RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dhomie42 - 01-12-2020
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![[Image: kE0kwXn.png]](
COMM ID: Lieutenant, Jeremiah Sawyer
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
This is Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day, I'd like to report that a Rogue gunboat, Birdie was disabled with the help of 2 5th Fleet members, 5th|Nazawo.Ayato, and 5th|Brian.Smith, when we got ambushed by several Lane Hacker vessels, along with mentioned gunboat, unfortunately after the gunboat was disabled, the Hackers disabled my Guardian, so I had to return to Westpoint in a pod.
[11.01.2020 23:02:25] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Well, I guess it brough buddies.
[11.01.2020 23:02:31] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Must be the first time I see your kind with that... Scrapped ships.
[11.01.2020 23:02:40] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Who is that anyway ?
[11.01.2020 23:02:46] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: I can't make anything of the transponder.
[11.01.2020 23:02:57] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Probably some other hacker. Flew all along with the freighter.
[11.01.2020 23:03:08] Death: MNS-Hades was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[11.01.2020 23:03:12] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Exploit is definitely very curious on the choice of his components...
[11.01.2020 23:03:25] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Everyone knows Lane Hacker technology is just superior over the competition.
[11.01.2020 23:03:29] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Is he amute?
[11.01.2020 23:03:30] Birdie: all guns hot
[11.01.2020 23:03:34] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: lel
[11.01.2020 23:03:35] Exploit: SO don't be paniced boys
[11.01.2020 23:03:35] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Hmm ?!
[11.01.2020 23:03:42] 5th|Brian.Smith: Huh, another one?
[11.01.2020 23:03:44] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Wait, rogue gunboat ?
[11.01.2020 23:03:44] Birdie: target LN
[11.01.2020 23:03:46] Elektra.King: Hello!
[11.01.2020 23:03:47] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Already engaging ?
[11.01.2020 23:03:49] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Seriously ?
[11.01.2020 23:03:50] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Birdie is the hottest cannon of the Rogues, you can't stop him!
[11.01.2020 23:03:50] LH~Raphael.Drake: Greetings.
[11.01.2020 23:04:02] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: move claw
[11.01.2020 23:04:08] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Go Birdie!
[11.01.2020 23:04:11] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: I will be cheering
[11.01.2020 23:04:12] Birdie: go
[11.01.2020 23:04:16] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: *Sigh*
[11.01.2020 23:04:18] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Well then.
[11.01.2020 23:04:25] 5th|Brian.Smith: Guess it has to be
[11.01.2020 23:04:25] Exploit: standing down to see fire works
[11.01.2020 23:04:26] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: What have I gotten myself into again...
[11.01.2020 23:04:26] LH~Raphael.Drake: Weapons charged and ready.
[11.01.2020 23:04:29] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Birdie started hard
[11.01.2020 23:04:32] LH~Raphael.Drake: Time to kill some Navies!
[11.01.2020 23:04:36] LH~Raphael.Drake: Opening fire!
[11.01.2020 23:04:41] Elektra.King: I can take you all on myself!
[11.01.2020 23:04:41] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Assisting Sawyer.
[11.01.2020 23:04:43] 5th|Brian.Smith: Weapons charged, engaging hostile vessels!
[11.01.2020 23:04:47] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Weapons armed !
[11.01.2020 23:05:05] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Birdie does not need our help
[11.01.2020 23:05:09] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: He can handle it all by himself
[11.01.2020 23:05:29] 5th|Brian.Smith: We will see about htat.
[11.01.2020 23:05:31] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Let's get that thing first.
[11.01.2020 23:05:34] 5th|Brian.Smith: //that*
[11.01.2020 23:05:42] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: My money is on Birdie
[11.01.2020 23:05:45] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Than the three of you.
[11.01.2020 23:06:25] Exploit: yeah Birdie, get them
[11.01.2020 23:07:13] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Nah
[11.01.2020 23:07:14] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: He got this
[11.01.2020 23:07:14] LH~Nena.Bismaquer: Dropped off the load. What have I missed?
[11.01.2020 23:07:26] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Birdie is taking on the entire Navy
[11.01.2020 23:08:50] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Birdie is just miles better.
[11.01.2020 23:09:16] LH~Nena.Bismaquer: I'm not sure if he's faring too well.
[11.01.2020 23:09:46] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: He is just losing his cool
[11.01.2020 23:09:49] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: He needs to re-focus
[11.01.2020 23:12:14] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: I swear Birdie is worth 50% of Liberty Navy
[11.01.2020 23:12:35] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: If only we had two of then.
[11.01.2020 23:12:37] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: them*
[11.01.2020 23:12:54] Death: Birdie was put out of action by [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer (Gun).
[11.01.2020 23:12:58] LH~Raphael.Drake: Alright.
[11.01.2020 23:13:00] Elektra.King: My turn.
[11.01.2020 23:13:03] 5th|Brian.Smith: It's down.
[11.01.2020 23:13:07] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Great
[11.01.2020 23:13:08] LH~Raphael.Drake: Time to change the rules.
[11.01.2020 23:13:11] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Alright, you have your targets men.
[11.01.2020 23:13:11] LH~Raphael.Drake: Kill them all!
[11.01.2020 23:13:12] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: I'm down on bots already
[11.01.2020 23:13:15] Exploit: weapons hot
[11.01.2020 23:13:18] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: I can tell I'm gonna end up in a pod
[11.01.2020 23:13:18] LH~Raphael.Drake: Weapons hot!
[11.01.2020 23:13:21] Exploit: Moving to Engage
[11.01.2020 23:13:21] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: But to hell with it.
[11.01.2020 23:13:23] LH~Buffalo.Aggressor: Standing in reserve. So does Nena.
[11.01.2020 23:13:23] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: Weapons hot !
[11.01.2020 23:13:46] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Alright then.
[11.01.2020 23:14:02] Death: [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer was put out of action by LH~Raphael.Drake (Mine).
[11.01.2020 23:14:21] [LN]-Jeremiah.Sawyer: *Sigh* Back to Manhattan in a pod once again.
