cambridge who failed to make the same prediction, but spotted the comet nevertheless. The comet's trajectory was altered due to Baxter anomaly as predicted and it grazed the Roth Asteroid Field after which it settled into the star's low orbit. The asteroid has a few layers, first being a mix of ice and gas which is melting quickly due to it's close proximity to the star. The second layer is a mix of rock and light metals, which we should be able to penetrate with our standard mining equipment. The third layer consists of both light and heavy metals, which is the richest layer in cobalt and then there is the core composed of only the heaviest metals. The first layer is supposed to be the thickest, but when I took the measurements, it's thickness was reduced severely, so the second layer became thicker then the first. The comet's layers are not clearly defined which indicates the comet is young as metals within it didn't have the time to sediment properly. It didn't have enough velocity to combat the gravitational pull of the star either, so it was captured and will most likely stay trapped there until it crashes into the sun itself or gains enough momentum to escape the star's grip. The comet also has a large tail in which samples of cobalt can be collected mixed with light metals and water. It is as far as I can tell the only place from where the cobalt can be mined safely, as every other side is affected by radiation. 6) [color=#CC6600]CONCLUSION (O) It is obvious that the aforementioned comet is a „gold mine“ of cobalt, waiting to be extracted, but I fear there might be some complications. The comet is very close to the star which means it is being heated and irradiated. If the temperature was to reach 1100 degrees Celsius within the core, all the cobalt would loose it's ferromagnetic properties. Thankfully the effect is reversible, but metals would still become searing liquids able to penetrate through protective helmet glass in mere seconds. The comet's stay in the stars's low orbit will eventually destroy the first icy layer, exposing the second layer to the sun which would in turn irradiate the metals within it. I also didn't came across any precise calculations of it's velocity before it entered the star's orbit which would mean it can either crash into into the sun, if the velocity was too low, or escape it, if the comet retained enough momentum. It's rotational speed also worries me as it would mean mining on any other side other then near it's rotary axis would expose the mining crew to the star's radiation for quite some time, forcing them to either hide beneath the surface or conduct short mining operations. If the comet was shattered, it would create a debris field as large as Roth, with many asteroids filled with pockets of cobalt, but that would require placing a very strong charge on the surface of the asteroid facing towards the star which would push the comet away from it and then placing another charge into the comet's core to shatter it completely. There is also a chance that the comet may hit planet Sprague which would have cataclysmic consequences for both the planet, as it's atmosphere would be polluted by heavy metals, and the comet, which would be destroyed in the process of collision. Despite all the dangers it presents, there are a number of ways which would overcome them under the assumption the comet will stay in low orbit and doesn't crash into the sun. It would take at least a month until the first icy layer melted and after that, if the metals become irradiated, we could make radiation proof cargo holds which would contain the irradiated ore until the transports unload on a refinery. If the temperature was too high, the ore could be cooled down and it's magmatic properties could then be restored. The rotary speed is also a problem, but it would only affect the speed at which the cobalt is mined, as then the mining teams on the comet's surface would have to evacuate the part exposed to radiation and resume mining on some other side of the comet. We also shouldn't forget that the comet has it's icy tail from which cobalt could be extracted safely without fears of radiation, extreme heat or strong gravity. Attention! This report is the property of Mara Arin and cannot be copied, edited or used in any other way unless given a written permission. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** [color=#CC0000]PASSWORD PROTECTED *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Ganimed - 03-25-2012 *** From: Mara Arin, stationed at Battleship Hood *** *** [color=#CC6600]To: Archives on Uruz transport, Survey reports *** *** *** Affiliation: IMG, Research and Exploration Division, Recruit rank *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** PASSWORD PROTECTED *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** RECORDS AND SOURCES (O) *** *** *** *** ![]() Omega 3 survey plan ![]() ![]() Roth Asteroid Field (A) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Coombre Asteroid Field (B) ![]() ![]() Graham Ice Field © * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Burgess Ice Field (D) ![]() Wilkes Ice Field (E) ![]() Comet's proximity to the star and the planet (F) ![]() Cross-Vandermeer comet's tail (F) Attention! This report is the property of Mara Arin and cannot be copied, edited or used in any other way unless given a written permission. [size=12]*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** PASSWORD PROTECTED *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Rainy