RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Yannis - 09-14-2020
COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander James Davis
TARGET ID: Liberty Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Field Report
Good day, this is Lieutenant Commander James Davis, reporting in.
Today at 1554, I was patrolling aboard the Archer-class Cruiser Ignition with Ensign Edison King in Zone-21 when a Zoner Carrier, callsign ARHIMAN, came from Alaska Jump Gate.
I ordered the ship to stop, which he did at first, and tried to sort things out: what was his destination, where did he come from, and why did he came from system Alaska.
Before I was done with him, he tried to cruise away, so I immediately engaged. Unfortunately, the class difference forced me to take distance within the minefield.
Hopefully, Captain Marcus Robinson aboard the Liberty Dreadnought Durango came to assist, and got rid of the Carrier.
I understand the sensitive side of the matter. Though the Carrier broke the Liberty Laws Section 2, and I could not let him get away.
James, Davis
Lieutenant Commander
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
[14.09.2020 15:54:07] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: This is Lieutenant Commande Davis aboard the cruiser Ignition. ARHIMAN, cut your engines and await instruction.
[14.09.2020 15:54:20] ARHIMAN: again?
[14.09.2020 15:54:43] ARHIMAN: what u want?
[14.09.2020 15:54:45] [LN]-Edison.King: This is an restriceted AREA!
[14.09.2020 15:54:51] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Again? You are in a restricted area.
[14.09.2020 15:54:52] ARHIMAN: i have nothing
[14.09.2020 15:55:00] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: It doesn't matter, you aren't allowed to be here.
[14.09.2020 15:55:02] ARHIMAN: i am on my way to kepler
[14.09.2020 15:55:19] ARHIMAN: i can not dock only and i did not
[14.09.2020 15:55:23] [LN]-Edison.King: You are not Allowed to be here!
[14.09.2020 15:55:24] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Again, it doesn't matter. Why do you come from Alaska?
[14.09.2020 15:55:26] ARHIMAN: i am alowed to pass
[14.09.2020 15:55:32] ARHIMAN: i go kepler
[14.09.2020 15:55:33] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: You aren't.
[14.09.2020 15:56:07] ARHIMAN: as you can see i have nothing
[14.09.2020 15:56:28] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: It doesn't matter. You aren't allowed here. Stay there until further instruction.
[14.09.2020 15:57:26] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: What were you doing in Alaska anyway?
[14.09.2020 15:57:29] ARHIMAN: asc you again what are you want i am neutar Zoner ship
[14.09.2020 15:57:35] ARHIMAN: how many times to tell you
[14.09.2020 15:57:39] ARHIMAN: going to Kepler
[14.09.2020 15:57:55] ARHIMAN: come with me to cheek
[14.09.2020 15:58:12] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: I'm not satisfied with your answer Zoner. You know Liberty laws, you know you aren't allowed here.
[14.09.2020 15:58:16] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Nor in Alaska.
[14.09.2020 15:58:18] ARHIMAN: negativ
[14.09.2020 15:58:28] ARHIMAN: we are in new york
[14.09.2020 15:58:42] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: In Zone-21, which is a restricted area.
[14.09.2020 15:58:54] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: And you come from system Alaska, which is also restricted.
[14.09.2020 15:58:57] ARHIMAN: what i did?
[14.09.2020 15:59:07] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: You broke those restricted areas.
[14.09.2020 15:59:11] ARHIMAN: except i go kepler?
[14.09.2020 15:59:16] ARHIMAN: how
[14.09.2020 15:59:27] ARHIMAN: cargo emty
[14.09.2020 15:59:31] ARHIMAN: epty
[14.09.2020 15:59:37] ARHIMAN: empty
[14.09.2020 15:59:42] ARHIMAN: you act like pirat
[14.09.2020 15:59:58] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: I'm acting as Lt. Commander of the Liberty Navy, upholding the laws.
[14.09.2020 16:00:08] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Where do you come from?
[14.09.2020 16:00:09] ARHIMAN: read laws then again
[14.09.2020 16:00:15] ARHIMAN: from Om Mu
[14.09.2020 16:00:27] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: I suggest you mind your tone, pilot.
[14.09.2020 16:00:46] ARHIMAN: u suggest you to let me go my way
[14.09.2020 16:00:49] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: I know the laws. Alaska is restricted, you crossed it from Nu to New York.
[14.09.2020 16:00:55] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Or what will happen?
[14.09.2020 16:00:57] ARHIMAN: this is not alaska i do not brake any rules
[14.09.2020 16:01:02] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: You have no authority here.
[14.09.2020 16:01:09] ARHIMAN: i pass
[14.09.2020 16:01:13] [LN]-Edison.King: This is zone 21
[14.09.2020 16:01:14] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: This is Zone-21, that is restricted aswell.
[14.09.2020 16:01:14] ARHIMAN: and do nor doack
[14.09.2020 16:01:24] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: No you're not.
[14.09.2020 16:01:27] ARHIMAN: so
[14.09.2020 16:01:35] ARHIMAN: dont barake any rule
[14.09.2020 16:01:35] [LN]-Edison.King: our order from HC says we can shoot it
[14.09.2020 16:01:42] ARHIMAN: nope
[14.09.2020 16:01:46] ARHIMAN: on Zoner ship
[14.09.2020 16:01:50] [LN]-Edison.King: Ignition?
[14.09.2020 16:01:53] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Stand down for now, Ensign.
[14.09.2020 16:02:11] ARHIMAN: nothing like i told you
[14.09.2020 16:02:18] ARHIMAN: i just pass to Kepler
[14.09.2020 16:02:31] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: No you're not, for now.
[14.09.2020 16:02:58] ARHIMAN: you have no any reason to hold me anymore
[14.09.2020 16:03:06] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: In fact, I have.
[14.09.2020 16:03:09] ARHIMAN: no
[14.09.2020 16:03:24] ARHIMAN: tell me what exsacly law say
[14.09.2020 16:03:29] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Why did you cross Alaska and Zone-21 knowing this is a restricted area.
[14.09.2020 16:03:42] ARHIMAN: did i dock anywhere?
[14.09.2020 16:03:44] ARHIMAN: nope
[14.09.2020 16:03:50] ARHIMAN: i can pass and no docking
[14.09.2020 16:03:55] [LN]-Edison.King: stop right there!
[14.09.2020 16:03:58] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Freelancer, stop right here.
[14.09.2020 16:04:08] [LN]-Edison.King: turn back now!
[14.09.2020 16:04:29] ARHIMAN: lol
[14.09.2020 16:04:29] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: CIC: This is the Ignition we have hostiles on scanner.
[14.09.2020 16:04:32] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: CIC: Weapons prepped, moving in to take out hostile targets.
[14.09.2020 16:04:34] ARHIMAN: he pass?
[14.09.2020 16:04:47] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Go after him.
[14.09.2020 16:04:51] [LN]-Edison.King: copy
[14.09.2020 16:04:54] ARHIMAN: no time any more
[14.09.2020 16:05:01] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: CIC: Weapons prepped, moving in to take out hostile targets.
[14.09.2020 16:05:03] ARHIMAN: you did what?
[14.09.2020 16:06:11] ARHIMAN: i can deff
[14.09.2020 16:06:16] ARHIMAN: by law
[14.09.2020 16:06:19] ARHIMAN: anywhere
[14.09.2020 16:06:27] ARHIMAN: and you attack me
[14.09.2020 16:06:53] [LN]-LNS-Ignition: D: Stop right here.
[14.09.2020 16:07:27] [LN]-Edison.King: this is Edison requesting to fire!
[14.09.2020 16:07:50] [LN]-LNS-Durango: CIC: Attention all units! Zoner Carrier has been designated as hostile vessel!
[14.09.2020 16:07:53] [LN]-LNS-Durango: CIC: Code red!
[14.09.2020 16:07:59] [LN]-Edison.King: roger!
[14.09.2020 16:08:03] [LN]-LNS-Durango: CIC: Repeat code red! Gunnery - lock on target!
[14.09.2020 16:09:32] [LN]-Edison.King: Not this time!
[14.09.2020 16:09:34] Death: ARHIMAN was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Durango (Gun).
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Tenshi - 01-10-2021
Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission
From: Deputy Chief of Police Isla Nazumaki
To: Liberty Forces
Subject: Report - Lightning_Dust.
Beginning Encrypted Video Feed
"Good day,"
"Below I will be attaching the audio recording of my most recent report to the Liberty Police. Upon further inspection, I think the entirety of the Liberty Forces should know."
"The Artificial Intelligence ship by the callsign of Lightning_Dust. was seen earlier today outside Manhattan, fully equipped with Adapted Nomad weaponry. Camille Summers from the Fourty-Sixth Strike Force requested that I do not kick the vessel out or attack it as it was participating in what I assumed to be the rescue of a nearby Freelancer vessel. I kept an eye on the AI ship until the rescue was over, then the AI ship appeared as though it became hostile on it's own and showed intent of opening fire, in the meantime cruising away. I chased after the vessel all the way to Colorado Jumphole and regardless of my orders to stop the ship continued it's course. It flied through Colorado and back to New York, disabling lanes behind it to slow me down.
Eventually the ship took the lane leading to the Supergate in the Virginia System, after which point I did not give further chase.
As per the above, the ship mentioned is from this point on a shoot-on-sight target.
That will be all."
"Safe flights."
![[Image: XjOoqWc.png]](
Deputy Chief of Police Isla Nazumaki,
Liberty Police Incorporated
Ending Encrypted Video Feed
Viewing Attached Files
[09.01.2021 01:51:34] LPI-BW-Leavenworth: CIC: An AI ship with Nomad tech on board.
[09.01.2021 01:51:53] LPI-BW-Leavenworth: CIC: Sitting outside Trenton.
[09.01.2021 01:52:02] LPI-BW-Leavenworth: CIC: I assume you're looking to get blown up?
[09.01.2021 01:52:13] Lightning_Dust.: please identify - cause?
[09.01.2021 01:52:33] LPI-BW-Leavenworth: CIC: Violation of multiple paragraphs of the Law.
[09.01.2021 01:52:39] LPI-BW-Leavenworth: CIC: If only the Fourty-Sixth did it's job.
[09.01.2021 01:52:48] Lightning_Dust.: currently assisting unit L.O.S.T in repairs
[09.01.2021 01:52:57] LPI-BW-Leavenworth: CIC: I didn't ask.
[09.01.2021 01:53:12] 46th|Summers.Wrath: *then she hears the Comm* Camile: Leavenworth we need that AI right now so Leave it be LOSTs Life is in Danger.
[09.01.2021 01:53:14] LPI-BW-Leavenworth: CIC: You only have the option of leaving and never returning.
[09.01.2021 01:53:28] LPI-BW-Leavenworth: CIC: If you do not wish that option then you will be terminated.