Visual footage of the events: [-x-]
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
//Note: As always, comms logs have been edited to exclude all ooRP and non-related logs.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dhomie42 - 01-18-2020
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
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![[Image: kE0kwXn.png]](
COMM ID: Lieutenant, Jeremiah Sawyer
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
This is Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day, this transmission will include several report, each listed below.
Note: I'll include only the visual footage of the reports, if the communications logs are required as well, please inform me, and I'll include them as requested, otherwise the visual footage should be enough to prove these events.
I'll make an exception with this one, and include the comms log, I noticed the vessel near Norfolk, and informed nearby Navy forces if maybe they can help, eventually the LNS-Louisiana, and 5th|LNS-Yorktown arrived on the scene, but the Atlantis eventually left, since me and the Interdictor managed to take out the Maltese warships, a Maltese fighter arrived on the scene a little late, and a fatal mine disabled Alicia.Scaletta, the said Maltese fighter.
An AI vessel was on the scene as well, but that will be important on a different event report.
15.01.2020 18:11:14] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: *Sigh*
[15.01.2020 18:11:27] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Ah!
[15.01.2020 18:11:28] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me...
[15.01.2020 18:11:36] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: A peasant!
[15.01.2020 18:11:39] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Welcome!
[15.01.2020 18:12:03] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: know what, nevermind.
[15.01.2020 18:12:06] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: I've come to join the Liberty Security Force. Where do we sign up?
[15.01.2020 18:12:22] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: I've seen too many Maltese warships to question how you even managed to get here.
[15.01.2020 18:12:25] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: You want to do what ?
[15.01.2020 18:12:36] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Si! The Liberty Security Force!
[15.01.2020 18:12:46] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: We wish to join them. Where do we fill in the paperwork?
[15.01.2020 18:13:18] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: *Sips coffee* Of course, and I'm seeking to join the Coalition Military, that is why I'm serving the Liberty Navy right now.
[15.01.2020 18:13:31] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: That's a shame. The Coalition are assholes.
[15.01.2020 18:13:47] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: I don't like assholes. I prefer people who know what they're doing.
[15.01.2020 18:13:57] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Right...says the one seeking to join the LSF.
[15.01.2020 18:14:02] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: So, where do we sign up? I want to protect Liberty with our giant Maltese cross.
[15.01.2020 18:14:24] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: *Chuckles* Alright, you are an amusing one.
[15.01.2020 18:14:25] Das.Rheingau: Consider logging a bomber
[15.01.2020 18:14:27] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: The Nomads in particular have a bad edge with these ships of ours.
[15.01.2020 18:14:36] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Oh come on !
[15.01.2020 18:14:42] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Now even a Gammu AI ?
[15.01.2020 18:14:49] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: AI? Where?
[15.01.2020 18:14:56] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: They're enemies of humanity, si?
[15.01.2020 18:15:13] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Bluntly put it
[15.01.2020 18:15:17] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: They are banned from Liberty
[15.01.2020 18:15:18] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: We'll kill 'em for Liberty if that's how we sign up.
[15.01.2020 18:15:26] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Also, this one has been to Bretonia...
[15.01.2020 18:15:42] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: I've never been to Bretonia. I hear it's a mess.
[15.01.2020 18:15:55] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: And it's leaving ?
[15.01.2020 18:16:14] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Oh, it's firing.
[15.01.2020 18:16:41] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Right, AI.
[15.01.2020 18:16:52] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Please come over here and drop those Bretonian pilots and any other civilians.
[15.01.2020 18:16:57] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: The rest you can keep for all I care.
[15.01.2020 18:17:17] V.I.R.U.S: AI: Negative, this Civilians and Pilots are under AI Control...
[15.01.2020 18:17:20] LNS-Louisiana: What are their armor upgrades
[15.01.2020 18:17:21] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: And I might let you just leave Liberty, instead of having to chase you.
[15.01.2020 18:17:38] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: *Sigh*
[15.01.2020 18:17:49] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Please come and grab your people, senor. Our point defense was afraid of their motives.
[15.01.2020 18:18:07] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Oh come on !
[15.01.2020 18:18:37] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Hrm.
[15.01.2020 18:18:37] LNS-Louisiana: Hes as good as dead
[15.01.2020 18:18:41] Rules Tip: A single player running two or more instances of Freelancer for trading or mining purposes is against server rules and is regarded as cheating.
[15.01.2020 18:18:53] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Well, Maltese
[15.01.2020 18:18:55] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Oi! What the fuck is all this?
[15.01.2020 18:18:57] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Si!
[15.01.2020 18:19:00] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Please tell your story to the 5th| here
[15.01.2020 18:19:05] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: While I chase down this bloody AI.
[15.01.2020 18:19:08] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Why is there a freaking Ranseur in my backyard.
[15.01.2020 18:19:15] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Alright AI
[15.01.2020 18:19:17] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: What do you want sniffer?
[15.01.2020 18:19:21] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Last chance, drop those pilots.
[15.01.2020 18:19:23] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: We're here to join the Liberty Security Force!
[15.01.2020 18:19:34] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: And I am the emperor of Liberty.
[15.01.2020 18:19:40] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Do that again, AI, and I will open fire.
[15.01.2020 18:19:43] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Liberty doesn't have an emperor, silly.
[15.01.2020 18:19:50] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Come over here you wanker.
[15.01.2020 18:19:53] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: That's the point you bloody fool.
[15.01.2020 18:20:08] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: The LSF are some of my best friends. I worked with many of them on many assignments.
[15.01.2020 18:20:22] V.I.R.U.S: AI: You are having same raster signals of the Carrier we infected in the negative of leaving Omicron Space...
[15.01.2020 18:20:23] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: AI, drop the damn Bretonian pilots.
[15.01.2020 18:20:24] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Someone bring me a coffee, I think I am dreaming, and make it hot not cold.
[15.01.2020 18:20:26] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Tell them Casper Orillion is looking to join back up. I brought a Ransuer with me.
[15.01.2020 18:20:44] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: What, what is this one talking about Yorktown actual ?
[15.01.2020 18:20:50] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Did you overdo cardamine sniffer?
