RE: Kudos! - Czechmate - 08-12-2020
Kudos to the nomad raid in NY where we actually wiped Humans and it kept going for ages (and still is)
RE: Kudos! - Domino.Harvy - 08-13-2020
Kudos everyone who joined to Nomad raid in NY, to both sides. After a long break from disco, that was awesome "event" for me.
~nomad Irra
RE: Kudos! - Omi - 08-13-2020
Kudos to NY.
RE: Kudos! - Karst - 08-13-2020
Kudos to the combatants in Dauphine and New York. Nice to have a productive PVP evening.
~ ||| and K'Hara
RE: Kudos! - Saronsen - 08-13-2020
RE: Kudos! - Wildkins - 08-13-2020
kudos to new york
i want cry
~ LNS-Coral.Sea|Aoi
RE: Kudos! - Jeuge - 08-13-2020
Kudos to NY
RE: Kudos! - Dhomie42 - 08-13-2020
Kudos to New York.
- 5th|LNS-Loyalist
RE: Kudos! - Jeter.Leo - 08-13-2020
Kudos to the Insurgency players in Cali system.
Was fun,do more xd
RE: Kudos! - Novascova - 08-13-2020
Kudos to NY.