[09.01.2021 01:53:55] Lightning_Dust.: Request - complete repairs to unit L.O.S.T then compliance will ensue
[09.01.2021 01:54:15] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: i dont Like to Play that Card here But Right now the AI is under my Protection till we Safed LOST then you can do what
[09.01.2021 01:54:16] 46th|Summers.Wrath: you want
[09.01.2021 01:54:25] Lightning_Dust.: Query to Summers.Wrath - L.O.S.T current status?
[09.01.2021 01:56:11] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: Isla, Camile Here can you leave the AI for a Second it helps us to Save LOST the Girl is on the Brink of Death.
[09.01.2021 01:56:12] [*USI*]Tulsa[E]: Well shucks, alright.
[09.01.2021 01:56:22] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Hospitals exist.
[09.01.2021 01:56:28] [*USI*]Tulsa[E]: Heardy
[09.01.2021 01:56:30] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: The thing has Nomadic equipment on board.
[09.01.2021 01:56:45] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: And if nobody here wants to blow it up I'll do it myself.
[09.01.2021 01:57:33] Lightning_Dust.: Current status - L.O.S.T?
[09.01.2021 01:58:28] L.O.S.T: *Some fingers move.*
[09.01.2021 02:04:32] Lightning_Dust.: L.O.S.T - are you there?
[09.01.2021 02:06:37] L.O.S.T: *She looks on the scanner and sees many ships also the AI. She looks at Camile.* ???: Who are you?
[09.01.2021 02:07:12] Lightning_Dust.: L.O.S.T - your current status?
[09.01.2021 02:09:13] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: Isla L.O.S.T is awake
[09.01.2021 02:10:16] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Looks like your job here's done, AI.
[09.01.2021 02:10:22] Lightning_Dust.: Hostiles detected, Initiating defense system 1
[09.01.2021 02:10:23] L.O.S.T: ???: Hmm an AI here...
[09.01.2021 02:10:24] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Now if you may.
[09.01.2021 02:10:50] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Where the hell are you off to?
[09.01.2021 02:10:56] [*USI*]Tulsa[E]: Go get 'em! Heardy
[09.01.2021 02:11:17] L.O.S.T: ???: ....
[09.01.2021 02:11:23] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: You are not allowed to enter Coloraado.
[09.01.2021 02:11:32] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: You are to head directly to Cortez.
[09.01.2021 02:11:48] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: I will not repeat that.
[09.01.2021 02:11:51] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Change your course now.
[09.01.2021 02:11:55] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: You have 5 seconds.
[09.01.2021 02:12:28] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Alright then, have it your way.
[09.01.2021 02:13:33] Lightning_Dust.: Tactical Situation Untennable - Initiating Defense System 5!
[09.01.2021 02:20:11] Lightning_Dust.[$9] entered tradelane at Virginia F-6
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - bakugone - 01-10-2021
Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, 1st Fleet
Captain Marcus Robinson
To all Liberty Naval Officers
Today, as of the 10th of January 828 A.S, a newly developed layout for the standard Liberty Navy communication patterns has been completed, aiming to send transmissions and messages quicker across our naval networks. Those who would like to stay with the old layout are very free to do so, as it's not a forced change, but rather an optional one.
Please send any glitch related reports to the Technical Division within First Fleet's Research and Development.
That's all.
Liberty Navy fleets:
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[float=right][table][tr][td][img=200x200]picture here (preferably 200x200)[/img][/td][/tr][/table][/float]
[float=right][font=Agency FB][size=xx-large][color=#EEEEEE][b]Incoming Transmission[/b][/color][/size]
[size=x-large][color=#EEEEEE]Liberty Navy, (Number) Fleet[/color]
[color=#DCDCDC]RANK NAME LASTNAME[/color][/size][/font][/float]
[color=#EEEEEE][b]NAME LAST[/b][/color]
[color=#DCDCDC]RANK, (number)FLT
Liberty Navy[/color][/indent]
[color=#C3C3C3][size=x-small][color=#DCDCDC][b]Important:[/b][/color] This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.[/size][/color]
First fleet:
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[float=right][table][tr][td][img=200x200]picture here (preferably 200x200)[/img][/td][/tr][/table][/float]
[float=right][font=Agency FB][size=xx-large][color=#EEEEEE][b]Incoming Transmission[/b][/color][/size]
[size=x-large][color=#EEEEEE]Liberty Navy, 1st Fleet[/color]
[color=#DCDCDC]RANK NAME LASTNAME[/color][/size][/font][/float]
[color=#EEEEEE][b]NAME LAST[/b][/color]
Liberty Navy[/color][/indent]
[color=#C3C3C3][size=x-small][color=#DCDCDC][b]Important:[/b][/color] This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.[/size][/color]
Marcus Robinson
Captain, 1FLT
Liberty Navy
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Tenshi - 01-15-2021
Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission
From: Deputy Chief of Police Isla Nazumaki
To: Liberty Forces
Subject: Report - [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins
Beginning Encrypted Video Feed
"Good day,"
"Just earlier today I came across a Freelancer by the name of Charlie Jukins sitting just outside Manhattan and carrying multiple pieces of rare weaponry on board, among which were a few pieces of Nomad weaponry - the pilot was also carrying a few units of contraband in his cargo hold.
After requesting an explanation from the pilot multiple times about what this is about he said he had a license to sell these guns around here, which was false since there is no active license. The Freelancer tried to flee by laning away while I was speaking to him, but thankfully the lane was disabled by Freelancer Olivia Sable who was also on the spot at the time. Without further discussion I opened fire on Jukins. Soon, an Insurgency pilot who's name I couldn't care less to remember showed up to apparently assist the Freelancer. A secondary LPI Fleet gunboat that was at the vicinity helped keep the Insurgent pest off me while I was handling Jukins, a fight that took place for more than 20 minutes as he was too cowardly to face me and preferred to run and wait for his shield to come back up every now and then.
Finally, the fight ended with Buffalo Soldier, a Rogue this time joining in to assist the other two, and they successfully took me down, not much I can do against three ships.
Advise caution against said individual.
That is all."
"Safe flights."
![[Image: XjOoqWc.png]](
Deputy Chief of Police Isla Nazumaki,
Liberty Police Incorporated
Ending Encrypted Video Feed
Viewing Attached Files
[15.01.2021 20:43:24] Assasin: as liberty
[15.01.2021 20:43:26] Lance-1: You have 20sec now.
[15.01.2021 20:43:28] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: G'day.
[15.01.2021 20:43:31] Inspiration: O: Didn't know Nomads were in the business of selling weapons.
[15.01.2021 20:43:34] 46th|LNS-Tomahawk: Isla im glad yopur here
[15.01.2021 20:43:35] Inspiration: O: Isla, good to see you.
[15.01.2021 20:43:41] Inspiration: O: Got something for you here.
[15.01.2021 20:43:49] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Fancy cargo.
[15.01.2021 20:43:52] You are allowed to use this.
[15.01.2021 20:43:52] 2021-01-15 18:43:51 SMT [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins's docking rights have been removed by LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC] for minimum 120 seconds
[15.01.2021 20:44:00] 46th|LNS-Tomahawk: that Jukins chap recons he has a licence
[15.01.2021 20:44:04] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Care to explain?
[15.01.2021 20:44:13] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: I have already told you. Do you not listen?
[15.01.2021 20:44:22] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: It's the first time I'm meeting you.
[15.01.2021 20:44:25] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Be less rude.
[15.01.2021 20:44:25] Lance-1: 10 sec.
[15.01.2021 20:44:31] You are allowed to use this.
[15.01.2021 20:44:31] OK Removal of docking rights reset to 120 seconds
[15.01.2021 20:44:34] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: I can get all rude too.
[15.01.2021 20:44:37] 46th|LNS-Tomahawk: sca him
[15.01.2021 20:44:46] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: I have.
[15.01.2021 20:44:52] 46th|LNS-Tomahawk: nomad weapons
[15.01.2021 20:44:56] 2021-01-15 18:44:56 SMT Traffic control alert: OctGon has requested to dock
[15.01.2021 20:44:58] Lance-1: Well.
[15.01.2021 20:45:01] Inspiration: O: Tomahawk, Isla is neither dumb nor blind.
[15.01.2021 20:45:04] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: *sigh* You guys really must not have ears...
[15.01.2021 20:45:06] Inspiration: O: Let her handle this.
[15.01.2021 20:45:13] You are allowed to use this.
[15.01.2021 20:45:13] OK Removal of docking rights reset to 120 seconds
[15.01.2021 20:45:19] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: I don't see an explanation coming my way.
[15.01.2021 20:45:24] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: And it's already been what? A minute?
[15.01.2021 20:45:26] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Two minutes?
[15.01.2021 20:45:27] 2021-01-15 18:45:26 SMT Traffic control alert: 46th|LNS-Tomahawk has requested to dock
[15.01.2021 20:45:34] 2021-01-15 18:45:33 SMT
[15.01.2021 20:45:34] Death: Steve_Vash_Gunboat was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[15.01.2021 20:46:10] You are allowed to use this.
[15.01.2021 20:46:10] OK Removal of docking rights reset to 120 seconds
[15.01.2021 20:46:11] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Nothing?
[15.01.2021 20:46:15] Lance-1: Leave this man for me.
[15.01.2021 20:46:16] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Hm?
[15.01.2021 20:46:28] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: No explanation to be given?
[15.01.2021 20:46:44] 46th|Yuki.Sinon[TR]: Sinon: Oh no
[15.01.2021 20:46:52] Lance-1: Nomad weapon ? where ?
[15.01.2021 20:46:54] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Well, I could give one. But, you dont seem to ever listen, sadly. You could ask some of the people here.
[15.01.2021 20:47:07] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: I'm not gonna ask any of the people here.
[15.01.2021 20:47:14] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: And why is that?
[15.01.2021 20:47:19] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: You've got one minute to give me an explanation of your cargo hold.
[15.01.2021 20:47:29] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: If that minute passes and I don't have an explanation you will be shot down.
[15.01.2021 20:47:33] Inspiration: O: Nice try.
[15.01.2021 20:47:35] 2021-01-15 18:47:35 SMT
[15.01.2021 20:47:35] Death: Cheech[TBH] was put out of action by [RHA]SOA-Nyi (Gun).
[15.01.2021 20:47:38] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Alright, that was your chance, pal.
[15.01.2021 20:47:42] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Opening fire.
[15.01.2021 20:47:42] Changing screen mode=full
[15.01.2021 20:47:47] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Heh..
[15.01.2021 20:47:49] Lance-1: Why i have a Zoners ship ?
[15.01.2021 20:48:12] 2021-01-15 18:48:12 SMT [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins's docking rights have been restored.
[15.01.2021 20:48:23] Lance-1: Inspiration leave Liberty right now.*
[15.01.2021 20:48:32] Inspiration: O: Pardon me?