[15.01.2020 18:21:16] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Not a clue. This ship has been in dock undergoing repairs from the war until recent.
[15.01.2020 18:21:20] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: The hell is this toaster mosquito doing in front of my Louisiana?
[15.01.2020 18:21:32] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: It's an enemy of Humanity!
[15.01.2020 18:21:37] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Louisiana, do me a favor and waste that AI please.
[15.01.2020 18:21:42] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Kill it, Louisiana.
[15.01.2020 18:21:50] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: You dare order me around?
[15.01.2020 18:21:56] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Look at you, you're pathetic.
[15.01.2020 18:21:57] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Si! Kill it!
[15.01.2020 18:22:00] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: The both of you.
[15.01.2020 18:22:07] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: I wi-You're opening fire now eh?
[15.01.2020 18:22:17] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Please secure your gunship commander, Captains.
[15.01.2020 18:22:23] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Done.
[15.01.2020 18:22:32] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Arriba! Well done, pilot.
[15.01.2020 18:22:38] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Now, what's a Maltese warship doing in my space?
[15.01.2020 18:22:46] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: I already told you.
[15.01.2020 18:22:56] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Where is the LSF Director? I must speak with her.
[15.01.2020 18:23:06] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Yeah sure.
[15.01.2020 18:23:26] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Adenauer is still Director of the Liberty Security Force, si?
[15.01.2020 18:23:47] LNS-Louisiana: *Hamilton gives himself a big ol' slap on the face*
[15.01.2020 18:23:59] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Do I look like I concern myself with the LSF? I have enough on my plate.
[15.01.2020 18:24:11] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Why are we still talking to this one?..*he says as his hand runs down his face from the slap*
[15.01.2020 18:24:21] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Permission to waste it.
[15.01.2020 18:24:23] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: And the AI is gone...fantastic.
[15.01.2020 18:24:30] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Why the hell didn't you chase it?
[15.01.2020 18:24:36] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Well, forget the toaster then.
[15.01.2020 18:24:36] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Fire at will. I'll be in reserve unless needed.
[15.01.2020 18:24:38] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Because I'm on a bomber.
[15.01.2020 18:24:44] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Perhaps if you came aboard I could explain better. May we approach-
[15.01.2020 18:24:45] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Oh.
[15.01.2020 18:24:48] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Very well, come at me you LSF-wanting wanker.
[15.01.2020 18:24:57] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Are we sure we want to start shooting already ?
[15.01.2020 18:24:58] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: The house never gets beaten.
[15.01.2020 18:25:07] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: What use will it be to keep one like him.
[15.01.2020 18:25:18] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Very well, but I warn you. The Cuervo is a tough girl.
[15.01.2020 18:25:22] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: I doubt he came to do anything but waste our time and shoot at us. These types are always insane.
[15.01.2020 18:25:22] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Well, alright then.
[15.01.2020 18:25:28] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Perhaps Adenauer can clear this up once it's over.
[15.01.2020 18:25:37] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Yeah? That so?
[15.01.2020 18:25:52] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: I'll arrange a meeting once your ship is scrapped and you're in custody.
[15.01.2020 18:25:52] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Louisiana actual, if you need firesupport from me say so, otherwise I'll just provide Cruise Disruptor support at best.
[15.01.2020 18:26:05] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Well you can kiss my ass, should've announced us before.
[15.01.2020 18:26:09] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: The Cuervo cannot be destroyed. I'm sorry.
[15.01.2020 18:26:13] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Oh that so?
[15.01.2020 18:26:18] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Let me prove ya wrong.
[15.01.2020 18:26:29] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: She is indestructible. Si.
[15.01.2020 18:26:30] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: I have paperwork to do, so a small bomber assist will do.
[15.01.2020 18:26:34] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: I'll be on stand-by as I said *sips coffee*
[15.01.2020 18:26:34] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Let's prove him wrong.
[15.01.2020 18:26:39] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Copy that
[15.01.2020 18:26:39] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: You're more than welcome to test it, however.
[15.01.2020 18:26:47] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: As soon as you are ready Louisiana actual.
[15.01.2020 18:26:48] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Then try us.
[15.01.2020 18:26:54] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Helm, keep distance, we're reserve in this one, gunnery hold fire until told otherwise.
[15.01.2020 18:27:09] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Action stations!
[15.01.2020 18:27:14] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Weapons are armed, let's get this over with.
[15.01.2020 18:27:16] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: May the best senor win, senor.
[15.01.2020 18:27:27] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Fire at it! Kill it and tear it aparty.
[15.01.2020 18:27:29] LNS-Louisiana: apart*//
[15.01.2020 18:27:31] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Moving in !
[15.01.2020 18:30:33] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Seems this is handled. I'll return.
[15.01.2020 18:30:36] Death: BAF|Cpt.Eva,Flameheart was put out of action by BAF|Ens.Chris,Harrison (Gun).
[15.01.2020 18:30:40] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Roger.
[15.01.2020 18:30:40] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: You might as well surrender, Maltese.
[15.01.2020 18:30:44] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: You can't win this.
[15.01.2020 18:30:46] MNS-Jose.Cuervo: Nox: Never!
[15.01.2020 18:30:58] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Don't say we didn't give you the chance...
[15.01.2020 18:31:06] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Moving in again !
[15.01.2020 18:32:19] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Surely a foolish decision.
[15.01.2020 18:34:08] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Louisiana actual, can you wrap the rest up without my help ?
[15.01.2020 18:34:22] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: I'll take that silence as a no.
[15.01.2020 18:34:33] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Macross actual
[15.01.2020 18:34:50] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Please keep your distance
[15.01.2020 18:34:53] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: We've got this handled
[15.01.2020 18:35:14] SDF-Macross_Police: just here to watch the show
[15.01.2020 18:35:25] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: DIE
[15.01.2020 18:35:36] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Wait...
[15.01.2020 18:35:42] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: I'm detecting another vessel
[15.01.2020 18:35:45] Alicia.Scaletta: Seems there is a friend in need!
[15.01.2020 18:35:51] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Another sniffer, really ?