Day - 03-26-2012 Signal Strength: Excellent ID: Jacob Walker To: Guild Comms Subject: Defense of Tau-23 Source: Java Station, Tau-23 After responding to a distress call from fellow Paramilitary pilot Brigid O'Shaunessy, I undocked to see Java being swarmed by Outcasts and their newly found friend La Sensual. I didn't really take the time to see how many hostiles there were after I ran out of fingers, and just set to work. I spent most of the engagement playing taskmaster, starting from when Degroot got his bomber tied up with a fighter a system away. When I left the scene Brigid and another Lost Star Bomber; 'Counterance' were dealing with a gunboat. Once I got to Degroot I was able to tie up the fighter while he left the area and went to assist with his fighter in Tau-23 where the bulk of the action was. Once it became the fighter stuck with me wasn't going to win he exited the system back to Tau-23 as well. The fight was rather lengthy and we sustained heavy losses while driving out the Outcasts, including the Cromos. Due to the chaos that ensued in pushing back the Outcasts, very few gun cam shots were processed, all of which Brigid uploaded to me. Enemy Contacts Gunboat Going Up Second Gunboat Going Up Ending Video Stream... With the situation handled I've taken to having a long rest and will be doing so for a while until my nerves have simmered down some. I should be available soon, Escort Recruit Jacob Walker Signal Terminated... Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - SpaceTime - 03-27-2012 Comm ID: [color=#FF6666]Guild Master Takeshi Ogawa Recipient ID: Mara Arin, Jacob Walker Source: Roppongi Station, New Tokyo System Encryption: Standard Subject: Advancement Ms Arin and Mr Walker great work again. The past month you have accomplished many things and I can proudly say that you advance to full Guild Members! Now, you are one of us. Ms Arin I have a request. Please return to Jakarta Orbital Colony as soon possible. [font=Monotype Corsiva][color=#FFFFFF] Guild Master Takeshi Ogawa
Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Ganimed - 03-27-2012 *** From: Mara Arin, stationed at Battleship Hood *** *** [color=#CC6600]To: Takeshi Ogawa *** *** *** Affiliation: IMG, Research and Exploration Division, Member rank A compliment from one such as yourself means a lot Mr Ogawa, thank you. I've just finished adding my last thoughts to the last survey report about the Omega 3 regarding the possible comet's interaction with planet Sprague, so nothing is keeping me from arriving at Jakarta in the next several hours. I'll fly with a public shuttle to Tau space which is scheduled to depart from Battleship Hood around seven hours from now. I'm interested as to why my presence is requested there. Kind reguards, Mara Arin. Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Ganimed - 03-27-2012 *** From: Mara Arin, stationed at Battleship Hood *** *** [color=#CC6600]To: Takeshi Ogawa *** *** *** Affiliation: IMG, Research and Exploration Division, Member rank I was able to catch an earlier shuttle from Hood, but unfortunately, we were stopped by Gallic police who insisted we all be searched for weapons and contraband. The shuttle's driver knew very little Gallic, so it made things even more complicated and took some time before we assured the officer this was a civilian passenger craft, not a spying vessel in service of Bretonia. After twenty minutes of discussion, they let us pass and we swiftly entered Tau 23 hoping they wouldn't change their mind. I'll land on Jakarta any moment now, but I'll be unavailable until I freshen up as this bumpy ride make me feel very uncomfortable. I wonder why you have requested my presence Mr Ogawa. Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - psychotrix - 03-27-2012 **GuildComm Active** To: Mining Department From: Recruit Andy Austin of the Hegemon class mining ship 'Lithovore', currently stationed at Planet Denver Subject: First mining assignment Dear Sirs, First of all, I apologize for any omissions in this report, for I am still learning to properly use IMG logging features. After going to Jakarta Orbital Colony for my first assignment, I was assigned a temporary mining position in Tau-23 northwest niobium fields. I met with the ship 'Porcupine' and the ship 'FlyingBroke' at Java Station space. We then proceeded to the Tau-23 northwest niobium fields without any incidents. During the mining and loading operation, occasional Outcast Sabre, Gallic Royal Navy and IMG patrols met us and sometimes GRN and Outcasts attacked us, but their light equipment was no match for our shields and defensive weaponry. Upon filling the ships 'Porcupine' and 'FlyingBroke', both went back, while I attempted to fill our own cargo hold. Unfortunately I only took the shot when both ships were a bit far from my position. First run After this first run, I went back to Java Station to meet two more ships for another mining and transport run on the same fields, namely the 'OreCrusher' and the 'Really.Broke'. During the second mining and loading operation, again, occasional Outcast Sabre, Gallic Royal Navy patrols met us and sometimes engaged us, but were destroyed or just ignored, since their firepower was no match to our shields. After the loading operations concluded, both ships were fully loaded. 