[15.01.2021 20:48:49] Inspector.Lemon: Natas: hello there
[15.01.2021 20:48:53] Lance-1: Zoners tech is not welcome in Liberty.
[15.01.2021 20:48:59] 46th|Yuki.Sinon[TR]: Sinon: Need any help here?
[15.01.2021 20:48:59] Inspiration: O: What the fuck are you on about?
[15.01.2021 20:49:28] Inspector.Lemon: Junkins is assaulting an officer
[15.01.2021 20:49:34] Inspiration: O: What the hell?
[15.01.2021 20:49:59] 2021-01-15 18:49:59 SMT
[15.01.2021 20:49:59] Death: [RHA]SOA-Nyi was put out of action by Flipado[TBH] (Gun).
[15.01.2021 20:50:07] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: I really wish you didn't shoot me..
[15.01.2021 20:50:07] 2021-01-15 18:50:07 SMT Traffic control alert: Lance-1 has requested to dock
[15.01.2021 20:50:13] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Piss off.
[15.01.2021 20:50:20] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Good attempt to lane away.
[15.01.2021 20:50:21] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: This was self-defense.
[15.01.2021 20:50:44] Inspector.Lemon: you are hereby charged with breach of law 7 paragraph one Assault junkins.
[15.01.2021 20:50:52] Inspector.Lemon: How do you plead.
[15.01.2021 20:50:57] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Shut up.
[15.01.2021 20:50:58] Inspector.Lemon: repeated assault
[15.01.2021 20:51:00] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Not guilty.
[15.01.2021 20:51:02] Inspector.Lemon: arming weaponry.
[15.01.2021 20:51:08] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Just blow that shit up.
[15.01.2021 20:51:09] Inspector.Lemon: Cruise disruptor was discharged.
[15.01.2021 20:51:29] Inspector.Lemon: Cut your engines and drop your shields now or be destroyed.
[15.01.2021 20:51:33] Changing screen mode=windowed
[15.01.2021 20:51:34] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Sorry pal.
[15.01.2021 20:51:35] Inspector.Lemon: junkins.
[15.01.2021 20:51:38] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: You know I can't do that.
[15.01.2021 20:51:38] /time
[15.01.2021 20:51:38] 2021-01-15 18:51:38 SMT
[15.01.2021 20:51:43] Inspector.Lemon: Very well
[15.01.2021 20:51:45] Inspector.Lemon: weapons ready
[15.01.2021 20:51:50] Inspector.Lemon: moving in to disable perp.
[15.01.2021 20:52:03] /tiome
[15.01.2021 20:52:05] /time
[15.01.2021 20:52:05] 2021-01-15 18:52:04 SMT
[15.01.2021 20:52:13] Inspector.Lemon: repeated assault on an officer detected
[15.01.2021 20:52:15] Changing screen mode=full
[15.01.2021 20:52:35] Inspiration: O: Should I lend a hand?
[15.01.2021 20:52:35] Inspector.Lemon: use all lethal force.
[15.01.2021 20:52:37] 46th|Yuki.Sinon[TR]: Sinon: Oh and Charlie you don't have the license
[15.01.2021 20:52:41] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: It's handled.
[15.01.2021 20:52:46] Inspiration: O: Clearly.
[15.01.2021 20:52:48] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: I do infact.
[15.01.2021 20:52:54] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: You do not.
[15.01.2021 20:52:55] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Have a license.
[15.01.2021 20:52:56] 46th|Yuki.Sinon[TR]: Sinon: Ni
[15.01.2021 20:53:00] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: I checked.
[15.01.2021 20:53:01] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: I already told you,
[15.01.2021 20:53:09] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: You didn't tell me shit.
[15.01.2021 20:53:15] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: You tried to lane away.
[15.01.2021 20:53:22] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Well, ask your fellow Navy for an explanation.
[15.01.2021 20:53:26] Inspector.Lemon: irrelebant. You are charged with breach of law 7 paragraph one - assault.
[15.01.2021 20:53:37] 46th|Yuki.Sinon[TR]: Sinon: You will talk
[15.01.2021 20:53:38] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Once again dodging.
[15.01.2021 20:53:40] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: The damn question.
[15.01.2021 20:53:44] Inspector.Lemon: you reepatedly assault an officer of the law and don't listen to instructions.
[15.01.2021 20:53:48] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Not really officer.
[15.01.2021 20:53:54] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Yes really Freelancer.
[15.01.2021 20:53:55] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: I have given an explanation multiple times.
[15.01.2021 20:54:01] Inspector.Lemon: you assaulted our vessel
[15.01.2021 20:54:02] Inspiration: O: Just blast the damn infected.
[15.01.2021 20:54:03] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: I have no explanation on my desk.
[15.01.2021 20:54:04] Inspector.Lemon: and continue doing so
[15.01.2021 20:54:07] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: Well well.
[15.01.2021 20:54:14] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Done arguing with you.
[15.01.2021 20:54:16] [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins: Ah, looks like a real criminal has arrived.
[15.01.2021 20:54:17] LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC]: Resuming.
[15.01.2021 20:54:58] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: Look like fun here.
[15.01.2021 20:55:11] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: I'm going show you how shoot.
[15.01.2021 20:55:18] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: Weapon hot !
[15.01.2021 20:55:19] Inspector.Lemon: roger, weapons online
[15.01.2021 20:55:25] Inspector.Lemon: target insurgent.
[15.01.2021 20:55:36] Inspiration: O: Need a hand -now-?
[15.01.2021 20:55:43] 46th|Yuki.Sinon[TR]: Sinon: I'm ready to assit
[15.01.2021 20:55:53] 46th|Yuki.Sinon[TR]: Sinon: Weapons hot
[15.01.2021 20:55:54] Inspiration: O: Get in there, Sinon.
[15.01.2021 20:56:58] 2021-01-15 18:56:58 SMT
[15.01.2021 20:56:58] Death: 46th|Yuki.Sinon[TR] was put out of action by IN|H-Lolita.Longsword (Mine).
[15.01.2021 20:57:13] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: Pathetic.
[15.01.2021 20:57:18] Inspiration: O: Incoming, Isla.
[15.01.2021 20:58:34] Rules Tip: Pirates need to keep their demands reasonable. Cargo and Monetary demands that exceed the maximum profit of a trader are viewed as unreasonable. ''Empty'' traders are not excempt from piracy, but the demands asked from them should reflect this.
[15.01.2021 21:01:03] Inspector.Lemon: insurgent is gone
[15.01.2021 21:01:06] 2021-01-15 19:01:06 SMT
[15.01.2021 21:01:06] Death: ***TIMOFEY*** was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[15.01.2021 21:01:07] Inspiration: O: Hardly.
[15.01.2021 21:01:08] Inspector.Lemon: handle this one ma'am
[15.01.2021 21:01:13] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: Like your balls
[15.01.2021 21:01:30] Inspiration: O: What the hell are you doing, inspector?
[15.01.2021 21:02:40] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Vittorio
[15.01.2021 21:02:42] 2021-01-15 19:02:42 SMT
[15.01.2021 21:02:42] Death: [Hunter]Lara.Jones was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[15.01.2021 21:03:19] Inspector.Lemon: you stay out of that fight perp
[15.01.2021 21:03:27] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: Nop
[15.01.2021 21:05:16] Inspector.Lemon: stay out son.
[15.01.2021 21:05:24] Inspiration: O: Pretty sure that's a woman.
[15.01.2021 21:09:55] Buffalo.Soldier: ...Ay!?
[15.01.2021 21:09:59] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: Ay !
[15.01.2021 21:09:59] Inspiration: O: Great...
[15.01.2021 21:10:00] Buffalo.Soldier: What are YOU lot doing in MY field??
[15.01.2021 21:10:14] Buffalo.Soldier: Although!
[15.01.2021 21:10:15] Inspector.Lemon: Another perp
[15.01.2021 21:10:17] Inspector.Lemon: ready weapons
[15.01.2021 21:10:17] Inspiration: O: The police are trying to take out that potentially infected guy. You understand.
[15.01.2021 21:10:19] Buffalo.Soldier: There could be some fun here?!
[15.01.2021 21:10:19] Inspector.Lemon: engage at will
[15.01.2021 21:10:34] Buffalo.Soldier: Ay you, cmere copper!
[15.01.2021 21:10:43] Buffalo.Soldier: I'ma get you first for your TRESSPASSING!?
[15.01.2021 21:11:58] Inspector.Lemon: 5 milliopn to assist
[15.01.2021 21:12:00] Inspector.Lemon: freelancer
[15.01.2021 21:12:01] Inspector.Lemon: deal?
[15.01.2021 21:12:06] Inspiration: O: Sure.
[15.01.2021 21:12:09] IN|H-Lolita.Longsword: 10 m
[15.01.2021 21:12:09] Inspector.Lemon: done
[15.01.2021 21:13:25] 2021-01-15 19:13:25 SMT
[15.01.2021 21:13:25] Death: Steve_Vash_Gunboat was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[15.01.2021 21:13:31] 2021-01-15 19:13:30 SMT
[15.01.2021 21:13:31] Death: LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[DC] was put out of action by Buffalo.Soldier (Wasp/Hornet).
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Czechmate - 01-16-2021
= = = = = CHANNEL OPEN = = = = =
FROM: Insp. John Natas
TO: Liberty Forces
SUBJECT: Junkins
A Vile Villain
Junkins repeatedly assaults officers, disrespects the Law. And today he did this - and handed over one of our own to the vile pirates.
I am a man of the law and a friend to the people, so I would call for leniency. A simple clean merciful execution on the spot. Seizing all funds afterwards for the betterment of the force. Maybe tracking a few members of his family and thoroughly "investigating" them, maybe finding some incriminating evidence - you know how those things (and unfortunate accidents during investigations) happen - would suffice.
I am waiting for the order to be allowed to do that directly. Rest assured I will use the full extent of any law at my disposal against this man while the order is being processed. I advise all Liberty Forces to follow suit.
For the good of Liberty!
Insp. John Natas
= = = = = CHANNEL CLOSED = = = = =
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Yannis - 03-04-2021
Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, 1st Fleet
Lt. Commander James Davis
Good morning, Lieutenant Commander James Davis reporting in.
At 2115 yesterday, a patrol spotted two Lane Hacker vessels roaming around the lane between Planet Manhattan and Fort Bush, in New York.
I was sent to investigate, alongside the 5th Fleet Very Heavy Fighter Witch-6, whom identity remains unknown.
We came across the two individuals running towards Norfolk Shipyard, but they eventually turned around and faced us. We engaged in the fight. After a few minutes of skirmish, reinforcements came from both sides. Two Navy Secondary Fleet officers from our side, from whom one stayed out of the fight as I instructed, and another Hacker from the other side.