[15.01.2020 18:35:57] Death: MNS-Jose.Cuervo was put out of action by LNS-Louisiana (Gun).
[15.01.2020 18:35:58] Alicia.Scaletta: Moving to assist mi amigo!
[15.01.2020 18:36:02] SDF-Macross_Police: woah
[15.01.2020 18:36:05] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Yer 'amigo' is gone.
[15.01.2020 18:36:05] Alicia.Scaletta: You'll pay!
[15.01.2020 18:36:08] SDF-Macross_Police: big boom
[15.01.2020 18:36:08] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Great job Louisiana actual.
[15.01.2020 18:36:09] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Scram you fool
[15.01.2020 18:36:17] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Yer not welcome in my backyard.
[15.01.2020 18:36:31] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Fire the anti-snubcraft weaponry you wankers! Defend our snub.
[15.01.2020 18:37:25] SDF-Macross_Police: Louisiana, your crew are pretty bad ...
[15.01.2020 18:37:30] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Silence.
[15.01.2020 18:37:45] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Snubs are harder to think, anyone with a decent IQ knows.
[15.01.2020 18:37:52] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: You don't have to be in the Navy to know that
[15.01.2020 18:38:06] SDF-Macross_Police: Well, that is because your setup isn't fitted as a support craft
[15.01.2020 18:38:15] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Minimal supported is needed either.
[15.01.2020 18:38:24] LNS-Louisiana: anyway*//
[15.01.2020 18:38:39] Death: Quick.Fix was put out of action by HaDaLi (Mine).
[15.01.2020 18:39:01] LNS-Louisiana: run to me
[15.01.2020 18:39:27] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: God damn it
[15.01.2020 18:39:30] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Get out of here already
[15.01.2020 18:40:15] Death: Alicia.Scaletta suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
I'll keep this one short, I found the vessel at Norfolk, full of Black Market Light Arms. With [LN]-Marcus.Robinson. , and with [LN]-Alex.Kingston we managed to destroy the contraband, and the transport's pilot was compensated because it seems he has been fooled on Detroit.
After the previous scenario was over, a Lane Hacker showed up, along with a Gammu AI vessel carrying Bretonian personnel.
I went after the AI with my Waran, while the others stayed to deal with the Hacker.
Eventually, I managed to obtain the Bretonian personnel, for 35.000 Sirian Credits, and returned them to Westpoint.
I've already contacted the BAF and the BPA about returning them.
Me and Marcus Robinson met the CP personnel at Norfolk, who've been escorted to Houston to deliver a convoy of Cobalt ore, but a cloaked vessel appeared near the planet.
Long story short, we went to Norfolk, and the Lt. Commander had to leave, instead Operative Atlas of the ESRD arrived on the scene to help us out.
Then the convoy went to Denver to pick up some pills, and after some shenanigans, we managed to arrive in California, where the Nomad vessel revealed itself, and started pounding the Yalta, a Shire CP transport carrying said pills.
After the Yalta got away, all Navy personnel disengaged, and let the CP vessels handle the Nomad, which they did for that matter. After that, the CP vessels have succesfully made it to Cortez, and no friendly vessel has been disabled.
Visual footage of the events: [-x-]
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
//Note: As always, comms logs have been edited to exclude all ooRP and non-related logs.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - bakugone - 01-27-2020
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
Image feed online
![[Image: wR4FG3x.jpg]](
COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Marcus Robinson
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Patrol report
Lieutenant Commander Robison signing on the report.
Another day, another batch of the Liberty terrorists trying to destroy, pollute or harm civilians and this time around? Hellfire is going on literal fire with the declaration of sieges on both Liberty temporary prison and Chadwick - the newest LSF station. On one of the attacks, the LSF have brought several battlecruisers to disable at least two hellfire battleships and an hellfire battlecruiser, me myself destroyed an big fish and saved the Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer from destruction, the ship which I'm talking about was super heavy fighter, antimatter cannon have actually made work out of it instantly, destroying the target, no pod was detected, so I assume pilot didn't had time to eject and still: less hellfire legion pilot.
Next on, we escorted an Spa and Cruise liner, Lieutenant Sawyer was present as well, everything went good so far until an damned Rouge cruiser appeared in-front of us, thank god that it didn't attacked the liner.. I have some bad memories with liners, especially one that was going to Pittsburgh, anyway, the LSF battlecruiser Lakenheath arrived very much fast thanks to my distress call and engaged immediately the cruiser, and after some minutes, the criminal warship was no more and we returned to escort formation around Spa and Cruise liner. After while, we finally arrived at the destination, which was Planet Curacao, and from there we ended the escort of the liner and made an fast circle around Cortez sun, and from there, we went straight back to New York system for debriefing on Battleship Missouri.
Guncams are in the attachments, I didn't took a lot of them,
this is all.
Marcus, Robinson
Lieutenant Commander
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
Report - George Anderson - 01-27-2020
After numerious attempt to trail suppliers of illegal modular bases in Texas, I have finally succeeded and have found their nest.
George Anderson
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dhomie42 - 01-28-2020
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
Image feed online
COMM ID: Lieutenant, Jeremiah Sawyer
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Illegal installation in Texas
This is Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day, I've managed to take evidence of an illegal installation, Hell gate, in Texas thanks to a cloaked LPI vessel, who followed Horse, an IC Bison in Texas, (which I saw hauling supplies to the base myself, thus breaking one of the new laws) bringing supplies for the said base.
Visual evidence is available below, along with its exact position.
Visual footage: [-x-]
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dhomie42 - 02-02-2020
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
Image feed OFFLINE
![[Image: 1HWyniy.png]](
COMM ID: Operative Phoenix
TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Message Dump
SUBJECT: Kusari Naval Forces vessels in Liberty space
Operative Phoenix reporting.
Disclaimer: Due to the urgency of this report, I'll provide all footage first, and finish the rest of the report while the evidence will be available to review.
The report should be updated in the near future, that'd be all.
UPDATE: The whole report is now available below.
The following report contains key evidence of unauthorized foreign military forces operating in New York.
