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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 10-02-2012

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board of Directors

I hereby inform you, that all of the IMs and most of the Silver (about 600 left) for the current project have been delivered by my pilots.

In exact numbers:
  • 19900 units of Silver from Freital (Omega-7)
  • 19900 units of Industrial Materials from Lancaster Trade Center (Newcastle)
have been delivered to Nichols trade center by the OSI-StellarDreams.
Proof upon request.

Important situations during trade runs:

A corsair of the "Sail"-family attempted to pirate me, but let us go unharmed and without pay after we submitted proof of a recent food and pharmaceutical delevery to planet Krete

Yours faithfully
Jason Kelly
Owner of the OSI-Stellar Dreams

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mr_3ppozz - 10-04-2012

** Opening communication channel **
** Channel acquired **
** Signal 88% **
** Ship/Comm ID Patrick Poole **
** To: OSI Project Manager **

Hello again,

I made some deliveries this week, I am sorry it is not more, but times have been trying and busy.

Manifest: 1, 2

Kind regards,
Patrick Poole

** Closing communication channel **
** Channel selected **
** Signal 81% **
** Ship/Comm ID Patrick Poole **
** Communication terminated **

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Aazalot - 10-05-2012

[Image: osicomms.png]

Good Evening all. Cloud-1 Is Repaired and up and running again, and to give her a proper shakedown, we did some long hauls to get Project JD48712 as close to compleation as possble, So i filled the last quotas of Super conductors and some High Tempreture Alloys, we did unload some Industrial Materials as well, although they are surplus. We also filled the Silver Quota as well once the crew had a rest day on Gran Canaria.

Manifesto is as follows:
2990 Industrial Materials
8970 High Tempreture Alloys
2990 Super Conductors
2990 Silver

Cloud-1 Cargo Status Screens
Industrial Mats
High Temp Alloy

Voncloud, out

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Aazalot - 10-06-2012

(edited post/updated)

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 10-11-2012

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board of Directors

I hereby inform you, that all of the Superconductors and Silver needed for the current project as well as some Industrial Materials and Robotics have been delivered by the OSI-StellarDreams to Nichols.

In exact numbers:
  • 4975 units of Industrial Materials from Lancaster Trade Center (Newcastle)
  • 30'150 units of Silver from Freistadt Base (Omega-7)
  • 14'050 units of Superconductors from Aland Shipyard (Omega-3)
  • 5550 units of Robotics also from Aland Shipyard (Omega-3)

Proof: Manifest

Important situations during trade runs:

Nothing to report

Yours faithfully
Jason Kelly
Owner of the OSI-Stellar Dreams

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 10-24-2012

[Image: kelly.png]

S'me again. But we had a little emergency concering the Base "Goldern Coin", which was running alarmingly low on supplies. So I decided to help out and delivered a total of 24'875 units of Basic Alloys to the base.

Proof: Evidence

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - sele - 11-05-2012

----- Opening communication channel -----
----- Channel acquired -----
----- Signal:Strong -----
----- Ship Name:OSI-Valhall, Zwiffel Quiro -----
----- To: OSI Project Manager -----

Good day, I have heard that Nichols center was in need of some resources, and since my crew and I had some time we managed to bring following resources to the station:

-13000 units of Gold
-9890 units of Industrial materials

Important situations during trade runs: Nothing has happened, everything has been quiet.
*Zwiffel out*

// I apologize for the third picture, honestly I forgot to take a picture it was a shipment of 4945 units of gold, hope that this will not be a huge problem and that I will not make the same mistake again


RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - sele - 12-07-2012

***Incoming Transmission***
***Minor encryption***
*** Opening package***

Greetings fellow co-workers, I would like to report an incident that has occurred to me.

Place: Gallia, Maine (in front of the planet Le Mans)

What happened: I was stopped by a EFL, and he demanded from me to stop, so I did. After that he asked me what was I doing in Gallia, and when I answered him he started firing on me. Fortunately I have escaped, and apparently the reason why he had attacked me was that I was not allowed in that system.

Proof will be forwarded to HC when needed.

***Transmission Terminated***
***Signal lost***

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Aazalot - 12-08-2012

[Image: osicomms.png]

.::Access Communications channel. Authorization Code. Voncloud J::.
.::Stand By... . .. .... Access Granted...Message Begins::.

Greetings unnamed OSI Worker.
Unless you have done so Already, please Send me the Guncam shots of the assailant so i may see it and show the rest of the High Command.
And in future, if you could put your name and Ship designation with your communications, its a big help to us as we have alot of ships to keep an eye on.

.::: Message Ends ::.

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - sele - 12-08-2012

***Incoming Transmission***
***Opening package***

ID: Zwiffel Quiro
Ship: OSI-Valhall

Message : *coughs* I apologize but it looks like that only some parts of the message have reached you, probably due to the damage inflicted on my ship.
Though my ship is repaired now and I think that you wont have problems with this transmission.
Raw footage will be sent to you,

Yours faithfully
Zwiffel Quiro

***Transmission terminated***