That is when things went south.
As we were fighting, multiple ennemy signatures appeared on scanner. I thought about a technical issue due to the radiation caused by the mines dropped during our skirmish, but one of the Lane Hacker, Raphaël Drake, was going towards it. It turned out to be real: a massive fleet of criminals was waiting before the defense grid.
I managed to identify four different groups : Insurgency, Auxesia, Liberty Rogues, and the Lane Hackers we were already trying to take down.
With the precious help of Witch-6, I managed to put down Raphaël Drake
However, the reinforcements were too much of a deal for us.
Our ships were eventually severly damaged, and we could not have more impact on their little armada.
An assembly like the one waiting for us in sector D4 of New York was not new, that had happened before. However, what was most impressive - and most concerning, was the organization of the fleet facing us : from simple fighters to capital ships.
Anyway, I managed to come out unharmed from the skirmish, just some bruises here and there, and a new ship to set up.
Davis, out.
James Davis
Liberty Navy
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Yannis - 03-06-2021
Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
Lieutenant Commander James Davis
Good day, Lieutenant Commander James Davis reporting in. This document contains multiple field reports.
During a patrol in California, I stumbled upon a Rogue Fighter.
He seemed to be eager to run away, I did not leave him the time to do so, engaging him as soon as possible.
The fight was rough but I was finally able to put him down.
I just undocked from Fort Bush that an Eagle, a Xeno one, came from the Planet Pittsburgh trade lane.
Apparently, his plans were not to deal with me, but I decided otherwise. His ship was destroyed after a good skirmish.
While discussing with Captain Franklin Drake from the 5th Fleet, a ship passed by us, carrying Nomad weapons.
We immediately intervened.
The ship refused to drop off the guns, so we engaged, and he paid his foolishness with his life.
James Davis
Lt. Comamnder, 1FLT
Liberty Navy
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Lord Helmchen - 03-12-2021
Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force
Security Clearance: GRANTED
![[Image: cTau1yV.png]](
Sender ID: Lady Camile Summers
Vessel ID: 46th|Summers.Wrath
Systems Visited: New York, Omicron Gamma, Hokkaido, New Tokyo, Shikoku, Gallileo, Colorado.
Other Operatives Present: LNS-Incoming.Anxiety, =LSF=Los.Alamitos
Description of report: I was Kiddnaped
Recommendations: Destroy this Freelancer on Sight.
Yesterday I was on a stationary Post around Planet Manhattan as I and 2 Battlecruisers, one of the LSF and one of the LNS were Kiddnaped by a Freelancer in his Bustard Class Carrier. First, the Freelancer by the name of Scanning Jumped us to Omicron Gamma. I already wanted to Destroy the Freelancer for that as the Kidnapping of 2 Liberty Navy Officers and 1 LSF Agent is a Serious Crime. but the Capitans of the Battlecruisers Insisted that the Freelancer would jump us back to Liberty, a Thought that I Highly Doubted but I accepted their Decision. but the Highly Incompetent Capitan of the Bustard Messed it up again and Jumped us Hokkaido. while the Capitan of the LNS-Incoming.Anxiety and the =LSF=Los.Alamitos Decided to Jump again with the Moron, I just wanted to go home and Choose to take the Route Through Kusari. I Deactivated my Weapons and Choose not to use the Cloak as I didn't wanted to be Accused of Spying or something like that. at the Planet New Tokyo, I was Intercepted by the First Naval Forces Ship and had to Explain my Crazy Story. The Pilot Kotori.Minami offered to Escort me out of Kusari, something I Happy Accepted. in the Shikoku System I was then Stopped by Members of the Kusari Primary Fleet and had to explain why I was in Kusari again. I was Stoped by a Fighter [KNF]Fuji-2 and a Destroyer [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th and Threatened Multiple Times with Destruction and Violence even when I was Honest and Open about what had happened. at this point, all that I wanted to do was fly Home and Write my Report about this so that this Stupid Freelancer could be Punished for Kidnapping. I think after a while the KNF Officers understood that and escorted me to the Border. Sadly I was Followed and Later attacked by a Ship Named CV-2400 but I was able to use my Cloak to Escape and Fly back home Safely.
[10.03.2021 22:32:09] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: What the..
[10.03.2021 22:32:11] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: HEY!
[10.03.2021 22:32:11] Hively: Oh jeez where are we.
[10.03.2021 22:32:16] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: That's called kidnapping!
[10.03.2021 22:32:39] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: the Hell did you just Kiddnaped us?
[10.03.2021 22:32:55] Hively: Never been to Gamma before...
[10.03.2021 22:33:09] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Los Alamitos actual. This Planet constellation appears to be the same as Omicron Gamma.
[10.03.2021 22:33:11] 46th|LexBlack: what you guys doing in Gama?
[10.03.2021 22:33:13] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: That might be nasty.
[10.03.2021 22:33:16] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: oi you idiot stop right threr
[10.03.2021 22:33:19] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Mhh..
[10.03.2021 22:33:27] 46th|Yuki.Sinon: Gamma??
[10.03.2021 22:33:36] Hively: Don't you have to be smart to run a jump drive though?
[10.03.2021 22:33:59] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Jump us away from this hell place.
[10.03.2021 22:34:03] Scanning: ?
[10.03.2021 22:34:07] 2021-03-10 22:34:05 SMT WARNING: A hyperspace breach is being opened by Scanning
[10.03.2021 22:34:07] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: And I might drop that case.
[10.03.2021 22:34:11] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: Freelancer Scanning Stop
[10.03.2021 22:34:11] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Yes.
[10.03.2021 22:34:17] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: You idiot.
[10.03.2021 22:34:22] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: You massive idiot.
[10.03.2021 22:34:32] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Congratulations.
[10.03.2021 22:34:35] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: We're stuck here.
[10.03.2021 22:34:40] Hively: Incredible intelligence from Liberties finest.
[10.03.2021 22:34:41] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: I hope it got enough fuel left now.
[10.03.2021 22:34:47] 2021-03-10 22:34:46 SMT WARNING: A hyperspace breach is being opened by Scanning
[10.03.2021 22:34:53] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: You Idiot Kidnaped ships of the Naby and LNS
[10.03.2021 22:34:56] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: If not, that trip back home is on you.
[10.03.2021 22:34:59] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: YOU RETARD!
[10.03.2021 22:35:00] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: ARE YOU DEAF?
[10.03.2021 22:35:05] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Stop disrupting it!
[10.03.2021 22:35:19] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: It better jump us back or we'll get stuck in this shithole.
[10.03.2021 22:35:20] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Congratulations.
[10.03.2021 22:35:24] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: God damn it.
[10.03.2021 22:35:24] Hively: I mean if ya'll wanna be Corsairs now I'm cool for a career change.
[10.03.2021 22:35:26] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: It got too little fuel.
[10.03.2021 22:35:30] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: 46th Pilot.
[10.03.2021 22:35:33] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Same.
[10.03.2021 22:35:39] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: You just gave us all a lengthy and risky trip back home.
[10.03.2021 22:35:44] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Thank you a lot.
[10.03.2021 22:35:47] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: i am full
[10.03.2021 22:36:12] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: shut up and follow that idiot
[10.03.2021 22:36:14] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: We had him at gunpoint.
[10.03.2021 22:36:18] Hively: Full of what? Dung?
[10.03.2021 22:36:26] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: He would have jumped us back or face destiny.
[10.03.2021 22:36:31] Scanning: ?
[10.03.2021 22:36:36] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Now thanks to your disruptors it has too little fuel to even jump.
[10.03.2021 22:36:39] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: For fucks sake.
[10.03.2021 22:37:04] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: he would have jumped us somewhere. did you really lay your life in the hands of someone that kiddnaped you?
[10.03.2021 22:37:45] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: i can Bring us Home, i was a Borderworlds Scout for years during my time in the BAF
[10.03.2021 22:37:49] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Rather than travelling months back home.
[10.03.2021 22:38:00] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Gamma isn't exactly friendly space.
[10.03.2021 22:38:09] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Dude shut the hell up before I shove a mortar in your ship for your incompetence.
[10.03.2021 22:38:26] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: WHAT DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND BY DO NOT DISRUPT HIM?
[10.03.2021 22:38:35] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: are you threatening me?
[10.03.2021 22:38:48] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: You really want it do you?
[10.03.2021 22:38:53] Hively: You're in a hell of a place to try and fight some capships doggo.
[10.03.2021 22:38:54] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Just shut up and chase it. Scanning, jump us back or you'll get scrapped.
[10.03.2021 22:39:41] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: as if he would do that this idiot probaly dont even knows how taht ship works.
[10.03.2021 22:39:49] Scanning: ?
[10.03.2021 22:39:50] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: You're massive idiot tho.
[10.03.2021 22:39:55] Scanning: pilot angry
[10.03.2021 22:40:02] Scanning: ?
[10.03.2021 22:40:10] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Well.
[10.03.2021 22:40:12] Hively: I dunno he brought us out here that probably took some brains.
[10.03.2021 22:40:19] Scanning: me big brain
[10.03.2021 22:40:19] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Clever enough to acquire and utilize a jumpdrive Bustard.
[10.03.2021 22:40:34] Hively: See? Big brain!
[10.03.2021 22:40:36] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: oh please he just pushed some buttons at best
[10.03.2021 22:40:53] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: That's already above the person firing disruptors at it, thus denying us the possible only easy way back home.
[10.03.2021 22:40:55] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: So you want to tell me Bretonia knows about this system?
[10.03.2021 22:41:26] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: aye they know about it
[10.03.2021 22:41:41] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Wait, what?
[10.03.2021 22:41:44] 2021-03-10 22:41:43 SMT Traffic control alert: Scanning has requested to dock
[10.03.2021 22:42:00] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Well, fuck.
[10.03.2021 22:42:06] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Congratulations.
[10.03.2021 22:42:08] Hively: I think... I think he's gone...
[10.03.2021 22:42:09] Hively: Fuck
[10.03.2021 22:42:29] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: now what did i told you? that guy had rather selled us to the noms than brought us back
[10.03.2021 22:42:44] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: That will be a long hell of a trip.
[10.03.2021 22:42:47] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: He would jump us back if it weren't YOU WHO DISRUPTED HIM!
[10.03.2021 22:42:56] Hively: Oh hey friend!
[10.03.2021 22:43:12] Scanning: New york?
[10.03.2021 22:43:27] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: he is back
[10.03.2021 22:43:38] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: yes and quick
[10.03.2021 22:43:44] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Now.
[10.03.2021 22:43:50] Hively: I've always wanted to see Zurich...
[10.03.2021 22:44:05] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Charge that thing up and get us out of here or your cold corpses will be Corsair food in a bit.