During a patrol in New York, I've receieved a system-wide transmission from a possible Kusarian pilot. Me along with several Navy assets went to search where this pilot could be. At this point I got a transmission from a [KNF] captain, Masaru Takeda, apparently their vessels have tracking devices, and the Captain has informed me that one of their vessel is in New York.
The subjects were found in Zone-21, [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada, Taichi-kun, the LNS-Louisiana confirmed that 2 Naval Forces vessels were there, they proceeded to use the Jump Gate inside Zone-21. All available Navy assets at that time went to pursue, including me. At this time the Captain was informed by me that their vessels have entered restricted space, and we could no longer guarantee his pilots' fate. The fact that those Naval pilots didn't comply with our requests have reinforced that statement to the Captain.
After a long time of searching, we've spotted the vessels, trying to head back to the Gate, we went in to pursue, while the Louisiana was waiting to ambush, soon after we declared engagement, and moved in on them. The suspects jumped to New York, we pursued as far as the Badlands. Suspects attempted to fool us to cease fire, and flee away while we disengaged. This attempt ultimately didn't work out. We pursued into the Badlands. A Separatist vessel showed up, taking out Lt. Commander Marcus Robinson's vessel, however the officer was tractored in to safety. Later, Rear Admiral Nazawo Ayato of the 5th Fleet arrived on the scene, he disabled the Separatist vessel.
I asked him to take over the pursue of the Naval pilots, since my vessel took some beating as well, I went back to Westpoint and requested to be taken into the medbay. I've been informed later that the Naval vessels were eventually disabled, the Primary Fleet one by Rear Admiral Nazawo Ayato.
[31.01.2020 19:47:40] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: But now where in the badlands oh no!
[31.01.2020 19:49:52] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: I like how I bump all the asteroids. This is all Taichi's-kun to be honest.
[31.01.2020 19:51:20] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Shush. I am hearing a Kusarian, what is a kusarian doing in my backyard?
[31.01.2020 19:51:49] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Please stop molesting me, Taichin-dono.
[31.01.2020 19:52:19] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Not public mating....Just what I needed.
[31.01.2020 19:52:51] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: This is Lieutenant Commander Marcus Robinson of first fleet of Liberty Navy, identify yourself, Kusarian.
[31.01.2020 19:53:20] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Marcus Robinson? Are you somehow related with Christina. I mean REA*
[31.01.2020 19:53:28] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: R ADMIRAL
[31.01.2020 19:53:31] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Shut the hell up broad.
[31.01.2020 19:53:32] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Good day, IC.
[31.01.2020 19:53:38] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: O.K. sorry.
[31.01.2020 19:54:07] The_Serpent_1: Hello
[31.01.2020 19:54:07] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: But Rear Admiral Christinal Robinson was a great girl.
[31.01.2020 19:54:37] LNS-Louisiana: *Hamilton smashed his glass against his forehead* Hans turn off the receival of system-wide transmissions...
[31.01.2020 19:55:40] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: You do now know Rear Admiral Christina Robinson?
[31.01.2020 19:56:01] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Are you a stupid baka or something?
[31.01.2020 19:57:01] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Dude these mines.
[31.01.2020 19:57:09] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Right, first, I'm not related to any Admirals within Liberty Navy or outside.
[31.01.2020 19:57:30] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Two, read the law, first warning.
[31.01.2020 19:57:35] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: [:: Incoming Transmission accept? Y/N ::]
[31.01.2020 19:57:46] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Oh no!
[31.01.2020 19:58:09] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Accepted.
[31.01.2020 19:59:10] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: Konbanwa, this is Captain Takeda Masaru of the Kusari Naval Forces. I'm kinda worried, what my colleague is doing in New York.
[31.01.2020 19:59:43] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Right...sorry if I may ask, but how do you know that your colleague could be in New York ?
[31.01.2020 20:01:27] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: I'm still waiting for an answer, Captain.
[31.01.2020 20:02:18] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: Our vessels are equipped with a tracking device, I was worried it might send a wrong signal that is why I am asking that direct
[31.01.2020 20:02:42] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Right, well, your tracking device is working alright, there is indeed someone in New York.
---At this point they entered Alaska---
[31.01.2020 20:04:07] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Are you go, Taichi-kun?
[31.01.2020 20:04:29] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: What is the situation?
[31.01.2020 20:04:38] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: I lost signal to the vessel.
[31.01.2020 20:04:48] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Your colleague has entered restricted space.
[31.01.2020 20:04:55] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: Baka..
[31.01.2020 20:05:04] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: That is all I can tell.
[31.01.2020 20:05:25] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: I recommend you contact her, otherwise we'll have to resort to lethal force sooner or later.
[31.01.2020 20:05:39] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: All Navy assets, if you spot Naval Forces vessels you are under direct order to arrest them
[31.01.2020 20:05:39] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Alright Kusarian, last chance, give yourself up.
[31.01.2020 20:05:49] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: If they refuse, use brutal force as necessary.
[31.01.2020 20:06:29] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: I am already on it.
[31.01.2020 20:08:54] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Captain, your collegue is not responding.
[31.01.2020 20:09:08] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: And I believe she's with someone else as well.
[31.01.2020 20:09:28] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: Ugh... why do I always have to deal with this...
[31.01.2020 20:09:34] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: And they are in restricted space, at this point we're forced to use lethal force.
[31.01.2020 20:11:17] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Alright, your failure to comply leave us no choice.
[31.01.2020 20:14:45] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: What is she doing?
[31.01.2020 20:14:58] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: We have no idea.
[31.01.2020 20:15:09] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: All we know is that they're not getting out of here anytime soon.
[31.01.2020 20:15:22] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: I already can hear Admiral Ishikawa yelling...
[31.01.2020 20:15:45] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: This is a nuisance for us as well, Captain.
[31.01.2020 20:15:55] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: More for you than for us.
[31.01.2020 20:16:24] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: I will contact the Admiral.
[31.01.2020 20:19:19] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: There you are you [REDACTED].
[31.01.2020 20:19:49] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Cut your engines right now !
[31.01.2020 20:20:39] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: I am requesting permission to enter Liberty space.
[31.01.2020 20:20:50] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Denied, we've got eyes on them
[31.01.2020 20:20:52] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Hm.