'OreCrusher' load of 1180 ore units 'Really.Broke' load of 3960 ore units We then proceeded to Java Station. Upon reaching Java Station, an Outcast Gunboat that was about 9k from Java, was having a threatening speech regarding our convoy's shipment. Several ships were then dispatched to engage this gunboat, while I stayed docked at Java Station. Upon engagement, the Gunboat went further than 15k from Java and I lost all scanner contact with the Outcast Gunboat as well as allied ships engaged on the same fight. Later, returning allied ships confirmed the enemy gunboat's demise. Shortly after allies returning to Java, our convoy comprised of 'Lithovore', 'Porcupine' and '[IMG]SpaceBlade' (unable to confirm this call-sign), transported the ore to Liberty via Kusari Space. During flight, the fighter named '[IMG]SpaceBlade' provided escort. Upon reaching Liberty Space and concluding business there, our escort was compensated for its service. Austin out. **Message End** Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 03-29-2012 **** INCOMING TRANSMISSION ****
**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]IMG & Lost Star **** **** ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC99]HIGH ***** **** VOICE ENABLED **** **** VIDEO UPLINK ENABLED **** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ![]() ** CONNECTION ESTABLISHED SUCCESSFULLY ** [font=Lucida Sans Unicode] [color=#FFFFFF] Combat Report: Hectic day in Tau 23 and 37, with some new developments towards the LaSensual situation. Seems the lonely podsurfer finally found some friends. Sad they bit the dust at exactly the moment they thought they had won. Sad, sad, sad. But let's start from the beginning: I was on patrol duty when an Outcast Gunboat named "Wabisuke" came close. I engaged on my own, knowing that the Bounty Hunter Cruiser Auction Time was on duty, too. The Commander arrived and executed the Gunboat with a dual Light Mortar hit. It just tore the thing apart like a canopener opens a... guess what... can. It happened too fast to get the guncam ready. IMG Defense was called in because a Titanic class transport was under attack by an OC bomber, named "Forcehammer". The engagement by me and an IMG Spatial forced him to break off the attack. He wanted to destroy the slow Spatial, but I sank a Snac into his rear. Dealt with. Evidence File: Outcast Bomber engaging Transport
During that fight, "LaSensual" was reported and engaged by the Hunter Cruiser. LaSensual ran to Tau 37 after he was refilled by the Gallic Junker vessel named "Gaylord.Pascal", as the hunter reported to me. When I tried to follow to Tau 37, the Gallic Junker started to try to intercept me with Cruise Disruptors, but failed in the dense fields. I started to question him and he kept denying everything. He was lying, as the later Tau 37 situation will prove. Evidence File: ID scan of "Gaylord.Pascal"
Evidence File: Weapon Scan of "Gaylord.Pascal
I could not prove that he was actually helping and the hunter was not 100 percent sure, so I let him go after I gave him a stern telling off. Quote:[29.03.2012 17:21:08] IMG|Brigid.O'Shaunessy.: Okay, Gallic Junker. I saw what you did During that talk, the Hunter reported that a Junker Salvager named "boeing" had opened fire on him. With a Gallic Junker suspected of helping LaSensual, and now another Junker attacking the Cruiser together with LaSensual, I decided to break off the talk with Gaylord and headed to Tau 37. Guess what? Gaylord of course followed. Evidence File: Cruiser under attack by LaSensual and Boeing
I engaged LaSensual, but the Cruiser was heavily damaged and taken out near the Freeport. That's when they all jumped on me. All the Junkers, and LaSensual. An XTF bomber "[XTF]-Jose.Contador" and another Outcast "MoRRaz_7" also came in and I retreated under the most heavy fire I have ever come under to Tau 23. I could have sworn I was hit by a snac, but the ship held together, miraculaously. Evidence File: The merry chase party that liked my behind so much!
I gleaned interesting talk at the moment when they thought they had won and I would be dealt with easily. Quote:[29.03.2012 17:29:53] IMG|Brigid.O'Shaunessy.: I will attack in defense of the Hunter who defends IMG against LaSensual. All enemies of him are mine I think... this "Gaylord.Pascal: *Drops the Mutusha card*" says it all. Stupid thing if you uncover your face too early, thinking you would have won already. I made it to Tau 23 and reinforcements already were waiting. Lost Star and IMG| Defense were brutally effective again and wiped the floor with what jumped after me. Quote:[29.03.2012 17:39:17] IMG|Brigid.O'Shaunessy.: All Junkers (meaning: those that came through in chase of me) are enemies 42 seconds later, the Junker Frigate "boeing" was destroyed that just had pushed too hard to score on me. I received regens by the Annapurna IMG|Collecteur[R] at Java and dived back into the fray. LaSensual ran to... you guess it... Freeport 10. An Outcast gunboat named "Logistics" tried to assist him and was burnt fast by the retaliation force. Evidence File: Logistics as fireworks
LaSensual, little crying baby docked with a few snacs in his sore bum. I put the bomber in the repair docks, where it will spend some time. But it was worth it. I would like to say a big thank you to the boys and girls of the Lost Star that were already waiting in battle formation when my ship came in hot. 42 seconds until the enemy was fleeing and one of them exploded is damn good. Thank you also to the IMG| that scrambled that fast. You guys saved my ass out there. O'Shaunessy, signing off for a hot bath. [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***