[10.03.2021 22:44:25] 2021-03-10 22:44:24 SMT WARNING: A hyperspace breach is being opened by Scanning
[10.03.2021 22:44:30] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: if that moron Jumps us to some strange place again i will put a Torpedo in his hull next
[10.03.2021 22:47:52] Scanning: !!!!
[10.03.2021 22:48:26] Jumping...
[10.03.2021 22:48:31] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Now where the hell are we..
[10.03.2021 22:48:36] Hively: Hmm... too blue for New York.
[10.03.2021 22:48:43] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: this is Goddam Kusari
[10.03.2021 22:48:44] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Uhh..
[10.03.2021 22:48:46] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Holy.
[10.03.2021 22:49:01] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: can we now Kill him for fuck sake
[10.03.2021 22:49:10] =LSF=Los.Alamitos: CIC: Go ahead.
[10.03.2021 22:49:10] Scanning: new york !
[10.03.2021 22:49:18] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Sounds promising. Better be.
[10.03.2021 22:49:23] Scanning: texas?
[10.03.2021 22:49:29] Hively: Look just let him try again, maybe he'll get it right this time.
[10.03.2021 22:49:36] Scanning: big brain!
[10.03.2021 22:49:39] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: that idiot probaly dont even have Coordinates
[10.03.2021 22:49:41] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Texas for all I care. Just.. Liberty.
[10.03.2021 22:49:44] Hively: See? Big Brain!
[10.03.2021 22:50:26] Scanning: coordinates?
[10.03.2021 22:50:31] Scanning: New york?!
[10.03.2021 22:50:35] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: New York.
[10.03.2021 22:50:52] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: yes the things that tell you where you jump to moron the coordinates
[10.03.2021 22:51:06] 2021-03-10 22:51:05 SMT WARNING: A hyperspace breach is being opened by Scanning
[10.03.2021 22:51:20] Hively: I have a good feeling about this one I know it.
[10.03.2021 22:51:25] Hively: Third time's a charm eh?
[10.03.2021 22:51:38] Scanning: *boogie sounds*
[10.03.2021 22:51:42] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: yea sure i Prepare the Torpedos just in case
[10.03.2021 22:51:43] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: I don't have high hopes.
[10.03.2021 22:51:50] Scanning: hope?
[10.03.2021 22:51:54] Hively: Gotta have high high hopes in the kitchen.
[10.03.2021 22:51:59] Hively: The kitchen of space.
[10.03.2021 22:52:02] Scanning: big brain!
[10.03.2021 22:52:02] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Still better than risking a diplomatic fallout over being spotted in a wrong place.
[10.03.2021 22:52:14] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Yeah-yeah. Big ass brain.
[10.03.2021 22:52:23] Scanning: ass *smiles*
[10.03.2021 22:52:25] Hively: Biggest brain boy. Hell yeah.
[10.03.2021 22:53:18] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: *Sigh*
[10.03.2021 22:53:18] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: you are Crazy to put your hopes in that moron you know that?
[10.03.2021 22:53:27] Hively: Nah it'll be fine I'm sure.
[10.03.2021 22:53:44] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Yeah. Go risk Liberty's diplomatic ties over this moron instead. That's the best bet we have.
[10.03.2021 22:53:54] LNS-Incoming.Anxiety: RO: Nobody will believe this retarded story.
[10.03.2021 22:54:04] Hively: Hey I don't have any ties. You're problem not mine bro.
[10.03.2021 22:54:39] Scanning: new york!
[10.03.2021 22:54:44] Hively: Yeah!
[10.03.2021 22:54:59] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: you know what put your hopes in the Moron I fly home
[10.03.2021 22:54:59] Hively: Come back friend!
[10.03.2021 23:03:07] Kotori.Minami: Konbanwa~ eh--- huh? A Navy officer from Liberty?
[10.03.2021 23:03:12] Kotori.Minami: How?
[10.03.2021 23:03:15] Kotori.Minami: Why?
[10.03.2021 23:03:19] Kotori.Minami: Nani...
[10.03.2021 23:03:54] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: ahm hello there i was well Kidnapped by a Freelancer that idiot jumped me here and i just want to go home
[10.03.2021 23:04:03] Kotori.Minami: Oh... weird?
[10.03.2021 23:04:13] Kotori.Minami: Hm, I can escort you out I guess...
[10.03.2021 23:04:21] Kotori.Minami: But an anomaly indeed, hai.
[10.03.2021 23:04:26] Kotori.Minami: Well follow me then.
[10.03.2021 23:04:36] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: that would be nice. i just want to go home and writhe my Report
[10.03.2021 23:04:39] Kotori.Minami: I get you to the border.
[10.03.2021 23:04:50] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: thank you
[10.03.2021 23:06:03] [KNF]Fuji-2: Konbanwa.
[10.03.2021 23:06:07] [KNF]Fuji-2: Ehm.
[10.03.2021 23:06:08] [KNF]Fuji-2: What
[10.03.2021 23:06:10] Kotori.Minami: It seems some "anomalyous" event happening
[10.03.2021 23:06:15] Kotori.Minami: Im taking care of this
[10.03.2021 23:06:22] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: i know it looks strange but i can explain it
[10.03.2021 23:06:25] Kotori.Minami: someone got kidnapped to the north here "somehow"
[10.03.2021 23:06:25] [KNF]Fuji-2: Your care ends here, domo arigato.
[10.03.2021 23:06:35] Kotori.Minami: I wanted to escort them out...
[10.03.2021 23:06:45] [KNF]Fuji-2: I want a thorough explanation. That's by far not the first excursion of them into Kusari "by accident".
[10.03.2021 23:06:55] [KNF]Fuji-2: First time to see this callsign though.
[10.03.2021 23:07:00] Kotori.Minami: I will standby.
[10.03.2021 23:07:08] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: i was in Orbit of New York as a Idiotic Freelancer Launched its Jumpdrive and Kiddnaped me
[10.03.2021 23:07:14] Kotori.Minami: I suggest to just get them out of here.
[10.03.2021 23:07:24] Death: Flexo was put out of action by Zeta-2-4 (Gun).
[10.03.2021 23:07:45] [KNF]Fuji-2: That sounds.. ridiculous.
[10.03.2021 23:08:17] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: yea i know i wouldnt belive it too but its the Truth.
[10.03.2021 23:08:49] [KNF]Fuji-2: Pah. I really can't tell if I believe this story or not.
[10.03.2021 23:09:14] Kotori.Minami: Well... anyway some things got to be done now I guess...
[10.03.2021 23:09:17] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: hostile marine!
[10.03.2021 23:09:19] [KNF]Fuji-2: Escorting them out just without further questions isn't really.. an option. I saw a damn Atlantis class at the edge of Honshu -
[10.03.2021 23:09:20] [KNF]Fuji-2: once.
[10.03.2021 23:09:28] Kotori.Minami: Oh my... nani...
[10.03.2021 23:09:31] [KNF]Fuji-2: Hostile. *chuckles*
[10.03.2021 23:09:31] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: i can tell you i have no Reason to be here and if its by me i would have liked to stay in Manhattan
[10.03.2021 23:09:44] [KNF]Fuji-2: What was the Freelancer's callsign.
[10.03.2021 23:09:47] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: Fuji-san, should we eliminate this spy?
[10.03.2021 23:09:48] Kotori.Minami: Okay an Atlantis really is...
[10.03.2021 23:09:56] Death: Zeta-2-4 was put out of action by 69th|Perfect.Delusion (Gun).
[10.03.2021 23:09:58] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: clearly a liberty spy
[10.03.2021 23:09:59] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camille: its a Bustard by the Name of Scanning
[10.03.2021 23:10:01] CV-2400: K: What in balls is a Navy doing here?
[10.03.2021 23:10:05] [KNF]Fuji-2: Would be good to know who exactly is running rampage with a Jump vessel.
[10.03.2021 23:10:23] [KNF]Fuji-2: I see. At Manhattan you said?
[10.03.2021 23:10:42] [KNF]Fuji-2: Looks like your Gaijin defense grid is worthless when a Bustard can just jump away a Navy Pilot.
[10.03.2021 23:11:01] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: Fuji-san, i detect lies
[10.03.2021 23:11:04] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: aye at Mannhattan it took 2 Battlecruisers with it too, they decided to stay with the idiot and hoped it would jumpt--
[10.03.2021 23:11:12] 46th|Summers.Wrath: --them back i decided to fly home
[10.03.2021 23:11:21] Kotori.Minami: And we are wasting precious fuel talking all day now about this.
[10.03.2021 23:11:27] [KNF]Fuji-2: RO: Battlecruisers?
[10.03.2021 23:11:31] Kotori.Minami: So maybe coming up with a decision now.
[10.03.2021 23:11:46] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: this pilot is clearly lying, trying to cover up his espionage
[10.03.2021 23:11:48] CV-2400: K: Odd way to magically show up in Kusari out of all places.
[10.03.2021 23:11:54] [KNF]Fuji-2: RO: Exact callsigns of the Battlecruisers please.
[10.03.2021 23:11:55] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: wild stories about jumping ships
[10.03.2021 23:12:09] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: aye a LSF and a Navy BC. they Jumped away with him. and waht Bloody Reason do i have to Lie?
[10.03.2021 23:12:23] CV-2400: B: Can we blast the Navy?
[10.03.2021 23:12:24] [KNF]Fuji-2: I'm concerned if they're met by any of our patrols, they'll end up scrapped right away.
[10.03.2021 23:12:34] CV-2400: K: We'd be as much of a target as the Navy is right now.
[10.03.2021 23:12:35] [KNF]Fuji-2: So the exact callsigns will aid to prevent this.
[10.03.2021 23:12:47] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: this ship haves a Cloak i could have just Cloaked and Sneaked out instead i chose to honor you and reamain open
[10.03.2021 23:13:31] [KNF]Fuji-2: Hah. Right.
[10.03.2021 23:13:45] [KNF]Fuji-2: Still waiting on the warships callsigns though.
[10.03.2021 23:13:51] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: wait a second it was the =LSF=Los.Alamitos and a Navy Cruiser called Anixeti or so
[10.03.2021 23:14:06] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: LSF officer was kidnapped?
[10.03.2021 23:14:09] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: lies
[10.03.2021 23:14:21] [KNF]Fuji-2: Uh-huh. So you were conviently accompanied by a vessel of the Liberty Security Forces' main branch.
[10.03.2021 23:14:25] CV-2400: K: A Navy Cruiser named "Anxiety"? Poorly made up lies.
[10.03.2021 23:14:29] Kotori.Minami: Why are you even asking her if you want to say everything are lies.
[10.03.2021 23:14:30] [KNF]Fuji-2: Not the first time they tried to mess stuff up.
[10.03.2021 23:14:45] [KNF]Fuji-2: We're interrogating, that's all.