[31.01.2020 20:20:58] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Both show up as Naval Forces.
[31.01.2020 20:21:01] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Hai. I would.
[31.01.2020 20:21:05] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: But.
[31.01.2020 20:21:11] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Come on, cut the engines already.
[31.01.2020 20:21:22] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: What do I get in return?
[31.01.2020 20:21:37] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: You know that if you won't stop now we'll engage without hesitation if we have to use CDs.
[31.01.2020 20:21:38] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: I will expect their arrival at Ames in Kepler.
[31.01.2020 20:21:45] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Sounds like.
[31.01.2020 20:21:47] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: As soon as you caught them.
[31.01.2020 20:21:48] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: HARSH?
[31.01.2020 20:22:00] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Captain, they entered restricted space, they are refusing to stop.
[31.01.2020 20:22:10] [KNF]Ik.Masaru.Takeda: I see...
[31.01.2020 20:22:11] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Their pods will be returned to Ames most likely at this rate.
[31.01.2020 20:22:22] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Come on, cut the engines already.
[31.01.2020 20:22:32] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: You didn't answer.
[31.01.2020 20:22:49] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: You don't get to have an answer
[31.01.2020 20:23:00] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: You are in restricted space, along with your friend.
[31.01.2020 20:23:05] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Well that's bad.
---Soon after this, we moved to engage---
[31.01.2020 20:23:42] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: If they get into our range, shoot them.
[31.01.2020 20:23:51] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Ok, that's it
[31.01.2020 20:23:54] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Fire!
[31.01.2020 20:23:57] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Weapons hot!
[31.01.2020 20:24:05] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Not so fast.
[31.01.2020 20:24:59] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: End of the line.
[31.01.2020 20:25:04] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Moving in !
[31.01.2020 20:25:11] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Supporting allied unit.
[31.01.2020 20:25:31] Jonathan.Brown: Weapons hot, fire !
[31.01.2020 20:25:54] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Fire already.
[31.01.2020 20:26:29] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: You are clear to assist.
---Soon after this, Naval Forces vessels decided to exit via the Alaska Gate to New York, fighting went as far as the Badlands---
[31.01.2020 20:29:10] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: So, thats what have been doing all the fuss.
[31.01.2020 20:29:18] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Kusari Navy.
[31.01.2020 20:30:32] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Right.
---Naval Forces pilot attempted to fool us---
[31.01.2020 20:30:50] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Can we resolve this peacfully?
[31.01.2020 20:30:53] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Cease fire!
[31.01.2020 20:31:02] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Hi.
[31.01.2020 20:31:07] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: How about no, you 2 entered restricted space.
[31.01.2020 20:31:13] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Zone-21?
[31.01.2020 20:31:15] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Failed to comply with several requests.
[31.01.2020 20:31:18] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Beyond that...
[31.01.2020 20:31:30] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: They entered the gate?
[31.01.2020 20:31:33] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: O.K I hear you.
[31.01.2020 20:31:36] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Confirmed.
[31.01.2020 20:31:37] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Yeah.
[31.01.2020 20:31:40] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Blast 'em
[31.01.2020 20:31:41] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Guncam footage can prove it.
[31.01.2020 20:31:46] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Hold on mate!
[31.01.2020 20:31:51] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: But this is Taichi-kun's first day!
[31.01.2020 20:31:53] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: These people want to resolve this peacefully.
[31.01.2020 20:32:05] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Do you think I could care less about who your pal is?
[31.01.2020 20:32:13] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Besides the fact you went into our own freaking backyard.
[31.01.2020 20:32:16] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Doing who knows what?
[31.01.2020 20:32:30] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Can't we be friends? Perhaps we could help you with these Liberty Rogues Fiends?
[31.01.2020 20:32:34] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: What do you day?
[31.01.2020 20:32:50] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: *Sigh*
[31.01.2020 20:33:02] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Also I have to ask.
[31.01.2020 20:33:09] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Just blast 'em. They already broken the Liberty laws to highest.
[31.01.2020 20:33:13] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Are you somewhow related with Admiral Robinson?
[31.01.2020 20:33:14] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Do you realize that you are in deep shit? As we say 'round here?
[31.01.2020 20:33:28] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: This one's asking again about the former Admiral.
[31.01.2020 20:33:33] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: I am running out of patience.
[31.01.2020 20:33:33] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: "Deep shit" is an understatement.
[31.01.2020 20:33:59] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Sounds like you want to kill us? This is bad.
[31.01.2020 20:34:03] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Blast them already.
[31.01.2020 20:34:24] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Enough of this sorcery.
[31.01.2020 20:34:26] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Moving in, again !
[31.01.2020 20:34:27] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Take them down.
[31.01.2020 20:34:49] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: I am praying that they get to be prisoners aboard the Louisiana
[31.01.2020 20:34:51] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Phoenix, target Zulu six, eight.
[31.01.2020 20:35:02] LNS-Louisiana: Hamitlon: Anti-snub defense online
[31.01.2020 20:35:10] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Fire!
[31.01.2020 20:35:19] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Firing on target.
[31.01.2020 20:35:44] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Dropping hammer.
---Hostile Separatist vessel, H|-Aggressor attempted to interfere with our operation, was later disabled by 5th|Nazawo.Ayato---
[31.01.2020 20:36:36] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: I am reading a separatist.
[31.01.2020 20:36:51] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Hm, let me talk to this one.
[31.01.2020 20:37:01] H|-Aggressor: What the hell is that?
[31.01.2020 20:37:12] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Naval forces going around our backyard.
[31.01.2020 20:37:22] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Care to set aside our differences temporarily and help us out here?
[31.01.2020 20:37:39] H|-Aggressor: What?
[31.01.2020 20:37:59] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: If you are willing to help us rid of those Naval Forces pilots that think they're in their own home.
[31.01.2020 20:38:06] H|-Aggressor: Kusarian ship? Oh well.
[31.01.2020 20:38:15] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Can you stop shooting?
[31.01.2020 20:38:20] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: No !
[31.01.2020 20:38:24] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Don't stop, they already tried enough things.
[31.01.2020 20:38:31] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Hai. Stop shooting.?
[31.01.2020 20:38:38] H|-Aggressor: I don't care about them. That is your job to secure your borders. And now you ask us help. Quite ironic. And pathetic.
[31.01.2020 20:38:50] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Well, you want someone going through your files and stuff?
[31.01.2020 20:39:09] H|-Aggressor: But I don't like seing Liberty Navy forces over here. Charging weapons.
[31.01.2020 20:39:16] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Are you kidding me?
[31.01.2020 20:39:20] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Take that separatist out.
[31.01.2020 20:39:23] H|-Aggressor: Engaging!
[31.01.2020 20:39:56] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Disengage, I will take on KN-
[31.01.2020 20:40:12] [LN]-Marcus.Robinson.: Let's have fun, Separatist.
[31.01.2020 20:44:56] Death: [LN]-Marcus.Robinson. was put out of action by H|-Aggressor (Mine).
[31.01.2020 20:45:12] H|-Aggressor: Okay let's continue.
[31.01.2020 20:45:18] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Can we just stop!
[31.01.2020 20:45:23] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: NO.
[31.01.2020 20:45:24] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: We should be friends!
[31.01.2020 20:45:28] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Can you just kill yourself already ?
[31.01.2020 20:45:36] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: CEASE FIRE!!!
[31.01.2020 20:45:55] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Where are you going?
[31.01.2020 20:46:03] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Leaving already after whacking around in our backyard?
[31.01.2020 20:46:18] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Defensive take aim at the separatist.
[31.01.2020 20:47:02] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: I'll handle that separatist.
[31.01.2020 20:47:12] H|-Aggressor: Fine.
[31.01.2020 20:47:13] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Weapons hot.
[31.01.2020 20:49:13] Death: H|-Aggressor was put out of action by 5th|Nazawo.Ayato (Mine).
[31.01.2020 20:49:28] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Damn that was fast
[31.01.2020 20:50:33] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Cease fire my friends!
[31.01.2020 20:50:43] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Explain yourself.
[31.01.2020 20:51:06] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: That's pretty rude.
[31.01.2020 20:52:24] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Look.
[31.01.2020 20:53:03] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Oi gaijin. Mind getting out the badlands. The rogue will just send wave after wave.
[31.01.2020 20:53:16] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: What do I get in return?
[31.01.2020 20:53:18] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Forget it, sir, I'll let you handle this.
[31.01.2020 20:53:18] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Go ahead
[31.01.2020 20:53:24] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Just you should know.
[31.01.2020 20:53:26] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: You just said "Just shoot her".
[31.01.2020 20:53:31] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: It has been "beyond" Zone-21
[31.01.2020 20:53:36] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: It has?
[31.01.2020 20:53:42] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Confirmed.
[31.01.2020 20:53:44] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: At this point I have no choice.
[31.01.2020 20:53:50] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Come on.
[31.01.2020 20:53:55] [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada: Don't be like this.
[31.01.2020 20:53:57] [LN]-ESRD|Phoenix: Christ...
[31.01.2020 20:54:00] 5th|Nazawo.Ayato: Weapons hot.
[31.01.2020 21:01:23] Death: [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[31.01.2020 21:01:23] [Death: 5th|Nazawo.Ayato was put out of action by [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada (Mine).
Visual footage of the events: [-x-]
Over and out.
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
//Note: As always, comms logs have been edited to exclude all ooRP and non-related logs.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dhomie42 - 02-08-2020
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
Image feed online
COMM ID: Lieutenant, Jeremiah Sawyer
TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Message Dump
SUBJECT: Possible misconduction from a Navy warship, and footage of illegal contraband
This is Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day, a Neural Net link will be provided to a communication channel between me and an OS&C Captain as readable-only.
The reason for this is that the O&SC vessel has footage of an illegal contraband. Otherwise I would have contacted just the 2 Navy Primary Fleets about a previous communication they sent to them regarding a misconduction from a Bounty Hunter gunboat under Navy control.
Access to the link has been granted to the LPI, LSF, and LN, both Primary, and Secondary Fleet.
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Dhomie42 - 03-04-2020
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
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![[Image: FaqUy7w.png]](
COMM ID: Lieutenant, Mark Bannon
TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Message Dump
SUBJECT: Auxesia hostilities
Lt. Mark Bannon of the Liberty Navy 5th Fleet, reporting
There is a situation that I must report to all Liberty Forces.
During a routine small-scale recon mission in Bering, along with [LN]-ESRD|Atlas, and 5th|R&D-Wolf, we were met with 1 Lane Hacker vessel, Sicario, and 2 Auxesia vessels, A/)-Purple, and Leucrocotta.
The Auxesia vessels have decided to assist the Hacker, while I picked up the pod of Operative Atlas, and covered Operative Wolf's escape. Sadly the LNS-Loyalist was overwhelmed by the Hackers (another one showed up later on) and Auxesia in Texas, however I took footage of their actions. Both comms logs and guncam footage are included below:
[03.03.2020 21:51:32] A/)-Purple: That was stupidly fast.
[03.03.2020 21:51:34] 5th|LNS-Loyalist: Bannon: Right, that is not good, moving in to assist !
[03.03.2020 21:52:11] A/)-Purple: Say, Sicario.
[03.03.2020 21:52:17] A/)-Purple: Would you like a helping hand?
[03.03.2020 21:52:23] 5th|R&D-Wolf: Thank you Loyalist for the backup. Now let's go home
[03.03.2020 21:52:27] Sicario: Right now I would.
[03.03.2020 21:52:30] A/)-Purple: Excellent.
[03.03.2020 21:52:35] Leucrocotta: I think they're making a run for it.
[03.03.2020 21:52:37] A/)-Purple: Weapons up.
[03.03.2020 21:52:38] 5th|R&D-Wolf: Excuse me?
[03.03.2020 21:52:43] A/)-Purple: Don't be rude.
[03.03.2020 21:52:46] Leucrocotta: Better get on with it.