[10.03.2021 23:14:48] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: Fuji-san. Permission to terminate this spy
[10.03.2021 23:14:53] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: what Reason do i have to Lie? i just want to go home Damed. here it is LNS-Incomeing.Anxiety
[10.03.2021 23:15:02] [KNF]Fuji-2: Knowing the warship names is important.
[10.03.2021 23:15:04] [KNF]Fuji-2: Well.
[10.03.2021 23:15:39] [KNF]Fuji-2: You'll get to leave. Fair warning for the LSFs further excursions. Every. Single. One. Will. Face. Destruction.
[10.03.2021 23:15:49] [KNF]Fuji-2: I'll do my best to convince the Kaigun to establish a zero tolerance clause.
[10.03.2021 23:15:57] [KNF]Fuji-2: That's too many Libertorians over the past months.
[10.03.2021 23:15:57] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: hell i didnt wanted to be here in the First Place
[10.03.2021 23:16:13] Kotori.Minami: There is no need for bloodshed still... Come to reason is this the frustration from our last war?
[10.03.2021 23:16:16] Kotori.Minami: Geez.
[10.03.2021 23:16:29] [KNF]Fuji-2: And that over there is a Jackdaw. Interesting.
[10.03.2021 23:16:32] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: death to all spies
[10.03.2021 23:16:38] CV-2400: K: Death to the Navy, yes.
[10.03.2021 23:16:40] Death: >ZC|El.Chango was put out of action by Rackhambis (Gun).
[10.03.2021 23:16:51] [KNF]Fuji-2: Let's get the bloody Gaijin..s out of here.
[10.03.2021 23:17:03] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: What? hey i have my Weapons Deactivated i am not a Threat
[10.03.2021 23:17:04] Death: Rackhambis was put out of action by HS>Campeador (Gun).
[10.03.2021 23:17:04] Kotori.Minami: Well, to the border.
[10.03.2021 23:17:12] Kotori.Minami: Not in a coffin.
[10.03.2021 23:17:16] [KNF]Fuji-2: All the way to the damn Colorado Gate.
[10.03.2021 23:17:17] CV-2400: K: You're an easier target, then.
[10.03.2021 23:17:46] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: fine by me all i bloody want is to go hime
[10.03.2021 23:17:50] 46th|Summers.Wrath: *home
[10.03.2021 23:17:53] [KNF]Fuji-2: Get moving then.
[10.03.2021 23:18:04] Kotori.Minami: We will escort you out, no more chit chat now.
[10.03.2021 23:18:16] Death: 69th|Perfect.Delusion was put out of action by Zeta-2-5 (Gun).
[10.03.2021 23:18:22] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: good then i can at least enjoy a tea *sips her tea*
[10.03.2021 23:18:24] [KNF]Fuji-2: Hold it for a moment at Junyo though.
[10.03.2021 23:19:54] [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th: Standing by
[10.03.2021 23:20:06] [KNF]Fuji-2: Alright. Minami-san. I think it's truly handled now.
[10.03.2021 23:20:13] [KNF]Fuji-2: Care to see what this weird Jackdaw is up to?
[10.03.2021 23:20:21] Kotori.Minami: Hm, well I can take a look#
[10.03.2021 23:20:27] [KNF]Fuji-2: It labelled itself as "possible target" for us.
[10.03.2021 23:20:36] [KNF]Fuji-2: Domo Arigato.
[10.03.2021 23:20:39] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: that one? thats a Idiot and Pirate he is often in Liberty
[10.03.2021 23:20:42] Death: 69th|Perfect.Delusion was put out of action by Roast.Chicken (Gun).
[10.03.2021 23:20:42] [KNF]Fuji-2: On we go.
[10.03.2021 23:20:43] Kotori.Minami: I will see what I can do, good luck Sayonara
[10.03.2021 23:20:56] 2021-03-10 23:20:55 SMT Traffic control alert: [KNF]IKN-Asahi|66th has requested to dock
[10.03.2021 23:21:43] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: Cloak Detected
[10.03.2021 23:21:47] [KNF]Fuji-2: Let's wrap this up and hurry to Galileo.
[10.03.2021 23:22:13] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: we are getting Followed i think
[10.03.2021 23:22:13] Death: 69th|Perfect.Delusion was put out of action by Zeta-2-8 (Gun).
[10.03.2021 23:22:24] [KNF]Fuji-2: Hmph.
[10.03.2021 23:22:33] [KNF]Fuji-2: I doubt it'll threaten us.
[10.03.2021 23:22:54] Death: >ZC|Neptuno suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[10.03.2021 23:23:19] [KNF]Fuji-2: Oh that's inconvenient.
[10.03.2021 23:23:23] CV-2400: K: Very.
[10.03.2021 23:23:27] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: as i said Idiot and Pirate
[10.03.2021 23:23:28] CV-2400: B: It's show time.
[10.03.2021 23:24:03] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: i have no Nerve for you i want to go home so fuck off.
[10.03.2021 23:24:10] CV-2400: K: Did your nice mommy not teach you to avoid leaving your courtyard?
[10.03.2021 23:24:19] Death: 69th|Perfect.Delusion was put out of action by Zeta-2-4 (Gun).
[10.03.2021 23:24:39] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: thats non of your Buissnes i am on my way home
[10.03.2021 23:24:44] [KNF]Fuji-2: Well. Good luck. I'm not going to bother any further. This was already being grateful.
[10.03.2021 23:24:44] CV-2400: K: Not for long.
[10.03.2021 23:24:48] Preparing to cloak...
[10.03.2021 23:24:52] CV-2400: K: Bit, ready up.
[10.03.2021 23:24:58] CV-2400: B: BOOM! BOOM! FIRE!
[10.03.2021 23:25:07] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: i am not interested in this
[10.03.2021 23:25:07] [KNF]Fuji-2: Let me just comb our database about this ship though.
[10.03.2021 23:25:09] Cloaking device on
[10.03.2021 23:25:27] [KNF]Fuji-2: Hm. Nothing to be found.
[10.03.2021 23:25:31] CV-2400: K: What a shame.
[10.03.2021 23:25:36] [KNF]Fuji-2: Well, keep your troublemaking attitude out of Kusari.
[10.03.2021 23:25:41] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: this is Recorded idiot
[10.03.2021 23:25:47] CV-2400: K: Couldn't care less.
[10.03.2021 23:26:01] [KNF]Fuji-2: Goodbye.
[10.03.2021 23:26:30] 46th|Summers.Wrath: Camile: thank you KNF i wish you a good day
Lady Camile Summers
Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force and is classified and encrypted for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone ouside this organisation.
End of Debrief
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Czechmate - 04-08-2021
= = = = = CHANNEL OPEN = = = = =
FROM: LPI Insp. John Natas
TO: LPI, Liberty Forces
Bankrupt foreigners.
Seems like we have new infestation of bankrupt petty criminals in Liberty.
I am a benevolent people person as you know. I believe in rehabilitation and leniency. The same symbolic approach was taken when two perps GC-Komadori and GC-Tsubame were spotted selling something called Shigeakiki to citizens.
[] Insp.Natas: Tsubame you will drop all your cargo and pay 10 millon, and you will be escorted out of Liberty
[] Insp.Natas: you have 30 seconds to comply or you will be fired upon
Clearly these are some unsuccesfull beggars and their business isn't doing well as they tried to sell the concoction to a broke robot, and to Ageira, and didn't even have enough money to pay our symbolic fine.
[] GC-Tsubame: Tanaka: Try and get it
[] GC-Komadori: I will defend if you he does something stupid
I had no choice but to disable both freighters with Ageira~Creighton's assistance
[] Death: GC-Tsubame was put out of action by Insp.Natas (Mine).

Sadly, before I could mercy kill both they escaped in their pods. I have however managed To apprehend the cargo and will Pass it over for analysis to LPI forensic scientists on Planet Manhattan

These perps are too poor to pay fines. They are too weak for Sugarland. Their concoction clearly is a desperate failure, whatever it is. I recommend we don't waste time and resources with them. Simply disabling their ships, and executing the crew on the spot would be the simplest way to proceed. For LPI and for the good of Liberty!
[07.04.2021 23:56:02] Insp.Natas: What do we have here!
[07.04.2021 23:56:03] Scraplett: Scraplett does not understand, Scraplett sees living scrap, Does not meet paremeters
[07.04.2021 23:56:12] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: Howdy thar! Here to buy drank too???
[07.04.2021 23:56:22] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Looks like we got some targets.
[07.04.2021 23:56:29] Insp.Natas: I see some real criminals here
[07.04.2021 23:56:39] Hot.Beeping.Services: Scraplet, scrap, living criminals drink.
[07.04.2021 23:56:45] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: Na, just some gals. They aint all criminals.
[07.04.2021 23:56:45] GC-Tsubame: Tanaka: *Takes a sip of her cup of tea*
[07.04.2021 23:56:48] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Police, how about we take care of these two?
[07.04.2021 23:56:49] Hot.Beeping.Services: All good and jolly roger well out here.
[07.04.2021 23:56:52] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: Just the ones that get yer scratchy n' itchy.
[07.04.2021 23:56:55] Insp.Natas: woah woah
[07.04.2021 23:57:03] Scraplett: Scraplett only harvests scrap, Scraplett does not intend harm.
[07.04.2021 23:57:03] Insp.Natas: I see a hostile toaster
[07.04.2021 23:57:04] GC-Komadori: Rin: Seems like trouble
[07.04.2021 23:57:10] Hot.Beeping.Services: The criminals of police are the police of criminals, despite being the criminals.
[07.04.2021 23:57:23] GC-Komadori: Rin: Hey Ageira, want to buy some goods?
[07.04.2021 23:57:25] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: That 'er makes sense thar.
[07.04.2021 23:57:39] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: Do it! It dun tastes great!
[07.04.2021 23:57:39] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Hell no. We do no tolerate outlaws like you.
[07.04.2021 23:57:41] Insp.Natas: Oh I see
[07.04.2021 23:57:49] Insp.Natas: The beeper seems...underdevelpoed
[07.04.2021 23:57:53] GC-Komadori: Rin: Thats harsh
[07.04.2021 23:57:55] Hot.Beeping.Services: When they entered the speech, sense was already there. It was just hard to understand because of the television.
[07.04.2021 23:58:01] Insp.Natas: Well Kusarian Whores
[07.04.2021 23:58:05] Insp.Natas: what do we do with you?
[07.04.2021 23:58:09] GC-Komadori: Rin: Couldve given you discount too
[07.04.2021 23:58:15] GC-Tsubame: Tanaka: Excuse me?
[07.04.2021 23:58:17] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: I dun hate it when the television is too loud and you dun can't hear nut'n
[07.04.2021 23:58:18] Scraplett: Scraplett detects oppertunity of conflict.
[07.04.2021 23:58:21] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Police, give the order and we shall take 'em out.