---Hostile reinforcements arrived at this point
[03.03.2020 21:59:18] LH~Pacifica.Aggressor: This is Fort Diamond garrison
[03.03.2020 21:59:24] LH~Pacifica.Aggressor: Do you need any assistance Sicario?
[03.03.2020 21:59:24] Sicario: Buenas tardes.
[03.03.2020 21:59:30] Sicario: From you, always.
[03.03.2020 21:59:45] LH~Pacifica.Aggressor: Excellent. Activating electronic warfare systems.
[03.03.2020 22:02:42] Death: 5th|LNS-Loyalist was put out of action by A/)-Purple (Gun).
Guncam footage: [-x-]
I hope this is enough evidence for the higher-ups to think over Liberty's stance towards Auxesia.
Signing out.
Bannon, Mark
Liberty Navy, 5th Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
//Note: As always, comms logs have been edited to exclude all ooRP and non-related logs.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Cypher - 03-16-2020
COMM ID:Commander John Hemmingway
TARGET ID:Liberty Navy High Command
Evening, Command.
I had received word very recently of a promotion to the rank of Commander, however I had already had the distinction of receiving this promotion some time ago. Please inform me if this was in error and if I had been promoted to the rank of Captain?
Signing out,
Commander John Hemmingway
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
![[Image: latest?cb=20110801072539]](
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - bakugone - 03-17-2020
- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -
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![[Image: wR4FG3x.jpg]](
COMM ID: Captain Marcus Robinson
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Combat report.
This is Captain Robinson signing on the report.
At 1750 hours, Glendale have engaged an Nomad Warform within the Colorado system.
At first, we received reports about the Rogue Liberty Assault Cruiser designed as "SDF-Macross_Police" in the Colorado system. Ever since the encounter with that ship, the vessel was mostly hostile didn't obey the First Fleets orders or Liberty Security Force orders, thus that vessel was needed to be removed or captured so it wouldn't do any damage to civilians. As we entered the area where Macross was, Lieutenant Commander Jeremiah Sawyer reported EM signatures and when I ordered to pulse with the Cloak Disruptor within the area the Nomad ship appeared out and engaged the Macross in close range combat which disabled the Rogue Liberty Carrier.
Upon destruction of the Carrier, the Nomad ship turned attention to us and targeted us with long range.. some kind of pulse cannons? We don't know. But Glendale managed to dodge them and score direct hits on that Nomad Warform and ultimately won the battle for the Republic security. Glendale received moderate damage over the engagement, sustaining few fires on several decks and decompression's.
Afterwards, Glendale returned to Norfolk Shipyard for emergency repairs and those "fast" ones.
With this, I report my first successful combat mission on Capital Vessel.
This is all.
Battleships Guncam: [X]
[16.03.2020 17:50:02] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: CDs are-
[16.03.2020 17:50:04] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: What the ?!
[16.03.2020 17:50:18] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Flaks did hit me, but for real
[16.03.2020 17:50:21] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: What's that ?
[16.03.2020 17:50:22] SDF-Macross_Police: a shoot is a shoot Lt.Comm
[16.03.2020 17:50:28] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: CIC: What is this?
[16.03.2020 17:50:32] Cloak Disruptor engaged. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
[16.03.2020 17:50:37] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Oh shit !
[16.03.2020 17:50:37] K'Hara|Qetesh: ***..INTERLOPERS..***
[16.03.2020 17:50:38] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: CIC: Dodge!
[16.03.2020 17:50:38] 5th|David:Nelson: Blody hell
[16.03.2020 17:50:41] 5th|David:Nelson: MOOOO!
[16.03.2020 17:50:41] [LN]-LNS-Glendale has set K'Hara|Qetesh as group target.
[16.03.2020 17:50:41] OK
[16.03.2020 17:50:43] K'Hara|Qetesh: ***..ANNIHILATE..***
[16.03.2020 17:50:49] SDF-Macross_Police: are that nomad joking?
[16.03.2020 17:50:54] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: CIC: Core red, repeat, code red!
[16.03.2020 17:50:56] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Glendale actual, please advise ?
[16.03.2020 17:50:59] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: CIC: All hands, enemy ship in the area!
[16.03.2020 17:51:00] [LSF]Onyx-Group: ahhh this shit is lagging so f....g much
[16.03.2020 17:51:04] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: CIC: All ships return fire!
[16.03.2020 17:51:09] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: To hell with this, moving in to engage the nomad !
[16.03.2020 17:51:19] 5th|David:Nelson: Blody nomad.
[16.03.2020 17:51:26] 5th|David:Nelson: Allright powering up weapons
[16.03.2020 17:51:39] [LSF]Onyx-Group: On my way to assist you
[16.03.2020 17:51:52] /time
[16.03.2020 17:51:52] 2020-03-16 17:53:15 SMT
[16.03.2020 17:52:03] Cloak Disruptor cooldown complete.
[16.03.2020 17:52:23] K'Hara|Qetesh: ***..EXTERMINATE..***
[16.03.2020 17:52:24] [LN]-LNS-Glendale has set K'Hara|Qetesh as group target.
[16.03.2020 17:52:24] OK
[16.03.2020 17:52:30] Death: SDF-Macross_Police has died
[16.03.2020 17:52:50] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Glendale actual, can you handle this one ?
[16.03.2020 17:53:16] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Yes, I think you have it handled...b
[16.03.2020 17:53:32] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Oh come on.
[16.03.2020 17:53:57] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Ok, switching to CD support only.
[16.03.2020 17:55:24] Death: Akira.Kasai was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[16.03.2020 17:56:09] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Shoot at what's shooting you preferably.
[16.03.2020 17:56:21] 2020-03-16 17:57:44 SMT Traffic control alert: [LSF]Onyx-Group has requested to dock
[16.03.2020 17:57:38] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: CIC: Navigation, come us closer.
[16.03.2020 17:57:41] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: CIC: Time to end this.
[16.03.2020 17:59:54] Death: K'Hara|Qetesh was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[16.03.2020 17:59:59] [LN]-LNS-Glendale: CIC: Navigation, report!
[16.03.2020 17:59:59] 5th|David:Nelson: There we go
Marcus, Robinson
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.