[07.04.2021 23:58:24] Insp.Natas: I said
[07.04.2021 23:58:27] Hot.Beeping.Services: Whores persecute fornication which is obscene in language.
[07.04.2021 23:58:37] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: Dat is true thar, robot.
[07.04.2021 23:58:41] Insp.Natas: are you impersonating an officer toaster?
[07.04.2021 23:58:57] Hot.Beeping.Services: No, I procreate.
[07.04.2021 23:59:03] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: Obscene language in deedy!
[07.04.2021 23:59:07] Hot.Beeping.Services: Let us seek wisdom together.
[07.04.2021 23:59:15] Insp.Natas: Well first of all
[07.04.2021 23:59:15] Hank's_Fix'n_Service: Let us! Yer play bingo?
[07.04.2021 23:59:21] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: What's that thing doing here anyway?
[07.04.2021 23:59:31] Insp.Natas: Toaster you will give me my colleagues
[07.04.2021 23:59:42] Hot.Beeping.Services: Ah, humans, yes. Exchange humans please yes?
[07.04.2021 23:59:58] Insp.Natas: the 8 more
[08.04.2021 00:00:00] Hot.Beeping.Services: I give you my coleags, i recieve you my coleagues. Yes?
[08.04.2021 00:00:05] Insp.Natas: readying weapons if you don't comply
[08.04.2021 00:00:12] Hot.Beeping.Services: No agression.
[08.04.2021 00:00:13] Scraplett: Scraplett senses scrap soon to be harvested
[08.04.2021 00:00:30] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Scrap... to harvest?
[08.04.2021 00:00:37] Insp.Natas: Anyways, as I was saying
[08.04.2021 00:00:39] Insp.Natas: Kusarians
[08.04.2021 00:00:42] Insp.Natas: what do we do with you
[08.04.2021 00:00:44] Hot.Beeping.Services: Scraplets buy humans trade, yes?
[08.04.2021 00:01:12] Insp.Natas: I suppose I am feeling benevolent
[08.04.2021 00:01:38] Insp.Natas: Tsubame you will drop all your cargo and pay 10 millon, and you will be escorted out of liberty
[08.04.2021 00:01:39] Scraplett: Scraplett does not buy humans, Scraplett buys scrap
[08.04.2021 00:01:40] GC-Komadori: Rin: Hm? the cop still here?
[08.04.2021 00:01:45] Scraplett: Scraplett only wants scrap.
[08.04.2021 00:01:50] Insp.Natas: you have 30 seconds to comply or you will be fired upon
[08.04.2021 00:01:52] GC-Tsubame: Tanaka: Try and get it
[08.04.2021 00:02:03] Insp.Natas: Well ageira
[08.04.2021 00:02:08] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Finally! Action!
[08.04.2021 00:02:09] Insp.Natas: seems like perms are not cooperating
[08.04.2021 00:02:12] Insp.Natas: perps
[08.04.2021 00:02:15] GC-Komadori: I will defend if you he does something stupid
[08.04.2021 00:02:18] Insp.Natas: let's go in then
[08.04.2021 00:02:18] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Time to take the trash out.
[08.04.2021 00:02:24] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Engaging!
[08.04.2021 00:02:26] GC-Komadori: weapons hot
[08.04.2021 00:02:40] Insp.Natas has set GC-Komadori as group target.
[08.04.2021 00:02:40] OK
[08.04.2021 00:03:05] Changing screen mode=full
[08.04.2021 00:04:38] Insp.Natas has set GC-Tsubame as group target.
[08.04.2021 00:04:38] OK
[08.04.2021 00:04:41] Death: GC-Tsubame was put out of action by Insp.Natas (Mine).
[08.04.2021 00:04:57] Hot.Beeping.Services: Contact in range, I hope cargo hold full of hot fetched us a good hostile target. Lining em out here, even for a second.
[08.04.2021 00:04:58] Scraplett: Scraplett detects scrap to harvest, Commensing localisied gathering
[08.04.2021 00:05:41] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: This one all yours, officer.
[08.04.2021 00:06:12] Death: Decompression.Bomb suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[08.04.2021 00:06:13] Hot.Beeping.Services: Make, not war.
[08.04.2021 00:06:50] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Make money, not war.
[08.04.2021 00:07:09] Scraplett: Scraplett has gathered local elements, waiting for second oppertunity.
[08.04.2021 00:07:52] Death: GC-Komadori was put out of action by Insp.Natas (Missile/Torpedo).
[08.04.2021 00:07:52] Hot.Beeping.Services: I've got a liberty police in my gather ilfepods, feeding them up and to talk, to communicate. Grab humans yes? Lest warfare.
[08.04.2021 00:08:02] Scraplett: Scraplett has attained good, Scraplett now leaves
[08.04.2021 00:08:16] Hot.Beeping.Services: No agression, yes?
[08.04.2021 00:08:17] Death: Sirtur suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[08.04.2021 00:08:18] Insp.Natas: well AI
[08.04.2021 00:08:21] Insp.Natas: to kill or not to kill
[08.04.2021 00:08:23] Insp.Natas: Ageira
[08.04.2021 00:08:26] Insp.Natas: you make the call
[08.04.2021 00:08:36] Hot.Beeping.Services: Agression? Warfare?
[08.04.2021 00:08:41] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: Let's escort it out instead. Perhaps, to Kusari.
[08.04.2021 00:08:47] Scraplett: Scraplett detects third oppertunity.
[08.04.2021 00:08:54] Scraplett: Living scrap, very valuable Scraplett believes.
[08.04.2021 00:09:03] Insp.Natas: Seems like hard work
[08.04.2021 00:09:06] Hot.Beeping.Services: Abandoning intimacy.
[08.04.2021 00:09:06] Insp.Natas: it ran away it seems
[08.04.2021 00:09:12] Insp.Natas: Well
[08.04.2021 00:09:14] Insp.Natas: job well done
[08.04.2021 00:09:32] Ageira~Creighton: Michael: By the way, officer, we have confiscated what appears to be remains of the ship.
[08.04.2021 00:09:41] Insp.Natas: excellent
= = = = = CHANNEL CLOSED = = = = =
RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Operative "Minotaur" - 06-01-2021
Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
Operative "Minotaur"
Priority: CLASSIFIED| High Command access only
Good day, Operative Minotaur reporting in.
On the 31st of May, 828 A.S., as I was going to meet with Operative "Atlas" near Planet Houston, Texas, we came across two pilots, respectively callsigns "D9|Hurricane-[Fae" and "D9|Interloper-[Fae". They were both flying with Liberty Navy technology, and claimed to be undercover LSF agents.
What was concerning, was that they did not have any transponder whatsoever, only their callsign showing on the scanners. They were using Liberty Navy technology, without any document proving they could use them.
Atlas and I were not buying it. We called on an LSF and an LIA agent to corroborate their story. It appeared throughout the discussion, that a certain LIA agent, callsign "Wolwerine", authorized their mission.
With the lack of actual evidence, we let them in the hands of agent Knight of the LSF, and got back to business. It would be more than necessary to verify their story with the LIA: next time we come across them, it could just end up in a useless fight, while they could be actual intelligence.
Operative "Minotaur"
ESRD, Liberty Navy
[31.05.2021 20:42:20] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: If you would had been undercover, you would had actived your transponders long ago.
[31.05.2021 20:42:23] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: Arkansas, this is Agent Cook, returning from a patrol.
[31.05.2021 20:42:24] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Like I said, I don't buy it.
[31.05.2021 20:42:50] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Everything alright?
[31.05.2021 20:43:23] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Minotaur, we got a situation here - this Freelancer is telling me that hes an LSF Senior Agent, and has been
[31.05.2021 20:43:25] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: "undercover".
[31.05.2021 20:43:28] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: As i said, i dont have time for an explanations. You may try to disturb me on duty, and to get a problems with your superior
[31.05.2021 20:43:35] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Hmm. Weird.
[31.05.2021 20:43:42] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Don't worry about our superiors.
[31.05.2021 20:43:51] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Exactly..
[31.05.2021 20:44:04] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: They can handle some paperwork, they know we are doing our job as required.
[31.05.2021 20:44:06] D9|Interloper-[Fae: or, you shall be a nice one and loyal soldier and proceed your duty.
[31.05.2021 20:44:23] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Do I look like the first recruit of the Navy?
[31.05.2021 20:44:28] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: I don't think so.
[31.05.2021 20:44:29] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Good evening. Status?"
[31.05.2021 20:44:49] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Another vessel with civilian transponders, what the actual hell?
[31.05.2021 20:45:01] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: Status yellow, there is again some misunderstanding.
[31.05.2021 20:45:15] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Misunderstanding? What about?"
[31.05.2021 20:45:25] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Your transponders, agent - where are they?
[31.05.2021 20:45:43] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: *sigh* this one.
[31.05.2021 20:45:45] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Or you're trying to inpersonate an LSF officer? Which would be a really huge mistake.
[31.05.2021 20:45:50] 46th|V.Leer: You were first at the scene. Following [LN] lead.
[31.05.2021 20:45:57] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Transponders? They are already displayed."
[31.05.2021 20:46:01] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Roger that, Van Leer.
[31.05.2021 20:46:18] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "This is an LSF Border Patrol. What more is needed?"
[31.05.2021 20:47:13] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "We are. Even the 46th here can confirm it."
[31.05.2021 20:47:17] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: You either gonna give me some kind of proof you're indeed LSF Agents, or you're in some hefty trouble.
[31.05.2021 20:47:25] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Is there a way for you to provide any document, any substancial evidence of you being actual LSF agents?
[31.05.2021 20:47:37] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "And what proof may be needed?"
[31.05.2021 20:47:51] 46th|V.Leer: I won't confirm such a thing - My command instructed me not to engage first. But I have not seen such evidence.
[31.05.2021 20:48:00] 46th|V.Leer: And [LN] was first at the scene, their judgement stands.
[31.05.2021 20:48:03] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: I may be "some Navy guy", but let's not play the smart ass, here.
[31.05.2021 20:48:10] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: I was quite clear.
[31.05.2021 20:48:28] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Do you have any substancial evidence to be provided to prove that you are both LSF agents?
[31.05.2021 20:48:34] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "I wasn't trying to be smart. Now I'll repeat the question. What evidence do you require?"
[31.05.2021 20:49:04] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Documents, orders from one of your superiors, hell, even a sanction from the President if you have one.
[31.05.2021 20:49:31] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Or only things that External Security and Research Division knows with cooperation with Liberty Security Force.
[31.05.2021 20:49:31] 46th|V.Leer: Well an official confirmation from from =LSF= or LIA high commands could be a good start!
[31.05.2021 20:49:55] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Van Leer is correct on that point.
[31.05.2021 20:49:58] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "The LIA can confirm that we are an LSF Squad. Perhaps you should ask them for a start."
[31.05.2021 20:50:05] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Alright, stand by.
[31.05.2021 20:50:13] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Very well."
[31.05.2021 20:52:05] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Sir? Have you found the evidence?"
[31.05.2021 20:53:34] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: We are having an LIA representative dispatched.
[31.05.2021 20:53:44] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Uh. There may be some difficulties with your agent."
[31.05.2021 20:54:25] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: It's alright. His systems are probably having some technical issues, we just got back from the Omicrons.
[31.05.2021 20:55:55] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Anyway, what was your destination?
[31.05.2021 20:56:12] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: We was returning from a patrol.
[31.05.2021 20:56:20] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Where to?
[31.05.2021 20:56:27] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: We was in Cortez about hour ago.
[31.05.2021 20:56:43] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: After we get some repairs, we shall proceed.
[31.05.2021 20:56:57] 46th|V.Leer: One of these did help to take down an Order spy yesterday before they could transmit data
[31.05.2021 20:57:04] 46th|V.Leer: But the lack of licence for their ships is troubling
[31.05.2021 20:57:12] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: That is what concerns me.
[31.05.2021 20:57:13] 46th|V.Leer: As is the LSF with the wrong idenifier
[31.05.2021 20:57:21] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Indeed. Our destination is the Cortez system."
[31.05.2021 20:57:27] 46th|V.Leer: I can't want to see what Primary LSF organisations say
[31.05.2021 20:57:41] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Damned Omicrons.
[31.05.2021 20:57:50] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Anyway, standby, we got an LSF Agent coming in.
[31.05.2021 20:57:52] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: Well, we must proceed, as i told you all before.
[31.05.2021 20:57:59] [R]-Radical.Randy: Woah!
[31.05.2021 20:58:03] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: You stay put.
[31.05.2021 20:58:08] [R]-Radical.Randy: What a nice meeting we have here!
[31.05.2021 20:58:08] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: We haven't finished yet.
[31.05.2021 20:58:13] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Very well, we'll hold position."
[31.05.2021 20:58:26] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: A Rogue? Here? Is it insane?
[31.05.2021 20:58:28] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Hm. Familiar signature."
[31.05.2021 20:58:37] =LSF=Knight: Hello.
[31.05.2021 20:58:47] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Good day, Agent Knight.
[31.05.2021 20:58:52] [R]-Radical.Randy: Did you bring coffee and donuts for the occasion!
[31.05.2021 20:58:54] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Good evening."
[31.05.2021 20:58:58] [R]-Radical.Randy: Can't have a party without those.
[31.05.2021 20:59:00] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: We have a situation here.
[31.05.2021 20:59:06] [R]-Radical.Randy: Nonsense!
[31.05.2021 20:59:10] =LSF=Knight: I don't have that much time
[31.05.2021 20:59:15] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Incoming hostiles."
[31.05.2021 20:59:16] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Two pilots claiming ot be LSF agants.
[31.05.2021 20:59:17] [R]-Radical.Randy: The only situation is not having anything for a party!
[31.05.2021 20:59:18] Xenoraider: Freelancers!?
[31.05.2021 20:59:25] Xenoraider: YeeHau! Yer dum' sumbich' It is time for you to die
[31.05.2021 20:59:26] Xenoraider: Aye' enough talkie
[31.05.2021 20:59:26] Xenoraider: Firing mah guns
[31.05.2021 20:59:27] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: The xenos now... Great...
[31.05.2021 20:59:29] [R]-Radical.Randy: Oh and a Xeno!
[31.05.2021 20:59:32] [R]-Radical.Randy: My word!
[31.05.2021 20:59:49] [R]-Radical.Randy: Did you invite him!?
[31.05.2021 20:59:59] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Nobody invited the Xeno."
[31.05.2021 21:00:10] [R]-Radical.Randy: Good good.
[31.05.2021 21:00:15] [R]-Radical.Randy: They aren't much fun!
[31.05.2021 21:00:16] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: God fucking..
[31.05.2021 21:00:19] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Engage!
[31.05.2021 21:00:21] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Alright.
[31.05.2021 21:00:23] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "What the hell."
[31.05.2021 21:00:25] 46th|V.Leer: Well
[31.05.2021 21:00:26] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: All units, fire at will.
[31.05.2021 21:00:26] =LSF=Knight: Bring it down.
[31.05.2021 21:00:27] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Weapons are primed and target is locked. Minotaur closing in.
[31.05.2021 21:00:28] 46th|V.Leer: he is mental
[31.05.2021 21:00:30] =LSF=Knight: Weapons online.
[31.05.2021 21:00:32] 46th|V.Leer: let's go in
[31.05.2021 21:00:33] Xenoraider: YeeHau! Yer dum' sumbich' It is time for you to die
[31.05.2021 21:00:34] =LSF=Knight: Opening fire.
[31.05.2021 21:00:35] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Take it down."
[31.05.2021 21:00:44] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Firing at will!"
[31.05.2021 21:00:52] [R]-Radical.Randy: Oh man, I wish I brought some snacks for this entertainment!
[31.05.2021 21:01:53] Death: Xenoraider was put out of action by 46th|V.Leer (Gun).
[31.05.2021 21:01:59] [R]-Radical.Randy: Man that was quick.
[31.05.2021 21:02:01] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Right. There it goes."
[31.05.2021 21:02:03] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: What a stupid guy.
[31.05.2021 21:02:08] [R]-Radical.Randy: I had hoped for a longer fight!
[31.05.2021 21:02:11] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Now, back to you two.
[31.05.2021 21:02:11] 46th|V.Leer: Where were we
[31.05.2021 21:02:18] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: So much for that guy being aggresive, I recommend you leave Rogue before something bad happens.
[31.05.2021 21:02:29] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Ah, yes.
[31.05.2021 21:02:32] [LIA]-Kaiju: I was called.
[31.05.2021 21:02:32] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Now back to it.
[31.05.2021 21:02:35] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Agents, we have a problem here.
[31.05.2021 21:02:38] [R]-Radical.Randy: Oh, now why would I leave! I get to enjoy the party!
[31.05.2021 21:02:47] [R]-Radical.Randy: Even though its a pretty bad one.
[31.05.2021 21:02:53] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: We have these two pilots claiming to be intelligence agents undercover.
[31.05.2021 21:02:58] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Though, nothing adds up.
[31.05.2021 21:03:01] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Great, now the Rogue comes in."
[31.05.2021 21:03:16] [R]-Radical.Randy: Hello! I've been here for a while. Haven't you noticed?
[31.05.2021 21:03:22] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Claiming to be undercover and using Navy technology.
[31.05.2021 21:03:27] [LIA]-Kaiju: The LIA has no record of these D9 ships.
[31.05.2021 21:03:32] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: No transponder whatsoever.
[31.05.2021 21:03:40] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "What? Of course you do."
[31.05.2021 21:03:49] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "One of your members even said so."
[31.05.2021 21:03:56] [LIA]-Kaiju: When?
[31.05.2021 21:03:57] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Can you name him?
[31.05.2021 21:04:00] 46th|V.Leer: His or her name?
[31.05.2021 21:04:03] [LIA]-Kaiju: Please do.
[31.05.2021 21:04:10] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "One second, I will look through the neural net."
[31.05.2021 21:04:23] 46th|V.Leer: or their name *laughs* it is the 9th Century.
[31.05.2021 21:04:51] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "His identification code was Wolverine. Belonging to LIA."
[31.05.2021 21:05:09] [LIA]-Kaiju: My boss...
[31.05.2021 21:05:13] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Wolverine?
[31.05.2021 21:05:34] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Right. Does that prove it?"
[31.05.2021 21:05:45] [LIA]-Kaiju: If he said so, then I assume you are. Something must have happened, I haven't been on duty for a while.
[31.05.2021 21:05:46] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Well. Until further review, you are free to go.
[31.05.2021 21:05:57] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: Agent Knight, what's your take?
[31.05.2021 21:05:59] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "Thank you. We'll move out now."
[31.05.2021 21:06:16] [LN]-ESRD|Atlas: We are not done yet, I would like to hear out Agent Knight here.
[31.05.2021 21:06:23] =LSF=Knight: It is unfortunate that these two agents have laid down their identity and revealed themself so easily.
[31.05.2021 21:06:24] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: I'll adress a communication to "Wolverine" and assess the situation later.
[31.05.2021 21:06:39] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: But for now, you are free to proceed.
[31.05.2021 21:06:47] [LIA]-Kaiju: Minotaur, if its not too much to ask I could put it through to him myself.
[31.05.2021 21:07:06] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "So? Can we proceed now?"
[31.05.2021 21:07:15] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "We have a patrol to complete."
[31.05.2021 21:07:24] =LSF=Knight: The Director will speak to you two in private for your failure to stay hidden.
[31.05.2021 21:07:24] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Well, I will have to give a report to the High Command anyway.
[31.05.2021 21:07:35] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: But feel free to do one yourself as well.
[31.05.2021 21:07:37] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: Ugh...
[31.05.2021 21:07:39] =LSF=Knight: I have sent him a message and he won't be very pleased.
[31.05.2021 21:07:52] D9|Hurricane-[Fae: "That doesn't sound well."
[31.05.2021 21:07:53] 46th|V.Leer: Well you agents sort this out. This seems very puzzling... why would an agent get a freelancer identification. Yet then operate
[31.05.2021 21:07:58] 46th|V.Leer: A navy vessel unlicensed?
[31.05.2021 21:08:00] [LIA]-Kaiju: If theres nothing else, I have something to attend to.
[31.05.2021 21:08:05] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: A new explanations shall come... This whole day was a bad...
[31.05.2021 21:08:17] =LSF=Knight: These Agents will be under my juristriction for now.
[31.05.2021 21:08:18] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Sure, thanks for coming, Agent Kaiju.
[31.05.2021 21:08:21] =LSF=Knight: I have my orders
[31.05.2021 21:08:27] [LIA]-Kaiju: No problem, safe flying.
[31.05.2021 21:08:32] 46th|V.Leer: I ask you to keep the 46th Fleet posted on the status Knight and Kaiju.
[31.05.2021 21:08:44] [LIA]-Kaiju: Understood.
[31.05.2021 21:08:47] 46th|V.Leer: We don't want an incident, but law is being broken on the outset.
[31.05.2021 21:09:06] 46th|V.Leer: For now we shall overlook it until you inform us of the conclusion regarding D9
[31.05.2021 21:10:31] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: We will leave you to it, Agent Knight.
[31.05.2021 21:10:42] =LSF=Knight: Good.
[31.05.2021 21:10:56] D9|Interloper-[Fae: ?: Can i dock already? I need to make a maintain of this rustbucket.
[31.05.2021 21:11:02] =LSF=Knight: Not here.
[31.05.2021 21:11:04] [LN]-ESRD|Minotaur: Godspeed, agents.
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.